The Domestic Hero

Chapter 969: Ice Fire Poison ~ Dragon Diamond

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The two water dragons are extremely peculiar, but their arms are thin, but they are red and white, and they are all radiating with beautiful and beautiful light. The red water dragon exudes burning heat. The white water dragon swept through the cold mist, as if it were not mortal.

They are extremely agile, like two living creatures roaming dragons, one left and one right to wrap around Wang Yan. They are extremely fast, and those with slightly weaker strength are afraid that they will be tied tightly if they have no chance to dodge.

But Wang Yan is different. While mastering the laws of flame, he also dabbled in some laws of space. His understanding of the laws of space came from the wings of the abyss demon lord.

The abyss world is different from the earth world. It is a half-three-dimensional half-four-dimensional world. The half four-dimensional direction is endless dark and terrifying deep space, and the space is extremely complicated.

It is precisely because of the endless deep space in the half four-dimensional direction that the abyss world is named.

The harsh environment has made the indigenous people of the abyssal world on the evolutionary path, deeply involved in the laws of space, and inscribed in their genes. As a result, their wings will have innate laws of inscriptions.

The stronger the abyss demon, the more complex the inscription of the law of space on the wings.

This allowed Wang Yan to gradually realize a trace of the space law after continuously using the demon wings. The rules of comprehension are so shallow that even Zhang Wei, a male student of silk, can't compare.

However, in the hands of Wang Yan and other S-level strongmen, this silky rule of space can be applied to the extreme, far exceeding that of Zhang Wei.

He was not in a hurry, his figure wobbled slightly, the whole person was half-real and half-empty, as if in this space, but not in this space.

Wow wow ~

Two red and white water dragon nooses swept over Wang Yan's body and fluttered empty, ripples rippling.


When Bao Cai'er's eyes were slightly surprised, Wang Yan's real body appeared several tens of centimeters away. The phantom also gradually disappeared without a trace.


Zhang Tianshi, who was sitting on a Taishi chair, watched, and his eyes lit up: "They all said that Wang Xian's nephew was the son of flame, and the direction of the flame heavenly path was incomparable. But he did not expect that he also had such accomplishments in void escape. Wei Dao, you have to study hard. "

"Yes, father." Zhang Weidao replied respectfully, but in his heart ten thousand heads ran wildly.

The two red and white water dragon nooses, but Bao Cai'er's elaborate magic weapon, is called the ice and fire double dragon rope. Can be tied and whip, or fire and ice, it is really magical. The most peculiar thing is that it can be used not only as a weapon, but also in the pleasures of the boudoir.

Zhang Weidao saw that his daughter-in-law applied this trick to Wang Yan, which really made him feel a little greenish on his head. Careless friends, in the future to make friends and brothers, you must first rule out the surname Wang.

at the same time.

On the field, Bao Cai'er giggled gigglingly, "Uncle is a good method, try the slave's trick again, 'Ice Fire Poison ~ Dragon Diamond'", one red and one white water dragon noose, Like a twist, they twirled violently toward Wang Yan, and the momentum was magnificent and overbearing. Between the wanderings, all the avoidance directions of Wang Yan were shrouded.

After seeing Wang Yan evading once, how would Bao Cai'er make the same mistake?

Ice fire poison ~ Dragon Diamond?

This name, coupled with the momentum of this move, really made Wang Yan sweating, Aunt Bao, what are you doing here to learn? Do you learn to fight, or do you learn something else?

Why are there so many tricks?

The side of Zhang Weidao looked as if his face was green. Is this a fight, or is it a flirtation? Sure enough, fire, anti-theft and anti-pharaoh.

It was Zhang Tianshi who did n’t know, but it looked like a thigh, and shouted out loudly: "A good move is ice, fire and poison ~ Dragon Diamond! The combination of ice and fire is tricky and violent. Medium, wonderful, really wonderful! "

Zhang Weidao's face was black and he almost spit out old blood, glancing at his father quietly. It ’s really a tragedy to have such an ignorant dad.

Unexpectedly, Master Tian shook his head and shook his beard there and praised, "It's not bad. If Master Tian has the opportunity, he should also discuss with Cai'er to taste the magical taste of this ice, fire, and dragon. pole."

Zhang Weidao stumbled under his feet, so that he didn't faint, and the tears could not stop falling down. Daddy, you are so ignorant, can you say a few words? Did not see some young disciples next to them, already could not help but secretly smirk.

This caused Zhang Weidao to make up his mind to look back and buy a smart machine for his father, so as to force him some basic knowledge of today's society to prevent him from making jokes from time to time.

Say it sooner or later.

Wang Yan felt that the surrounding space had been completely shrouded by Binghuo Shuangli. No matter how to hide, the Poison Dragon Diamond would still be like a maggot. Since it is impossible to hide, it is only a hard fight.

