The Domestic Hero

Chapter 960: Great victory!

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The dark sky is the real battlefield skill. Especially when targeting a relatively small but large number of enemies, this talent field is simply invincible.

Once she exerted herself with all her might, she was able to isolate a range of one or two kilometers. Even Wang Yan, who was standing in the sky by the sky, couldn't help being slightly surprised. She's only half-step S-level, can she cover the dark sky so far?

If she waits to reach the S level and master the law of darkness more deeply, wouldn't it be able to cover the vast battlefield at once?

If so, her role in the abyss war is too great.

At the moment when Wang Yan sighed, the army underneath was chaotic.

Almost half of the entire battalion of tanks and armored vehicles were shrouded in darkness. The strong dark power isolates all signals and light sources.

Although the interior of those tank cars still has light, but looking out from the periscope, it is completely dark, as if they are in the endless darkness isolated from the world.

"How is this going?"

All the tanks and armored vehicles were in a hurry to stay on the spot and did not dare to move. The soldiers in the vehicle looked at each other in fright.

Now let alone normal light, even infrared detectors and thermal imaging cameras are useless. The darkness, as if full of substance, cut off everything.

Even more frightening is that the darkness is constantly eroding the armor on the tanks and armored vehicles. A bit of dark power is invading bit by bit.

The first to bear the brunt are soldiers in armored off-road vehicles without armor. They were all shrouded in the endless darkness where they couldn't see their fingers, and they were frightened. They first hurriedly lit the car lights, portable flashlights and other light sources.


Those light sources seem to be swallowed by an invisible thing, and no half-silk photons can escape.

Without photon refraction, humans cannot naturally see anything clearly.

Not only the light source, but also the transmission of sound is very difficult.

People in the dark, desperately shouting, are hard to hear even those who are half a meter away. Obviously, sound waves are extremely difficult to transmit in this environment, and they are all absorbed and isolated by dark matter as thick as substance.

Invisible, inaudible, even unable to make a sound, is naturally the most frightening thing.

This is also because the quality of the army is relatively good, so there is no immediate chaos, but after a little chaos, everything is silent.

It is a pity that the dark sky is so easy to deal with? A large amount of dark matter began to flow under the control of Uya Ange. In their ears, some ghostly crying wolf wailing sounded.

For a time, as if there were countless injustices and ghosts, they cried, howled, and shouted injustice in their ears. Even more frightening was that the dark matter would also turn into substance, brushing on them from time to time.

All these factors add up, even the determined soldiers are in a panic. Some people started to get out of control and started driving in chariots, trying to escape this horrible hell.

Some soldiers pulled the trigger frantically and flew bullets.

After some vehicles were hit, they received greater stimulation and began to shoot back.

For a time, the entire dark sky was chaotic, like hell.

"Battalion commander, what do we do?" Outside the dark sky, a small number of officers and soldiers who had not been shrouded by the dark sky reported to the command vehicle one after another.

In the command vehicle, a drop of cold sweat dropped from the battalion commander's forehead.

No matter how he called, he could not reach the brothers who were shrouded in darkness. They were as if swallowed by a dark monster, without a sound. And he did not dare to order an attack. Once the artillery fire covered the dark sky, the first person who suffered the most losses was himself.


Some bullets came out of the darkness, followed by some shells.


Bullets and artillery shells flew around the entire battlefield.

That's not enough. The dark sky covered a thousand or two kilometers, spinning like a star universe, and the monster opened its mouth and moved towards the survivors.

Because the dark sky has a large range, it seems to move slowly, but in fact the speed has at least reached the level of tens of kilometers per hour. Some armored cars and electronic cars that were too late to escape were swallowed by the "dark monster".

All of a sudden, the commander in the command vehicle was ashamed. In this situation, it was impossible to fight, but it was impossible to escape, but what should I do?

What ’s more, even if you escape?

Most of the brothers were trapped in the "dark monster".


The battalion commander hit his fist with a fist on the wall of the command vehicle and gritted his teeth. He said surrender! We surrender! We are unable to return to the world, so we can only choose so.

With the signal of surrender.

The dark sky was transformed again, and a mass of dark matter turned into a beautiful figure. She stepped on the void and giggled and said: "I surrendered so quickly? Really boring, people have not played yet Happy. "

As soon as the voice fell, the dark sky of the sky quickly dissipated at a rate visible to the naked eye.

