The Domestic Hero

Chapter 941: Hata Old Moisture

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Obviously, the special skill of the Tianhu family, Humei Dafa, can reach the level of "enchanting sentient beings" by practicing to the highest level.

But Humei Dafa is not a illusion that can create an entity, but a spiritual illusion. Through spiritual power, through various wonderful hints, the subject can imagine the desire in his heart from his mind.

This kind of mental enchantment illusion can target all kinds of intelligent creatures without distinction, but only human beings. Because each species will be self-substituting and self-imagining.

This spell of charm is slightly similar to the charm of charm.

So the question is coming, what character and scene did Wang Yan imagine in his mind? Only then will there be vigorous shouts, the maid doesn't want that.

Uncle Pao and the master maid made Concubine Fox Yao stunned.

In fact, even Linghu Yaojue was standing on the spot, and was thundered to be out of focus, and the wind was messy. Especially at this time, Wang Yan, with a drunken face, was full of excitement, fear, and a little faint expectation in the blurred eyes.

In an instant, Uncle Gun's face was green. He rolled his sleeves and said fiercely: "I don't care about the deity, this stinky boy, his courage is too fat, and even the mother and daughter dare YY."

"Cao Jinglue, what are you doing?" The master lady Linghu Yaofei said with a squint, "Don't delay Yao Jue's big event. Without Xiao Yan's words, Yao Jue will hardly break through to Jiu Wei's life. "

The Sky Fox family wants to grow nine tails, the difficulty is not general. Indeed, if it is easy, the Jiuwei Tianhu family has long dominated the world.

In fact, since ancient times, there are not many fox spirits that can grow nine tails.

The master lady Linghu Yaojue already has nine tails, and her strength and Shou Yuan have surged to a level. She didn't want her only loved sister to die earlier than herself.

Of course, apart from Wang Yan, there are some other ways. For example, their sisters work together. In other words, direct depravity learns some fox spirits everywhere to make up.

No matter which way it is, the master lady Linghu Yaofei is unwilling to see.

"My wife, haven't you heard Xiao Yan's mind being ridiculously YY?" Uncle Cannon said bitterly, "But you are his wife and sister, which is equal to his mother."

"This is normal." After the initial surprise, Linghu Yaofei turned to calm down. "As a Jiuwei Tianhu, I was naturally enchanted by all beings, and Xiao Yan likes me in my heart. That is normal. Things. Besides, young people nowadays have deep love in their hearts ~ Sister love ~ Mother is much more. I do n’t mind this matter ~ "

"Ah?" Uncle Cannon was hit hard, his face haggard. "But I mind."

"Uncle Gun ~, do you have no confidence in yourself?" Linghu Yaofei looked at him charmingly and said with a smile, "I don't know how many people like me before, I hate to fall down on me Under the pomegranate skirt. I do n’t see you jumping like a thunder, screaming like a tramp on the tail. The only explanation is that Xiao Yan is so good that you have a strong sense of crisis. Alas, middle-aged and elderly men, that ’s not Self-confidence means more things ~ "

Uncle Pao's face was green again, and he dissatisfiedly said, "What is a middle-aged man? I'm Cao Jinglue still young. Also, what's wrong with me? I'm the strongest man on earth, I want When I took the stage, I did n’t know how many girls were rushing into my arms like a wolf. Xiao Yan, hum, I admit that he is good, but I ’m still worse than me. "

"Looking around, vigorously boasting about yourself and degrading others, this is undoubtedly a manifestation of unconfidence." Linghu Yaofei said with a slight curl in her mouth, "Alas, I knew that Xiao Yan would be so good in this world Such a handsome, such a perfect boy. How can I make Princess Linghu Yao wait more than 180 years? Alas, it is really annoying. "

Uncle Cannon felt dizzy and always felt like a greenish trend on his head. It is of course very happy to accept a genius apprentice. However, the apprentice genius has reached the level of going against the sky, but it is also under great pressure.

Although he knew that Linghu Yaofei was joking, Wang Yan's apprentice who was so close to perfection still made Uncle Gun feel a strong sense of oppression.

It was at this time.

Linghu Yaojue was so angry that a bit of dissatisfaction seemed to laugh from her lips.

