The Domestic Hero

Chapter 970: Eaten tofu

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The middle-aged man was so sweaty that he nodded hurriedly: "Yes, my ancestors, I will definitely complete the task." Then, he quit the door tremblingly and went to work.

"Jin Jie ~"

The old goddess laughed again and again, caressing those eerie ghost babies with skinny claws, eyes full of doting, "Children, you are about to have one more brother and sister soon, unhappy."

"Hee hee hee ha ha ha"

Those ghost babies made a sharp, piercing laugh.

"Hahaha ~" The old goddess also laughed contentedly. "When I am in a bad mood, I will have a life-saving capital even when I meet a land fairy. By then, I will see you old things Why die! "

桀桀 桀 ~ 桀桀 桀 ~

In this strangely arranged room, a series of ghostly crying and howling laughter sounded.


at the same time.

A strong fight in the Temple of the Dragon and Tiger Mountain also reached its most intense time.

Among the gossip-shaped shields in the Yanwuchang, the water curtain spread over the sky for a while, and the flames ignited for a time. Wang Yan and Bao Cai'er are equally matched, and they are inseparable.

Wang Yanqiang is fierce in the dragon, and his power and flame laws are very powerful. The warhammer is unfolding like a majestic flaming **** of war, which is infinitely powerful.

Baocai Ersheng has been cultivated for thousands of years, with rich combat experience, various means and endless stream. Even if it looks like it's falling downwind, it's like running water, chopping continuously, endlessly flowing, and always standing upright.

This made Wang Yan very excited. Originally, he thought that to learn from Bao Cai'er was to be adjusted and eat tofu. But it never occurred to him that he could fight to such an extent, which greatly enriched Wang Yan's experience of fighting an S-class strongman.

In particular, Bao Caier has many means, which has opened Wang Yan's horizons and added a lot of insight.

It is indeed a thousand-year-old demon king. Sure enough, he is well-informed and has many ways to press the bottom of the box. This made Wang Yan also have a lot of vigilance in his heart, but all S-level strongmen who have lived for a long time must be careful about their secret methods, and no one knows how many cards they have hidden.

Being able to be an S-level existence is not simple.

You cannot be careless because you have defeated two S-class people, and look down on all S-class people in the world. In fact, the gap between S-level and S-level is still very large, and each person's fighting style has its own characteristics.

Take Bao Cai'er, for example, if you are fighting in a large lake, even if Wang Yan is stronger, she will have to run away. But if you are fighting Wang Yan on the edge of a crater, the situation can be completely reversed.

And do n’t look at Wang Yan seems to have some advantages, but this is just a discussion, once fighting with life, who knows what other means hidden in Bao Caier this millennium bustard king?

Suddenly, when Wang Yan fell down with a hammer.

The water curtain formed around Bao Cai'er's body suddenly shook and dissipated, her whole person was ashamed for a short time, and her eyes lost her look.

Wang Yan sighed in a hurry and hurriedly pulled back, when a force of flame echoed into the body at a rapid speed, even the soul of the soul swayed, almost spurting blood. But at this time, Wang Yan could not care about himself, and hurriedly shook her body. Through space replacement, it appeared as if teleportation appeared in front of Bao Cai'er, and hurriedly grabbed her.

"Aunt Bao, are you okay?" Wang Yan was frightened by her pale face. Why was there something hidden in her that caused problems during the battle?

At the same time, Master Zhang Tian and his son outside the court were startled and hurriedly stood up. With a wave of Zhang Tianshi's hand, an invisible wave spread out, dispersing the gossip shield of Yanwuchang, and flying up.

He had a lot of dissatisfaction with this daughter-in-law before, but as she got along deeper, she gradually accepted the demon king-level daughter-in-law.

Just when everyone worried about Bao Cai'er.

Unexpectedly, her soft little hands suddenly wrapped around Wang Yan's waist. When people didn't pay attention, a pair of Miao Eyes and Wang Yan met, and the voice whispered enchantingly: "Uncle ~ You just started to be heavy. Everyone's heart hurts. Hey, or the uncle's pure Yang smell. "During the conversation, the pair of jade hands started to pick up oil and eat tofu on Wang Yan.

"His ~"

Wang Yan dripped cold sweat, but didn't expect the demon to be pretending to be. After being excited, she was almost ready to throw her down. Good smell, good smell you sister.

This is the first time he has encountered such a temptress.

Fortunately, she was just playing around, and eating little tofu would make her satisfied. While Zhang Tianshi and Zhang Weidao flew together, after quickly wiping two more oils, they reluctantly jumped from him.

"Cai'er, are you okay?" Zhang Weidao flew to Bao Cai'er, hugged her with concern, and glared at Wang Yan, "Lao Wang, what are you doing. Everyone's learning, this shot also Is it too heavy? "

I'm getting a dog, and Wang Yan glared back. This is obviously your wife eating my tofu, okay? This Zhang family really has no way to stay.

