The Domestic Hero

Chapter 951: Come here! Ice Queen

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In the last six months, sister Nan Lian was very busy and was said to be handling a large task. As for the task, sister Nan Lian did not elaborate, and Wang Yan did not ask much.

There are a lot of things happening every day in this world's seven billion people. The world is not going around Wang Yan, he naturally cannot participate in everything.

Whether it is Wuya Ange or Huangfu Nanlian, everyone is a nominal boyfriend and girlfriend. But each is an independent person and has his own personality.

Unlike the young man who just fell in love, non-scoring minutes and seconds are sticking together.

In fact, this is also true of Sister An Ge. She often performs certain tasks alone, and often teams with people other than Wang Yan to perform tasks. Each other is independent and respects each other.

Only this time, when Wang Yan saw Sister Nan Lian, she still felt a little guilty.

Without it, just because of this time, except for work, most of the time was tired of being with An Ge. Usually only occasionally make a phone call with her, and even more embarrassed to mention what happened between herself and Sister An Ge on the phone.

She didn't communicate with herself in advance, did she already know about herself and Sister An Ge?

For a time, Wang Yan felt a little uneasy. Some children stole the candy and were disturbed by the adults.

Nan Lian is a mature and stable woman. From her beautiful and pretty face, she can't see any wrong with her expression.

While Wang Yan was slightly upset, the rest of the students were stunned.

Why is it a beautiful goddess perfect to almost flawless?

This goddess has a slender and perfect figure, picturesque, and her temperament is like a fairy, like a fairy coming down from the sky.

Her temperament is completely different from Wuya Ange. She is very glamorous and cold, like a lotus in the water. One flirtatious, one charming as a demon. Her temperament made people feel inferiority unconsciously.

Many boys almost stopped breathing and looked dumbfounded.

It turns out that there are really beautiful women like immortals in the world. Those so-called superstars are a world apart from her.

Seeing a charming queen-like Uya Ange, all the boys felt incredible. But the presence of a woman who was not inferior to Uya Ange was really drunk.

When the male students were shocked, they were full of excitement. The female students, however, cherished envy, jealousy and hatred unconsciously. Everyone is a girl. Why did the teacher Wu Ya Ange and this woman look so perfect?

Going to school in such a place is too much pressure as a girl.

This super academy should be renamed the Goddess Academy. Just come out casually, all of them are real goddess-level characters.

In fact, the students are ignorant.

Women like Wuya Ange and Huangfu Nanlian, even in the world of superpowers, also belong to top-notch appearances. There are very few women comparable to them.

Tianzi itself is already excellent, and then in the evolution of life. Constantly strengthening the body and soul and transforming at the genetic level makes them more and more perfect.

Moreover, the two women are constantly practicing and evolving, and their life levels have reached the level of a half-step S level. They are no longer comparable to the ordinary people's life levels.

Those with low strength will be weak at the psychological level as soon as they meet.

"Giggle, Nanlian, don't you inform us when you come back?" Wu Ya Ange suddenly saw Nanlian, and he felt a little sudden. But this feeling was only a flash, but instead he smiled charmingly, "I'm also good to pick you up, I didn't expect you to come to school."

Nan Lian glanced at her lightly, and Feng Danyun smiled softly: "I know you are busy, so I won't bother you. I heard that the college has been built, and the task at hand is just over. student."

Teaching students?

As soon as this remark came out, the male students were all excited. In this way, this woman who looks like a fairy is really a teacher of the college?

Happiness is really too happy.

However, inside and outside, I feel that the two teachers seem to be somewhat contradictory.

What contradiction can such two beautiful teachers have?

It is a pity that even if these students are given more imagination, they can't imagine the reason why these two teachers have some gunpowder smell, even for a man.

If they are known, I am afraid they will really break their hearts.

Without any further explanation, Nanlian's eyes swept the students, and his words were light: "Good classmates, I am your teacher Huangfu Nanlian. If you want to take the ice talents, you can always Come to me. "

Wow wow ~

Many male students cried in excitement. The Huangfu teacher looked cold and ice-like, but he talked unexpectedly.

"Aoao ~ Teacher, I want to learn the ice department."

"Teacher Huangfu, if you want me to learn, I will learn."

"As long as I can become a student of Huangfu's teacher, I will be willing to let me be a dog."

