The Domestic Hero

Chapter 922: Frightened Ancient Flame Demon

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Whether it is Wang Yan ’s Flame Doppelganger, the three-legged Jinwu, or Lydia ’s battlefield walk, the power is extraordinary. The offensive of the Fire Elemental Life Army was instantly contained.

However, there are hundreds of opposing forces, which are also doped with some A-level elemental life. In the distance, there is a flame elemental life in the smelt.

If the war is allowed to continue, the defeat of Wang Yan's side is a matter of time.


Wang Yan sneered, and again asked Xinliantai. Jin Cancan's lotus bloomed, and on the rosette, a beautiful half of her body ** curled up like a sleep, her long black hair covering her face.

Under the reflection of golden light and flame light, her skin exudes a jade-like luster.

The most strange thing is that she has a long tail and a pair of demonic wings.

That's right, this peculiar woman is Wang Yan's succubus slave-Meier.

Because she was not necessary before, she was not summoned, but chose to let her continue to sleep in the heart of the heart. Strange to say, asking Xin Liantai ’s flaws in any soul ’s heart will be magnified indefinitely and transformed into a heart demon to torture the heart.

Just like the three-legged Jinwu at the beginning, the heart lotus tortured was almost collapsed. Even Wang Yan, who is active and healthy in his heart, was also drawn out of the tyrannical devil.

But asking Xinliantai has no effect on Meier. In other words, her heart is pure and flawless, just like a newborn child.

It's no wonder if you think about it.

Meier is the prize that Wang Yan brought out during the light test. She has no soul memory except fighting skills and skills. And her flesh ~ body is also the **** of light consuming a lot of energy to personally reshape it.

This shows that the purity of her heart and the baby are undoubtedly.

Of course, it doesn't mean that Meier doesn't understand how to please men. It's just that all these are instincts deep in her soul. It's like a dog chewing bones, baby sucking milk is pure instinct, and has nothing to do with the inner hole.

Naturally, asking Xin Liantai had no effect on her.

Meier seemed to perceive Wang Yan's intention, her pair of charming eyes of charming beings slowly opened, and her wings fluttered, flew a residual image and flew into the battle.

"Hee hee ~ There are so many flame creatures, people like it." Meier laughed like a silver bell. With her half-step S-level strength, the charm wave almost covered most of the battlefield.

In the wave of her charms, most of the flame elemental life has been stagnation, as if in a state of confusion.

The charm of succubus is not just a magic technique for men of all races. Under the charm technique, any life with soul and wisdom may be charmed. Unless it is the machine puppet without soul, or the undead creature without soul.

The life of these flame elements is undoubtedly a kind of life. They have simple souls and relatively elementary wisdom.

Bang Bang Bang ~

Following their sluggish movements, even for just a moment, under Wang Yan's powerful flame avatar offensive, it also caused a lot of casualties.

At the same time, a small part of the flame element fell into a frenzy, and began to turn the gun head, attacking the companion.

With the growth and decline, the flame elemental life is in crisis.

This is the terrible charm, especially in the local battlefield of some people, the existence of a master charm can play a huge role.

Of course, charm is not invincible. Fascinating enemies over a large area requires a lot of mental energy and can be easily cracked.

"Aoao ~"

The ancient Yanmo didn't expect that the fire elemental life unit that was called was beaten down by the opponent, and immediately roared angrily. A series of tyrannical mental fluctuations suppressed the battlefield.

Only a moment, those enchanted flame elements wake up one after another.

Then the whole army launched a more crazy and fearless attack. One of Wang Yan ’s flame avatars was besieged by dozens of elemental lives. In just a few tens of seconds, he was torn into pieces, retaining a piece of mental power in his body and returning to Wang Yan ’s consciousness.

The death of an avatar also brought a little damage to Wang Yan. After all, in that spiritual force, there was a ray of soul consciousness that Wang Yan cut into. It was killed, and it naturally caused Wang Yan some backlash.

However, Wang Yan's consciousness is already very powerful, and this little damage is far from the fundamental.

Under the crazy counterattack of the opponent's elemental creatures, Wang Yan's other flame avatars and friends were also losing ground.

