The Domestic Hero

Chapter 813: The illegitimate child of the earth mother?

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Wang Yan's voice was deep and deep, as if the ancient priests were piously communicating with the gods, hoping to use the power of the gods to defeat the enemy and protect the tribe.


In the auditorium, Berika, who was wearing the robe of the high priest, widened Xing's eyes and said in surprise, "When did Comrade Pharaoh join us in the sacrificial vein and learn to communicate with gods? Mother Earth, is he communicating with Gaia ? "

Gaia, that's the name of the earth's will. In various national cultures, she is called differently.

It can be said that every vibrant planet will have Gaia's will. It's just that Gaia's will is extremely difficult to communicate. Usually, only when it reaches the legendary S level can it barely sense the existence of Gaia's will.

In order to communicate with Gaia's will, you must reach a demigod level.

But comrade Lao Wang, is even communicating with Mother Gaia? Is this fun or real?

Some high-end powerhouses are also surprised and communicate with each other. When will the son of flame communicate with Gaia?

Only the little friends who had fought together with Wang Yan on Liuli Island were extremely serious. Does it mean that Comrade Pharaoh is preparing to reapply his old skills ...?

Not right, this is impossible!

In the battle with the Abyssal Demon Lord on Liuli Island, Gaia will actively intervene. Through Wang Yan's flame power, the volcano erupted and the Abyss Demon Lord was defeated.

This does not mean that Wang Yan has the ability to communicate with Gaia's will when everything is okay, and instructs Gaia's will to help him attack the enemy. Especially in a game inside the earth ...

"This guy must be pretending to deliberately stimulate the desert emperor so that he can show his flaws." Auguste, the golden lion sword, said firmly.

Spider Queen Arenia also embraced her arms and said, "I don't really believe that guy, I can really communicate with the goddess at will. He is not the illegitimate son of the goddess of the earth, just like what he wants."

"That's not necessarily." The female superhero has a serious face, and his eyes are like electric channels. "So far, the Son of Flame has repeatedly made miracles, giving me an unfathomable feeling. Maybe he can really communicate with the Gaia goddess. . "

Speaking of which, there was a touch of sorrow on the pretty face of the female superhero, her hometown has been destroyed, and the Gaia goddess who gave birth to their superhuman family has been completely destroyed. As creatures, they can escape from their mother star, but the goddess Gaia can only perish along with the planet.

"Gosh ~"

"What happened, really ..."

With the sound of exclamation after another, a shocking scene appeared on the big screen.

The cracks in the cracked earth kept expanding, the gravel collapsed, and a wave of heat rushed out of the scars of the earth as if to ignite the air.

The whole island, like being in the end of the world, is constantly shaking violently.

As the island swayed, the surrounding water was stirred up by waves of tsunamis, spreading out in all directions.

"How can it be!"

The Emperor of the Desert was shocked. When Wang Yan chanted the summoning words at the beginning, he was watching the show and dismissing it. How can Wang Yan, who hasn't even reached the S-level half a step, communicate with Gaia's will to help him fight.

Historically, this has only been possible with semi-god-level strongmen, and it has to be possible at the key points of the foreign war. For example, local demigods are strong against invading aliens.

First, Wang Yan is not a demigod. Second, his desert emperor is also a terrestrial man.

However, this result seriously challenged the nerves of the desert emperor. This kind of scene of shaking the mountain and cracking the magma is definitely not something that a half-step S-level Wang Yan can do.

Could it be that Gaia will really intervene in this game?

For a time, the desert emperor felt a little sore in his heart and had mixed flavors. It feels like two children are fighting, but the mother helps one child without principle and bottom line to fight another child.

The desert emperor is undoubtedly the one beaten.

The desert emperor has some urge to shed tears. Everyone is a child of Mother Earth. Why is that? Wang Yan was born, is his desert emperor wild?


Between the desert emperor's whimper and the stunned god, the hillside where Wang Yan was bursting suddenly cracked, a thick black plume of smoke wrapped around the gravel, and the volcanic ash rose into the sky like a spear.

In the Pacific Ocean with blue sea and blue sky, it is even more magnificent.

Volcano eruption!

That scene was really magnificent.


"I'm going!" Emmons, the president of the Super League, glared and slammed his eyes. "Are you teasing me? When did an A + class kid make such a big move?"

It seemed that there was an invisible blood, which was blocked in Emmons's heart, and made him very congested. These pearl islands in the Pacific Ocean are the property left by Starry Sky Academy.

He took it out to hold a youth conference for the masters to use as a platform, but it was not because of the purpose of propaganda and display, so that the value of these islands increased greatly. But I never imagined that this group of stinky boys shot one by one, and a good island, they were all screamed.

