The Domestic Hero

Chapter 958: Aunt An Ge's performance

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What are you kidding?

In this way, even looking at the lively teacher Xiang Jiande's face changed, his voice faintly said: "Little girl, having confidence is a good thing. But it's too arrogant, it's boring. I participated in the self-defense counterattack that year, I also know Overpowered. Although powerful, it is definitely not an opponent of modern weapons. "

Those troops under his command are not ordinary ones, and even if they look at the whole country, they are also the most outstanding. A heavy armored battalion with dozens of tanks, armored vehicles, armed off-road vehicles, several helicopters, and hundreds of elite soldiers.

The fighting power that can erupt in an instant is terrifying.

A regiment of the ordinary army may not be the opponent of those heavy armored battalions.

And this female teacher who looks petite and charming, even wants to be singled out, and also looks very disdainful.

This is provocation, provoking the majesty of the entire army.

"Old man, is Miss Ben confident or arrogant? You don't know if you fought?" Uya Ange pouted and walked towards the battlefield, his voice fluttering. Squad leader only, and what level of superpowers can you see? Miss Ben will show you today, what is the real power. "

Between the sounds, she appeared on the battlefield slowly and slowly.

On the large and wide battlefield, her delicate body appeared extremely small.

"what happened?"

The students whispered and talked in the seat, "How did Teacher An Ge walk into the battlefield alone? Isn't she trying to perform a stunt?"

Soon, the gambling on the leadership seat was passed to the student seat through some channels.


Some students were shocked and angry at once. Teacher An Ge singled out a heavy armored battalion alone? How is this possible, this is too bullying?

However, some people say that this is a request made by Ange teacher himself, maybe Ange teacher can really do it.

"Teacher An Ge is invincible, teacher An Ge is domineering."

Some students who adore Wuya Ange began to slogan and quickly received a positive response. The slogan that sang loudly for Uya Ange was heard throughout the audience, and even mixed with a lot of words that vilified the heavy armored battalion.

Annoying Jiandingshan Qiqiao in the leadership seat: "These dolls are really arrogant. They really believe that teacher, can they single out an elite heavy armored battalion?"

"It is estimated that they are blindly worshipping teachers, or even do not understand the power of the modern army at all." Wu Yingqun said with a smile, "When reality happens, they will understand how ridiculous the blind confidence is."

Between the speeches, a heavy mechanized army in the distance was flying fast, raising high dust.

Their speed is very fast, and their speed is at least 60 kilometers per hour.

It was the two tank companies that started.

Dozens of heavy military green tanks lined up with a giant arrow, and the rumble of the engine shook the sky and the earth were shaking.

Tank cluster charge!

Dozens of tanks, like dozens of ancient behemoths, burst into the battlefield with their teeth spreading their claws, and they were so powerful. Such a battle is more powerful than the thousands of horses charged in ancient times.

The tank cluster is like a warhammer in the hands of the God of War. No matter what it passes, nothing is destroyed or destroyed.

In addition to the tank group, there are dozens of armed off-road chariots roaming, each vehicle, in addition to the driver, is also equipped with a pair of two machine gunners, with a caliber of 12.7 mm, one The bullet hit the person's leg, enough to break the entire leg.

Equipped with armor-piercing shells, it also has the combat capability to penetrate armored vehicles, helicopters and other heavy equipment. The side armor of the tank may not be able to withstand the 12.7 mm armor-piercing shells.

In addition, there are more than 20 armored vehicles, followed by several heavy trucks full of rocket launchers.

The four armed helicopters struggled to stir the propeller blades and circumvented the wings of the battlefield in the shape of an arc. They were like four flying raptors flying across the sky, ready to respond to ground forces.

The heavy truck stopped at a distance, rows of rocket artillery barrels were raised at an oblique angle, and a deadly threat was hidden in the mouth of a "hive" like fireworks. As long as they want, those rocket shells will cover several kilometers, everything will be leveled.

"This and this ..."

Many students are dumbfounded. Is this the heavy armored battalion?

Is this too exaggerated? Dozens of his, four armed helicopters, and rocket artillery vehicles that have been laid out and ready to be supported by firepower.

How can such a terrible combat power be resisted by human flesh and blood?

The students swallowed quietly, the slogan called for Uya Ange, and the voice gradually disappeared.

The students did not expect that a heavy armored battalion was so terrifying. Many people still have the concept of the army, and they still stay in the anti-Japanese war films played on TV. A battalion soldier gathers to charge in the horn.

