The Domestic Hero

Chapter 976: Nanlian! Domination of ice and snow elements?

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Over the shaman rock, the violent rotation of snow and ice vortex, with the transmission of Nanlian's thoughts, suddenly a white air wave visible to the naked eye, all the wind and snow like the freeze of the movie screen, suddenly still, hovering in midair.

Then I saw that the huge amount of snow and snow around the sky began to spread in a reverse direction towards the sky and the earth in a reverse rotation.

This scene was very shocking, as if the sky was clearly raining. As a result, the rain just stopped halfway and suddenly stopped. Then all the rainwater returned to the sky instead.

In the distance, on the frozen Lake Baikal, Wang Yan and the Red Tank also saw this scene.

The two took a hairy crab and all stood staring in the frozen cabin, stunned.

"Pharaoh, this kind of scene, won't it also be related to your girlfriend?" The face of the red tank's mighty determination was full of surprise at the moment.

He is the trump card of the Polar Bear Secret Service. What big scene have he never seen? Coupled with his teammate Berissa, he is a world-class ice and snow superpower, but the scene in front of him has exceeded the scope of individual superpower, but is a real world power.

Wang Yan was also surprised. He thought it was just a test of identity bloodline, but he didn't expect it to cause such a vast landscape in the end.

Although he could not see what was happening at the scene because of the distance, but the meaning of the wind and snow was so elegant, so noble and atmospheric.

With this familiar feeling, Wang Yan soon understood that the person who really manipulated the power was not Berissa or the gathering of elements in nature, but Huangfu Nanlian, who accompanied him day and night!

Wang Yan was shocked and happy at the moment. He understood that Nanlian's state was already closer.

Although the power of heaven and earth controlled by Nan Lian at this moment is still slightly immature compared to his indomitable "King of Fire", the improvement of the realm is far more important than the accumulation of pure power.

Strength can be continuously increased and accumulated through cultivation, but the understanding of the law cannot be improved overnight. In the history of the earth, I don't know how many superpowers, I can't even open the B-level field in my life, let alone reach the S-level, this level of people's land fairy.

It can be seen how important the understanding of the law of heaven and earth is to the superpowered.

At this point, Wang Yan understood that although Nanlian had not yet reached the level of S-level, the threshold of S-level was already felt.

Next, Nan Lian's real promotion and breakthrough only took some time and digested this meaning.


The sudden changes at the scene surprised Wang Yan and the Red Tank, two S-class strongmen in the distance.

However, the most surprising thing is that the caller of this ceremony, Berissa.

Next to Nanlian, Berissa silently stood at the corner. A pair of beautiful eyes were unbelievably rounded, murmured in his mouth, "This, how is this possible?"

She is also one of the most outstanding ice powers in the world today. If you just let some snowflakes or ice elements hover around her, she can naturally do it, even easily.

But this situation is not as simple as objects made of snowflakes or ice elements.

You know, this is a snowstorm from nature. The huge equivalent of snow and ice elements is enough to freeze the entire Olkhon Island.

However, Nan Lian was just a thought, so that such a huge amount of ice and snow, all hovered, and even began to reverse rotation, how is this possible?

Even their tribe, Shaman the High Priest Salar, can't do such a delicate control!

"How did Nanlian do it?"

"Isn't she the master of the snow and ice elements in this world?"

Before Berissa could think further, hundreds of ancestors stood in front of her, and at the same time raised her original low face, all sent out a long and distant roar.

I saw that hundreds of ancestors, like the cry made by the warriors when they swore allegiance, in the long and powerful roar, a light blue light began to separate from their bodies, and finally melted into Nanlian's chest Among the necklaces.

These brilliant blue lights are just a part of the elemental spirit, just like the payment of the contract, inscribed in the necklace.


There was another blizzard.

Hundreds of ancestors inscribed their own marks, just as they completed the task, their bodies composed of snow and ice elements instantly diffused into large snowflakes and took off in the surrounding air.

The wind and snow vortexes that previously enveloped the surrounding area, and the huge equivalent of snow and ice elements have also spread into the surrounding nature, turning into snowflakes, and drifting down with the wind.

Between heaven and earth, it returned to a silent state again, and the snow drifted quietly with the wind.

Standing in front of Shaman Rock, Nan Lian was so weak that her energy seemed to be hollowed out. Without holding on for a few seconds, Jiao's body shook uncontrollably, and after a while, he sat down.

Despite being very tired, she never had a fulfilling heart.

It was only then that Nan Lian realized that the necklace left by her mother was truly a second-class treasure of unparalleled quality.