"Boss, try to find a way to spread it." The three-legged golden black mouth spewed flames, forcing a dozen flame elements besieging it, and screamed hard, "This battle cannot be fought. More and more fights. "

When it had the upper hand, it happily ate. Although its flame power is also very powerful, the other party is a flame element, and is naturally immune to flame.

A blaze of fire erupted, but it only shook back.

"Hehe ~ It seems that your power has dropped a lot from its peak state." Wang Yan watched all this indifferently, not looking at the three-legged Jinwu, but staring at the ancient Flame Devil in the distance.

The reason why he didn't do it in person is because he wanted to see how many cards and capital this ancient Flame Devil still has. If the other party still possesses semi-god power, Wang Yan can only find another way to escape.

But now, under Wang Yan's observation. The remaining power of the ancient Flame Demon, even if it is not even one tenth of the heyday, is dead, it is equivalent to a legendary creature.

Since this is the case, Wang Yan has nothing to fear.

His eyes opened sharply, and the flame elements around him hundreds of meters suddenly moved violently, just like boiling water, leaping wildly.

The domain of the Fire King's laws unfolded instantly, like an invisible coercion that enveloped the entire battlefield.

At this instant, Wang Yan seemed to be dominated by flames.

Any element of flame must submit to his command and listen to his orders.

All the flame elemental life stopped the attack in an instant, even if it was killed, it would not move.

"This! How is this possible !?" Lydia Khan dripped a few flame elements with a hot tornado. Seeing this unbelievable scene, her face was suddenly covered with shock.

What is this trick of the child of flame?

As soon as the laws of the field unfolded, those elements of flame that had fallen into mania actually stopped all actions and let them be slaughtered.

Son of Flame!

Is he the real son of flames?

"Are you the owner's new girlfriend?" Meier Fei fell beside her, looking at her with some curiosity and some scrutiny. "It looks fine, but it's weaker."

She was not joking about this. In her cognition, whether it was the two virgins of light and darkness, or Nan Lian and An Ge, or even Gao Mingyue, she was much stronger than her. Those are all half-step S-level ones.

"I ..." Lydia's pretty face flushed, trying to explain that she wasn't, but swallowed back the words that came to her mouth again. Winked and said, "Are you the darling of the Flame Child? I have heard of you."

"Hee hee, come on." Meier threw her a look that turned all beings upside down, "otherwise you can't compete with others."

This remark naturally caused Lidia to be embarrassed and speechless, but it seemed to be thoughtful under the surging eyes.

"Aoao ~"

The angry roar of the ancient Yanmo sounded, interrupting their thoughts. It is angry, it is really angry. Those flame elemental lives are all descendants of its hatching.

But the tiny and weird human being actually used its evil to confine its descendants.

Its roar seems to have an imperative rhythm. It is for this reason that it previously broke the charm of the succubus.

However, after the invisible wave passed the battlefield, apart from the self-detonation of several flame elemental lives, none of the elemental lives waited for its orders and continued to attack the enemy.

The ancient Flame Demon was so angry that he took steps to kill the human being he aimed at.

Its soul, contaminated by mysterious energy, is in extreme irritability, and small humans dare to control its descendants. Every time it takes a step, the ground rumbling, the flame elemental energy between heaven and earth continuously boils, and it is extremely majestic.

"Oh. If you are in his heyday, I can only escape." Wang Yanfeng smiled lightly. "Unfortunately, your strength is nothing. With this environment, but my real home . "

At home, yes.

Wherever the flame elements are abundant, it is Wang Yan's home court.

It's like when you are in the Arctic Circle at minus seventy or eighty degrees, and you are fighting people who are good at the law of ice. Or, in the primitive forest, fight the plant superpowers, or fight the necromancer in the mass grave.

And this place is Wang Yan's home court. Here, he will not be afraid of anyone.

"let's go!"

Wang Yan whispered softly.

Hundreds of fixed flame elements moved, and they turned around and madly killed the ancient flame demon. So imposing, as if the ancient flame demons blasphemed their gods.


The ancient Flame Demon was stunned. These flame elemental lives are all descendants of its heirs, and it would be fine if they were kept by evil. Right now, but he betrayed him and killed him?

Anxiety increased, and the ancient Flame Demon's soul recovered a bit of sobriety, and his voice rumbling out two syllables.

"Pig! Dragon!"


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