The Domestic Hero

Chapter 952: Principal Wang, please accept me as a disciple!

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The lake wind Yiyi, blowing the long black hair of Nanlian.

Listening to the gentle and sweet love words, Nan Lian's lips flickered with a smile. "Xiao Yan, you love sounds like this. Has it been said to a lot of people? Is it my turn?" ? "

"Sister Nanlian, what are you talking about?" Wang Yan smiled embarrassedly, and then said seriously, "You are in my mind, but the most perfect goddess. These words, I will only keep to you, I want to marry You are a wife. "

A smile appeared in Nan Lian's eyes: "You still have some conscience. However, if you dare to marry me as my wife now, I'm afraid to become a female enemy. Just, I will talk about this later."

Wang Yan knew that she was refusing to euphemistically, but she was disappointed. But he didn't persuade too much because he knew the character of Sister Nan Lian very well. It may seem gentle, but once things are decided, it is difficult for others to change.

The two broke the topic, but they only talked about Fenghuaxueyue and their recent experiences.

Time passed quickly, more than an hour passed.

For the moment, the two were separated, and Wang Yan went outside the school dormitory. At this time, the students had already visited the college under the guidance of the tutors. They were shocked by the size and facilities of the college.

The entire academy is surrounded by a huge mountain array, which isolates all connections between the outside and the inside. Outsiders, even outside the college, will only see a common mountain forest.

Outside this mountain forest, there is also a modern elite army division stationed under his command. He has the most advanced tanks, armed helicopters, and even rocket artillery and missiles in the country.

In front of such a large-scale and elite army, ordinary A-class strong men want to break through, and the minute will be smashed into scum. Even if the S-level strongmen dare to break through, they are absolutely unhappy.

The development of modern science and technology is becoming stronger and stronger, and the threat to superpowers is also increasing. In particular, the existence of a large-scale killer such as a nuclear bomb has a strong deterrent effect on S-class powerhouses.

The demigod-level strong world destroyer deity several decades ago was severely injured by a nuclear bomb, and was finally suppressed into the eighteenth floor of the demon prison.

Of course, although the pure army is equipped with advanced equipment, its combat capability is very powerful. But for superpowers, the loopholes are also very obvious. If there are superpowers to cooperate in combat, then the combat effectiveness of the two sides is not as simple as one plus one.

This is also the direction of future war.

The war between the earth and the abyssal world is imminent. As the earth and the abyss continue to approach on the four-dimensional level, the three-dimensional space will continue to squeeze, and there will be more and more gaps in the world on both sides.

Although the earth superpowers are powerful, and there are also semi-god-level powerhouses, the number is ultimately too small.

According to the instructions of the Global Disaster Relief Committee, all major theaters of war must promote coordinated operations between modern troops and superpowers, and at the same time, strengthen the military ’s tactical experience in combating superpowers.

At this point, Midi did the best.

As a result, the army stationed outside the academy, which protects the combat power of the academy, also prepares for the future.

Not to mention gossip.

It is only said that outside the dormitory building in the college, the students were shocked by a large row of villas. Each villa is surrounded by flowers and trees, or obstructed by obstacles, and has excellent privacy.

If such a villa is placed in Huahai City, it won't be able to take away if there is one or two hundred million.

This college is too extravagant and too good.

Even Si Kongzhi, who had always been calm, had some shock in his eyes. Along the way, there were too many places that shocked him.

"This dormitory area is for key students." A 40-year-old superpowered mentor who has reached the B level is proud, and said with some envy, "There are only 20 villas in the student dormitory area. . That is to say, the final number of key students will not exceed 20. The remaining students live in those two dormitory buildings. "

The other two dormitory buildings are small high-rises, although the duplex structure, the living area is also very large. But compared with this villa area, it is the difference between the world and the cloud. It turned out that the key students are so huge.

Most students looked at Si Kongzhi and others with envious and jealous eyes.

Say a digression.