Although the mother did not yet know the name of this sub-artifact, and the necklace of the sub-artifact did not really bloom as it should be, but even so, by virtue of this necklace's connection with the ancestor spirit and the snow and ice elements between heaven and earth, it looks like a bridge , Let Nanlian and the law of heaven and earth reached an intuitive connection.

The implication of the laws generated during this period, just like a big gift from her mother, really helped her a lot.

Nan Lian believes that as long as this understanding is properly attracted, the future control of the Snow Rule and the promotion to the S-level will be of great help.

"It's just that in the end, those elemental ancestors that represent this land, why would they engrave part of them in this necklace?"

This question, Nan Lian is unknown.

"Nan Lian, are you okay?"

After a long time, Berissa suddenly woke up and walked to Nanlian a few steps quickly, reaching for her shoulders.

Beresa's favorite pet, the bear king Reynolds, also walked to Nanlian's side at this time, but at this time the bear king, looking at Nanlian's eyes, had already added a trace of awe and obedience after surrender.

"I'm fine, I just feel a little bit off." Nan Lian shook her head and smiled.

She didn't say anything about the necklace that helped her improve her level and gained new insights, but after seeing Berissa's expression of surprise and confusion, she explained a few words.

"I just thought that the accumulated ice and snow elements were too large, and then I might continue to form disasters, so I instinctively told them in my heart, 'It's enough, go back', and the ice and snow around us, just This dissipated on its own. "

"Probably that is the case." Nan Lian recalled and explained the process lightly.

"Me, I get it."

Berissa's eyes widened incredulously, and she looked at Nanlian. "Our tribal shaman high priest Salar once said to me, whether it is ice, fire, or other abilities, as long as the element balance is reached In this state, we can integrate the elements between ourselves and heaven and earth, thereby driving this kind of power on a large scale. "

"In your Chinese country's words, this state is the S-level, land fairy state! And in this state, the power used to drive is the unmatched power of heaven and earth!"

Berissa was amazed and looked at Nanlian up and down carefully. "Nanlian, you are really amazing. Just now you should have reached the level of elemental balance!"

"It's amazing, but only S-class ice superpowers can understand the power of the law of driving! And the huge amount of snow and snow, even the shaman high priest of our tribe, cannot easily be driven."

Nan Lian frowned, thinking for a moment, "Maybe it's a coincidence, I haven't advanced to S level now."

"Oh, that's right." Nan Lian suddenly remembered something, and continued to say, "The ancestors of your tribe have also disappeared. They haven't given me an answer. Will Berissa call you again?"

"Uh, no, don't use it." Berissa's narrow eyes couldn't help but jump, thinking that her ancestors had kneeled for you for hundreds of generations. If you call it again, the ancestors kneel again, her little one The heart can't stand it anymore.

"I think all this should be related to your necklace. Your mother has left you with something amazing."

Berissa turned her eyes to Nan Lian's chest, on the crystal and beautiful necklace. After a close observation, the analysis said.

"This necklace has not yet been awakened. I guess it should be a very precious legendary holy weapon, or even a higher-level treasure. Unfortunately, with my current experience, I can't see it for the time being. But our highest clan qualification Sarah Grandpa Er must know its origin, and we must be right to visit his old man. "

"Grandpa Salal?" Nan Lian asked curiously.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you. Grandpa Salar is our tribe, a shamanic high priest who has reached S-level strength, and the eldest elder of our tribe. He is highly respected, and speaking of my father's qualifications, it is this generation of patriarch. , You should call him an old senior. "

Berissa seemed to remember the days she was in the tribe and smiled and said, "Grandpa Salar has no children and no daughters. When I was young, he treated me like his own granddaughter and always gave me a lot of care and guidance, otherwise I It wo n’t have the strength it has today. "

"Can teach an outstanding female superpower like you, your grandfather Salar, must be a great person." Nan Lian smiled slightly, said politely, "I look forward to meeting him, maybe His old man can know the clues of my mother. "

"Since this necklace is related to our tribe, Grandpa Salar must know its origin."

Berissa said to give Nanlian a bottle of essence. "Drink it first to add some strength. We will go back to rest now, and then we will go to my tribe. I have n’t been back for a long time, and our tribal welcome The winter festival is coming soon, and now it is just time to participate in our festival. "

"Okay, let's go."

Nan Lian drank the essence and sat on the back of the bear king Reynolds, and walked to the cabin with Berissa.

It was just in the corner that they did not find that a dark-feathered crow was standing quietly between a tall branch, a pair of thieves with shiny eyes, watching their every move closely.


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