The Domestic Hero

Chapter 916: Flame Forbidden

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Wang Yan barely choked to death by this silly bird.

What is a new girl? Does he have many girlfriends? He clearly never touched his sister? Wang Yan said he was innocent.

Of course, if this psychological activity is heard by Saladin who is still diligently maintaining the seal outside, the other party is expected to burst into tears.

Lao Wang, you do n’t have many girlfriends. You really have n’t touched your sister, woo woo ... you ’re being licked by your sister!

Lydia on the side, blushing cheeks with a "slap".

Why does this bird say anything? She has grown so big that she hasn't been uttered by a single person, nor has she been told such a shameful face by a bird.

Wang Yan is also a little depressed, but according to Uncle Gun's theory, this is called yin and yang. Males with pure Yang pulse are naturally more attracted to the opposite sex, especially the opposite **** superpowers and goblins.

This is a handsome guy who is healthy and positive, and will naturally make it easier for his girlfriend. This is true even if it is placed in animals and other cosmic creatures. This is also one of the laws of nature.

But what is the name of this cheap three-legged Jinwu?


Wang Yan slapped the three-legged Jinwu on the ground with a slap, scolding, "What are you stupid bird talking about? My relationship with Lydia is normal."

"Woo! Boss, I'm wrong." The three-legged Jinwu lay on the ground, covering his hurt head with a pair of wings, and said bitterly, "The God just did not make it clear that you are indeed a normal relationship between men and women. "

Got it ~

Wang Yan was too lazy to continue chattering with this green-hat stupid bird anyway, and he couldn't vomit ivory in his dog's mouth anyway.

Lydia's pretty face on the side turned even redder, and her face turned shamefully. This sounds like no problem, but why is it so strange?


After a short period of uncomfortable atmosphere, this matter was also passed.

Both Wang Yan and Lydia made some adjustments and restored their normal status respectively.

In this flame-free sub-space, the air was dry and hot, mixed with rich sulfur and burning smell.

Wang Yan turned and jumped onto a raised black rock, looking around. Found that this sub-space, huge in size, like a giant underground world.

The sky into the target is fiery red, but those clouds with red light are not the result of the reflection of the light, but because the clouds themselves are densely formed fire clouds of fire elements.

Beneath this sky, the surrounding ground is all scorched black carbonized rock, and the condensate remaining after the lava flows through.

Looking forward from the boundary where he is, the tumbling lava, like a cobweb-like stream and river channel, crisscrosses the vast, scorched black earth.

From far away, you can vaguely see the remains of a very old city.

According to Wang Yan's previous general understanding, Emmons once explained that the name of the flame demon, called the earth demon Bella Roca, is an ancient and evil flame element monster.

Flame elemental monsters are not uncommon in the universe. On some planets whose environment is as hot as hell, some flame elements will often be born.

The earth, in a long period of time, was in a very hot state for a long time. Compared to Venus, which is like hell, it is more than that.

Bella Rocca, the Earth Flame Demon, is one of the powerful elements of flame life.

At this time, it should be suppressed in the palace of that city.

"This is really not a place where ordinary people can come in."

Wang Yan stood on the black coke rock and felt the surrounding conditions, then could not help but sigh.

"The air here is filled with a lot of chaotic and irritable flame elements. Except for a very small amount of soil and wind elements, the content of water is almost zero."

"You're right, Son of Fire, except for the Fire Department, most magicians or superpowers come here almost like falling into an endless purgatory."

Behind Wang Yan, Lydia talked while changing her magic equipment.

"Outsiders come here, they must squeeze their power all the time, and compete with the surrounding heat. Once their power is exhausted, they will not get any supplements, and they will soon be roasted by the heat like an ordinary person If you die, it will end up like a steak in the oven, cooked raw and raw. "

"Grilled into cutlets? This sounds really awkward."

Wang Yan smiled, it seemed terrible here, but for him, a fire-powered person, it was like a source of nourishing power.

From the moment he came to this forbidden place, all the chaotic and flaming elements around him calmed down.

Those flame elements are all like well-behaved children and take the initiative to lean towards him. Wang Yan can clearly feel that these flame elements are actively secreted into his body, nourishing every inch of muscles and every cell in his body, making his body full of inexhaustible power.

He even had the feeling that if he lived in this environment for a long time, even if he didn't need to do anything, it would be very likely that he would be promoted to S level after just a few decades.

"Ah! Ay! Awesome! The **** seems to have come to heaven, um, so cool, so comfortable! Ah ~"

The cheap three-legged Jinwu also enjoyed the rich fire here. He was soaring in the air at the moment, as if soaked in a hot spring, each feather spread out comfortably.

Although this guy's flame affinity is not as good as Wang Yan's, under its active guidance, the rich flame elements around it slowly converge into a ray of fiery silk thread visible to the naked eye, and continue to converge into its body.

"These two ..."

Wang Yan frowned, and people who didn't know, thought this big bird was doing big health care.

