The Domestic Hero

Chapter 915: Huh? Boss, are you changing again?

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The moment when Wang Yan entered the crack in the space, the whole person seemed to be pulled by an invisible suction, and immediately pulled into a state of speeding forward at a very fast speed. This feeling is very wonderful.

Speaking of which, Wang Yan has entered the space folds several times, which is the experience of this small subspace.

Crossing the broken space barrier, the feeling is like crossing a water curtain and entering the other side of the mirror. This approach requires that the two spaces overlap each other to establish a space channel.

At present, this secret realm of imprisonment of the flame demon is actually a very dangerous fire prison. Naturally, such a dangerous secondary space does not overlap with the main space of the college, but is separated by a double seal.

So if you want to go in, the difficulty is much greater than the ordinary space crack. Otherwise, Emmons does not need to use the tears of the stars to break the seal.

Ordinary people crossing this high-strength space crack will often be dizzy, very discomfort, severe nausea and vomiting, headaches and coma.

But Wang Yan's physical fitness today is not comparable to ordinary superpowers, and naturally has no such side effects.

"Son of Flame, there is no discomfort?"

Lydia sneaked a glance at Wang Yan beside her, her face bright and radiant. It is important to know that with her outstanding qualification, the first time to cross this level of space cracks is still dizzy.

"But this is also normal." Lydia's eyes looked a little longing, "He is the son of flames, a man who has done many miracles."

If the dignified son of flames would still be dizzy when going through the cracks in space, it would be a joke.

However, when I thought that this time I could carry out the task with the idol of flame in my mind, my heart was full of joy and excitement.

Withdrawing his gaze, Lydia thought secretly in her heart that when she reached the flame forbidden place two or three seconds later, following what the Son of Flame would have experienced, the space channel suddenly oscillated, and then a hot wave of heat rushed head on.

"Not good, the chaotic flame element has eroded into the space channel ..."

Lidia's eyes opened slightly, the secret passage was terrible, but her words had not been completely exported, and the spatial passage that caught her eyes suddenly ignited a dazzling red flame.

The invisible suction that pulled Wang Yan and Lydia forward also suddenly increased, and the two suddenly rushed forward like a leaf in the torrent.


Just two or three seconds later, the sky above the flame forbidden land suddenly cracked a big mouth, and a man and a woman fell directly out of the space channel.

The originally silent element of flame has indeed been disturbed. It is set up on the ground below and connects the two road signs of the transportation space. It has been eroded by the element of flame. It turned out that the space channel that would safely send people to the ground was opened in the air. Because of this, Wang Yan and Lydia were thrown out like two shells.

"Ah!" Lydia groaned, and she didn't even have time to cast a floater or put a magic shield on her, and fell directly to the ground.

This time the shuttle, but using the law of space, opened a small space channel, any law of heaven and earth has a very strong self-healing and repulsive. Therefore, once an accident and instability occurs, it is often not an inexperienced young man, which can be solved in just a moment.

Although Lydia has a lot of talent, she still encounters this kind of unexpected situation for the first time, obviously a little caught off guard.

There are hundreds of meters away from the ground. A magician who has no time to open the magic shield is absolutely choking when he falls directly from here.

The wind screamed in Lydia's ear, and as she saw the darker and darker ground getting closer and closer, her brain was blank.


Wang Yan observed this scene behind her, but his expression remained calm.

Wang Yan, who has gone through events one after another, has now been in a strong wind and waves, and has cultivated a state of mind that does not panic.

Seeing that something changed, he immediately gathered the pure yang real fire in his body. He hardly broke through the restraint of space with his own powerful power, and steadily hung in the air in the moment of falling from the space channel.

At this time, when he found that Lydia was in danger, he had no time to think about it. The demon wings spread behind him slammed, and the whole person flashed to Lydia's side, and put the other person in his arms. Then spread his wings and forcibly slow down the fall.

