The Domestic Hero

Chapter 936: This flame is forbidden, I want it!

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Just when Wang Yan looked at her, Lydia seemed to control a gust of wind and appeared in the dean's office. Seeing that Grandpa Emmons was in good spirits, he let go of his heart and paid a courtesy to Saint Martha: "Lydia has seen Lord Saint Martha."

St. Martha?

Wang Yan suddenly remembered that the middle-aged woman priest was the famous legendary priest Saint Martha.

The only two S-level sacred priests in the world, it is difficult to make people do not remember their names and resumes.

Saint Martha was born in France during the Second World War. Her parents died in the war since she was a child. The orphan she was adopted by a priest in a monastery in the light of the Holy See. It is recommended to study at the headquarters of Guangming Holy See.

At the age of twenty, he had emerged and was valued by his predecessor and entered the key training sequence. At the age of twenty-six, he became an A-class. At thirty-nine, he became a legend and became president of the International Red Cross.

Throughout her life, she was active on the battlefield, helping civilians who were injured in the battle. According to informal statistics recorded in the National African Affairs Bureau, St. Martha has personally rescued more than 20,000 people in her life, and more than one million people have received her favors.

Of course, she is “elderly” in her 80s and 90s, and most of the people she helped have passed away. But even so, her reputation around the world is still very high.

In the battlefield where she appears, the commanders will do their utmost to avoid causing civilian damage. Even the Mi army, who dominates the world, is in awe of her and often provides her with convenience.

Of course, this is also related to her personal strength.

For major countries and organizations, they will not provoke and offend an S-level strongman casually, and they are also a sacred healing-level S-level strongman.

As soon as he mentioned the name, Wang Yan's expression also became serious, and he politely said: "It turned out to be the face of Lord St. Martha, the junior Wang Yan, had seen Lord St. Martha."

For such a character, Wang Yan also admired his heart. It was even a little ashamed, and she had speculated about her with a malicious attitude before. It really shouldn't be.

St. Martha ’s age was not great when she achieved A-level and legend. Even now, he looks younger than Uncle Gun, less than forty years old.

She slowly recovered from the shock, her eyes still unbelievable, and took a deep breath and said: "Son of Flame, I have heard your name long ago. I didn't expect to be more handsome and powerful than the rumor. It ’s even more amazing. I ’m going to be a couple of decades younger, maybe I ’ll be hooked on you. I already knew that, the last time I tried the light, I should rush over. ”

St. Martha is a member of the Holy See, and Wang Yan is certain that she will not hear it from the Holy See.

It is no wonder that he is in the limelight in the Holy Land of the Holy See. Since that time, every time the Holy See held a light test, it would be disgusting.

His own name, but it is high in the top. And it can be expected that in a short period of time, the Bright Holy See has no ability to break its own record.

Wang Yan smiled twice and said: "Seniors have praised me, the kid's personality is somewhat arbitrary. If there is any offense, please ask the seniors to forgive me." Where did he not know, Santa Martha deliberately teased himself.

"You don't need to be polite with me either. Me and Jinglue are also friends. I also heard that Del's often mentioned you as a person." St. Martha looked at Wang Yan with great interest, and looked at Lydia again. He smiled and said, "When I see you excellent young people, I really feel like I am old."

Of course, Wang Yan guessed that she thought that she and Lydia had been hooked up. This question was not easy to explain, so she turned to the topic and said, "Senior Martha, I just heard from you that Dean Emmons’ curse is very difficult? Is it worse? "Before Wang Yan dissuaded him not to go to the saint, naturally he was selfish.

Saint Martha seemed to see through Wang Yan's thoughts and smiled mysteriously: "It will not deteriorate, but the curse is indeed difficult. While expelling the curse, Dean Emmons' vitality must also be restored. Son of Flame, if you have the means to heal, do n’t worry about me. As you said, Her Royal Highness is closed, it ’s better not to disturb. "

St. Martha said that Wang Yan was embarrassed to blackmail Emmons. Forget it, let's honestly aim to complete the task, this time on business, it has been almost a month.

"President Emmons, offended." Wang Yan nagged, reached out and pinched Emmons's wrist, and a vast pure yang intruded into his body.

At the same time, the cursing power in his body immediately engulfed, and Wang Yan's pure yang was really fighting.

If Wang Yan did not advance, the fight between the two parties would be even more difficult to separate. But now, Wang Yan's pure Yang Divine Power has reached the seventh floor.

