The Domestic Hero

Chapter 953: Call the kid named Surrey

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However, do not understand do not understand.

The corpse man will not allow others to rush into himself indiscriminately. A whole body of evil spirits filled him, as if a wall had been erected in front of him.


The student who ran to the teacher was knocked out and flew out, smashing the podium and falling apart, lying on the ground and groaning.


Wang Yan's eyes narrowed, looking at the breath of the corpse Taoist, as if he had been repaired into a great advance, he had already broken through to A level. Unexpectedly, I didn't expect that the corpse man is so old that he can still perceive the law and get promoted to A level.

This makes Wang Yan feel a little admired.

Generally speaking, the more aging your body functions, the lower your chance of promotion. The corpses are not high-cultivated, and have lived for more than 100 years. In theory, the possibility of promotion is already very low.

Of course, there is no direct relationship between age and age. Like Uncle Gun, he is already in his 90s, but his cells are extremely active, that is, in his 30s or 40s.

And he is now a demigod-level cultivation order, in ancient China has been regarded as a **** among the gods, known as heaven. Next, his body's aging rate will be extremely slow, that is, after a hundred years, it will not be much older than it is now, and Shouyuan will increase significantly.

If Uncle Gun can go further and reach the **** level, which is the golden fairy level in Chinese civilization, even if he lives for thousands of years, it is easy.

As for Wang Yan, it is even more remarkable. He has already reached the S grade at a young age. Even if he does not progress in half a step for the next hundred years, he will at most be a middle-aged uncle.

If Wang Yan can go further and become a semi-god level, it will be even more powerful. When he reaches the age of a corpse man, he will certainly be able to maintain his youthful state, and his physical function is at its most vigorous stage.

At this time, Wang Yan was sighed with emotion when he saw the corpse man who had not seen for a long time. When he first met the corpse man, he was still an unpredictable senior, who expected that in just a few years, Wang Yan had already rushed to the sky.

Not to mention gossip.

The corpse man cast a wall of air, and after hitting the student, his eyebrows raised, scolding: "The young man is so reckless, fearing that there is no future, this seat will never accept you as a student. "

"This person is by no means President Wang." Si Kongzhi breathed a sigh of relief. "His breath has a smell of evil and evil, and President Wang's breath is hot and overbearing, which are completely different attributes."

"The baby was scared to death." An An also patted the small chest, fortunately, "If the Wang school grows like this, I have no confidence to continue to stay in the college."

The rest of the students were also whispering and discussing privately who the new old man was.


The corpse man's face was sullen and snarled, demonstrating his profound skill and suppressing the atmosphere again. He looked around and said in a loud voice, "This seat is the contemporary patriarch of Beixuan Xuanzong Sect, entrusted by the Director of Linghu, and came to teach. However, this Zong is a long-established sect. Therefore, if you want to practice the "Nine Nine Profound Corpses ~ Law" of my sect, you have to worship under this sect. "

Wang Yan understood that it turned out that the corpses were here to take the disciples. Think about it too, now that the talents of the Xuan Corpse are dying, and he and Liu Lang are left, but Liu Lang is still in demon prison.

In order to strengthen the mysterious corpse, the corpse Taoist came here to accept the disciples.

The Nine Nine Mysterious Corpse Great Dharma does not necessarily require naturally awakened superpowers to practice. That "classic book" is a very great cheats. Long-term practice can temper the spirit and improve the physique.

But if there are natural awakening superpowers with corresponding attributes, the effect is even better. If the physique itself is negative, and if the mental strength is excellent, the cultivation of the Nine Nine Mysterious Corpses ~ the law will do more with less.

After the corpse man finished speaking, the students were silent and seemed to be thinking.

After a while, only one student stood up and said respectfully: "Teacher, can you give a detailed introduction to the Xuan Zong Zong? In addition, what level of strength does your old man's cultivation ability reach?"

After the students communicated with each other, they were no longer little Bai Ding who knew nothing about the world of superpowers. Apprenticeship is certainly a good thing, but if you apprentice the wrong teacher, you will miss your life.

The Corpse Taoist coughed and said, "This sect has a long history, and it has already sprouted during the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period. When the Qin Emperor pursued longevity, he summoned the priests of the world. But my ancestors invented the corpse refining technique. Then he fleeed to death and escaped. After Qin's death, he came back and established the Xuan Zong Zong line. "

Wow ~

It turns out that the history of Xuan Zong Zong is so long?

Even Wang Yan heard this background story for the first time.

"My sect majors in Nine Nether Mysterious Corpses. In modern vocabulary, it is an S + level cultivation method, which can be practiced up to the S level peak." The old face of the corpse man is full of pride, " In the history of my ancestry, there have been six S-level strongmen, two of which reached S + level. "

S + level exercises? It sounds very tempting, many students are excited.

