The Domestic Hero

Chapter 925: Invasive surgery

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Although Wang Yan's law of flame is very powerful, it can't affect the ancient flame demon. One reason is that the opponent's body is a demigod-level monster, but the power level is now insufficient, but it is basically a demigod.

Secondly, a large amount of negative energy is accumulated in its chest cavity. It is those negative energies that put this ancient flame demon in an extremely violent state, and the whole is like a neuropathy.

Those negative energies flooded its chest, and the diameter of the pollution might be five or six meters long.

The ancient flame demon is the elemental life of flame, its core area is different from human beings. Its core area of ​​life should be at the chest. There, there is a crystal nucleus of the ancient flame demon.

It called itself "Zhurong" before. Obviously, in his eyes, he and Zhu Rong must be very similar. If you can restore it to reason, maybe you can still communicate. Everyone shake hands to eat something.

It may be difficult to resolve this negative energy for others. But for Wang Yan, it may not be able to disperse. You should know that the true fire of the pure Yang is the flame from the world to the sun, and its nature is to restrain all evil and dirty.

Of course, the greater difficulty is that this ancient flame demon is in extreme irritability, and its strength is better than Gu Shenglai's half-chip. It's harder than going to the sky to perform surgery on it.

"Try it, you won't lose anyway."

The demon wings behind Wang Yan one by one, the next moment, he appeared behind the ancient flame demon. A vast and pure pure Yang fire was swaying in Wang Yan's body, instilling into the fire hammer along his arm.

The ugly-looking fire hammer instantly burst into light, emitting a ray of light like a blazing sun.

Wang Yan shook it sharply, and the fire hammer flew out like a shell. The air rippled a circle of ripples and ripples, and there was a piercing shriek. Obviously, its instantaneous burst speed has broken the sound barrier.

Ever since Wang Yan learned to use Feijian to warm up, he has never slacked off the warm hammer. It's just that Firehammer and Flying Sword are different. It's very difficult to warm up, and progress is slow. There is no way to be as smart as Gao Mingyue's Moon Sword.

However, the use of the fire hammer as a flying hammer is no problem, but it is more open and closed than the take-off sword.

At supersonic speeds, the size of a fire hammer is hard for ordinary people's eyes to catch. After almost passing by a red flame tail, it slammed into the back of the ancient flame demon.

Under the strong impact force, the rock fragments and lava on its body were splashed violently.


The ancient Flame Demon was furious and frantic. He slapped back and slapped, and the violent gust of energy even disintegrated the burning clouds in the sky. Wang Yan was shrouded in palm wind, and the weak was like a fly.

The power of this palm is extremely terrible, even if an aircraft carrier is placed in front of it, it will be hollowed out by it.

Even if it was Wang Yan's defense, he wouldn't dare to take it hard. He flapped his wings and swiftly walked past its giant palm.

At the same time, Wang Yan's thoughts moved, and the fire hammer was connected.

First, the pure Yang true fire injected into the fire hammer burst into the back cavity of the ancient flame demon instantly. The negative energy that is as dark as a group and entangled as a liquid continues to dissipate under the impact of pure Yang true fire.

The only problem is that the rate of ablation is too slow, just stronger than pulling the cocoon.

Soon, the true yang of the fire hammer was exhausted, and the negative energy expelled by the dissipation only accounted for about one square meter. Moreover, the pure Yang true fire offensive was lost, and the surrounding negative energy swarmed again, filling the area.

"I depend!"

Wang Yan couldn't help but swear out. Since the practice of the Pure Yang Divine Skill, the true fire of Pure Yang has always been unfavorable for those filthy and restrained people. But this time, the negative energy that came from nowhere was extremely difficult.

Fortunately, the filling is filled, and the entire area of ​​negative energy accumulation seems to be thin and diluted. Even if it is just a little, it means that Wang Yan is not doing useless work.


But it is not impossible to deal with.

Wang Yan's thoughts moved with a move. The fire hammer was sensed, flew out of the wound on the back of the ancient Flame Demon, and returned to Wang Yan.

After that, Wang Yan did the same.

He infused the pure Yang true fire into the fire hammer, and continually smashed it into the chest of the ancient flame demon to dissolve those negative energies.

Once again, the negative energy is constantly thinning.

"Aoao ~"

However, it is clear that the ancient Yanmo in violent violence did not accept Wang Yan's "invasive surgical treatment" and attacked Wang Yan frantically.


Wang Yan flickered, escaped the deadly punch of the ancient Flame Demon, and smashed the fire hammer into it again. Can't help but feel tired and emotional. "It's really the parents' heart of the doctor. Brother keeps treating you, but you are facing me."

Of course, Tucao belongs to Tucao.

Wang Yan is still continually curing the ancient Yanmo.