No longer ignoring the three-legged Jinwu, Wang Yan also took out the Warhammer.

The childish weapon spirit immediately emerged from the warhammer, "babbled" stretched out lazily, absorbing the surrounding flame elements with a big mouth.

Even the tears of Lisa, the holy weapon of the fire department, were also cheering and trembling because of the abundant flame elements around them. Obviously, the rich flame element is also good for the equipment of the Yan Department.

"Son of flames, you are so amazing, you just stand here and let the flame elements nearby calm down." Lydia looked at her with admiration.

In ancient times, to suppress a natural disaster, those shamans, druids, and magicians all had to work hard, communicate and pray, and even plead to calm the disordered natural elements.

In the subspace they are in right now, the element of flame is because of the presence of the land demon Bella Rocca, so irritable that it cannot melt into any foreign objects. The degree of damage is definitely not comparable to some natural disasters.

But in front of him, this son of flames just stood here, and the originally turbulent flame elements around him all quietly obediently. This kind of anti-celestial element affinity is probably the only one in this world.

"Your voice sounds more difficult than just now."

Wang Yan was used to his own flame affinity, but he heard Lydia breathing heavily and her voice seemed weak.

Turning around, she found that Lydia had wrapped herself in a phosphorescent leather cloak.

It can be seen that this cloak is a magical equipment. The whole body is fuchsia. Although it is leather, it is flexible like silk. At this time, under the driving magic of Lydia, the cloak exuded a rich flame.

"I'm fine, with this dragon cloak, I can persist for a long time." Lydia took a hard breath of fiery air. Under the heat, she seemed very uncomfortable.

"This cloak is our academy, the first-generation star **** of the sky, a magical holy weapon made from fire dragon skin, has a strong flame resistance, and can reduce the rejection and damage of the surrounding flame elements to me.

That being said, the scorching heat and the constant consumption of magic power inside the body are a heavy burden for a magician.

"Give me your hand."

Wang Yan couldn't help but hold the other party's prosperity.

"Hey? Hey!"

Lydia was taken aback, hold, hold hands? Here, here ...

Before she could react, her hand was already held by Wang Yan.

The firm and warm touch from Wang Yan's palm immediately made Lydia seem to be electrocuted. His heart shook slightly, the shame in his eyes became thicker, and a pretty face turned red and red.

Well, just hold it, but is she too obedient? Should I struggle as a lady?

Countless thoughts began to flash in her mind, but soon she discovered Wang Yan's intention.

The pure yang qi from Wang Yan's palm quickly spread throughout her body.

With this breath of isolation, she seemed to have reached a consensus with the surrounding flame elements. The flame elements began to treat her as a kind, no longer repelled, and even the temperature she felt fell.

"It's a magical flame affinity!"

Lydia is pleased to find that as long as Wang Yan is by her side, she is in this flame forbidden area, and she has no problem for how long she wants to stay, and she does not need to consume magic power.

Although Wang Yan held her hand, the purpose was not what she imagined, but it was already a very happy thing to be able to hold hands with Wang Yan.

With Wang Yan's support, she relaxed a lot, and soon took the other party a few steps to one place, inscribed in front of a magic formation on a flat rock.

"This is a teleportation magic circle connected to the Star Academy."

After Lydia looked closely, Qiao's face was filled with melancholy, "But due to the fact that the earth demon Bella Roca woke up and ran away, the flame elements here became very disordered. The core magic crystal has been eroded by the flame element. "

Following her words, Wang Yan looked at a blue crystal inlaid in the center of the array.

Above the blue ** French spar, covered with red threads of red silk, it seemed that the flame element actually invaded the interior.

"If you don't fix it, I don't know if there will be a problem when you go back to start. If you usually increase the magic output, you can force out these flame elements, but you can't use any magic here."

Lydia's eyes were full of worries, "Once the movements made are too large, or the transmission fails, wake up the earth demon Bella Roca, even if my grandfather comes, he must be buried here."

Bella Roca, the legendary ancient flame demon from the depths of the earth's heart, although I don't know how strong the strength is now, but if you really wake up this ancient monster, it is indeed a very scary thing.

"Is it enough to just expel the flame element inside?" Wang Yan leaned aside and asked aloud.

Lydia nodded, "This circle is arranged by our first generation of starry sky gods, it is very strong, as long as it can force the eroded flame elements out, it can still be used normally.

"That's simple." Wang Yan stretched out with one hand, and made a random move. In the blue crystal, a ray of red wire flew away.

A few seconds later, the core of the teleportation circle once again restored its bright blue luster.

"Success, success!"

Lydia's eyes widened incredulously, and she turned and happily hugged Wang Yan. "We can go back, Son of Flame, you are amazing!"

Wang Yan was caught flat-footed and had to pat Lydia's shoulder and smiled lightly: "Miss Lydia, low-key, low-key."

Just kidding, because of his realm of the law of flame, some elements of the flame are eroding, and naturally it is within reach.


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