The Domestic Hero

Chapter 923: Son of Flame! Are you still human?

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"Pig cage?"

Wang Yan was slightly stunned and couldn't help but laughed and said, "This ancient Flame Demon still understands the set of pig cage? Isn't it the betrayal of some elemental life descendants? As for the pig cage?

"Boss, it's saying 'Zhu Rong'." The three-legged Jin Wu flapped his wings and said with a helpless head, "Some of my remaining memories tell me that the name of the ancient Vulcan is called Zhu Rong. And this ancient Yan Mobella Rocca is one of the generals under the fire **** Zhu Rong. "It glanced at Wang Yan diagonally, his expression was quite terrible without culture.


This time, Wang Yan's turn was shocked.

Compared to titles like Vulcan, the name Zhu Rong is a household name in China. Especially the story of the fire **** Zhu Rong and the water **** working together, and the head of the work colliding with each other, is not well known to women and children.

But in Wang Yan's concept, myths are just myths, and those are all fictional stories.

"Vulcan Zhurong really exists?" Wang Yan frowned.

"Boss, aren't you nonsense?" The three-legged Jinwu flapped his wings, full of pride, "Zhu Rong was born in the initial fire, our world's first flame elemental life. Of course, the **** is also born in the initial fire It ’s a little bit worse than the elder Zhu Rong. However, although the God of God is a little worse than the old Zhu Rong, it is much more powerful than this ancient flame demon. Counting, Bella Roca is only a descendant of the God of God. "

alright, you win. How come you are so big, so powerful, how could a three-eyed girl wear a green hat? Wang Yan rolled his eyes and slandered the belly of this green-hat stupid bird.

It is now.

Those flame life elements that were "rebelled" by Wang Yan have attacked the ancient flame demon like a tsunami. They are like dead men who are not afraid of death, and they breathe flames to siege the ancient flame demon.

However, the ancient Flame Demon at this time, as if suffering from any stimulation, stood standing still. Just staring at Wang Yan from afar, shouting with a roaring voice: "Pig! Dragon!"

Wang Yan's heart trembled slightly, as if he felt its sadness, helplessness, and fear.

"What's going on with that guy?" Wang Yan frowned.

"Probably mistaken for the boss, you are Zhurong." Three-footed Jinwu said.


Wang Yan had a cold sweat, from head to toe, is there anything like Zhu Rong? Was this ancient flame demon contaminated by negative energy to the brain? Wang Yan couldn't help vomiting.

"Ah, you can't say that." The three-legged Jinwu held his chin with his wings, thoughtfully, "Boss, you have a very high-end mastery of the law of fire, very similar to the law of Vulcan. When I saw you for the first time, I thought it was the rebirth of Vulcan. "

Like the **** of fire?

Wang Yan's eyes were slightly surging, and it seemed that he remembered the scene when he was delivered by tricycle. It was the adventure that completely changed his life. For a long time, Wang Yan has been thinking about what is the drop of liquid meteor that got into his body?

In fact, even Uncle Gun did not understand what kind of treasure it was.

Inevitably, that drop of liquid meteor that changed itself is related to Vulcan Zhurong? But even if the fire **** wishes to blend things, how can it fall from the sky?

For a time, Wang Yan still couldn't understand.

"Ao ~"

The ancient flame demon roared painfully, the sound trembling and the whole flame of the forbidden land thundered and trembled, a violent arrogant suffocation filled the air as if it were substance, and it was overwhelming.

A stream of tumbling magma flowed under its feet, engulfing the life of the flame elements that had been turned back.

With its big feet lifted, it rushed towards Wang Yan like a moving hill, and the flames shook the sky.

"Ah, this flame demon is crazy. Boss, let's run." Suddenly, the three-legged Jinwu seemed to be pinched by his neck, so startled that even his feathers were blown up, panic and terrified.

This lifeless appearance, but also because it claimed to be a god.

"Son of Flame!" Lydia whispered palely on the side, "It seems to be coming at you, let's run away."


The flame forbidden area in this area is only a few hundred kilometers. Where can we escape in the face of a terrorist creature that was once a demigod?

"It's okay, just let me try the power of the ancient flame demon." Wang Yan is in the flame forbidden land, and every breath seems to have countless flame energy pouring into the body.

And as long as he has a thought, the surrounding flame elements will prohibit the line, just like the most trained soldiers.

For a time, Wang Yan's self-confidence was stronger than ever.

"You retreat." Wang Yan drank a deep voice, his body suspended. When the spiritual power moved, the remaining nine flame avatars melted like snow in summer, and the nine pieces of split spiritual power enveloped the flame energy, just like nine dragons, drilling into Wang Yan's body.

