The Domestic Hero

Chapter 940: Sister, do n’t ~ (4000

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"You, how old are you, and are you so sticky?" The master lady Linghu Yaofei stroked her sister's back pettingly, her eyes full of love.

Linghu Yaojue was six or seven hundred years younger than the master maid. When the master maid became a demon king, when she was in a row, Linghu Yaojue was still in her infancy.

It is the huge age difference that makes the master lady spoil the younger sister, almost raising her as a daughter.

Linghu Yaojue glanced at Wang Yan secretly, seeming to be a little shy, and hurriedly broke free from his sister's arms, then greeted the middle-aged man who walked out, saying, "Good brother-in-law."

"Huh, isn't this Yao Jue?" Uncle Gun came over with a smile on his face, and opened his hands to hug, "I haven't seen you for a long time, I haven't seen you for a long time. You have been in Huahai City for so long, you don't know if you want to come and see sister……"

Before Uncle Pao embraced the younger sister, she was dragged back by the master lady's ear and sneered and sneered: "Are you surnamed Cao, are you an old lady dead? Dare to try to eat Yaojue's tofu, don't Blame the old lady who castrated you. "

"Yo yo, lightly. My wife, how dare I eat Yao Jue's tofu? It's just a long time since I saw it. I can't help it, but I can't help it. Yao Jue and Xiao Yan are here. Give some face, give some face."

"Give you face, who will give me face?" The master lady smiled coldly, "Also, you didn't see the baby apprentice Xiao Yan coming? Hurry up and cook for me."

"Yes, yes, just go for the husband, this will go." In front of the master lady, Uncle Cannon had almost no dignity at all, and nodded and bowed back to the villa, and went to the kitchen.

"Sister-in-law, this is a gift for you." Wang Yan took out several beautiful spars from the flame-forbidden land and gave it to the master-girl.

Then he said, "I'll go to the kitchen to help Uncle Gun." Then he ran away.

Just kidding, Master Niang now looks very violent, so Wang Yan doesn't want to be affected by pond fish. After running into the kitchen, he said to him uncle, "Uncle Cannon, when can we stand up like a man? You always have a bad influence on my girlfriend like this."

"You come to kill the fish." Uncle Gun threw a giant tuna from the storage bracelet for Wang Yan, then leaned handsomely against the refrigerator and smoked. He said shamelessly, "You little Age, what do you know? Do you think I am really afraid of my wife? This is the highest state of my wife in legend. You do n’t know, how much does your mother love to be a teacher? "

Shameless about the uncle ’s patience, Wang Yan only had to say “Oh,” he did n’t want to listen to his bragging. He shifted the topic and said, “Uncle Cannon, your bluefin tuna is good. I ’m afraid it ’s over three hundred kilograms. ? "

Bluefin tuna can grow up to more than 400 kilograms, but because the number is extremely rare, now one or two hundred kilograms are rare.

However, for the semi-god-level strongman like Uncle Gun, as long as there are creatures on the earth, they can easily be caught if they want to catch them.

"Yao Jue likes to eat fish and seafood. I took the time to catch it in the morning. You have to deal with it and there are some other seafood to cook." Uncle Cannon smoked leisurely and threw all his work to him Wang Yan, "But speaking of it, your kid really has the ability. How old is this, and he has already practiced to the S level."

Speaking of this, Uncle Gun was a little sighed, but he was only thirty years old to practice to the S level. The wicked terrier who hadn't reached the S level and could not be XXOO almost drove him crazy.

I was thinking of letting the apprentice experience his own pain, and by the way, increase his motivation to practice. But I did not expect that this kid rushed to the S level in just a few years.

What makes Uncle Cannon even more speechless is that in the situation where XXOO is impossible, he has a slapstick. No, to be precise, all the girls are licking him.

This gave Uncle Gun the idea that everyone is human, why the gap is so big.

"Oh, fluke, fluke." Wang Yan raised and lowered his hand, handling the 300-kilogram bluefin tuna. The best part of the sirloin is used for sashimi, and a few fat parts are cut, and when you roast it, it is tender and tender. Sprinkle with salt and spices, immediately fragrant.

As for the remaining 70% to 80% tuna, Wang Yan was unkindly included in the bag and went back to eat slowly.

Then, Wang Yan endured all kinds of bragging of Uncle Gun, made some garlic scallops, steamed big lobsters and the like.