This time, if her sister kept swaying in front of her, how could she get her heart out and take the initiative to show off the magic of Wang Yan.

However, what she never expected was that Wang Yan did hit the trick, yet all of his sisters appeared in his head.

Is she such a big gap between Linghu Yaojue and her sister? I made Huyao Jue just believe it.

"Hum ~"

Ling Hu Yao Jue Jiao hummed, as if in a quiet cold lake, he dropped a stone, and suddenly stirred up a wave of ripples.

The intangible and qualitative spiritual power enveloped Wang Yan like a cobweb.

An elegant and charming body scent ran into Wang Yan's nasal cavity indiscriminately, reaching the nerve center of him.

"Wang Yan, open your eyes and see, who am I?" Linghu Yaojue's voice was like honey mixed with wine, sweet and intoxicating.

All kinds of wonderful means are enough to make the bones soft and the soul trembling. As long as he is a man, he will submit to her pomegranate skirt.

Linghu Yaojue has lived under the protection of her sister since she was a child, and has never needed to perform this trick against any man. Now for the first time in the exhibition, the unexpected effect is excellent and there is no feeling of stagnation.

This is the talent skill of the Tianhu family, deeply engraved in the blood.

Under her offensive, Wang Yan shuddered, her eyes opened vaguely, and in a hazy sense of consciousness, she saw a charming woman in a fairy skirt stand upright. As if a fairy in the sky had fallen into the world, beauty was impossible.

"What a nice view."

Rao is based on Wang Yan's physique and willpower, and under various endless methods, his will is also ambiguous and his thoughts are extremely unclear.

The body seemed to be driven by the most instinct, pounced on Linghu Yaojue.

"Giggle ~" Linghu Yaojue's voice smiled crisply like a silver bell, and the voice was sweet and crisp. When Liu Yao twisted, he escaped.

The instinct that she couldn't express in her heart was inspiring, and the instinct contained in her bloodline was inspired at this instant. With a smile, they are full of charms like soul-stirring.

at the same time.

Uncle Pao stared at him: "My wife, I didn't expect Yao Jue's instinct to be so powerful. It's not much more than you were."

The potential inspired by Linghu Yaojue's bloodline reminded Uncle Cannon to look at the scene when he met his wife Linghu Yaofei at the beginning of the year.

She was a demon king who had been famous for many years, and her relationship with him was in hostility. The two sides are fighting, and the means are omnipotent.

"Humph, your performance was really haha." The master lady Linghu Yao Fei hugged her hands, her beautiful eyes whispered softly, "I just use some small means, I will be fascinated by you, I do n’t know anything.

Speaking of this, Rao Yi Pao's now thick skin is slightly hot. When he first met Princess Linghu Yaofei at that time, he was still a young stunned young man. In the spirit of demons and demons, he killed a monster general under the seven-tailed fox king.

As a result, Linghu Yaofei was naturally provoked.

Had it not been for Han Hongbo and a group of predecessors who were desperate to save them, they said that Uncle Cannon would become the first ever pure Yang heir who was squeezed and dried pure yang blood by foxes.

"This, haha. You're too good to be a wife, and you'll be a fan of Fagan." Uncle Cannon smirked in disguise.

"Let me put less gold on my face." The concubine Linghu Yaofei whispered and said, "It's not that I'm too powerful, but that you were too weak in the past, and the whole one looks like a young man who has never seen the world. Casually Use the charm technique, it will make you soulful, bones crisp. "

Uncle Pao touched his nose, with a hard face, and unconvincedly argued: "Every hero who saves the world has a history of secondary two. Looking at Xiao Yan, it seems that it is no better than me. Yao Jue casually used the next method, you look at him, even the soul is gone. "

"Huh! Isn't it right?"

The master lady Linghu Yaofei raised her hand to stop Uncle Gun, her pretty eyes stared at the mirror, and Liu Mei frowned.


"You, you, you are Mr. Bodo ..." Wang Yan said confusedly, with a look of drool on his handsome face.


Awakened the talent of bloodline, the first time I played such a hilarious Linghu Yaojue, who is Bodo? Could it be the goddess in this guy's mind?

"Hee hee, you guessed it wrong, people aren't Bordo ..." Linghu Yaojue's beautiful eyes fluctuated in autumn water, seeming to sneer and sneer.

