The Domestic Hero

Chapter 939: I really deserve it

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"No hard work, no hard work, I've eaten it already." Wang Yan's heart twitched, cold, and he responded with a smirk.

"Nonsense." Linghu Yaojue's flamboyant and beautiful pretty face showed a slightly saucy expression, "You usually travel, you take the satellite flight. Can you eat well on the satellite? No, I will change the base of the hot pot and continue to brush it? "

It's really worthy of the fox spirit. In a word, it exudes a fascinating and charming light. Even Wang Yan, who has stepped into the S class, couldn't help but sway his mind, slightly fascinated.

"Okay, okay." When it comes to this, Wang Yan is naturally not easy to refuse.

Ling Hu Yao Jue smiled charmingly, her face was full of happiness, and she kindly prepared hot pot cuisine.

After she walked away, Wang Yan seemed to be refreshed. No, this is clearly his home. Why does it seem to be occupied by birds?

At this moment, Sun Youmiao shouted: "Uncle, put the bath water."

When Wang Yan went to take a bath, Sun Youmiao shouted outside again: "Uncle, do you want to wipe your back?"

What the hell!

Wang Yan sweated a little, what are the big and small beauties, what are they doing? Is it possible that, with Linghu Yaojue's ability, the two have reached an offensive and defensive alliance?

After Yan Ci rejected Sun Youmiao, Wang Yan took a bath with a trembling shock. After that, Linghu Yaojue had prepared all kinds of ingredients with virtue, changed the fresh pot base, and poured some small wine for Wang Yan.

At dinner, Wang Yan was a bit restrained, deliberately pulling the topic and talking about some things after a business trip.

Linghu Yaojue glanced at Wang Yan lightly and said, "Xiao Yan, let's talk about the work of the unit. At home, we still narrate the family, let's eat well."

"That is, uncle don't work and work all day." Sun Youmiao also grinned slightly, "You have been on a business trip for almost a month, and you don't know to call home."

"This, I was injured a little before, and has been recuperating to heal." Wang Yan told the truth.

"Ah? Uncle, are you injured?" Sun Youmiao said worriedly and nervously, and the feeling of concern overflowed. "Uncle, how are you doing now?"

In fact, Sun Youmiao's affection for Wang Yan is very deep. After her father died at the beginning, the first contact was with Wang Yan, and he has been living with him ever since.

She is more dependent on Wang Yan than she is on her mother.

"It's okay, I'm still blessed by misfortune, and I've been promoted to S rank successfully." Wang Yan said warmly, stroking her head gently, "Don't worry too much."

"S-Class?" Sun Youmiao was taken aback. "Uncle, you are too domineering. I heard the elders say that it is already a genius among geniuses to be promoted to S-Class in their 30s."

Linghu Yaojue did not respond much. Obviously she had learned about this through other channels. Just a gentle smile and said: "Xiao Yan, congratulations. At such a young age, you have achieved the first level of land fairy. The future is unlimited."

The three of them ate together, talked, and ended the dinner happily.

Wang Yan returned to his familiar home, and his mind suddenly relaxed. To be honest, wandering outside is not as comfortable as home.

Although his room is not large, it is clean and tidy, and the plants are lush.

During this period of absence, Wang Yan's plants were taken care of by Sun Xiaomiao. She is both a plant superpower and a little Druid leader of the "Grace of Life". Her ability to control plants has reached an unparalleled level.

Under her light, Wang Yan's green vines, one red and one white peony are flourishing, and their vitality is extremely strong.

As soon as they sensed the appearance of Wang Yan's master, they shivered with excitement, and the green vines swayed, stretching their roots to Wang Yan.

The two peonies, even without wind, moved towards Wang Yan at an angle. They are already full of spirituality. After a lot of time, they have already entered the stage of spiritual planting. The flowers are blooming and flourishing, and they never fade.

Wang Yan also likes them quite, and is pleasing to the eye and refreshing. With them in this room, the air is conditioned and clean, without any dust. The oxygen molecules are extremely abundant, and every breath is full of comfort.

Reaching out, I touched the green dill and the two peonies, and instilled some pure Yang Qi into them. At this time, Wang Yan's strength has reached the S level, and the level of Chunyang Zhenqi is already very high.

After absorbing Wang Yan's pure Yang qi, they were more "joying and leaping", pleasing Wang Yan in various ways that belong to plants.

Wang Yan sat down cross-legged in this way, and began to practice the pure Yang Divine Skills.

He belongs to the newly promoted S-level and is in the stage of slowly accumulating and consolidating the rush, and daily practice is a must.

The night passed quietly.

There is no bridge section where Wang Yan imagined the beauty struck at night. This made him wonder if he should be lucky or should be disappointed.

