The Domestic Hero

Chapter 917: Mystery of Vulcan

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"This is also the first time I have come in, but I have read the record that this was originally an ancient city, once rich and prosperous, until the emergence of Bella Roca, this ancient city was completely destroyed."

Lydia's pretty face is ruddy and walking ahead, she and Wang Yan are going to go from one vertex of the sealing circle to another.

Although the road was rugged and the air was hot, fortunately, Wang Yan's help made her a lot easier. Just hold hands with Wang Yan every once in a while and add some pure Yang real fire.

"The seal node we are going to repair is in that direction, about six or seven kilometers away." Lydia looked at the map and pointed her finger to the right.

"But we still have to be careful, we can only walk outside, too close to the ruins of the ancient city, and wake up the earth demon Bella Roca, we are over." Lydia said, and Wang Yan smiled slyly.

Enter the flame forbidden area, especially when the internal seal is damaged, paste it next to the flame of the earth to repair the seal node. This method is the same as that of other teachers and professors in the Starry Sky Academy. Will be buried in flames.

Naturally, Lydia also has some scruples in this extremely dangerous matter, but more of it is an unspeakable courage, as if as long as the child of flame is around, she is full of security.

"What is the origin of this earth flame, Bella Roca? Even your grandpa Dean Emmons is so worried."

Wang Yan lifted Lydia, stretched his wings behind him, crossed a boiling lava river, and landed steadily on the solidified magma rock on the other side.

Looking around, it looks like an underground cave, surrounded by lava rivers, the air is full of smoky sulfur smell, the broken walls of the ancient city, like a piece of tombstone, sparsely lara standing in the magma is not submerged local.

Except for the occasional rumming of magma boiling and bubbling, there is no additional sound.

For safety reasons, Wang Yan and Lydia did not use abilities and magic along the way, but they could clearly feel the atmosphere here, which was completely different from those volcanic crypts.

The air here is filled with a rich, oppressive atmosphere, especially in the layered palaces in the middle of the ancient city. The breath, the original fierceness, is like hiding a ruinous beast that will come out and destroy the world at any time. Touching heart cramps.

"The rich flame elements here all come from the ancient flame demon."

Lydia nodded and replied while walking on the rugged scorched black rock, "It is said that in ancient times, Bella Roca was not a flaming demon, but a **** of flames born from our own earth. A loyal servant. "

"The **** of flames? Is it the same **** as the father of the Holy See and the devil of hell?" Wang Yan immediately became interested when he heard this. The **** of fire has a lofty status in myths around the world, many Religious creation records all indicate that the world was born in flames.

In fact, this theory still has some truth. The ancient earth is indeed a sea of ​​lava and fire. Later, in the long evolution, only the mantle, the crust, and the ancient ocean were available.

"What happened to Vulcan later?" Wang Yan asked. He is a flame ability himself, not to mention this is the **** of our earth.

"When I was a kid, I read the relevant records in an ancient narrative poem."

Lydia recalled for a moment, and continued, "Later ... It seems that in ancient times, the ancients called the enemy of the extraterrestrial demon, descended from the sky, and attempted to invade our rich planet, so the gods of our earth and those extraterrestrial demon, There was a fierce confrontation. "

"Extraterrestrial Demon?" Wang Yan concealed in his heart, is it the devil of the abyss, or the power of hell? Or alien enemies like the two?

"That battle has been hitting the stars, and it is said that even the night has become the day." Lydia's voice was not slow or slow, as if he had become a shaman prophet during the human tribe, speaking to the campfire Old story.

"Legends say that the war lasted a long time, and in the end we won, but the gods, but did not come back."

Unconsciously, a faint sense of sadness began to spread in the air. Both Wang Yan and Lydia were quiet, and even the three-legged Jinwu, who had been restless and restless, fell into a long silence at this moment.

If you look closely, you can see that there is still crystal water flowing in its eyes. Perhaps it has fallen into the devil again, causing many fragments of memory.

Wang Yan nodded slightly. He understood that since he won, he did not return. Most of the gods used self-sacrifice to save the earth.

In a few moments, Wang Yan asked: "This earth flame devil Bella Roca, since he was once a servant of Vulcan, why did he later become a devil that harms one side?"

"It's a long story, according to the legendary record, the earth flame Bella Roca, like the fire god, also comes from the initial fire of our earth. But it is the remaining energy after the birth of the fire god, condenses Derived elemental deities. "

Lydia continued to tell the story about the flame demon, "Bellaroca was first known as the flame of the earth and was the guardian of this city and this land. The residents of this city are all gods of flame, Believers of Bella Roca with the Flame of the Earth. "

"I think the legend should be true. Look at the broken wall of the gate over there, and there is the sign of the flame totem." Lydia said, extending her hand and pointing to the other side.