Fortunately, there was no free fight. At least Wang Yan has gained a lot of experience, which is very good for future growth.

"The nephew is really a good way." Zhang Tianshi saw that his daughter-in-law had no problems, and then said to Wang Yan, "Just out there, the poor way is also itchy, how can you and I also learn some tricks?"

"While Wang Yan was a little tired, but also felt the opportunity was rare, he nodded and agreed.

Afterwards, Wang Yan and Master Zhang Tian contested between you and me. By the end of the day, I had a discussion with Yi Xiang, and it really benefited Wang Yan. The origins of Zhang Tianshi's family are all kinds of Fulu swordsmanship.

Wang Yan exchanged ideas with him, and almost all of them were suppressed. I really deserve to be a contemporary celestial master, and it is really powerful. However, there is still a big gap between learning and combat.

If it is a real life-and-death battle, Wang Yan is also confident that he will not be defeated, and still has a certain win rate.

Afterwards, Wang Yan watched the scenes where the members of the Tianshi Mansion learned from each other off the court. They were either the side branch of the Zhang family or the outstanding disciples who were taken away. Vision.

Time passed unconsciously, and Wang Yan and Nan Lian stayed in Tianshi Mansion for another night.

In the early morning of the next day, when Zhang Tianshi was serving breakfast.

Suddenly, Nanlian's phone rang abruptly.

She picked it up and saw that it was her sister who called. At first she was relatively calm when answering the phone, and then a few seconds later, her face changed suddenly. Over the phone, there was a cry from her sister Xiaobei: "Sister, sister, the child is gone."

Half a minute later, Nan Lian hung up the phone and his face became extremely cold: "Xiao Yan, the child is gone, let's go."

Wang Yan's face was also very angry. The child would disappear in a good manner in the hospital? Xiaobei also inexplicably slept to death, only to find that the child was missing early, and to adjust the hospital monitoring, turned out to be a blank.

What a guts!

No matter who did it, it is a crime that deserves death.


Zhang Tianshi snapped the table violently and rushed to the crown, saying: "It's shameful, it's really shameful. On our site, the child will be lost. Nanlian, nephew Wang Xian, don't worry, this child will definitely be able to get it back. This Heavenly Master went to the hospital this time. I still do n’t believe it. By the way of this Heavenly Master, can the child go to heaven? "

"I immediately called the South China Branch." Zhang Weidao's teeth were tickled, "The young master Ben hated most is the traffickers. This time, if they were not rooted out, this young master would not be named Zhang."

Both Zhang and his father felt very embarrassing.

At least half of the South Africa branch of the National African Affairs Bureau is from Tianshi Mansion. This vast area can be said to be the core site of Tianshi Mansion. This kind of **** felling on their site naturally made their father and son unable to hold their faces.

"Thank you, Uncle, for your hard work, Nanlian and I hurried over to see the situation first." Wang Yan pulled Nanlian's small hand, the demon wings behind him suddenly opened, and a heavy blow, the man came into the sky, then It turned into two meteors and flew straight to the house.

The Zhang family also acted quickly.


It is still the top floor of that building.

In that dark and gloomy room, a tender and tender baby was lying in the stroller and was crying. The middle-aged man took two bodyguards and dared not breathe more.

The skinny old goddess, covered with the gruesome child, was looking at the crying child with great satisfaction.

"Okay, this child is full of energy, and is the best seedling among these children." The old goddess was extremely satisfied, and her dry fingers slipped gently on the child, "Ji Jie, it seems to be mine Luck is here. Not only can the Yinsha Nine Ghost Infants succeed, but they can also be more powerful ... Hiss ~ What is it? "

When the old godmother's fingers slipped across the child's chest, she suddenly burst into a bright light in her baby clothes. The ray of light stabbed the old godmother's finger like a blazing sun.

Hiss, the fingers of the old goddess were burned and burst into smoke.

She hurriedly drew her fingers away, her eyes terrified, and the eight ghost babies hid behind the old goddess as if they saw the most terrible scene.

"This is ..." The old goddess ordered the bodyguard to peel off the child's corset, revealing a crystal-clear gem with a bright white light. She was well-informed and her face changed abruptly. "How could this, This is the top jade amulet of Tianhu Mansion in Longhu Mountain! "

Tianhu Mansion of Longhu Mountain, that is China's righteous alliance. It's the kind of person in her side door, the last thing she wants to see.


The bell on the child's wrist was also Ding Ling, and Ding Ling rang loudly. Along with the Sanskrit array, a golden buddha light flooded out, shining the entire dark and cold room like the day.

The old goddess hurriedly took care of the ghost babies and retreated, so horrified that her eyes glared. What kind of terrible baby did the gang of waste find for her?


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