Such a powerful and terrifying army alone is enough to crush all the obstacles.

In contrast to this, Wuya Ange, who stands alone on the opposite side of the battlefield and has to be seen with a telescope. She was alone, and under the charge of the heavy armored battalion, she seemed extremely small.

It was like a lonely little swallow in the torrential rain.


There was also pride in the sight of Jian Dingshan. This is his army, similar to the heavy armored battalion, he has three. Once the whole regiment was dispatched, that might was overbearing.

What superpower?

Even the gods will be twisted into minced meat in this steel battle.

At the same time, a communication was sent from the command vehicle of the heavy armored battalion commander, requesting instructions from the group.

"Although the other party is more arrogant, it is a young woman comrade after all." Jian Dingshan calmly preached, "Tell her a little lesson to force her to surrender.

"Yes, battalion commander, guarantee to complete the task."

Yi Ying, the commander of the battalion, responded forcefully. In fact, there was a fire in his heart. It is a joke that one of the top heavy armored battalions in the country was sent to deal with a person or a woman.

What about even the legendary superpowers? Even the opponent's copper-headed iron arm will be twisted into pieces under the firepower of the heavy armored battalion.

Under the order of a battalion commander.

The four armed off-road vehicles suddenly accelerated and emerged. On the vast battlefield, their speed soared to more than one hundred yards, and the chariots flew off the ground from time to time.

Four cars, four yellow and yellow dragons rolled up behind the wheels.

In this army, every fighter is an elite one-of-a-kind. On an armed chariot at the beginning, an officer wearing camouflage uniforms sneered with sunglasses: "Brothers are paying attention, our goal is that woman. Let's surrender by shouting!"

The four armed chariots began to circle around a hundred meters from Uya Ange, and at the same time shouted with a loudspeaker: "The woman on the opposite side listens, we order you to surrender immediately. Otherwise, kill it!"


Wuya Ange stretched his waist lazily, and outlined his mouth with extreme femininity, "It's really stupid, if you start with a rocket-covered saturated blow at the beginning, there is a ray of life. Now, hehe, let the old lady die."

As her last word fell, her body flicked and turned into a black mist like a ghost. The black mist was extremely fast, leaving only a faint trace of long and long drag in the air.

Wuya Ange is already good at speed. Once she is at full speed today, the fastest speed is about to touch the speed barrier. Even some S-level superpowers can hardly surpass her in burst speed.

The burst speed is more than two hundred meters per second, what is that concept?

"Drip", the 100-meter run has ended.

The other party was still shouting in the car, she had already rushed to the armed car, and patted the sergeant wearing sunglasses charmingly.

"you you you!"

The sergeant Sunglasses was so shocked that he couldn't imagine the woman suddenly appearing in his car.


She was so shocked that even the three non-commissioned officers including the driver were comatose. After spinning around, the armed tank stopped.

Wuya Ange jumped off the chariot with a beautiful flip, and greeted the other three chariots at a leisurely and enchanting pace.

The relaxed posture is like walking and eating in the back garden.

"How can it be?"

The people on the remaining three tanks were all terrified. In their eyes, the wandering Uya Ange was like a demon who had just come out of hell.

He hurriedly turned the heavy machine gun of 12.7 mm and pulled the trigger violently.

咣 咣 咣!

The heavy machine gun exploded with fierce firepower, and three machine guns exploded with three death-like chains of fire, strangling the terrifying woman. Such a heavy machine gun, as long as the ordinary people are rubbed to the stars, they will be twisted into pieces.

"Teacher An Ge be careful."

In front of the students' seats, the big screen was playing specific details, and many students were worried for An Ge.

In the limelight.

Wuya Ange moved again, her movements were very slow, as if dancing a dance of death. The movement looked very slow, but the firepower of the three heavy-duty machine guns on the car was always passing her by, not hurting her.

"It's really boring."

In the battlefield, Uya Ange yawned lazily, flexing his fingers three times.

咻咻 咻 ~

Three black energies galloped away, hitting the tanks of three armed chariots with great precision.


The three armed chariots exploded violently. Fortunately, the soldiers were all excited and jumped out of the vehicle to escape successfully.

After Wuya Ange easily killed four armed chariots, he smiled upside down on the drone that was collecting audio and video not far away: "Old men, don't blink your eyes, your Ange Grandma is going to perform. "

As soon as the word "了" came out, she had disappeared instantly, so she never appeared on the battlefield.


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