In the end, he had to take out this big island to toss them.

Still thinking in my heart, such an island is so big, you can't beat it because of how the two of you guys who don't have the S-level.

But reality slapped Emmons a slap in the face.

First, various desertifications of the desert emperor deserted one-third of the islands and turned them into giants, stepping on a giant pit and stepping the whole island into pockmarks.

If this is the case, it's ok.

But the son of flame is more exaggerated, directly borrowing the power of the mother of the earth, which triggered the eruption of the volcano ...

What are you going to do?

Ready to turn my poor island into ashes and sink the sea?

Heartache! Heart jam! Tired!

These are the most authentic portrayals of Emmons' heart.


Wang Yan fluttered his wings and was suspended in the air awe-inspiringly. His glazed glass was gleaming, and his whole body was surrounded by blazing flames, as if a **** Buddha came, full of majesty and majesty.

"Lao Sha, surrender." Wang Yan's voice was rumbling, "With your desertified giant, you can't beat such a precarious panic."

"Surrender your sister!"

Rao is a good self-cultivation of the desert emperor, and at this time he couldn't help violently speaking. There was a sense of anger in his heart that was rejected by his mother. The foot stepped out and the island shivered.


He jumped out with a punch, shaking the ground, and was about to shoot Wang Yan from the sky.

"Oh, Laosha, you really can't die in the Yellow River." Wang Yan's body was full of flames, his body and soul seemed to blend with the world, and his eyes were full of strong self-confidence like a king.

His left hand caught a void, a thick smoke composed of carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide, enveloping a large amount of magma and bombarded the desert emperor.

The plume of smoke rolled in the air like a black-and-red dragon with fiercely open teeth and claws.


The "Dragon" hit the chest of the desertified giant, passed through the heavy gravel, and made a dozen-meter-diameter mouth in its chest. Under the tremendous impact, the deserted giant stepped back and forth seven or eight steps, crashing to the ground.

Just the power of this trick, the average S-level strongman can't do it.

Wang Yan used the power of the volcanic eruption to guide the direction of the plume and magma, and hit such a devastating blow. But this does not mean that Wang Yan's own power can achieve such a terrifying state.

This is like the Maya high priest Berika, who used the Grand Prophecy to change the trajectory of the meteorite, and sent a devastating blow with the meteorite, destroying the entire island.

But that doesn't mean that Berika has been super-god, but skillfully guided the power of nature to achieve a blow beyond the legendary level.

Wang Yan is the same.

When the giant desertification was so hard hit, when he fell to the ground, the whole island was like a severe earthquake, and the ground cracked like a spider web.

"Oh, Lao Sha." Wang Yan said with a smile, "You shouldn't, you shouldn't, President Emmons shouldn't choose the island as the battlefield. Especially in this star-studded Pacific island battlefield. Go, it ’s not clear to send me the championship. "


President Emmons almost died with a sip of old blood. Did our Pacific Islands invite you to provoke you?

But Wang Yan's words really made sense. If he can really control the eruption of the volcano, this Pacific Islands is really the most advantageous battlefield for him. Many islands here are formed by volcanic eruptions.

There are countless hot columns under the mantle.

For a time, many people on the rostrum stared at Emmons violently. It seems to be questioning, did you Emmons already know that the Son of Flame can trigger a volcanic eruption, and deliberately chose the battlefield on a volcanic island?

Did you have hooked up with the National African Bureau? Have you tricked the resources collected by various forces?

Emmons faced those fiercely questioning eyes, so that he could not hang his breath in a breath, Son of Flame, Son of Flame, to what extent do you have to hang this club to be satisfied?



In the roar of the desertified giant, Rumble stood up, and the wound with a diameter of more than ten meters in the chest healed quickly. It's just that his overall profile is a bit smaller than before, and his breath is weaker.

"Wang Yan, this seat will not admit defeat." The voice of the desert emperor sounded like a shattered voice.

"Lao Sha, it's not too early." Wang Yan laughed heartily, "When we finish the battle, I invite you to drink."

As Wang Yan's words fell.

boom! boom! boom!

A magma emerged vigorously from the crater, falling towards the island like fireworks blooming. In the cracks of the ground, there is also a continuous flow of mooring magma. In just a few tens of seconds, the entire island became a world of purgatory, with magma rolling like a lake.


The sand giant lifted one foot, but was shocked to find that his foot was gone, and the sand at the ankle continued to melt into lava dripping into the lava lake. Under the violent heat, the gravel of his body began to soften, like human sweating, and continued to trickle down.

The magma lake on the whole island seems to be a monster to be eaten by others, and it is about to swallow the deserted giant in one bite.


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