The Domestic Hero

Chapter 957: Small scene, let's go first!

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Going to visit and study in the army.

This news instantly spread to more than one hundred students in the college. By the way, in the past month, the college has successively added more than ten students. These are selected from all over the country.

In addition, in the following non-bureau branches of various countries, young and promising newcomers will also be sent to join the Super Academy.

It can be predicted that within the next year, the number of students in the entire college will gradually exceed 300.

The students were very excited when they heard that they were going to visit the army. Especially boys, they are very interested in firearms, tanks and airplanes.

In addition, everyone has been in school for a month. No matter how good the college scenery is, it will inevitably be a bit boring.

Under the guidance of several mentors, the students rode a few buses and drove out of the academy and entered the military camp.

The slogans of the soldiers being trained, the sense of crushing the tank passing by majesticly, and the sound of the propellers circling several armed helicopters in the distance, can't help but make the blood flow.

After the students got off the bus, they took a military vehicle for half a quarter of an hour and entered a huge valley. It was a large open area, and some dense shell pits and some simple construction facilities could be seen on the ground.

Obviously this is a training range.

The heads and brains of the headquarters have already arrived on the high platform for military leaders to visit. They are well-dressed and well-armed. However, in one's heart, I couldn't wait a long time. I wanted to see how the principal Wang lost his helmet and armor under the modern military authority, and lost his face.

I'm afraid that after this time, the principal Wang will have no face to intervene in the army.

Regarding this point, since Xiang Jiande came down, no one had no opinion. There is an "outsider" who knows nothing about military affairs, and what qualifications he has to guide army building.

"Guard, entertain the lovely students and give them a chance to take a good look at how their principal Wang is disgraced." The head of the group Wu Yingqun was in a good mood and waved his hand.

The guard even sent out to entertain the students and arranged more than one hundred students in the temporary auditorium. Also let people in the logistics department, bring some snacks. Even a large screen was placed next to the auditorium in case the theater was too far away for students to see.

"The people in the army are very enthusiastic." Zhao Chengtian snorted cola and ate snacks. "I heard that we will conduct joint exercises with the army in the future. It seems that they have begun to rid us of us in advance."

"Huh." As one of the key students, Si Kongzhi naturally sat at the forefront. He didn't look at the drinks and snacks, but just said lightly, "The guards seem to be enthusiastic, but there is a hint of sarcasm in their mouths. . This time I visited the army, I ’m afraid it ’s the weasel who gave the rooster a New Year ’s greeting.

"Brother Sikong." The little girl An An blinked and said, "We are all students and have no grievances against the army. How can the army embarrass us? Huh? Where did Brother Wang Yan go? Why haven't I seen him? . "

"Lao Wang said that he had a bad stomach in the morning and could not come. He asked for a leave with his tutor." Zhao Chengtian said carelessly, chewing chicken wings, "It's a pity that Lao Wang missed a good opportunity." Great, even if there was a conflict with Wang Yan. But in a short period of time, it was just that the mustache disappeared, saying that the brother and the brother were up.

"Humph!" Zhang Wei, who is also one of the key students, mentioned Wang Yan, his face was somber and embarrassed. That guy is simply Zhang Wei's hit the devil. Not only did he hook up with the goddess An Ge teacher in his mind, he broke his heart.

He even possesses a fighting pet hairy crab with a fighting power, so he and his brothers don't want it. In his feelings, the hairy crab's strength is very scary, and it is very likely to be above An'an's bodyguard bronze war dead.

Everyone is a key student. Why is that guy so lucky? Was the teacher An Ge sneaking into him?

Thinking of this, Zhang Wei's glass heart burst again and again.

It's a pity that Zhang Wei didn't expect it at all. The hairy crab intestinal son, Wang Yan's weakest pet, is currently far from A-level. And even so, hairy crabs tormenting bronze war dead are easy things.

There is a big difference, the gap is too big. Just like Wang Yan, he is now an S-level powerhouse, but he will still be crushed if he encounters a semi-god level.

The students are whispering and whispering.

In the distance, another military off-road vehicle roared.

A few beautiful women with different temperaments jumped from the car.

They are the secretary of President Wang, and the novice students receive Miss Bai Tubai. And two fabulous beauty teachers, Wuya Ange and Huangfu Nanlian. In the college, they basically give students a large class occasionally, and the chance of appearing is not high.

Today, the two daughters appeared together, the first time they both appeared except for the day when the freshmen registered. They are cold, noble, and charming, even if they walk together, they make people feel rippled.

Although the little rabbit sister is also good, but compared to Nanlian and Ange, there is still a slight gap. As a result, she deliberately left a few positions.