Immediately, the flames of his body spewed out thinly, forming a wall of flames around his body as if in substance. The burning room was like a **** of fire descending on the earth.

In his right hand, a warhammer with a thick hammer handle was picked up, and a flame flowed from the palm of his hand, spreading all over the entire hammer.

Suddenly, Wang Yan's intentions broke out, and he stepped forward and the warhammer blasted.


Among the warhammers, a fire dragon stood out, with awe-inspiring fangs and claws. Although it is a fire dragon formed by flame elements, it is full of life and life.

A breath of heat like endless **** immediately covered the entire gossip shield, and the air was volatile and fluctuating like a fire.

"A strong flame."

Zhang Tianshi moved, and said with awe, "At that time, Yan Zun's senior was absolutely not as powerful as when he was young." Although Tian Shi Mansion and Yan Zun had a slight gap between them when they were young, it was only a small part. .

What's more, Yan Zun is now a first-class figure in Tianxian, and it really exists like the backbone of China. As long as he is in one day, no one will dare to call the attention of China.

Zhang Tianshi also admired this.

Although Tianshi Mansion has lasted for nearly two thousand years, except for the ancestor Dao Ling, only one has reached the level of Tianxian. The pure yang has hitherto been able to achieve Tianxian, and a few have stopped at Dixian.

It can be deduced from this that although there are many means and rich foundations in Tianshi Mansion, it is still slightly inferior to Chunyang in terms of the level of merit.

Of course, the pure Yang pulse is also very weak. Only the wizards of the pure Yang body can practice the pure Yang Divine Skills, such as the body of the Nine Yangs, and there is no qualification at all. The body of pure yang is a physique that is rare in a century.

This is also the case, Chunyang almost cut off several times.

However, Wang Yan was not too worried about his future apprenticeship. Nowadays, the total population of the earth is very large, and the larger the base, the higher the probability that a pure genius can appear.

What's more, Wang Yan is still young, and he is not at SS level, so he will not even consider the apprenticeship.

No gossip.

Suddenly, the fire dragon and ice fire poisoned by Wang Yan's hammer hit the dragon together. A shock wave, encircling the fragmented flame energy spread out in all directions.


The gossip protective cover, which is claimed to be able to block the Tianxian class Yixiang, trembles violently, and the translucent surface is shocked by ripples. This shows how powerful the impact of the collision between the two strong powers is.

The ice, fire, and dragon dragon were shaken into two ropes, and they swept backwards. Even Bao Cai'er's face was slightly white. The soul seemed to be trembling, and his eyes were full of shock. The flames are too domineering, and the explosive force formed is so powerful.

However, Bao Cai'er is a demon king who has lived for thousands of years. His strength is unpredictable and he has many means. With a wave of his hand, a water curtain was displayed, filled with water and densely filled with space, and instantly suppressed the flame and hell-like environment.

It was when Bao Caier and Wang Yan learned from each other, and their respective methods emerged endlessly.

A city in southern China.

On the top floor of a luxuriously decorated building, men in black suits sturdyly walked around.

The man in the suit, about four or fifty years old, headed to a door decorated with many dark runes and knocked on the door with a solemn face.

After a few seconds.

A hoarse voice like a night owl came out of the house: "Come in."

The middle-aged man grimaced, beckoning his men to retreat, he carefully pushed the door in.

In that good house that overlooked half of the city, the curtains were all pulled up. In the whole house, only a few green oil lamps were lit, which looked gloomy and terrifying.

Through the miserable green light, it can be seen that the layout of the whole house is extremely strange, and there is also an alcove in the middle. The statue with the blue-faced fangs is extremely fierce and spooky.

This is clearly a "magic" niche enshrined by some people from the left. The niches are a unified name. In fact, they cover all things, that is, there are ghosts and gods of hell, as well as fierce evil monsters.

By the way, the sidewalk has always been about strength, regardless of the source of strength, whoever can give me strength benefits, I will worship.

Before the niches, a skinny old lady was sitting cross-legged. On her side, eight babies were sitting or hanging. Each baby was described as pale, scary, with red eyes and sharp teeth. They stared at the middle-aged man with eyes that looked like food.

The middle-aged man was trembling all over, bowing his head and daring to speak.

After a long while, the old godmother opened Sen Leng's eyes: "My Yinsha Nine Ghost Infant is almost the last one. How long do you want me to wait?"

The middle-aged man was trembling with great sweat and said with great sweat: "If I go back to my ancestors, I have tried my best to find them. It's just that the ancestors' demands are too high."

"Jin Jie, give you three more days, if you can't find it." The old goddess Sen coldly said, "I will make you regret living in this world."

The scary babies crawling on her all opened their fangs, crying sharply and crying wolf.


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