With each return, Wang Yan's mental strength and strength in the body strengthened by one point.

The spirit and power of the nine avatars have all returned. Wang Yan's mental strength actually swelled the pineal gland. Every cell in the body is bulging up, and it looks like it will burst at any time.

"It's happy ~" Under strong stimulation, every cell in Wang Yan's body seems to be bursting with powerful potential.

It turns out that the use of flame avatars is also very beneficial to the tempering of mental power. Wang Yan obviously feels that his mental power has grown a lot.

"Fire is coming!"

Wang Yan's palms flew to the sides, and the flame elements in the air swarmed wildly into Wang Yan's palm. In a few moments, two hot flames gathered in his palm.

Each ball of flame in the palm exudes majestic and powerful force.

Flame forbidden ground.

Wang Yan likes this place. Here, his power seems to be maximized, and most of them do not need to use the energy in his body. If you swallow a whale, you can absorb a lot of free flame elemental energy,

His hands snapped together, and the two flames merged into one, radiating a dazzling light.


A fireball blasted away, and the place where it was swept was sharp and harsh, and the air was rippling and rippling.

"What a strong fireball." Lydia, who obediently retreated, his eyes surging, she couldn't help but exclaimed secretly. In this simple fireball, she could feel the breath of destruction.

It seems that what was shot was not a fireball, but a powerful cruise missile.

The fireball is extremely fast, like a meteorite gliding across the sky. Within a few seconds, he blasted towards the ancient flame demon's head.

"Aoao ~" The ancient Yan Mo made a violent and violent roar, and punched out with a punch.


The fist and the fireball collided violently, and the scorching flame fragments waved away in all directions. The energy shock wave of the fireball explosion instantly tore the fists of the ancient flame demon into countless fragments.

With the advantage of home court, the explosive power of the fireball that Wang Yan just condensed just now might be comparable to some small equivalent cruise missiles. Even a tank known as the King of Marine Warfare will be torn into pieces by the explosive force of this fireball.

Seen from a distance, the immensely huge ancient flame demon, a gigantic hand has disappeared without a trace, leaving a bare arm is very miserable. The aftermath of the explosion is still washing in the air.

"The boss is mighty, the boss is domineering." The three-legged Jinwu cheered and cheered aside, as if it were his own hands.

"The Son of Flame is really strong." Lydia's heart was shocked, and her eyes kept changing colors. The power of his blow was as impressive as the magic her grandfather exerted. You know, her grandfather Emmons is a legendary magician who is famous all over the world.


The ancient Flame Demon was irritated, and it made an ancient and vast roar. It inserted the broken arm into the boiling magma, and then pulled it out after a few seconds. The blown fist grew back.

On that huge fist, the fiery magma was still dripping.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The ancient Yanmo dynasty rushed to Wang Yan, every step it took, it was hundreds of meters away. When the giant foot stepped on it, the magma on the ground splashed, and it was like fireworks in the air.

The rugged red rocks are brittle like chicken eggs at its feet and can easily be stepped into powder.

"Good job."

Wang Yan's eyes burned, and every cell in the body became active. The blood was boiling, and the fighting was heated. The right hand snapped, and the ugly but full-bodied hammer was held in his hand.

The hammer handle is tough and rough, and has a great texture in the palm of your hand.

The spirit of the childish weapon in the fire hammer also reveals a form that looks like nothing but nothing but nothing. Like a flaming monster, entrenched on the fire hammer, excitedly spreading his teeth and dancing claws, as if to tear the huge monster into pieces.


Wang Yan stepped on his feet, and the red rock under his feet collapsed into countless fragments. His body, like a shell, flew away toward the sky, and the burning flame on the surface pulled out a long flame tail under the friction of the air.


Under the impact of a stupid human with an ancient flame demon, he did not suffer a loss.

In the sky, the fire cloud was scattered.

Under the impact of rumble, flame fragments and rock fragments stirred up meteor showers in the sky. The sky is so beautiful when the meteor shower is across the sky.

"Ah ~ Boss is really too strong." The three-legged Jin Wu flapped his wings and yelled excitedly. "The **** is really doubtful, he is the **** of fire and rebirth."

"Son of Flame!"

Lydia supported the magic shield to avoid being hit by a meteor shower. The clear eyes were full of incredible shock. Is he really just a half-step S-class?

Although its strength compared to the heyday, it has no one. But no matter how desolate the demigod is, it is still demigod.

Even her grandfather, Emmons, dared not fight against the ancient flame demon.

For a time, Lydia was a little dazed, and the impact was too strong.


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