The Domestic Hero

Chapter 814: Can you still have fun together?

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(Shenhao hjz666 is very big, a chapter of Jiagen is owed until tomorrow, why? ~ Lao proud has something to do today ~~ pro ~)


"It's thorny!"

The whole island has been transformed into a sea of ​​molten fire. The surging magma rolls into the sea, and the steaming seawater emits billowing white water vapor. The sky-like water vapor almost covers the entire island.

If the sky was full of sulfides and volcanic ash, those white mists would really seem to be in a fairyland.

It is a pity that the whole environment is like a world of purgatory, with devastated eyes.

The legs of the desertified giant continue to melt and melt into the red lake, from the heel to the knee to the thigh. Regardless of how it struggles, it is like a person caught in a quagmire, only to sink continuously.

"Can the Son of Fire really use Gaia's will to trigger a volcanic eruption?" Such a vast and magnificent scene has shocked people even far beyond the arrival of Belika's meteorite and the collapse of Harrison's miniature black hole.

The terrorist forces of nature are fully revealed in this corner.

Countless people are full of strong shock. If the son of flame can trigger a volcanic eruption at any time, who can confront him with a master of the same level? How far can only run.

"Is this guy really a child of destiny?" The high priest Berika's eyes were also full of shock, although in her big prophecy, some fragments of the future had already been sensed if not.

But really witnessed such a vast scene like the end of the world, still shocked her soul.

Satan's Apostle Harrison, God's arrogant Amber Zongxiu, his eyes were full of distrust and strong fear. Do not believe that he can always ask for the help of the Goddess Gaia, but he was terribly afraid of the terrible power shown to him.

Especially An Pei Zongxiu, he thinks that in the last battle, he was defeated by Wang Yan's despicable shamelessness, not really defeated by his strength. But after witnessing this big show, his confidence was shaken for the first time.

Even if he takes the strongest state, can he really defeat the Son of Flame that can trigger the eruption of the volcano?

The four words of God's proud son seemed to be filled with ridiculous taste in front of the Son of Flame. If you really want to be precise, Wang Yan ’s performance today can really be worthy of the four words of God ’s Pride.

Harrison and An Pei Zongxiu glanced at each other, both of whom saw fear and murder in their eyes.

The son of flames cannot be left.


"Uncle is awesome, uncle is so handsome." Sun Youmiao jumped up and down cheering, her cheeks were all red and red with excitement. Seeing Wang Yan was like seeing the most admired idol.

"Comrade Pharaoh, the card is really deep enough." The little angel Babe sipped the wine in the bottle and said in an old-fashioned manner, "It's no wonder that even the father and father looked at him with awe, well, he must have Hidden secrets of heaven. Lulu, like this rare son of a golden turtle, do n’t let it go if you catch it. Maybe he will be a **** in the future, and my babe can also follow the light. "

The bright lady stared at her blushingly. As a calling angel, you can't be too peaceful?



Only half of the desertified giant finally collapsed, and the hot gravel poured into the magma lake, quickly melting into one. In mid-air, some embarrassed desert emperors actually appeared.

Now that this battle has hit him, he has felt exhausted. Especially the spiritual aspect, it is exhausted to the extreme.

The eyes under the golden mask stared inexplicably at the distant Wang Yan. This kid was really magical. With all the fighting power he has now played, even if he meets the weaker S-class strongmen, it is a battle.

But in the end, there was no way to take Wang Yan. As if no matter what he did, Wang Yan always had a hole card waiting for himself.

The exhaustion of power is only a trivial matter, and tiredness is true.


Wang Yan and Succubus appeared in the vicinity of the desert emperor.

"Lao Sha, can't fight anymore? I'll accompany you at any time." Wang Yan looked excited and eager to try, "It just happened to have some fun."


The corner of the mouth under the desert emperor's mask twitched, and he glared angrily and said, "How far you roll this seat, you are almost mad at you."

"Yo, Laosha, you are wrong." Wang Yan said, "This is not what you said last night. Will you be merciless to me? We are brothers. It would be boring if we were too humble in the game." "

The emperor of the desert said a moment, rubbing his temples and saying, "Give me a bottle of wine."

Wang Yan took out a bottle of Erguotou from the storage bracelet and threw it over, smiling and said, "Why don't you want to eat or drink? I have all kinds of snack skewers here."

"Mumbling." The Emperor of the Desert filled most of the bottles in one breath, and said with a sigh of breath, "Then don't hurry up and send it up."

"Okay, okay, you loser."

"Who said I lost?"

"Huh? Don't admit defeat yet? Meier, pump me until he admits defeat. By the way, give him a few more charms to wake up."