The pure and pure Yang qi instantly turned into a trace of flame, and the power of the curse touched it, as if the snow met the blazing sun and was melted cleanly.

The cursed power was lost in Emmons' body. Emmons' face flashed a flash of flush for a moment.

"It's so pure and pure Yang is really hot." St. Martha exclaimed on the side, "It's better than the previous one." At the moment, her fingertips swayed rhythmically, a vast and magnificent. The divine power of light condensed at her fingertips and enveloped Emmons like a waterfall.

Moistened by this sacred power, Emmons's decayed vitality recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

It is indeed the legendary priest St. Martha. Her sacred healing technique is definitely among the best in the light of the Holy See. I'm afraid even Daier's deity is not as good as her.

Under the pure fire of Wang Yang and the holy healing technique of Saint Martha, the cursing power within Emmons was completely dispelled in just over an hour. And at least half of his vitality was restored, and the whole person was full of energy.

With Emmons' own physique, only a good period of rest can be restored.

"Good!" Emmons was surprised and stood up gratefully. "Thank you, St. Martha, and thank you, the son of the flame." Although he had a lot of dislike for Wang Yan before, he had to take the king at this moment. Yan's love.

What's more, Wang Yan is now an S-class strongman, with the fighting power he showed in the half-step S-class. Nowadays, some ordinary S-class strong men are probably not his opponents.

Theoretically, Wang Yan has been able to sit on an equal footing with him Emmons.

Although it was a bit unsuitable, Emmons still had to accept it. He took a deep breath and said, "Son of Flame, from now on, you will be the most distinguished VIP of our Star Academy. As long as you make the request, we will meet as much as possible."

"Really? Then I'm welcome." Wang Yan's eyes lit up. "Can I visit the treasure house of your Starry Academy?"


Emmons was so suffocated that he passed away with you, and you were really gasping for breath. Who doesn't know that your son of flames is a generation of goose hair removal. If you are allowed to go to the treasure trove, where can you find a way to starry sky college?

He stared at his eyes and couldn't answer Wang Yan for a while.

"Haha, dean, I am teasing you." Wang Yan smiled and said, "I don't have much requirements. The flame-forbidden place is very useful to me, and I am given it."

Emmons' eyes are all staring out. This, this, this is not a big demand? That's an independent small space. When the starry sky **** suppressed the small space, he also spent a lot of money to build the starry sky tower.

"Sir Dean, what is your expression?" Wang Yan said with a smile, "Forbidden land is purely tasteless to you. Although it is a treasure, there is an ancient flame demon stationed inside. Even ordinary The demigod-level strongmen entered, at most, it was to suppress the flame demon, and it could not be eliminated at all. Otherwise, you would not need to build a seal to suppress it. "

Emmons looked hard, with the meaning of the starry sky **** of the past, of course, first of all took the time to suppress the flame demon, constantly consuming its strength.

When one day can conquer it, conquer it, and then harvest an independent small world hidden in the folds of space.

It is almost the most precious gift left by the hegemons to the heirs.

It is a pity that since the starry sky god, the starry sky college has been declining. In the generation of Emmons, there is only one S-class strongman.

Not to mention subduing the Yanmo, inheriting the small space. In fact, even the repression is almost impossible to suppress the Yanmo.

But even if it is a blessing, it is a very difficult choice for Emmons to send such precious ancestry. Who can ensure that the successor of the Starry Sky Academy has no ability to inherit the Flame Forbidden Land?

"President Emmons." Wang Yan said jokingly, "You probably have forgotten that the ancient flame devil has recognized me as the young master. Now it is a free body, not to mention that you have no ability to use it again. Suppression, even if we are capable, our pure Yang will not agree. "

Emmons was dripping with blood. Yeah, the ancient Flame Devils were all subdued by this kid. By the means of Wang Yan, as long as he wants, no one in the Star Academy can enter the Forbidden Flame.

This is simply strong.

It is equivalent to abducting your daughter first, and then saying that you will send me the ancestral villa together.

Emmons wanted to cry without tears.

St. Martha looked at this scene with a smile, but her understanding of the Son of Fire was even better. This kid, as it is rumored, is very difficult to tangle.

This time, Emmons was afraid of bleeding.

St. Martha simply helped Wang Yan to say, "Director Emmons, it is really useless to keep your flames in the forbidden place. If you give the child of flame, it will be of great benefit to the future magic disaster. Right. "

Emmons was bleeding, and Wang Yan said he could still play a role. But even St. Martha had said so, it seemed that the flame would not be given without giving up.


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