The Domestic Hero

Chapter 935: Shock it! Dean Emmons

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"What does it mean to be undressed? I am dressed ..." Wang Yan looked around for a while, his voice suddenly choked, hurriedly shrunk, curled up in a ball, and a layer of flame was burning around his body, blocking everyone's sight. , Embarrassedly said haha, "Mistakes, these are all mistakes."

Under normal circumstances, under the protection of Wang Yan's spirit, the clothes will not be completely destroyed. However, in the process of carrying out the Heavenly Tribulation, what kind of raging raging Tianlei is, those who are clothed in ordinary clothes are naturally destroyed completely.

Rao is so thick with Wang Yan's face that he can't help but feel a bit hot. Especially afterglow in the corner of his eyes, he had a glimpse of Lydia, who was stomping her feet, and she secretly opened her fingers and peeked.

This made him a little crying and laughing, if you want to scold, you will see it. This is scolding again, and sneakily watching, what's going on? Really woman's heart, seabed needle.

"Fuck you a big head ghost." Saladin glared at each other angrily. "Is it good to have a good figure? Will you come out naked? Can you run out to be a rogue?" The envy, jealousy and hatred in his heart Everyone is a man. Why does this guy have such a good figure? His body is long and slender without muscles, and his muscles are sharp like marble carving.

"Fuck you as a hooligan." Wang Yan shook his figure, and appeared in front of Saladin like a ghost. When the trolley was pulled, he began to peel off Saladin's robe.

"You, you, what are you doing?" Saladin was frightened and scared, holding his robe, "No, Pharaoh, I'm a man ..." Poor Saladin, with the constitution of a magician, how could he carry Ever passed Wang Yan?

He was like a beautiful woman with no power of chickens. Wang Yan stripped off his robe three or two times. After putting the robe on the body in disorder, Wang Yan calmed down and glanced at Saladin angrily. "How to howl? Isn't it just borrowing a robe?"

In fact, Wang Yan's storage bracelet still has some replacement clothes. Only by deliberately joking with Saladin, he grabbed his robe to wear it, and shifted his attention by the way.

Saladin, who was stripped of his robe, only had a tight underwear, and the image of the magician whose robe fluttered in the past was completely gone. His face was frightened, his hands protecting his chest, half covered and half crouched, like an innocent girl who had just been violated by a pervert.

"Brother, you have to exercise hard." Wang Yan saw that he was really thin, frowning and patting his chest muscles. "This year, I don't even have a decent muscle. How can I tease my sister?"

Saladin was taken two steps backwards, so it did n’t break up, and after the pain, he said excitedly: "Lao Wang Lao Wang, what you said is true? With good muscles, you can reach your sister Alright? "

Wang Yanba did n’t want to change the subject, as a matter of course, he vowed to say: “That is, of course, you think about it. If the explosive bear does not have that muscular lump, can it be the poisonous widow Yuan Rourou? Same age legs Brother, look at his thin skin, he is still a single dog. "

Saladin's eyes burst into light, as if he had found the light of hope in life, and he slapped his head and said, "Yeah, why didn't I think of it?" Then he stared at Lydia like a wolf, "Lidy Miss Ya, if you wait for me for two years, I will definitely become a muscular sportsman. "

"Hey, what's the matter with me?" Lydia stomped her head and turned her head sheepishly. Although it was a little annoying, the image of Wang Yan was almost unrestricted in his mind.

From an early age, Lydia had never seen a man's naked body. Unexpectedly, he gave Wang Yan again.

As for Saladin, she has completely forgotten it.

Wang Yan looked at Saladin and glanced at Lydia again, feeling that there was no way to stay in this place. Quickly changed the subject and said, "You are busy, I will visit Dean Emmons."

Wang Yan knew that the curse in Emmons was very difficult, and it was difficult to adjust in a while. He, who has not yet reached the S level, has some difficulty in completely lifting it.

But now his pure yang divine power has been practiced to the seventh level. The pure yang true qi in his body is more pure and natural than before, and his restraint against filthy evil spirits is stronger.

In the robe fluttering, Wang Yan swept away from the starry sky tower, and his heart was unavoidable. This one must let Emmons bleed well.

At the same time, I was also fortunate in my heart.

He didn't know where he had offended the universe, and the three sky thunders encountered in the cross-robbery were fiercer than others. Especially the third Sky Thunder, even with full defense, is difficult to hold.

Finally had no choice but to choose Tian Lei hard.

Although he succeeded in defeating Tianlei, his body structure was also fatally traumatized, and he almost died. Fortunately, Fu Xifu leaned on Fu Xifu, and after experiencing the baptism of the deadly thunder, Wang Yan felt his physique went a step further.

Tian Lei washed away all the residual dirt in his body, and even the soul became solidified and transparent.

This is the so-called failure.