"Don't smoke, can't I admit defeat?"

At the same time that Wang Yan and the desert emperor were fighting.

There was silence in the stands.

ended! ?

everything is over! ! ?

The people present, afraid that more than 90% of them, would bet on the desert emperor to win. Even the bigwigs on the podium secretly cast heavy bets on the desert emperor.

the reason is simple.

The desert emperor even the Satan apostle Harrison was destroyed. Under the ruinous miniature black hole, the terrible survivability and anti-killing ability bloomed.

The desert emperor is like an extremely high mountain, daunting and invincible.

The Son of Flame is indeed powerful.

But no matter how powerful he is, he is just an ordinary top four. His actual combat ability may be ranked behind Harrison or even Ampei Zongxiu.

With these two characters fighting, even a fool would choose the desert emperor to win.

But this final result is beyond everyone's expectations. Wang Yan turned out to be so against the sky, and even with such a powerful and terrifying performance from the desert emperor, he could still turn back.

"Amitabha." Liu Bujie cried with a sad face, "The poor monk is going bankrupt."

Not far away, the Bright Saint Maiden and others gave him a glance, and deservedly, who made you a monk still save so many assets. It ’s enough to have too much assets, even gambling. Gambling is not enough, even dare to gamble Wang Yan's opponent to win.

This is clearly self-death, and who blames it?


Paladin Ulysses pulled out his two-handed sword, and groaned inexplicably with a sad expression: "Don't stop me, let me die!"

Then he shouted several times in a row, several times pretending to wipe his neck, but no half of them came to drag him.

Most people, like him, are distressed about their lost money. Who has time to control him?

And a few of those who pressed Wang Yan to win were all Wang Yan ’s confidantes, who were watching the guys with eyes and no beads, who would pull him to wipe his neck?

Poor Ulysses, neither wiping nor wiping, regretted his death. With so much money invested, if Wang Yan wins, the assets can be doubled. Unfortunately, there is no if ...

Things like Ulysses and Liu Bujie are already good. In some auditoriums, there was even a cry of desire ~ death ~ cent.

All the bets on the desert emperor won, and each one looked ugly like a dead father and mother.

Only those who were determined to bet on the flames won, and all were overjoyed. But they dare not cheer, who made more than 90% lose money. What if I am too happy to be beaten up?

"I announce." Emmons also twitched and announced with mourning. "This year's Youth Congress, Wang Yan, the son of the flame from the China National African Affairs Bureau, won the final victory."

Seeing his complexion, I understand that this Super League president has secretly bet on the desert emperor to win. In fact, what he did was right. In his view, even if the old man himself took down the desert emperor, he would never be forced to spend a lot of money and effort, and it would never be easy.

But I never imagined that Wang Yan was so abnormal that it directly triggered the volcanic eruption and melted the desert giant.


"Pharaoh, can you really communicate with Mother Earth?" The Emperor of the Desert asked with a sullen face, drinking wine and skewering.

"Oh, guess what?" Wang Yan smiled, and He Ken answered him directly.

In fact, Wang Yan did not communicate Gaia's will. In other words, even if Gaia will be communicated, people will not help you play a game. Just as those people questioned, his pharaoh is not the illegitimate child of Mother Earth. Why should she fight whoever she wants?

In fact, this is just the domain of Wang Yan's flaming monarch. No, now it should be said that the law is causing trouble. By the way, some small means have been used.

The hammer that he thumped on the ground, cracked the ground, released the three-legged Jinwu clone, and let it drill down to the ground, even through the mantle, triggering a volcanic eruption.

Of course, time and place are indispensable, and Wang Yan's control of the law of flame is also the key. In order to become a strong player in other flame fields, even if the flame mountain range is cleared, it is difficult for him to trigger a volcanic eruption like him.

The Emperor of the Desert was obviously dissatisfied with Wang Yan ’s answer, and he gave him a fierce glance, and continued to eat the skewer with a big mouth, as if to eat back a bad breath.

"Lao Sha, tell you a secret." Wang Yan chuckled, "Actually, controlling the volcanic eruption is really exhausting. I had no strength two or three minutes ago, and I have been holding on. If you don't want to Surrender, continue fighting me, I will definitely be beaten on the ground in minutes. Now, huh, surrender. "


The Emperor of the Desert spouted out his mouth with two mouthfuls, his eyes were wide, and his chest could not get out with a sulky breath.

When he thought of the champion he got, he was so cheated by Wang Yan that the desert emperor could not die.

And what do you mean by telling me now? Sincerity makes me unable to block! ?

Can you still play happily! ?


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