The Domestic Hero

Chapter 959: Give power! Witch

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Leadership seat.

Including Xiang Jiande, all generals' faces were dumbfounded.

Especially the head of the group, Jan Dingshan, has a wide open mouth and can cram an apple.

They have all heard of the existence of superpowers in this world, but even if the rumors are even stronger, it is just doubt. After many years of military camps, they have developed the idea that guns are power.

But the performance of Uya Ange was almost instantaneously destroying their beliefs.

Her fighting power is outrageous, and the killing of four armed chariots is as easy as dusting off her body. The most terrifying thing is that she is so fast that she can barely catch it with her naked eyes.

Everything in her can no longer be described as breaking through human limits. Rather, it should be called, unbelievable, and beyond human imagination to describe.

The development of modern military weapons is aimed at the development of ordinary human military forces.

In the development of weapons, I never thought of dealing with some objects whose individual strength is superhuman.

In addition, the army's formation layout, tactical thinking, and even combat experience against superpowers are far from sufficient.

The expression is different from that of the military leaders such as the funeral.

The students of the Super Energy Academy were extremely excited, but their most beloved goddess teacher Wu Ya Ange.

In the past, students also knew that Teacher An Ge was very powerful, but without comparison, she did not know how strong she was. But now, everyone knows.

Even in the face of an extremely powerful modern army, Mr. An Ge was not afraid, and responded with ease.

The students cheered and shouted like chicken blood.

Those voices passed on to the leadership seats, which even caused embarrassment and embarrassment to the officers. They looked at each other and saw shock and unbelief in each other's eyes.

"Fight, hit me hard."

Through the command system, Jian Dingshan issued a ruthless message to the battalion commander, "If you lose, I will not let you go."

The battalion commander in the battalion command vehicle was full of excitement and hurriedly cheered up: "All units pay attention, all units pay attention. The enemy we face is a superman-like existence. Great spirit. Falcon Falcon, please speed the target and report the direction. "

Falcon is the codename of the armed helicopter equipped with this heavy armored battalion.

In the 2nd Regiment and 1st Battalion, there is an exclusive flying team with a total of four armed helicopters and four armed transport aircraft.

A battalion can be equipped with a flying squad, what kind of treatment is that.

At the same time, a dense drone spewed out of an electronic information vehicle. Dozens of drones, like bats coming out of their nests, spread out in all directions in the sky.

They are like dozens of eyes, covering all the battlefield information and passing it back to the information vehicle.

"found it."

The gunship Falcon hovering in the air found the target first.

On the empty battlefield, I saw a black shadow moving quickly. Her speed had reached an incredible level, and she was climbing towards the sound barrier, and there was a circle of ripples rippling around her body.

The high-definition camera of the drone also successfully locked the rapidly moving Uya Ange and transmitted the signal to the large screen.

"Gosh, she's too fast."

All the people who saw her speed were amazed.

Compared with her, the fastest sports car is also a big difference, and her speed is not far from the sound barrier. The body is blurred in sight.

at the same time.

In the sky, no one found a man who stood empty.

He was wearing a casual outfit and a bronze mask on his face, mysterious and cold. This person is of course our principal Wang Yan Wang.

As an S-class strongman, he is already a character who is almost standing on the pinnacle of this world. There are not many people who can hurt him. Moreover, among the laws of the universe ’s origin, the S-level is already a concern for the laws of the universe, even if it is placed in those advanced civilizations known for combat power, such as the abyss world, the world of purgatory, or the world of heaven, it also belongs to the upper class Characters.

Moreover, Wang Yan is still so young, only in his twenties, with unlimited potential and unlimited future.

He casually went to the sky to stand, there was a feeling of integration with the universe of heaven and earth.

"Sister An Ge has made great progress." Wang Yan's eyes expressed some relief. It seems that the pure Yang essence of this period has not been wasted in vain, and it is very helpful to Sister An Ge.

However, it can also be seen from this that the blood line in Sister An Ge seems to be very special, and there is still a lot of potential that has not been developed.

Of course, Wang Yan hopes that Sister Nanlian and Sister An Ge are as powerful as possible. If you can reach the S level one day earlier, you will have another chance to save your life. The shadow of the abyss war is getting closer and closer, and it is too dangerous to join the battle with half-step S-class strength.