It is indeed very difficult to cross the robbery, but once it is over, the gains are not trivial.

Star Tower.

Seeing that Wang Yan was going away, Lydia hurriedly dropped a sentence: "I am also worried about Grandpa's injury. I will go and see."

"Miss Lydia." Saladin said in two quick steps. "Then, what shall I do?"

"Your Highness Saladin, the matter of resetting the seal will continue to bother you." Lydia said solemnly.

"Miss Lydia, don't worry." Saladin agreed with a pat on the chest.

"Thank you very much." Lydia chased Wang Yan closely and drifted away.

Saladin watched her leave with a stunned look, and then suddenly recovered, "The situation is not right, it is clearly a seal smashed by Comrade Pharaoh. Why should I fix it?"

For a time, the revived Saladin wore tight underwear and was messy in the hot wind.


In the Dean's Office of the Starry Sky Academy.

Describe some embarrassed Emmons, half lying on the chair, mentally weak.

Beside him, a middle-aged woman wearing a holy white robe is performing divine healing techniques in a calm and energetic manner. The white and soft healing light continually spilled on Emmons, helping him get rid of the curse and restore his vitality.

After a long while, the middle-aged woman had sweated a little, and after pinching the tactics, she put away the healing Baimang, her face slightly apologized: "Director Emmons, I'm sorry, the curse in your body is very difficult, the more Dispersed to the back, the harder it is to expel. "

"Ms. St. Martha, you can spare no effort to help me, I am very grateful." Emmons' face was slightly better, very grateful, "I have been under your treatment for this time, I Emmons Remember this kindness forever. "

"President Emmons made a serious statement." The middle-aged woman called St. Martha said with a somewhat embarrassed face. "I blame me for not being good at art and failing to comprehend the holy inflammation. If there is holy inflammation cooperating with treatment, Emmons The dean ’s injury will not be a problem. So, I write to the crown of Pope Ming Ming, and ask His Royal Highness the Virgin Lady to take one shot. "

The Holy Flame of the Bright Holy See is also a great fire, and its name is so great that it is not inferior to the true fire of pure Yang. But looking at the entire Light Holy See and understanding the existence of Holy Flame, there are not many.

Although the contemporary bright saint has not been promoted to legend, she has mastered the holy flame, which is a wizard.

When Emmons was just about to nod his promise, he heard a hearty voice saying: "I heard that the Bright Saint Maiden closed down and practiced, so I don't have to alarm her."

As soon as the words fell, a robe fluttered, and the handsome young man of Fengshen suddenly appeared in the dean's room. Around him, there was a trace of space ripples.

The face of the middle-aged woman named St Martha changed slightly, so the ability to cross the space is almost completely without fireworks. How can this be done?

And the man in front of him is extremely young and inevitable. Is such a young man already a legendary character?


Maybe it's an old monster with a pretty face.

Just when St. Martha's thoughts were changing, Emmons was overjoyed and said: "Wang Yan, are you well injured? Eh ... this is?" The next moment, Emmons felt something was wrong. local.

Emmons is an old S-class powerhouse. He has been promoted to S-class for decades. Although he hasn't been able to jump into S + class for a while, his vision is very poisonous.

He seemed to see something wrong at a glance, and Wang Yan's breath became more subtle and powerful. Let him have a feeling of faint palpitations.

S grade?

No, it's impossible!

How old is he?

However, if it is not S-class, where is it so subtle and powerful?

"President Emmons, you can be treated with a little injury." Wang Yan said inexplicably. "We still don't want to disturb the road of promotion of Her Majesty the Lady."

In this regard, he did not lie. After the last war of Gu Sheng, many young generations were stimulated. They shouted and went on like this. They were going to be thrown farther and farther away by Wang Yan.

For a time, Emmons was a little bit dumbfounded, staring at Wang Yan staring: "You, you, you have been promoted to a legend? What happened?"

"The dean has a good eye. When I was healing, I was promoted without any worries." Wang Yanfeng smiled lightly, as if the promotion was commonplace this time. Of course, the bitterness of them does not need to be outdone.


Emmons almost vomited blood, staring at Wang Yan faintly, his eyes full of envy and jealousy. At first, he didn't break into the S grade until he was 70 years old.

But this little bastard, actually healed the wound, healed the wound, just broke through.

This, what's so funny about me?

Everyone is human, why is that?

"Well? Are you the son of flame? Have you been promoted to the legendary level?" St. Martha looked at Wang Yan with her mouth covered, surprised and curious.

Wang Yan, a middle-aged woman wearing a priest's robe, has long noticed. Although the appearance is not very beautiful, but wins in the gentle and dignified temperament, there is a feeling of being relaxed and comfortable at first sight.

More importantly, she seems to be a legendary priest.

Wang Yan was terrified by her curious eyes. Wouldn't this woman be a potential teacher and sister again?


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