The Domestic Hero

Chapter 926: You are not dead, son of flames!

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A large number of gargoyles attacked the academy to report the threat posed by the banshee.

These are already difficult to solve, even Emmons is ready to sacrifice himself and start a large array of stars to try to save the battle.

But at this time, there was also a problem with the flame forbidden land. The space in the flame forbidden area trembles violently, and a large amount of flame elements erupt out. This is to show that the son of flame and Lydia have been buried in the forbidden area. At this time, the ancient flame demon is bombarding the space barrier, trying to break through the ancient seal?


A large number of flame elements sprayed, and the whole starry sky trembles violently.

"桀桀 桀 ~" The mourning female monster laughed again and again, "Emmons, it's really going to die. You Star Academy, even the ancient flame demon will come out to join in the fun. Is this its power? Shit, such a strong force, If you put it under your hands, it is definitely a good hand to kill and set fire. "


Emmons' face was so pale that he couldn't control it anymore, and his mouth spouted a black, smelly blood, his eyes filled with silence. When it is over, will the Starry Sky Academy, which has been standing for thousands of years, die in his hands?

And this time, he also joined the son of flame and the baby granddaughter Lydia, which filled Emmons with regret.

Although Wang Yan made him big, he didn't want to see him even when he saw him. But Emmons has to admit that the potential of the son of flame Wang Yan is limitless. In the future, it may be the hope of mankind to fight against the abyss.

Such a person died in the flame forbidden land, which is a huge loss for human beings.

"Marshall, I'll hold all the Babbitts." The mourning banshee howled like a wolf, "You go and get rid of the crippled Emmons, and when the ancient Flame Demon comes out, we will use its power to move Starry Sky Academy turns into a fiery inferno, 桀桀 桀 ~ "

In a series of weird laughter, the banshee turned into countless crows and attacked Babbitt and others fiercely. Its strength is not inferior to that of Babbitt. At this time, it is extremely magical, and it is a new force. It was another old monster who had not lived for a long time, and various means emerged one after another, and suddenly killed the Babbitt everyone.

At the same time, the lich Marshall flashed to Emmons in a flash, and a green disintegration ray was shot at Emmons, and he laughed wildly: "Emmons, how does the curse of the ancient curse in the daggers taste? ? I urge you to still die, so as not to die because of the exhaustion of soul and body. "


When Emmons' thought turned, the tears of the starry sky turned into a bright white light, blocking the disintegrating rays, and his eyes screamed in anger and anger, "If I die, I will take you to die together."

Under the repression of lack of magic power, the vicious curse he was intensified, and the starry array was no longer able to support those students and teachers, and could only rely on themselves to fight.

At this time, Emmons hated Marshall, the traitor. It is because of this traitor that Star Academy has fallen to hell.

"Oh, just because you're half dead now, still wanting to drag me to die together?" Lich Marshall sneered contemptuously, "You are still to be buried with Starry Academy honestly."

During the speech, Marshall blasted a series of magic to Emmons one after another.

Although Emmons controlled the magic array with the help of the tears of the stars, at this time, he was close to running out of oil. Facing Marshall's attack like a tide, he could only barely parry.

The characters of the two sides, playing at the highest level of the huge starry sky tower, were dark and rumbling and bursting.

It is also due to the very special materials used by the Starry Sky Tower and the support of a very strong protective circle, otherwise it will definitely not be able to withstand so many experts.

As the two sides fought their lives and forgot their deaths, the closed ancient seal was getting more and more impacted, as if a peerless murderous creature was trapped in it, using its terrible power, wave after wave from inside to outside The seal was bombarded, and the whole Star Tower was trembling.

"Jin Jie ~"

Marshall had a magical torrent that caused Emmons to vomit blood and fell to the edge of the ancient seal. He laughed wildly, "Emmons, I can't think of it, you have today too. Jilin, from today, this world There is no Star Academy in Shanghai. "

Emmons struggled a few times, but still failed to stand up. Under the torment of curses and pain, he seemed to be decades old, covered in blood and described as withered.

At the same time, the 'Tears of the Starry Sky', which has been suspended in the air, seems to have exhausted its strength, and the color is dim, and it fell down staggeringly.


The tears of the starry sky are like a broken stone that has lost all its strength. It fell on the ancient seal and sounded a clear voice.

"Tears of the Starry Sky!"

Marshall stared greedily at the teardrop-shaped stone, which was a real treasure, a sub-god-level top material. If it is handled by a deity, it can even be refined into a real artifact.

This time planning the Starry Sky Academy was for the purpose of the Black Death to revenge the arrow of revenge hundreds of years ago. Second, it is also for the tears of this starry sky. With this tear in the starry sky, the Black Demon Venerable can really be resurrected and return to the world.