Because his technique is very fast, and his ability to control Wang Yan has reached the point where it is dominated by flames, not only is it extremely fast, but also the fire is in place.

Soon, Wang Yan and four others gathered around the table and started to eat.

"It's still Xiao Yan's credibility." When the master lady looked at the cooking style, she knew it was Wang Yan's credit, and she glanced at Uncle Gun fiercely.

"Sister-in-law, these are what I should do as an apprentice." Wang Yan said modestly, "Uncle Gun gave me a lot of guidance on the side."

In fact, Wang Yan is just listening to Uncle Gun.

"Yao Fei, you listen. Without my guidance, how can Xiao Yan make such a good dish?" Uncle Cannon said shamelessly and took out a bottle of white wine. He said with a smile on his face, " Xiao Yan was promoted to S rank, I am very happy to be a master. Or, my wife, will you ban me today? Let us two have a drink? "

In that way, for the sake of two drinks, he smiled and squeezed his brows together. Dangdang demigods are strong enough to fight for a drink.

Wang Yan heard that because the last time Uncle Pao and Pope Guangming drank a big scene, the master lady directly banned him from drinking.

The master girl said with cold eyes, "Uncle Cao, remember what you promised me? Don't say I don't give you a face, you know what a virtue you drink too much?"

Uncle Pao's face collapsed suddenly, and he started to frown at Wang Yan.

Okay, it's time for my apprentice.

Wang Yan secretly reluctantly squeezed out a smile and said, "Sister-in-law, our family has a rare meeting together today. You might as well put a ban on Uncle Pao to make him happy."

Linghu Yaojue heard the words and persuaded him: "Sister and brother-in-law weren't intentional last time. Otherwise, let him be banned."

The master lady ’s face was a little slow, and she nodded and said, “Since Xiao Yan and Yao Jue both spoke, then I ’ll ban you. If you dare to drink and be messy, do n’t blame me forbidding you for a lifetime. The two will be happy. "

"Thank you, my wife." Uncle Cannon nodded and thanked him with a waist. It looked like a traitor when he met Taijun. Farting opened the wine fartly, filling himself and Wang Yan.

With a drop of cold sweat, Wang Yan had to accompany Uncle Gun to drink.

As for the master lady and Linghu Yaojue, they also took out a few bottles of fine red wine and tasted it slowly. The red wine has the effect of beauty and beauty, and it is good for women to drink a little.

After a few minutes, the atmosphere began to warm up. Especially Uncle Gun, with two glasses of white wine under his stomach, he was already patting his chest and blowing up the leather when he was reluctant to use his divine power: "Baby apprentice, I heard that you are on a business trip to the Starry Academy this time The remnant party of the dead old demon? I'm huh, just rely on those remnants to dare to coax with my pure Yang pulse? You can rest assured that the black dead old demon dare to arrogantly slap him for the teacher. "

"Old things, you will die if you blow it away?" The master lady rolled her eyes angrily. "The Black Devil Lord has cruelly cruelty to the European world for hundreds of years, but it is not a simple thing. Now it is resurgent, and it is definitely not so easy to deal with. Yes, please do n’t bother Xiaoyan. ”

"Sister-in-law, you can rest assured, I know the importance." Wang Yan said humbly, "Director Linghu has reminded me that this matter does not need me to continue to intervene."

"Sister, I am also worried that if Wang Yan continues to target the Black Death Demon Venerable, I am afraid that he will retaliate." Linghu Yaojue said slightly worried, "Black Death Demon Venerable is good at creating large-scale plague, and the means are extremely cruel and spicy."

"Xiao Yan, don't worry, don't you just kill the old demon with a dogleg?" The master said majesticly. "If the old demon swallowed the air, if it doesn't die and wants to trouble you, the lady will calm him down for you. , Teach him how to be a man with his tail. "

"It's still domineering maid!" Wang Yan smiled, and respectfully respected the maid with a glass of wine. "But don't worry too much about maid, the Dark Demon Venerable is dead or alive now. I don't know if he survives. ? You know, it ’s not the ignorant European Middle Ages now. "

The uncle Cannon on the side felt a little wronged. Why did he say that he wanted to shoot the Black Death Demon Venerable, so he was called a cowhide.

Fortunately, Wang Yan is also an exquisite generation, and thanked Uncle Gun again. To be honest, Wang Yan's affection for Uncle Gun is still very deep.

If it were not for him, how could Wang Yan come to this step today?