The students who had been injured before, under the treatment of Druid, the injury has been mostly improved, and only a few days of rest can continue to live and jump.

"Of course, the treatment of key students is not fixed." The mentor also said, "Our college implements a ranking challenge system. Three challenge opportunities are automatically generated at the end of each month. Each challenge opportunity can challenge the ranking to be lower than its own. Yu's opponents. Once you win, you will get the opponent's ranking directly, and the rest of the students will be postponed by one. If you enter the top 20, you will automatically get the title of key student and move into the villa area. "

As soon as this remark came out, the non-key students were full of passionate fighting spirit, and their eyes also provoked provocatively. Especially the little girl who looks weak and helpless, An An, has received special attention.

No way, who called her the key student who seemed the best to bully?

It's a pity that the students didn't even know at all how terrible the little girl was. Leaving aside the true combat power, if we say that the most dangerous existence among the more than one hundred students, it is none other than this.

Wang Yan is very optimistic about her potential. At a young age, he has such a strong mental power, exquisite computing ability, and terrible mind. Once she takes shape, she is definitely a level of death.

Today, including Wang Yan, there are five key student titles. There are four of them, all of whom Wang Yan personally passed the "interview" and issued the admission notice.

In addition to Zhao Chengtian, An An, and Si Kongzhi, the last one is a low-key spectacle otaku. He looks a little ordinary, even awkward, and his behavior is very low-key. He has been low-key and has been mixed in the ordinary student group. Almost no one has spoken to him.

His name is Zhang Wei, and it is also a very common name. But his ability is not ordinary at all-that is the gift of space.

To be honest, Wang Yan is also the first superpower to meet the talents of space. At present, although he is in control of space, he only stays at simply changing the space structure and creating a fold hideout.

But once such a character is cultivated, it is definitely a big killer against the abyss demons. Because the abyss demon was originally the best at the existence of the law of space.

Wang Yan just learned a lot of space laws from the wings of a pair of abyss demon lords.

A true abyss demon lord must be far superior to Wang Yan in the law of space. They may hide, escape, or raid, which will cause headaches to people on earth.


Except for five people including Wang Yan who stayed in the key student villa area. The ice girl Wang Bing, who was a very ordinary girl, was also selected by the ice queen Nan Lian as a key student, and stayed in the villa area together.

That Wang Bing is a step in the sky, although the treatment of key students can only be maintained for one month. But with the opportunity of one step ahead of the ancestors, and the personal teaching of the Queen of Ice, it was extremely difficult for others to get rid of her in the top 20.

After the villa area is properly allocated, the rest of the students can only live in "grievances" in high-rise apartments. However, most young superpowers have a protagonist mentality. They secretly rush into the top 20 within the next month, and enjoy the villa area.

Wang Yan picked a villa and lived casually. On the first day of his stay, many students visited us. Or ask for care, or secretly pull gangs. Where there are humans, it is natural to form forces of all sizes.

In the Super Academy, it is also inevitable. And it will only be more powerful in internal struggles than ordinary colleges.

This point, Wang Yan had already expected. The purpose of intentionally differentiated treatment is to inspire students to compare and fight with each other. Stimulated by this scenario, students will have more motivation to move forward and upward.

The students living in the apartment buildings all wanted to live in the villa area. The key students who live in the villa area will also have a strong sense of crisis and will not have any slack on themselves.

The first day of school passed by in the turbulence.

The next day.

Si Kongzhi woke up in the clear sunlight, reminded by a smart watch in his hand, and after finishing his personal hygiene, he went to the auditorium in the middle of the school according to the schedule.

Here, the first collective class of the Superpowers Academy will be conducted.

Si Kongzhi stepped on the node of time with great precision to enter the auditorium. In this auditorium, which can accommodate hundreds of students, the seats are distributed in a fan shape. After seeing the power of the Super Academy, where did the students dare to be late on the first day of the course?