After getting up, Linghu Yaojue had already prepared breakfast and went to the unit one step ahead. Sun Youmiao has already gone to school.

Wang Yan stole his life for half a day, leisurely brushing the news and eating breakfast, and when he arrived at the unit, it was already more than ten in the morning.

When Wang Yan arrived at the unit, he naturally caused a siege from a group of fox friends and dog friends. After playing around, he arrived at Linghu Yaojue's office by more than eleven o'clock.

"Director Linghu, let me report to work." As soon as Wang Yan entered the door, he saw Linghu Yaojue was wearing a smart OL suit and was quickly dealing with various matters.

The two newly promoted female assistants are carefully explaining some work with her.

Linghu Yaojue's aura is very different from the "wife and mother" type last night, as if they were completely different people. Such obvious changes in temperament made Wang Yan take it seriously.

Before coming to report work in Linghu Yaojue's office, Wang Yan had a brief exchange with his brothers. While temporarily not promoting his promotion to S-level intelligence, he also heard them complaining in private.

The style of the new director Linghu Yaojue is completely opposite to that of Director Feng. Director Feng is focused on governance by doing nothing, and the whole bureau is relatively scattered.

Linghu Yaojue, however, is resolute and popular, with clear rewards and punishments. A positive attitude to work and excellent accomplishment of tasks are naturally compliments.

But if it is someone who steals and swindles and neglects his duties, it is bad luck. Less than a month after she took office, she had fired fifteen people, and three of them neglected their duties and violated the rules. She was suppressed to demon prison.

Now, the entire East China Branch has changed the old style of doing things casually and entered the stage of efficient operation. Some backlogged tasks were quickly swept away.

"Comrade Wang Yan, you sit down for a moment." Linghu Yaojue didn't raise his head. After saying a word, he quickly entered the working state.

I have to admit that her serious work looks really different, just like the legendary domineering female president.

After a long while, after the two assistants left as if relieved, Linghu Yaojue got up and made a cup of coffee for Wang Yan: "Comrade Wang Yan, this time the Star Academy is on a business trip, you have worked hard."

"Fortunately, okay." Wang Yan took a sip of coffee and began to report to work.

Reporting together, Linghu Yaojue's face was very calm. She pondered for a long while and said: "The matter of the Black Death Demon Lord involves the Guangming Holy See. Before the Guangming Holy See asked us, our National African Affairs Bureau was not suitable to intervene. At this time. You have worked hard during this time, you have a good rest for a few days, and then enter the next stage of work. "

After a pause, Linghu Yaojue said again: "You completed the task this time, I will classify this task as S-level, and reach an excellent evaluation. Do you have any comments on this?"

"No opinion, it's fine." Wang Yan nodded with a smile.

Linghu Yaojue is very strict in his work, but unambiguous in his rewards. In this way, tens of thousands of merits are credited.

"By the way, you have to build a two-way transmission array. This is a very expensive project." Linghu Yaojue asked again, "Do I need to use merit points to exchange the remaining materials?"

"The merit value is more precious. I have more cash on hand. I still go to the black market to exchange some materials." Wang Yan said, "It is more appropriate to exchange the unit for the remaining surplus."

"That's fine, the resources in the internal treasury of the National African Affairs Bureau are not very rich." Linghu Yaojue nodded and agreed, "So, I will arrange an assistant for you to purchase resources and handle miscellaneous matters. Assistants. Your main task is still to consolidate your personal strength and prepare for the establishment of the college. "

After some discussion, the two quickly settled some things.

Linghu Yaojue looked at his watch and said, "It's not too early. My older sister called and told you to go to her house with me for a meal to celebrate your promotion to S-class."

The master lady asked, Wang Yan was naturally afraid to take Joe. He left the unit with Linghu Yaojue, and drove all the way to the luxury villa area of ​​the master's family.

In fact, with Wang Yan's current strength, when going forward at full speed, it takes less than ten minutes to go to the home of the sister-in-law. But when Wang Yan lives in Huahai City, he prefers to stay close to the earth. Only in this way can he truly integrate into life, and he will not lose his nature as he grows stronger.

"Squeak ~"

Wang Yan stopped the car.

The master lady was already waiting outside the door. I saw that Linghu Yaojue looked like a young girl. She threw herself over and embraced the master lady Linghu Yaofei. You do n’t even know to come and see me. "

The two beautiful women hugged together, and that kind of beauty made Wang Yan couldn't help but dazzled.

Especially for the child gesture of Linghu Yaojue, Wang Yan saw it for the first time.

A good wife and a good mother, a domineering and cool president, and a childish attitude, I don't know which one is really her. It's really a vixen, and it's always changing.


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