The Domestic Hero

Chapter 937: The pitman did not discuss

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In fact, Emmons also knows very well that the Flame Forbidden Land is now left in the Starry Sky Academy.

But just sent out like this, Emmons was really afraid of becoming a historical sinner of Star Academy.

"Well, haven't you picked up the tears of the starry sky before, Son of Flame?" St. Martha said, "The tears of the starry sky are the core of control for the entire Starry Academy. It doesn't matter if you leave it in your hand, just use it Change the flame to the forbidden land. "

Emmons's heart began to twitch. What does it mean to exchange the tears of the stars? Tears of the starry sky, obviously also the things of the starry sky college?

Wang Yan realized that his wrist shook and brought out the beautiful tears of the starry sky. However, the surface is pretending to say: "Senior Martha, the tears of the stars are the loot I robbed from the Lich Marshall, the sub-artifact-level baby, if it is properly refined, it may be an artifact. Take It's a bit of a loss to change a small space.

Eating your sister's losses, Emmons almost burst out. The tears of the starry sky were originally the treasures of our starry academy.

If it was not because Gu Nian had just saved Wang Yan, he was not Gu Nian who could not beat Wang Yan, he had the urge to beat Wang Yan.

"Okay, Dean Emmons." St. Martha said with a smile, "The Son of Flame is teasing you. Actually, anyway, if there is no Son of Flame this time, you Star Academy, it will be In a world of nowhere. "

"Ah ~ I blame my incompetence, nothing." Emmons was startled, and some heroes were short of breath, "Son of Flame, from today, the Flame Forbidden Land will belong to you. But you also know that it is a space fold, unless Have the power of the gods, otherwise there is no way to move it. "

"This is simple, I heard that Starry Sky Academy has quite a set in the layout of the teleportation array." Wang Yan said, "As long as a bidirectional teleportation array is arranged in my home and in the flame forbidden area, the problem will be solved. . "

Emmons stared at Wang Yan dumbfounded, and arranged a two-way teleportation circle. How can it be said in this kid's mouth that it is as simple as eating shit?

The corners of his mouth twitched and his eyelids jumped. He really wanted to make a face of this shameless boy. Ask him, do you know how much resources it takes to build a two-way teleport?

How much rare and almost extinct ancient material is involved?

In fact, in the treasure trove of the Starry Sky Academy, the patchwork can indeed make a set, but that has almost emptied the old foundation of the Starry Sky Academy.

Even St. Martha's lips twitched aside, saying that once the son of flames was blackmailed, it was absolutely fierce like a bone.

She didn't believe it before, but now she knows it.

A set of two-way transmission magic circle, huh, even the bright and rich Holy See can't make up a few sets. The starry sky academy, which is very declining now, is definitely hurt when it comes together.

This kid, how dare the lion speak.

But this is also normal. Saint Martha even heard that the son of the flame, even the bright father, dare to blackmail the conditions, so that the father reinvented a charm ~ the body of the devil to give him.

Really awesome.

"That, son of flames. Maybe you don't know very well. With Star Academy's current family, you force him to put together a two-way teleportation array, which is too difficult for the strong." St. Martha was really afraid that Wang Yan would take Emmon. He was so angry that he had to knock on the side of the drum and said, "Well, save some energy for the Starry Academy, you will let Dean Emmons give 70% of the resources, and you will solve the remaining 30% of the resources yourself. Is this good? "

"70%? No, absolutely not. Our Star Academy is too poor ..." Even so, Dean Emmons jumped straight, his old face twitched and said, "As the dean, I have to keep the children A little bit of money. Fifty, at most fifty percent. If you do n’t want to be the son of flames, my old guy will return your life to you. "

Fifty percent of it is still on the face of St. Martha. Just kidding, what a terrible and costly project to build a two-way transmission circle?

This is not a big bleeding, but a big cut.

In fact, it is the same. If the two-way transmission array is so simple to build, how many two-way transmission arrays are there in the world?

In fact, there are currently no more than five bidirectional transmission arrays known worldwide. And each one is a teleportation array leading to a small space. No one has the luxury of establishing a two-way transmission array in the large space of the earth.

With the bright Holy See accumulated at the end of thousands of years, that is, it has two sets of two-way transmission arrays.

Wang Yan here didn't even know the cost of establishing a two-way teleportation circle. Hearing Emmons' words, he said calmly: "I gave Senior Martha a face, and I made 30%. Emmon. Dean Si, I do n’t want to bargain. If you do n’t want to, I will turn around and leave immediately. I do n’t want the flame forbidden land. For the kindness of your Starry Academy, it should n’t happen. ”

In fact, in theory, the Starry Sky Tower itself has a two-way passage into the flame forbidden area, just a naturally occurring passage, because it happens that the barriers overlap.

