The Domestic Hero

Chapter 977: Confidential information

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"Pharaoh, Miss Nan Lian, let me introduce to you, this is my aunt Emia, uncle Dunovsky."

The red tank stood up and introduced his two relatives to Wang Yan and Nan Lian.

At this time everyone was sitting in a wooden house, in front of a somewhat old wooden dining table. After the fire was burning through the air, the wood smell and the scent of Leba being roasted.

Next to the bar-shaped dining table surrounded by people, the fire in the fireplace was burning vigorously, reflecting the chic wooden house into a red. The windows were covered with a layer of water vapor, and the house was filled with warmth and peace.

"Aunt Amya, uncle Du Rufu, my name is Wang Yan, this is my girlfriend, Huangfu Nanlian." Wang Yan took Nanlian's hand, stood up, and introduced himself to the two old men in English .

It ’s not that Wang Yan and Nan Lian ca n’t learn Russian, but it ’s just too troublesome for Russian to pronounce the tongue. It ’s just too much trouble. The two old people also understand English, so they continue to communicate in English.

Before that, Nan Lian joined the Red Tank and Wang Yan after returning from Shamanyan. After a few simple conversations, everyone went back to the house of Aunt Red Tank and prepared to have dinner together.

Of course, with regard to some of the details, Nan Lian intends to talk to him in detail when he stays alone with Wang Yan. In his current state, Wang Yan probably guessed the course of events, and did not ask much at that time.

Although there are still many unanswered questions about Nanlian's life, fortunately, a clue has been found. Wang Yan believes that as long as he explores slowly, there will be great gains, so he is not in a hurry at this time.

"Oh, good boy, you are all good kids."

Aunt Emia and Uncle Dunov smiled honestly, and at the same time stretched out some rough but warm hands, they shook hands with Wang Yan's Nan Lian very enthusiastically, "Sit down, come when you are here. In my own home, I will go back and live with the Han boy in our family for a few days. "

"Aunt Amya and Uncle Du Ruofu, can you always call me a kid in front of outsiders." The red tank touched the back of the head, revealing a look of helpless embarrassment.

This scene caused everyone to laugh.

Who would have thought that the cold and violent outside, the red tank known as the undead monster, has such a gentle home aspect at home.

"Brother Tank, I think the title of Han Han is very suitable for you." Wang Yan couldn't help but tease him.

"Pharaoh, you, you ..." The red tank's nose is not right, but he is really not good at attacking the mouth. In the face of Pharaoh's mockery, he can't think of a counterattack for a while.

This embarrassment made everyone laugh again.

Outsiders may not know it, but Wang Yan has learned a lot about the other party's deeds as he contacts them.

A long time ago, the father of the Red Tank was also a soldier in his early years. The people of that era all had great ambitions. However, after being injured on the battlefield, he fell into a disability and had to retire from the army early to become a very ordinary factory guard.

Therefore, the depressed and discouraged father of the Red Tank suffered from a heavy alcohol addiction, often domestic violence, and madness. The mother of the Red Tank, who could not bear this kind of life, divorced his father very early and ran away, so far I do not know where he went.

Maybe it's not that I don't know, but the red tank is not willing to look for it again.

In short, after losing his mother ’s punching bag, his father turned all his spears at him and forced his ideal ambitions on him. He trained him militarized all day, and when he was drunk, he was beaten and abused.

This also directly caused the childhood, the red tank was reticent, and was still excluded and bullied everywhere in the school.

But even so, in a robbery encounter with a rogue, his disabled father still came forward bravely, and was finally stabbed in front of him in order to protect the weak.

The scene of his father's tragic death in front of him caused a complete collapse of the heart of the red tank, his genes began to mutate, and the huge energy hidden in the body also exploded. From that moment on, the young red tank became a monster whose physical strength was so powerful that it was invulnerable, as if it would not die.

Humans are often such a contradiction, entangled in conflicts between many emotions and right and wrong, and constantly looking for their own answers. Perhaps it is because of this that human beings continue to advance and progress while pursuing and realizing themselves.

After losing his father and mother, he spent a lot of time in the aunt and uncle family during his childhood.

Peaceful and simple uncles and aunts also influenced many red tanks, which made him not go astray, and eventually completed his father and his own ideals, became a hero in the Russian army.

These deeds were only later understood by Wang Yan. At this time, after really seeing these two old people, his heart was also warm. This warm family atmosphere reminded him of his parents and childhood.

Nanlian on the side was also infected by this peaceful encirclement. His eyes were full of imagination. He seemed to be imagining what kind of person his mother would be, and what kind of scene she would be after meeting her. .