"Teacher Huangfu, teacher Wuya."

Xiang Jiande, who already knew the identity of the two women in advance, got up and greeted him personally and smiled: "Welcome the two teachers to come and visit, please sit down." He placed the two women on the leadership seat to show their importance.

The rest of the officers and men were all young adults in their forties. Seeing that the two women were so beautiful, they were also really amazed, and they were extremely rare.

Nan Lian nodded slightly, but did not sit down.

However, An Ge covered his mouth and smiled fascinatingly: "General Xiang doesn't need to be polite anymore. We are in accordance with the instructions of President Wang. We are here to fight outposts and learn from the elite troops."


Several regiment heads and Xiang Jiande were slightly taken aback. They thought they were here for a visit, but unexpectedly, they even played outposts for President Wang.

After being shocked, Xia Chi, the head of the three regiments, frowned and said: "Could the two teachers be joking? Maybe you are superpowers, but you really want to fight on the battlefield by looking at the two of you, Jiadi, I can tell you, All our soldiers are elite selected from the various armies. Our weapons are also the most advanced models. "

"Giggle, let's try chanting." Uya Ange's eyes narrowed slightly, revealing a mysterious smile, "I'm also trying to teach, our elite regular army."

Xia Chi still needs to be persuaded again, but the head of the second regiment, Jian Dingshan, said, "You guys, since the two teachers want to try the power of modern weapons, you might as well try it. The three battalions of our two regiments are elite companies, one step ahead. Let the warriors play with the two of them. I told them to put on rubber bullets to avoid accidental injuries. "

"Rubber bullet?" Now even Nanlian was a little annoyed, and her temperament suddenly became a little colder. "This colonel, I suggest that your third battalion, the whole army be dispatched and armed to the teeth. Otherwise, you It will be ugly. "

"The whole army of the three battalions was dispatched?" Jane Dingshan froze, and immediately became very angry. "Mr. Huangfu, are you telling a joke? Do you know our elite armored battalion station, how strong is the fighting power? Cannonballs and bullets are not With long eyes, who will take care of something? "

"Well, you go out to a battalion and fight with all your guns. If you win, I donate one billion yuan to your unit." Wu Ya Ange said with a smile, "but if you want to lose, later You see us two, to call Granny Nanlian and Granny Ange. "

One billion yuan?

This is a huge sum of astronomical figures, so that Jian Dingshan's pupils dilated in an instant, and his breathing became heavy. But the second half of the conversation kept Jian Dingshan's spirit out of one place. He Jane Dingshan is more than 40 years old, and he called you two "little girls" aunts, what is the system?

"Old Jane, you don't bet on me." Wu Yingqun, the head of the group, hurriedly robbed.

"I'll come, I'll come. I want this one billion." Xia Chi, the head of the three regiments, can't wait. "Our three regiments guarantee good service and satisfy the two teachers."

"Hey, hello, what are you doing?" Jan Dingshan hurriedly stopped them behind, just like the two robbers who robbed the road, shouting and shouting, "I said I don't gamble? The two teachers first I have a fight with me. Teacher Huangfu and Teacher Nan Lian, I will be picked up by someone from Jane. If we lose in the second regiment and the third battalion, I will not only call your aunt and grandma in the future, as long as you have commanded me, I will be at your service. "

In order to prevent Nan Lian and An Ge from repenting, he hurriedly told the correspondent to say, "Hurry up, call me the gang of little babies from Sanying to gather and come to the training range."

After the correspondent took orders,

Jian Dingshan said in a big smile, "The two teachers, you can rest assured, I will let our little bunnies take care of us. But the bullets are blind, you should be more careful yourself."

He didn't want the two beautiful beauties, but was finally bombarded with guns.

"Giggle, I urge you to go all out." Wu Yaan's eyes were white, and he said lightly, "You don't lose it when you get it, and you don't admit it."

Jian Dingshan's face was black, and he said coldly and angrily: "Jianmou wanted to pity Xiangxiyu, but since the two teachers were full of confidence, it was Jane's trouble. For a while, let's see on the battlefield. I prepared to go to the battlefield, and my three battalion soldiers would then arrive. "

"Nan Lian, do you go with me in this game?" Wu Ya Ange asked Nan Lian with a grin instead of arranging Jane Dingshan.

"Such a small scene, let's go." Nanlian's words were faint, and she didn't even put an elite armored battalion in her eyes.

"It's okay, then I'll warm up first in the end." Uya Ange stretched lazily lazily, as if to face, just a group of chickens and dogs.


The generals of the division headquarter have changed suddenly. These two teachers, only one?

A single-headed whole armored battalion?


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