In the beginning, the God of Starry Sky took a fancy to this natural passageway, and built the Starry Sky Tower and the Starry Sky Academy in this place.

If Wang Yan wants to enter the Flame Forbidden Land, he must first come to the Starry Sky Tower. Then every time I came out, I had to pass the Star Tower. This is like a passageway in your backyard, built in someone else's kitchen. Every time you go in and out, you have to go through someone else's kitchen, which is absolutely uncomfortable.

Since Wang Yan wanted to build a flame ban, he naturally built it as his own backyard. Therefore, unless he can move the flame forbidden ground, otherwise a two-way teleportation circle is necessary.

Of course, to move such a small space as the Flame Forbidden Land, let alone Wang Yan can't do it. Even if Yan Zun came, it would not be possible.

Maybe the **** of light and those gods of **** could do it, but Wang Yan didn't have the ability to move them.

"Grandpa, if we don't have the Son of Flame this time, we would have been dead. Even the inheritance of the Star Academy has been ruined." Lydia said to the side, "Although the two-way transmission circle is very expensive, but We owe our kindness to the Son of Flame, ca n’t we just pay it back? Resources can be accumulated slowly, we have to believe in the future of Star Academy. "

Emmons looked hard, even the granddaughter stood in the position of the son of flame? It's really extroverted for girls.

Forget it, the Son of Flame is indeed very kind to the Starry Academy. Emmons took a deep breath and said helplessly: "Seven achievements and 70%, I will give you a list of materials, and you go to raise the remaining 30%. In addition, I also hope that you, the son of flame, can still promise me One condition. In the coming days, if there is a crisis in our Star Academy, I hope you can help me without compromising your interests. "

In fact, by this time, Emmons had almost approved the matter. Although it seems that the Starry Sky Academy has paid a lot, in fact, if there is no Wang Yan this time, the Starry Sky Academy has been completely destroyed.

Moreover, Wang Yan has successfully promoted to the S-class at this age. The future is really limitless. Having a good relationship with him is not necessarily a bad thing for Star Academy.

"Okay, I promise you this condition." Wang Yan shrugged and said, "Actually, Star Academy and our National African Bureau can form an alliance of strategic cooperation. It would be better to support each other in the future."

Emmons considered for a moment and nodded, "The rising momentum of the China National African Affairs Bureau is unstoppable. When I get better, I will go to China to discuss the cooperation with Director General Han."

After talking, Emmons took some time to list a list of materials and handed it to Wang Yan: "Son of Flame, this is a 30% list of materials. When you have finished raising funds, you can start construction when There is a two-way transmission. "

"Son of flames, congratulations." Saint Martha smiled aside. "Unsurprisingly, you will be the first person with a small independent space and a two-way teleportation array."

"Thanks ..." Wang Yan hadn't been polite yet, just glanced at the list and almost spurted blood. "This, Dean Emmons, are you teasing me? This list is enough to make Some small forces went bankrupt. "

Space crystal, three kilograms. Obsidian crystal, 500 kg ...

There is also a large list of various materials behind.

The space crystal, Wang Yan has seen on the exchange list inside the State African Bureau. Each gram is about 30 merits. In other words, the light space crystal item requires 90,000 meritorious service.

Obsidian crystals are cheaper, about one hundred merits per kilogram. But the obsidian crystal, which is half a ton, has a price equal to 50,000 meritorious service.

Wang Yan swept through the three lines at a glance, and the addition of all the materials was probably worth four or five thousand merits. And there are some things that are not enough in the treasure trove of the SAFE ...

Emmons looked at Wang Yan with a bitter face: "Son of Flame, your share is indeed 30% of the amount. If you can't afford resources, we can give up the plan."

"I can't afford it?" Wang Yan chuckled, "Although it is indeed more expensive, but I can't afford this price. Your Excellency Saint Martha, I hope that the Holy See can help me solve 10%."

St. Martha's face suddenly said in a daze: "Son of flame, although 10% of the dosage is not what our Holy See? But, you want us to give 10%, there must be a reason?"

"The mourning banshee is a wanted person in the Red List of your bright Holy See." Wang Yan said huh, "The Black Demon Venerable is your destiny enemy of the Holy See. I helped you kill the mourning banshee, preventing the Black Death Demon Venus from trying to resurrect her plan . Ten percent of the resources are already very kind. "

Saint Martha fainted and looked at Wang Yan faintly. Really worthy of Yan Zun's apprentice, pitting people up, really blue is better than blue.


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