Bye bye in the shrouded battlefield.

However, at this time, those tank cars, armored cars, armed off-road vehicles, already messed up. Many people have suffered injuries ranging from serious to serious, and even some have bad luck, died in a car accident or stray bullet.

At this time, a CMB car galloped into the battlefield, and drew one by one from the druid, they quickly treated the seriously injured soldiers.

Despite the timely rescue, but this simulation battle came down, this elite camp actually killed seven people. And most people are still not sober, or irritable, or depressed, and need further psychological treatment.

Under the haze of the military officer's face, Uya Ange fell on the rostrum, she smiled at everyone, and then her eyes fell on Jian Dingshan: "Jian Ding, you can be convinced? Do you want to take your entire regiment? Pull it out and give it a try? "


Jian Dingshan is in a terrible mood. He has heard the battlefield report. This time, the simulated battle was almost wiped out by his army. And there were heavy casualties, dozens of serious injuries and seven sacrifices.

"You can't be merciful?" Jian Dingshan did not hit the spot, "They are all their own people."

"Commander Jane, the sword has no eyes, and the guns are ruthless." Wuya Ange said lightly. "Waging a war with a heavily armed army, if I have mercy on my hands, it may be me who is dead. Don't talk about this confrontation. The actual combat of the simulation has been completed. Even if the army is training normally, it is impossible that there will be no casualties during the exercise. "

Just when Jian Dingshan wanted to say something, Xiang Jiande interrupted him with a drink: "Okay, Dingshan. You blame yourself for this matter. Before you can understand your opponent's strength, you are too arrogant and act blindly, which leads to A fiasco. In my opinion, you and your men have to thank Teacher An Ge. With her very vivid lesson, we will encounter similar powerful opponents in the future, and the loss will be much smaller. "

The head of Jane's face is both regretful and looking at Wuya Ange with fear and fear. Before today, he had never thought that a human would be so powerful. It was a heavy armored battalion, so it was completely wiped out.

The army leaders were annoyed, but the students cheered wildly.

Teacher An Ge actually won, and when he fought against a heavy armored battalion, he actually won. This is not just a matter of glory. This also shows that they may one day be as powerful as Teacher An Ge.

Xiang Jiande faced the sullen-faced men, he was not angry, he grumbled: "What expression are you all, when our teacher was formed, he had received the order clearly, it was super Can be a special teacher. Fortunately, teacher An Ge gave you a lesson, let you understand that there are people outside, there is a truth in the sky. Jian Dingshan, you still have to thank Teacher An Ge, if it is not her men who show mercy, your camp I'm afraid it will really be wiped out by the whole army. "

Wu Yingqun, Xia Chi and several other heads were all convinced. Switching to them, the results will certainly not be much better.

After frustration, they started to get hot again.

If the superpowers are so powerful, would n’t they have to increase the strength of their army more than ten times after they join the army in the future? When they looked at the noisy and noisy students again, their eyes were no longer underestimated and disgusted, but full of enthusiasm.

"Next, it's up to me." Nan Lian said lightly, glancing at the heads of the heads, "Which head does not hesitate to enlighten me !?"

"What, you still have to shoot?" The generals looked awkwardly, looking at Nanlian in fear. That Wuya Ange is so powerful, I am afraid that this Huangfu Nanlian will not let it go too much?

"What are you doing?" Xiang Jiande said with a sullen expression, "You are all soldiers, how can you fear the challenge? What's more, Miss Nanlian can direct you to fight, and increase your experience of fighting with superpowers. Xia Chi, you go. "

"Me?" Xia Chi's face was hard and he couldn't help fighting.

Next, although Xia Chi had learned his lesson, the tank cluster was bombed in the beginning, instead of the cluster charging to find a way out. But even so, he lost the battle.

He underestimated the superpowers. They bombed at the beginning, but it was just an ice plastic avatar of Nanlian. Her real body has already quietly copied the way back into the battlefield, a thousand miles of ice, turning the command vehicle and dozens of chariots into ice sculptures.

After the two battles, the army leaders were already convinced.

At the same time, Skyrim appeared alone. Like a fairy who came down from heaven, he stepped towards the podium step by step.

"Principal Wang!"

The generals, when they saw Wang Yan again, their hearts were all cold, and a sense of fear sprang up.


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