A little bit of time passed, and the negative energy that besieged the core of its flames was constantly passing away. After hundreds of hammers, the negative energy in its body has been dispelled by Wang Yan for more than half.

"Pig! Dragon!"

The ancient Yanmo seemed to have recovered some reason, hesitating whether to attack Wang Yan again, urging voice in his mouth, shouting vaguely.

"Come on, Zhu Rong, Zhu Rong, you can pronounce it if you are bothered. Pig Dragon Pig Dragon, it is really unpleasant."

Rao is able to continually replenish the flame energy here, but it can't supplement the pure Yang true fire. Surgery on it for such a long time, the pure Yang true fire in Wang Yan's body has consumed half of Thailand, and his mental strength is also in trouble.

There is no way to operate on a manic maniac, it is such trouble. Fortunately, after Wang Yan's efforts, the ancient Yanmo has recovered some reason, and then it's a little easier to deal with.

In order to hit the iron while it was hot, Wang Yan took out a bottle of S-grade inner pill essence and poured it down like a red bull. The pure yang true qi consumed before is rapidly recovering in the body.

"Big guy, I'm removing the negative energy pollution in my body for you." Wang Yan shouted, "If you don't want to be a crazy monster all your life, then quiet me."

"Wish ~ Rong!" Although the ancient Yanmo regained some reason, he was still ignorant, only knowing the name of Zhu Rong.

"Forget it, when I owe you." At this time, Wang Yan, already aware of the position of the flame crystal nucleus in his body, filled the fire hammer with pure Yang Qi again, and a flying hammer smashed into it. Treat it wholeheartedly.

He has some speculations that the liquid meteorite that changed his life before is mostly related to Zhu Rong. And this ancient flame devil is Zhu Rong's men.

It took a lot of effort to help it, only to repay Zhu Rong's "kindness". If it weren't for that adventure, Wang Yan didn't know if he was still worried about the first house.

Fortunately, I recovered some sensible ancient flame demon, as if I felt that Wang Yan was helping it, but just stood still and left Wang Yan to dispose of it, which would save Wang Yan a lot of things.

Just when the situation was good in the flame forbidden area, there were bursts of screams from inside the Star Academy.

A large number of gargoyles, like a dense army, impacted the Starry Sky Academy and had fierce battles with the students of the Starry Sky Academy.

The students of the Starry Sky Academy have rarely participated in actual combat, and they immediately failed to become an army. Only some senior students, especially Bob, a fat boy who has achieved frequent achievements and achieved B-level strength, took a call and started to organize students to fight against the gargoyle army.

"Report the Banshee!"

Emmons sensed all this through the Starry Sky Tower, and his face suddenly became extremely ugly, and he said angrily: "You even instructed your men to attack our Starry Academy? It's so mean and shameless."

"You are so childish, Emmons." The mourning female monster laughed again and again. "Hundreds of years ago, you Starry Sky College and the Bright Holy See joined forces to deal with us. We are dead enemies. Don't talk nonsense, be good Hand over the tears of the starry sky. Otherwise, do n’t blame me for extracting all your souls and refining them into corpses. "

Everyone was startled and angry.

Especially Emmons, his heart is throbbing, can it be that today is the day of starry sky college? In the face of these two S-level strongmen, they are already unable to protect themselves, and they have no spare time to save the students outside.

Especially Emmons also felt that the energy in the flame forbidden trembles violently, obviously terrifying the terrible monster. As a result, the son of flame and his granddaughter Lydia have no hope of survival.

For a time, Emmons gave birth to death.

"Babbitt, you will be handed over to the Starry Academy in the future." Emmons, who had recovered some magic power, became extremely firm. "Leave this terrifying monster to me."

If Emmons in its heyday, with the help of the Star Tower, it would definitely not be so miserable. But right now, the vicious curse in his body is constantly happening, and he can only suppress it by constantly consuming magic power.


The tears of the starry sky suspended in the sky at the top of the tower suddenly burst into a bright light. The power of the vast starry sky is like a silver-white water curtain, pouring down, rendering the entire starry sky inside, rendering it like a day.

The power of starlight converged into a silver-white energy bomb, which was blasted out from the starry sky tower, covering the entire starry sky college like a meteor shower.

The energy bombs bombarded the gargoyles with precision.

Pappa ~

Each gargoyle shattered into nothingness.

The power of the Starry Sky Tower is undoubtedly launched.

"Emmons, you are crazy." Babbitt's complexion changed. "If you do this, the curse in your body will happen immediately, and you will soon be killed."

At the same time, the flame element under the ancient seal sprayed out like a fountain, and the hot flame element instantly fainted the top of the starry sky tower.

Babbitt and other people's faces changed again, is it that the ancient flame demon is about to rush out?

This is really a leak in the house.


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