Of course, the flame demon in the ancient seal is also highly valued by Lord Mozun. If he can be conquered, it will be a very great thug.

"Ji Jie, this baby, I'll take it first ..." Between the words, Marshall leaned out his thin, dead hands, and an invisible force grabbed the tears of the starry sky.

Emmons' old eyes protruded and his eyes were cracking, but there was nothing he could do about it. Tears of the starry sky, but the inherited treasure of the starry sky college, the core secondary artifact.

Suddenly, at this moment.


The ancient seal finally couldn't bear it, bursting apart. A huge flaming demon arm sprang out. The arm seemed to be made of pieces of reddish rock, with dark red magma flowing in the middle, just like the blood flowing from humans.

The tears of the starry sky were also splashed into the air by the impact. As for Emmons, he fell tens of meters like a hoist, and hit his back hard against the tower wall.

There was black blood in his mouth, and there was silence in his eyes. The appearance of the ancient Yanmo completely wiped out the last illusion in his heart. Baby granddaughter Lydia is dead, the son of flame is dead, Star Academy is completely finished.

"Ancient Flame Devil!"

Lich Marshall was taken back two steps by the blast of the explosion. His expression was slightly shocked. Although no one presided over the ancient seal, the speed at which the blaze broke through the seal was too fast?

But at this time he couldn't allow him to think more, grabbing the tears of the stars is the most important thing. His mental strength was swept away, and the tears of the starry sky were captured from the seal debris. The shadows of the imperial spirit seemed to be a volume of spiritual energy. The tears of the starry sky seemed to be held by an invisible silk thread and flew to him.


Marshall was ecstatic.

At this moment, a sudden hand extended suddenly, "cracked" to catch the tears of the starry sky, the figure in the air tumbling a few tumbles, steadily suspended in the air, chuckled, "Good luck, I picked up a secondary artifact as soon as I came out."

"Who is it, who dares to **** my starry sky ..." Marshall roared angrily, only half of the words screamed, "Son of flame! How is this possible?"

The person who grabbed the tears of the starry sky is naturally Wang Yan.

At this time, he was dressed in ragged clothes, holding a fire hammer in his right hand, and holding the tears of the starry sky in his left hand. A pair of demon wings slowly flicked to support him floating in the air.

The birth of the ancient Flame Demon had already attracted everyone's attention.

Even the mourning banshee and the dark chanter Babbitt and others stopped for a while and watched this scene from afar. But I never imagined that the son of Flame, who thought he was going to die, came out of the Forbidden Ground alive and grabbed the tears of the Starry Sky.

This, this is simply incredible. He has alarmed the ancient flame demon, how could he still be alive?

You know, in the kind of place where the flames are forbidden, the ancient flame demons are almost immortal. At first, even the starry sky **** led the masters to personally shoot, but they could not destroy the ancient flame demon, and finally only forced to seal it.

Today, even if it is far less powerful than it was at the beginning, it is definitely not able to deal with ordinary legendary powerhouses, especially when the flame demon is in the absolute home of the flames.

"Son of Flame!" Emmons was surprised and his old face flushed with excitement. He never imagined that Wang Yan was still alive. That means that Lydia may also be alive.

Wang Yan's appearance seemed to quiet down the scene.

Everyone's eyes are fixed on him, some surprises are inexplicable, and some are dreaded. The prestige of the Son of Flame was not obtained out of thin air. The ability to kill S Gu Gu Sheng shows that he already has S rank strength.

Even if the rumors are false, but seeing that he can come out of the flame forbidden alive, it means that his strength is absolutely extraordinary.

"Ao ~"

The ancient flame demon roared, struggling to get out of the broken seal. It's just that its physique is too large, with a height of seven to eighty meters. Although the interior of the Starry Sky Tower is large, it can't accommodate it.

However, the Flame Devil is not a general creature. Its body shakes a few times, and huge red rocks and magma fall on its body, and its body has dropped to more than ten meters in height.

This is the essence of the flame demon, and its life form is unbelievable, completely different from human beings.


A clear cry rang out, and everyone found a beautiful girl sitting on Yan Mo's shoulder. Not to be surprised, she swept in front of Emmons like a gust of wind, and lifted him up in a panic.

"Ji-Ji-Ji, I didn't expect you to be alive, Son of Flame." The mourning banshee smiled and cried like a wolf, "For the sake of the National African Bureau, you surrendered the tears of the stars and spared you not to die."

Wang Yan threw tears in the starry sky, and looked at the mourning banshee with a disgusted face: "I have lived for more than 20 years, and this is the first time I have seen such an ugly monster. Even if I look ugly, I dare to be here Pretending to be arrogant in front of me ~?


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