"Impossible, you must be Teacher Poto." Wang Yan stumbled, but his tone was unprecedentedly firm, and his voice was obsessed. "Podo is old and wet, don't hide me. Look at your charming eyes and slender beautiful legs. Every part, I can't cook it anymore. "


Linghu Yaojue's inner turmoil, what is the situation? Is the relationship between Teacher Bodo and Wang Yan so deep? In the information about Wang Yan, this person has never appeared.

"Yeah, I didn't expect me to be dressed like this, do you still recognize me? People are your teacher Bodo, Wang Yan, do you miss me?"

Linghu Yaojue has more wine today, and after the instinctive awakening of the talent in the bloodline, he is in a state of extreme excitement. As soon as the thoughts turned, the heart faltered.

There is a hint of teasing in the charming eyes of Miaobo.

"You really are Boduo wet." Wang Yan's eyes shined and his face was inexplicably surprised. "Podo old wet, I have admired you for many years. I didn't expect that today, I finally saw alive."


Linghu Yaojue fainted, what and what are these? But since she teased Wang Yan's mind, she could only continue to play with the script, and her pretty eyes seemed to be a smile instead of a smile.

In my heart, I was grinding my teeth secretly. Well, you, Wang Yan, usually look at you as a serious man, pretending to be awe-inspiring. It's so unreliable in the background?

This time, you must be exposed, and look back and you dare to pretend to be in front of me again.

At the thought of holding Wang Yan's handle, Linghu Yaojue's heart was uncontrollably excited.

"Not right." Wang Yan said with dull eyes, and said blankly, "Old Boduoshi you usually wear a teacher's outfit, why are you dressed as a fairy today? Are you pretending to be Bodo Weishi to deceive me?" "

Teacher outfit?

Linghu Yaojue was slightly stunned, could it be that the goddess in his mind was really a teacher?

After biting the silver teeth a little bit, secretly, nothing more, I will take a loss, as long as he can reveal his big secret, make up my mind.

The figure wobbled, and the dress on her body changed from a fairy costume to a mature and stable teacher. She smiled and said: "Just kidding with you just now, you can still recognize me Come? Here, right? "

In order to hook Wang Yan's suit, Linghu Yaojue even used illusion.

The fighting strength of the Sky Fox family is not top, but the talents in charm and magic are excellent.

"Bo Duo is wet, I want to die you." Wang Yan's face was dull, and his eyes were excited, and hesitated a bit. "However, it's still a bit wrong."

Linghu Yaojue's expression was stagnant, wasn't it right? What the **** are you going to do, boy? But for the final plan, she still resisted the urge to make a splash. Her voice said softly: "Then you tell me, what's wrong with the teacher? This is a test question specially made by the teacher to test you."

"The skirt is too long, even covering your knees." Wang Yan's eyes lighted up, and he began to guide him honestly and unkindly.

"Then I will be shorter."

"It's too long."

"Then I'll be short ..." Linghu Yaojue suddenly looked back, and his pretty face was a little chilly. No matter how short, even the skirt was gone. She made up her mind that if she dared to make her short again, she immediately turned away from her.

"It's almost." Wang Yan's face flushed with excitement, dragging his chin around her, "The stockings should be black, and the heels should be a little higher. Well, your coat is too loose, so tight, open Two buttons, yes, that's it, and the shirt needs to be changed to white. Well, the spectacle frame, the black border is all right, yes. Don't smile so charmingly, be a teacher, be dignified as a teacher. "

For the sake of the plan, Linghu Yaojue followed suit. Soon, her image has completely changed. The whole body is full of fatal temptation.

"Podo is old and wet." When Linghu Yaojue was about to collapse and turned his face, Wang Yan shouted excitedly and gave a trembling shout.

Hush ~

Finally, Linghu Yaojue felt a sense of collapse. At the same time, my mind was full of excitement. You are Wang Yan. Next, let me know how to teach me Linghu Yaojue.

at the same time.

Uncle Cannon ’s eyes staring at the mirror were straight, and he swallowed and said, “I have to admit that Xiao Yan ’s stinky boy is still very tasteful. However, the name of Bo Duo Wet is so familiar. ... ah? That seems to be ... "


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