"Excuse me, how many of the highest-level exercises in the world?" Zhao Chengtian said aloud.

"Supreme?" The corpse stared at him with dissatisfaction, but still answered honestly, "There are four SS-level exercises in the world. There are" The Holy Bible of the Great Light "of the Holy See, and" The Dark Bible "of the Dark Council "," Shiva Tiantu "of the Indian State, and" Pure Yang Divine Skills "of our China. But recently, a new SS-level exercise was born, that is the" Grace of Life "by the ancient Druids. With all SS-level exercises, your chances of being able to practice are very low and very low. It is a great luck to have the opportunity to practice S + -level exercises. "

Wang Yan nodded his head and agreed with the words of the corpses.

There are also some S-level exercises inherited from the ancient times in the China State Administration for National and African Affairs. But if you want to practice S-level exercises, you must pay tens of thousands of merits. If you can be seen by the corpses, and get the inheritance of the "Nine Nine Mysterious Corpses" method, at least tens of thousands of merits have been saved.

Of course, it does not mean that practicing the Nine Nether Profound Corpses ~ Law will definitely advance to the S level, nor does it mean that if you do not practice the skills, you cannot advance. If someone is extremely talented in a certain area, even if they don't have the cultivation skills against the sky, they can be promoted successfully, but they only find out for themselves, which is much more difficult in the end.

The students could not help but feel fascinated when they heard those SS-level exercises. But most people are very sober, and once they heard that Hua Xia Guo had only one "Pure Yang Divinity" called SS, he knew that everyone had no drama.

If you cannot practice SS-level exercises, then S + -level exercises are naturally the first choice. The hearts of many boys have become hot. Nor does it mean that no one cares about "necropsy" or something.

But everyone is a young man in the new era, and online novels and games are much more played. What a Necromancer or something is not unacceptable.

At the same time, the corpse man also took advantage of the situation and propagated: "In addition, the actual combat effectiveness of my sect is very high. Think about it, if it is also A-level, you have three more A-level golden armor corpses than others, and a large number of Corpse puppet army. Who can beat you at the same level? If you can train the Xuanjia Corpse King, it will be even more overbearing, and you will have to take a detour when you see the land god. "

The students were still fooling around, and suddenly the blood was boiling. This is indeed the truth, it means that you are an army, and who has not been arrested and destroyed? Many people ca n’t wait to sign up.

But Wang Yan is a drop of cold sweat, and the corpse teacher has recently learned to brag. That's right, once the Nine Nether Profound Corpses ~ Laws have slipped, they really dominate the same rank. But because of this, this method is extremely difficult to practice. A lot of time and energy, as well as essence and blood, are used to temper the puppets.

The more corpse puppets, the more time and resources are consumed. If you want a corpse puppet army, resource consumption alone is astronomical. And too much focus on foreign objects will seriously slow down your own cultivation progress.

Perhaps the corpses said that it was not a lie that the ancestors had six S-classes, but the cultivation conditions in ancient times were much better than they are now. Secondly, with a history of more than two thousand years, is it glorious to have six S-classes? Only one in three to four hundred years ...

However, the limitations are limited to the limitations, but it is undeniable that the Nine Nine Mysterious Corpses is still very powerful. Wang Yan was also arduous when he was at war with the corpse boy. At last, he even called short-range missiles.

"Come here, please sign up." The corpses began to pretend to say, "This case is a famous one, and the recruitment requirements are strict. Once you miss this village, you will not have this shop."

Instead, more than half of the students were eager to try and started to line up honestly.

The corpses are secretly endless, testing them one by one. After passing the test, two students were selected by him, and the rest returned home. The talents of these two students are very good, and the mental strength is also good, which is a very good seedling. Carefully cultivated, in the future an A-level will not run away.

Just as the corpses were about to announce their entrance wall, a little girl's weak and crunchy voice sounded: "Grandpa, look, can I join the mysterious corpse?"

When the corpse man was just about to swing back the little girl, he couldn't move his eyes, and quickly held the little girl's wrist with his dry hands, and the whole body shivered with excitement: "The body of Xuanyin, born The body of Xuanyin. God, your spirit is so pure and sharp. "

The little girl is naturally one of the key students.

Among the more than 200 young natural awakeners, Wang Yan picked four key students. Naturally, each of them is a talented student. In Wang Yan's expectations, they are all S-level seed players.

Such a small girl An An can be selected, of course, she has a very unique side.

"Good." The corpse pathologist laughed ecstatically. "That's the case. It's time for my mysterious corpse to be happy. Look at the stink boy named Wang, who dare to be in front of the old man. "

Wang Yan was embarrassed, secretly helplessly, Senior Corpse, when did I lie in front of you?


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