Wang Yan four people, eating and drinking, and soon passed the third tour. Because drinking with Uncle Pao and the maid of honor, Wang Yan could not secretly use pure Yang Qi to disperse alcohol. It would be too rude to do so.

As a result, Wang Yan has been drunk a little or two.

"Xiao Yan drank almost." The master lady's eyes glanced at a hint of scheming smile. "Yao Jue, you helped him upstairs to take a break. My brother-in-law and I will clean up the mess."

Linghu Yaojue had two or three bottles of red wine under his belly, which was also slightly hazy. Hearing the words, a flash of blush appeared on his face. Even shy, and hesitantly glanced at the master lady.

The master's mother squinted, and gave her a hard look.

Linghu Yaojue blushed and bited his teeth, stretched his jade arm and supported Wang Yan, the voice was full of indescribable charm: "Xiao Yan, you are drunk, I will help you to rest a bit."

The voice seemed to flow into Wang Yan's heart like a trace of electric current, quietly flicking his heartstrings.

I don't know if it was alcohol or something else, Wang Yan felt a sudden crispness all over his body, feeling like he was floating. Halfway through, he followed Linghu Yaojue upstairs.

Linghu Yaojue blushed and helped Wang Yan into a luxuriously decorated, never used new room. At her fingertips, an invisible wave passed by, covering the entire room.

at the same time.

Uncle Pao and Master Niang were hiding in the room, but they looked at this scene cheerfully through a special mirror: "I knew that Yao Jue would lay down the isolation method, so I put a projection mirror in the room in advance. Inside, whether it's the sound or the picture, it's all exposed. "

The master lady Linghu Yaofei whitely shot Uncle Cannon: "Just because you are a traitor, do you know that it's tedious?"

"My wife, you misunderstood me." Uncle Pao said righteously, "I'm not for Yao Jue too? Although she is a fox spirit, she is naturally charming, but the feelings are too blank. In case something happens. , We can find another way to help her. "

Linghu Yaofei was a little hesitant, although she didn't think Wang Yan had the ability to unlock the cheering potion she had personally prepared. But his own baby apprentice, but the existence of repeated miracles, maybe it really happened?

"I'll say it first. If Yao Jue succeeds, we will immediately shut down the monitoring." Linghu Yaofei said firmly.

"Wife, don't worry, Cao Jinglue is not bored to see the bed of the apprentice and the younger sister ~" Uncle Cannon said firmly, but his eyes said cheerfully, "I have to admit, my wife, you One trick is really powerful. Xiao Yan is a responsible man. Once he cooks rice and cooks mature rice, he will definitely not deny it later. "

Linghu Yaofei was mixed, sighing and said: "Actually, I know that Xiao Yan is a responsible man, so I have no choice but to use this method. If you don't use this method, Yao Jue may have trouble in this life. Xiao Yan cultivated a positive result. "

"Wife, look at it, Yao Jue is moving. Hu Mei Da ~ Fa, Gee, really worthy of the pure blood of the Sky Fox descendants." Uncle Cannon praised and said, "Look at this charm fluctuation, even Xiao Yan It ’s Liu Xiahui ’s rebirth, and it ’s hard to escape. ”

at the same time.

Some drunk, but still rational and sober Wang Yan, only feels that his heart is burning, and the desires that are still in his heart are inexplicably stirred up like a spring.

The situation is not right, how can your willpower become so weak?

Just as he meditated on the mantra and was about to dispel the hardship, a wave of invisible waves enveloped him. In his eyes, the image of Linghu Yaojue dressed in OL suddenly changed.

"Well? This is a nurse outfit !?" Wang Yan shuddered, and his consciousness became blurred, didn't he? Was it dazzled by yourself, or ...?

Poor Wang Yan never imagined that he had hit the Uncle Cannon and the Master Maid, and the fatal waters did not flow out of the field.

"Ah? Here, this is a rabbit costume."

In front of Wang Yan, the appearances and images that were once stored in the hard disk are presented one by one. For a time, those figures and Linghu Yaojue's face overlapped.

Unconsciously, the two were already touching.

Suddenly, Wang Yan snapped his tongue sharply and screamed miserably: "Sister, don't want me. I, we can't look like this!"

As soon as this remark came out, Uncle Gun and Master Lady who were going to close the mirror in another room were both struck by lightning and stunned.

This, this ~

What is this kid thinking about?


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