One by one, the male students shouted in excitement, and asked to worship Huangfu Nanlian as a teacher.

"Oh, it's not easy to be my student." Huangfu Nanlian smiled faintly, her fingertips out of thin air, and suddenly an extremely cold sense enveloped the audience.

The surrounding air freezes instantly, and the surrounding water vapor condenses into a mass, condensing into crystal-clear snowflakes. Those snowflakes seemed to be affected by an invisible force, and slowly circulated.

In an instant, within a few hundred meters of the entire area, ice crystal snowflakes rolled and the cold was pressing. The lush green trees were quickly covered with a layer of hoarfrost at the speed visible to the naked eye.

It turned out that this vibrant world turned into a crystal clear scenery of the Northland in just a few seconds.

"His ~"

Many students sizzled and froze, and their eyes were shocked and frightened.

This, this, this is too exaggerated.

This goddess-like teacher casually pointed a finger and turned a large area into a snow-covered scene. The wind and the snow, like a bone knife, blew on the body.

Wang Yan aside, his eyes lit up.

Sister Nan Lian's control of the ice law in such a light and weight way shows that one year after the Youth Conference, the half-step S-level repair has not only been fully consolidated, but her understanding of the law has become more unpredictable.

It seems that she has not been idle this year, and her progress has been huge. Even if she is allowed to play against some of the old half-step S-level powerhouses now, she will not let it go too far.

"There is only one condition for wanting to be my student." Nan Lian said indifferently. "That is in my ice formation, staying for ten minutes."

ten minutes?

Some students were full of confidence and immediately patted their chests to indicate that there was no problem. Teacher Nan Lian's ice formation is magical and very cold, but holding on for ten minutes is a trivial matter.

With the physique of many students, let alone ten minutes, even twenty minutes, one hour is not a problem.

It is a pity that those students have too little knowledge, they don't understand the power and horror of the Queen of Ice at all.

With the combat power these students have temporarily, let alone Huangfu Nanlian, a half-step S-class strong man. Even if you come to a B-level strongman, you can sweep the whole audience and hang everyone.

Nan Lian just smiled and didn't say anything.

After the law of her ice was unfolded, the temperature within a few hundred meters was falling at a slow rate. After just one minute, some students with weak constitution shouted no more, no more.

After they shouted, the next moment, they were swept out of the ice formation by an invisible force.

After three minutes, half of them had already quit.

After five minutes, only three were able to persevere. These three physiques and superpowers are all biased towards ice attributes.

By eight minutes, the low temperature in this frost formation had reached a terrifying level. The wind and snow were blowing on people, as if they could wipe away human flesh and soul.

At this time, only a humble girl is still insisting, and she is not a key student selected by Wang Yan himself. She can persist until this time, all she can rely on is some ice talents, plus a bit of tenacity.

Previously, Wang Yan didn't pay much attention to her, but with her excellent memory, she barely remembered that she should be a girl with more ordinary frost and ice talent, but did not expect that she could stick to this level with tenacity.

Ten minutes passed and eleven minutes passed.

After twelve minutes, the girl lost consciousness in the Frost Formation. Sister Nan Lian moved her out of the Frost Formation. After rescuing her, she praised: "I did n’t expect you to last for twelve minutes. Your ice talent is average, but because of your strong willpower, your future achievements will not be too low. From now on, you will be my student, and I will lead you all the way in the field of ice . "

"Thank you teacher."

The girl was frozen and grateful.

The rest of the people looked at her with envious eyes. To get the favor of teacher Nan Lian, her future life will be easy.

At the same time, the tutors who really came to pick up the students arrived. They are all employees dispatched by the National African Bureau to organize the operation of the college. Under their arrangement, students should register for the registration, arrange accommodation and arrange accommodation.

But Wang Yan was sent by sister Nan Lian to a small lake.

Beside the beautiful and hidden lake, Wang Yan and Nan Lian stood side by side, enjoying the beautiful scenery and breathing in the fresh air.

After a long time, Nan Lian smiled slightly: "Xiao Yan, life is really fast. We didn't expect this blink of an eye, we have known each other for years. Today I saw these dumb and dumb new students, I remember When you were stunned. "

"Hehe." Wang Yan also smiled and stretched the arm of the ape to hug her into her arms, emotionally said, "Sister Nanlian, you have been working hard to take care of me all these years. I am now an S-class, I want to take care of you lifetime."


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