Wang Yan followed her guidance. On the left side of the magma lake, a huge white rock wall was indeed inscribed with a flame-shaped totem logo.

Although separated by thousands of years, these city walls made of giant mountains and rocks are still very majestic and strong, especially the symbol of the flame totem is vivid and vivid. The years have not only made it wear out and extinguished, but added a bit of history to it. sense.

After careful observation, you can also find that in the wreckage of this ancient city, many places have similar totem signs. It seems that the residents of this ancient city really regard the flame as a belief.

"What about later?" Wang Yan asked lightly. Time has changed. I don't know how many ancient civilizations have been destroyed and disappeared in the long history.

The three-eyed corpse Mu Yi, the three-legged Jinwu, and the dilapidated ancient city before him are all witnesses of history.

"There are not many records in the ancient books, but according to my speculation, Bella Rocca also participated in the war against the extraterrestrial demon, but was injured and slept in the magma lake in the mantle. . "

Lydia makes a rational analysis as she travels forward with Wang Yan.

Wang Yan is very interested in this kind of story about the **** of flame, but there are too few records about this kind of antiquity in the world.

The three-legged Jinwu also became uncharacteristically quiet. It is currently just a remnant of the unrecovered spirit and lost a lot of memory, but it instinctively felt that this story resonated with it a little, so it flew quietly in Above the person, listen carefully.

"The place where Bella Roca was sleeping at the time was just below this land, but I think that Bella Roca's injury was not only not good in the long years that followed, but it became more serious, or rather, its Pollution has increased. "

Lydia frowned and said her speculation.

"Pollution increased?" Wang Yan was taken aback.

Hell forces, abyss demons, and some evil warlocks on the earth will use some means to confuse or erode the opponent's mind, so as to achieve the purpose of controlling, or madness. It's just how the Bella Roca has been polluted. After so long ago, the pollution has not dissipated, but it has made it completely crazy and eventually became a devil.

"It is said that the city was holding an annual ritual celebration at the time, and the object of the sacrifice was Bella Roca. The celebration of people awakened the demonized Bella Roca, it woke up again, taking it from the mantle The magma that emerged from the depths and the unparalleled power of terror destroyed the entire city. "

Lydia said with a bit of sigh, "According to the records left by the Star God of the Year, Bella Roca has transformed from the Earth's Flame Spirit into an Earth Flame Demon without any reason, only knowing to vent and destroy wantonly."

"In the face of this mad flame demon, the star **** can only choose to destroy it."

"It's just that Bella Roca had the power of a semi-divine peak at the time, and there was a steady flow of underground lava as its power support. As long as it was connected with magma, even the starry sky **** could do nothing." Lydia stopped. , Tell the final story.

"Therefore, the Star God of the Sky convened the top magicians in Europe at that time, and used the tears of the star sky to attract the power of the stars and cast the mysterious technique" Surge of the Stars "to hit Bella Roca."

"While Bella Roca was seriously injured and unable to move, a group of hundreds of senior magicians, under the organization of the Star God, with the power of the tears of the star sky, the entire city engulfed by magma, together with shell La Roca, all packed into the space folds together, and sealed. "

Lydia finished her story and blinked, "The rest, you probably know it too, the senior wizard left behind founded the Starry Sky Academy under the leadership of the starry sky god, in order to inherit the glory of magic forever, At the same time, Bella Rocca, the Earth Flame Demon, will always be suppressed under this land. However, whether the strength of the Earth Flame Demon has recovered or has declined, I do n’t know. "

"Senior Master of the Starry Sky, is really an amazing expert." Wang Yan lamented after hearing this, this ability to catch stars and get moon, could not help but make him look forward to a higher level, and add a few points.

Suddenly, the three-legged Jinwu flying above the two made a very excited cry,

"Ah! Treasure, treasure!"

Wang Yan and Lydia immediately looked sideways to the left, and saw that under the rock ridge where they were, the gully was filled with dots of red crystals.

These crystals, in front of two people and one bird, shine with an attractive luster.

"Fire pith, fire crystal, red sun iron, ember stone ... Gosh! There are so many precious fire magic materials here!" Lydia became more and more happy, and finally the whole person called out in surprise.

More than this, if you find out carefully, the crystals and minerals formed by these flame elements are condensed, and the more you go to the center of the ruins!

A puff in Wang Yan's eyes shone, "This time we will make a fortune!"


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