However, the short distance of less than 100 meters can provide Wang Yan with a time and space for deceleration that is too short. The falling speed has not yet been completely reduced. If it is replaced by someone else, it is estimated that it will fall to the ground with Lydia, but For him, this impact is nothing.


There was a heavy muffled noise.

Under the high-strength impact repelled by the space channel, Wang Yan's physical strength, like a stubborn stone, fell to the ground like a stubborn stone after being promoted to a half-step S-level. Feet, and stopped steadily.

If Dean Emmons, who is still outside, and other mentors and professors at the Starry Sky Academy, can see this scene in front of him, they will definitely be surprised.

Is this child of flames a flame power or a power awakener like the red tank?

Under the high-strength repulsive force of space repulsion, it can actually fall to the ground after catching a person with physical strength. In this case, even Emmons had to at least give himself a shield before landing, buffering something with magic.

This child of flames was good and jumped directly. This kind of power is so amazing that it is far more powerful than the Youth Conference and even when faced with Gu Sheng.

The dull landing sound soon dissipated in the surrounding air, the entire flame was forbidden, and returned to the previous silence again.

At this time, Lydia apparently had not recovered from the panic, a pair of beautiful eyes closed tightly, and the whole person was shrunk in Wang Yan's arms like a frightened kitten.

Wang Yan was relieved when he saw the danger turned into danger. "It's dangerous, otherwise Emmons protects the calf's temper. Seeing this baby's granddaughter broke her bones, she must find him fighting hard."

After seeing the momentum of the fusion of Emmons and the Starry Sky Tower, Wang Yan did not want to fight Emmons in the Starry Sky Academy.

What's more, since she decided to take her to deal with this seal crisis, it is her responsibility to protect her safety. Otherwise, seeing teammates in danger and not trying to save each other, this is called blame.

Fortunately, the crisis has now been resolved, and as long as the seal node is reached, a new seal pillar will be replaced.

After the tense emotions were relaxed, the softness in his arms made Wang Yan realize. The charming and beautiful Lydia was still held in her arms, and she didn't have time to let go.

A faint fragrance came from the tip of the nose. Wang Yan couldn't help but sigh in his heart. The other party was really a weak, boneless, fresh and pleasant girl.

"Uh." Suddenly realizing that he was a little rude, Wang Yan just wanted to turn his gaze. .

Lydia's long eyelashes shook gently, opened her eyes carefully, and the result just met Wang Yan's eyes.

Then I realized that I had just been rescued by the other party, and my movement of getting out of my arms seemed a little too excited, so I bowed my head shyly again, almost whispered in a mosquito-like voice, "Thank you."

But the words hadn't fallen yet, and a touch of blush had already flown onto her cheeks.

"Cough, a trifle." Wang Yan coughed slightly and smiled slightly.

He just wanted to find a topic to relieve some of the fiery atmosphere between the two, and was immediately attracted by the rich flame elements around him.

The richness of this flame element, except for the last time when dealing with the abyss demon lord, was jumped into the depths of magma by the mother of the earth, Wang Yan never encountered a second such place.

"No wonder the whole college is so scrupulous, this is really an amazing place."

Wang Yan sighed a little, "If this subspace breaks down, without the flame demon's shot, the flame of the light will be enough to ignite the entire Star Academy."

Fortunately, this place may be **** for others, but it is as comfortable as being in a hot spring.

It ’s not just Wang Yan, who now has the Warhammer of the Spirit of the Spirit, the heart of Lisa who has not fully awakened the Spirit of the Spirit, and the three-legged Jinwu that he is locked in the heart of the Lotus Terrace. resonance.

"Let's let you out first."

Wang Yan will ask the heart lotus platform to open, and now the plump three-legged Jinwu is like a firelight, and it flew out instantly.

"Ah! Aah! The God is free!"

Three-footed Jin Wugang wanted to spread his wings, but after seeing his boss and a beautiful girl who had never seen it, his eyes rolled round and he grinned broadly, "Huh? Boss, do you have a new girlfriend? "


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