Seeing her thoughts, Wang Yan couldn't help but under the table, quietly holding the other party's flourishing catkins, and said at the same time: "I believe she must be a good mother, leaving you alone, it must be because of Her pains. "

"I also believe that we will be able to find her next."

"Xiao Yan, thank you ..." Nan Lian turned her eyes to Wang Yan. The middle-aged model was affectionate, unconsciously touched her blush, and had climbed onto her cheek.

Everyone chatted a few words at random, and the dinner officially began.

Uncle Dunov opened a whole barrel of vodka that he brewed in person, filled Wang Yan and others with great heart, and greeted everyone to drink freely.

Wang Yan was a little amazed at the moment. He knew that the Russian people loved drinking, but he didn't expect to drink so much.

This barrel of home-made brewed vodka has at least 50 to 60 degrees of alcohol. As a result, the old man lifted the glass and killed half of it in one sip. The boldness was really scary.

When everyone was pouring wine, Aunt Amya had brought up a Russian family dish.

The first thing that caught my eye was a freshly baked dish, half a size of a basketball, and radiating hot bread.

"I know this, this big bread is called Leba."

Nan Lian smelled the familiar bread aroma of Leba and smiled warmly. "Because of my own characteristics, I once carried out a long-term mission in northern Xinjiang, and I will use this food as a staple food."

"This kind of bread is made of flour, hops and salt as the main ingredients. It is baked with hard wood that is unique to the northern forests. The shell is crisp, the inside is soft, and it has a sweet and sour hop flavor. It is very delicious. The big loaf of three or four kilograms is called Leba, the small one is called Shaq, and the remaining rusks are called Su Keli. "

"Miss Nanlian is very knowledgeable." As the host of the banquet, the red tank cuts the big Leba with a knife, and divides it for the people who are sitting, "Pharaoh comes to taste, the taste made by my aunt, Not available outside. "

Wang Yan was full of curiosity when listening to Nan Lian's explanation, and took a bite at the moment. "Well, yes! It's really crispy on the outside and soft on the inside. In the light salty taste, it is also sweet and sour, which is very delicious."

"Oh, I'm still afraid that you are not used to eating here." At this time, Berissa went to the kitchen to help, and came over with a large bowl of steaming meat soup.

"In our place, Leba must be served with butter and borscht to make it taste more. Pharaoh will try it?"

"Okay, I'll try it." According to her, Wang Yan smeared butter outside Leba and dipped into the steaming borscht, then took a bite freely, and immediately raised her eyebrows and raised them. Thumbs up praised, "It's delicious, it's very rich!"

"That's good" Berissa nodded and smiled, turned around and walked into the kitchen again, busy with Aunt Emia.

At this time, she took off the blue wolf's cloak and put on her apron. Compared with the previous heroic and capable appearance, she is now more like a gentle leader sister.

It can be seen that even if they are superpowers, they wear off their coats like heroes. In their daily lives, they still have the same emotions as ordinary people.

In addition, Wang Yan and Nan Lian are simple and casual people. At this time, they all enjoy the unique warm atmosphere of the family at this moment.

During the talk, the dishes that Wang Yan had never tried were successively brought to the table.

Such as, simmered into a fragrant stew that melts in the mouth; rich and changeable beet herring salad; and crispy sausage casings, the meat is smooth and smooth, often dipped in sauce, and served with sliced ​​Leba Russian smoked intestinal.

There are also a variety of fish and shrimps caught from Lake Baikal, which can be described as fresh, fat and memorable.

In addition, there are naturally potato dishes that are popular among local residents and a variety of pickled dishes. Among them is a sour and crisp pickled cucumber, which makes Wang Yan praise.

In short, although the traditional Russian cuisine here is not like cooking in China, it is still full of colors and flavors, and has unique characteristics. Moreover, the bold character of the nation here is full of weight, which is particularly satisfying.

Even Wang Yan ’s war-fat hairy crabs received a large meal alone, a large-scale fish meal, such as shellfish, squid, mullet, etc., which is very important in China. It ’s rare, and you ca n’t even eat it.

The drooling hairy crabs who had been greedy for a long time immediately got up regardless of the image.

Half of the wine was drunk, and despite the high amount of vodka, Wang Yan was a bit overwhelmed, but at this family dinner, he ate very freely.

It was not early at this time, and the elderly Aunt Amya and Uncle Dunov went upstairs to rest, leaving the red tank with Wang Yan and four others to continue chatting.

Suddenly, the red tank used spiritual energy to isolate a small soundproof space surrounding the four people, and then narrowed its eyes slightly to look at Wang Yan, who said mysteriously, "Lao Wang, we have a piece of confidential information to tell You, and this matter may still be related to you. "

"Oh? Confidential information?" Wang Yan turned his eyes, "Is it still about me?"


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