The more cautious students arrived in the auditorium half an hour earlier.

Si Kongzhi, who arrived on time, was already the last one. According to the rules, as a key student, he sat in the first row.

"Brother Sikong is early." An An greeted with a polite and well-behaved smile.

"An An early, everyone early." Si Kongzhi also greeted the seat.

"Guys." Zhao Chengtian jumped on the shoulders of Si Kongzhi and said, "I heard that there will be a few strong teachers in class in a few moments. I will come to choose the successors. You must be brave and don't miss this opportunity. . "


Si Kongzhi was unconvinced about this. He held his eyeglass frame, and his heart was calm.

Among the teachers, whether it is Wuya Ange or Nanlian, they are very powerful. But Si Kongzhi knew that the attributes of each other did not match. Principal Wang is most interested in him.

At first, President Wang didn't even show his face, so he completely shocked him. I really want to take a look. What does President Wang look like? It would be better if he could get his personal teaching.

"Dude, don't think about it." Zhao Chengtian patted Si Kongzhi on the shoulder and said, "I know you adore President Wang and want to be his student. But I can tell you clearly that this is impossible. I secretly inquired about it when I was treated by Druid yesterday. Principal Wang is a super strong in the flame department. If you take disciples, it must have developed in the direction of the flame department. You should die. "

Si Kongzhi frowned slightly.

"For the sake of us all being key students, I will give you a reminder." Zhao Chengtian said mysteriously, "I heard that there is a beautiful female sword fairy, and I will come to choose disciples today, if you can get Her favor turned it over. It's a pity that I belong to a flesh-evolving superpower, which really doesn't match the sword fairy. Alas, I think it's a shame to think about it, sword fairy, that's the legendary occupation The big killer. "

Wang Yan glared at the side, didn't see it, this Zhao Chengtian was so capable of gossip, even Gao Mingyue came to know today?

Sword Fairy?

Si Kongzhi was so thrilled that Yu Jian flying was naturally the ultimate dream of every Chinese youth. A sword of light shines on Kyushu, and my generation went by the wind Lingyun, and it was fascinating to think about it.

"Big Brother Tiantian, did you find out what Wang Xiao looks like?" The little girl An An was also very interested, although she was also recruited by President Wang himself. But he has never built the true capacity of President Wang.

"I am a big man, what do I care about what Elder Wang looks like?" Zhao Chengtian said with a careless look. "It is estimated to be a white-haired old man. Without age, how could it be so strong? How to be a principal?" ? "

what! ?

An An's beautiful big eyes are full of disappointment. It turns out that President Wang is a bad old man?

Wang Yan on the side fainted, and the kid Zhao Chengtian dared to defame him so much, really wanted to kick him to Siberia.

Everyone is talking.

A person walked into the door of the auditorium.

It was a bad old man wearing a robe of the Republic of China. Although he was very old, he was described as very dry. But his pace is extremely confident and domineering. A vast and overbearing sense of pressure suddenly enveloped the entire auditorium.

His eyes swept coldly, his dissatisfied cold snorted, and said in the voice of the old yawning bird of prey, "Why are you all in a whisper? All are quiet for this seat!" In the ear of the person, the heart shook slightly.

This seat?

Everyone has read the novel and dare to call it a self-proclaimed character.

Could it be that this lascivious look, no, the majestic old man, is the legendary principal Wang! ?

An An looked at this scene, and tears were about to fall. Woo, the image of President Wang in An An's mind was completely ruined.


Wang Yan also took a breath. Isn't this a corpse? How can this old guy run into the fun? Wang Yan remembers it very clearly. He was never invited to be a teacher.

Because Wang Yan really didn't want some students in the college, carrying the coffin and walking around with the body.

"Principal Wang, please accept me as a disciple." A student, while others were still stunned, rushed out and ran wild towards the corpse man.

Corpse Daoist is also a pupil of the miniature, uh, President Wang? What a stalk! ?


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