You know, just now. There are many more powerful people in the abyss world than in the earth world. A race that can reach S rank as long as an adult is really terrible.

Half-step S-class can only be regarded as a small boss in the abyss world. Only if you reach the S level, can you be regarded as a lord.

Not to mention the gossip, only to say that when the army discovered Wuya Ange, she had rushed to the front of the tank array, and the arrow from the tank was only two or three hundred meters away. At her speed, it can be reached in one breath.

The tank gunner captured the fierce Uya Ange from the sight and fired instinctively.


The tank was shocked, and under a burst of fire, a 125-mm armor-piercing high-explosive shell exploded out of the cannon, and drove towards Uya Ange at a speed of up to 1,700 kilometers per hour.

If the strength is extremely extraordinary, you can see that the shells have broken through the air wave effect when the sound barrier is broken, and there is a tearing roar.

I don't know if it was **** luck or what happened. The shell was hit by Uya Ange in just two seconds after it was discharged.

Ordinary people's reaction speed is about 0.2 seconds.

But is Wuya Ange an ordinary person? She is a half-step S-class powerhouse, only half a step away from the land fairy. At the moment when the shells hit her, a strong black breath appeared in her body, forming a solid spear.

The black spear and the shell hit hard together.

The strong impact triggered the explosion of the shells, and the fire swept through the shock waves to spread out in all directions, forming a huge fireball in an instant. The ever-expanding fireball is also doped with a lot of black strange energy.

The shock wave that the high-explosive bomb can produce is not a joke. Rao Yiwu ’s Ange ’s strength was also flicked out, and a parabola was drawn in the air, generally falling tens of meters away.

This sudden change made the military instantly excited.

"Well done!"

Jian Dingshan's face instantly turned red, and he cheered up. "That tank gunner, turn back and give him a second-class merit, and give him a good reward."

The rest of the generals were also relieved.

The performance of Wuya Ange before made them horrible, if it is invincible. Now seeing her bombarded by a shell, the loss broke her momentum.

Maybe she had a fluke in the shelling, but the best thing about the modern army is the cover-saturation blow. One round of shells cannot be solved, one hundred rounds, and one hundred rounds cannot be solved, one thousand rounds.

And this heavy armored battalion also has armed helicopters, and rocket launchers.

"Teacher An Ge is in trouble."

The students' mood was bad, and they were worried about the discussion, "I don't know if she was injured? Alas, the flesh and blood are really difficult to carry modern weapons."

Among the onlookers, only Huangfu Nanlian and Wang Yan hidden in the sky remained calm as usual.

A blast shock wave of a shell, how could it be that a half-step S-class strong man? If this is the case, then the modern world of superpowers need not worry about the abyss world.

According to the level of civilization, the abyss world is much higher than the earth world.

If you just want to rely on technological weapons to fight the abyss world, or defeat the abyss world. Humans must at least develop another one or two thousand years, or even thousands of years, at least to achieve the interstellar civilization that can easily cross the galaxy.

The modern weapons on the earth, in the eyes of high-level civilization, are just spears and bows used by some primitives.

"Oh, good luck."

Wuya Ange turned over and fell to the ground, wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth slightly, and smiled ridiculously. She is not a superpower who is famous for her defensive power. Of course, she is not as good as those who have physical strength against the sky.

Although her defense is ordinary, she has her own strengths. Her most powerful place is not in hard fights and rampages.

She was hurt a bit under bad luck, but instead made her take it seriously. Under the supervision of dozens of drones, she took a step forward, and a vast dark force surged in her body Out.

In an instant, she was like a demon coming out of the world of hell, shrouded in darkness.

The sky immediately changed color, and darkness spread rapidly through the air.

Within a short period of time, a dark sky was formed, extending over a kilometer range. Within this range, the sun, moon, and stars were all isolated and no fingers were reached.

The tank car covered by the dark sky crashed out of control and crashed together. Those drones were isolated by remote control signals, and they all fell down from the sky and shattered.

Night Witch!

There are only wrong names in this world, absolutely no wrong nicknames.

Obviously, Uya Ange was angry and serious.


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