The Domestic Hero

Chapter 987: It ’s just a sick cat in the north.

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All eyes widened, staring blankly towards the center of the field, knocking down Igor's son of flames.

One punch! Just a punch! So Igor fell to the ground, unconscious.

Such scenes and power are really shocking, especially the moment when Igor is knocked down, like a meteorite falling to the ground, the momentum is tremendous!

"This and this! How is this possible?"

In the minds of countless people, waves of turmoil were raised. Igor is very famous among the tribes. He has practiced fighting in the wild beasts since he was a child. He is very ferocious and has many fans among the tribes.

In their view, Igor could not lose to the son of the flame, who looks like a "weak" Oriental man.

But reality, but slapped them hard. The Oriental man just looked thin, and his physical explosiveness was terrifying to the point of the red tank.

The power of one punch is so terrifying.

Wang Yan just stood there quietly, with his hands in his pockets, calming down as usual, as if the strength that had just erupted like a wild beast just now was not him.

However, everyone's eyes changed as he watched, with fear in his fear.

The Winter God Clan is a primitive tribe semi-detached from modern technology. They admire nature, hunting, and power. The weak will be eliminated, while the strong will be respected and worshipped.

In fact, this is the same in any corner of the world. Weak meat and strong food, the winner is king.

Anatoly's pupils shrank, and when he looked at Wang Yan, he was no longer disdainful, but filled with a very dignified color. Originally in his plan, Igor was shot to fight with the Son of Fire. The first thing was to try to see if he was as powerful as the rumor, breaking through the shackles and making a legend.

Secondly, if the Son of Flame is a flower shelf that was held out, he would n’t mind using this to slash the face of the Son of Flame fiercely, causing Parissa, the Hunter of the Winter, to lose face and ruin prestige.

But I did not expect that the Son of Flame was so powerful and overbearing, so Igor was stunned with a punch. Such a result, even if Anatoly personally, it is absolutely impossible to achieve, he must also take a dozen or twenty moves to defeat Igor.

Is it true that the son of flame has really reached the legendary level like underground rumors?

For a time, Anatoly's complexion was cloudy and unsightly. Speaking of age, the son of flame is still more than ten years younger than him, but he did not expect that this son has left him far behind.

Without much ridicule, Wang Yan walked back to his camp with his pocket. This shot was just to deter the young people of this tribe, and also gave Palisa a face and a strong reputation.

It's not worth boasting about playing a little kid who has never seen the world. His fighting skills were all spelt out in the practice of **** fighting, real swords and guns.

There are not too many fancy moves, nor any hint of intentions, only the simplest and most direct way, at the most critical moment, to give the opponent a fatal blow, this is his way of fighting.

What's more, Wang Yan walked all the way, fought against many powerful men, beheaded the abyss demon, and even faced a real **** demon. Compared with these terrible opponents, an Igor is just a frog in the bottom of the well!

"Son of flame! Son of flame!"

There was a burst of cheering from the field.

The people of the Winter God clan who watched the game around all the time. They have always worshipped the strong. At this time, whether it is the ancestral court or the clan of the side branch, all of them are completely conquered by the power of Wang Yan.

Berissa was slightly relieved. "The Son of Flame is indeed well-deserved and amazingly strong!" Before the result came out, she was still a little worried. Thinking about it now, such worries are purely superfluous.

"Oh, Pharaoh himself has already been integrated into the nature of heaven and earth. His perception and reaction ability is not comparable to that of Igor." The red tank said with emotion, "I originally thought that I had achieved a legend. Lao Wang's head is over. But I did not expect that Lao Wang's progress is also not to be underestimated. Alas ~ born in the same era as this guy, it is really a headache. "

Nan Lian showed a warm smile. Although she didn't speak, her eyes shone with gratifying luster. Of course Xiao Yan would not lose to such an unknown soldier, but in a blink of an eye, Xiao Yan has progressed to the point where she is now, the next days She cannot fall. Hope to achieve the legend as soon as possible, so as not to become his burden.

"By the way, I almost forgot to ask." Wang Yan turned around suddenly, and said with a chuckle, "It's really impolite for me to walk down like this. I should ask, does anyone want to continue playing?"


The young and middle-aged people of those tribes, their expressions are stagnant, the situation is the same, who dares to come on stage to challenge your son of flames? Under Wang Yan's seemingly calm gaze, they all avoided Wang Yan's gaze and dared not look at him.

Even the wild boar youth Halbara, while touching Wang Yan's gaze, shivered and lowered his head in awe. Although there are ten thousand people in his heart who are not convinced, they want to slam the child of flame to the ground and avenge his brother. However, the gap between strengths is always an insurmountable obstacle.

However, they still have hope.

After all, the strongest among them, Anatoly, has not yet started. He is the younger generation who is no less inferior to the idol-level powerhouse of the long winter hunting **** Palisa.

With such thoughts, the hopeful youths secretly glanced at Anatoly, known as the Tiger of the North. Although they admit and worship the Son of Flame as a strong man, they even hope that a strong person can stand up and earn some face for the Eastern God tribe.

Don't say you have to defeat the Son of Flame, but even if you have a draw with him, it's okay to get back some face. Thinking of this, everyone's eyes on Anatoli, the tiger in the north, became more and more hot.

Anatoly's pupils twitched, and his face became hot. Others are not clear about the strength comparison between him and the Son of Flame, but he is clear.

It is very likely that the child of flames has been promoted to legendary level as the legend says.

Facing the legendary strong man, even if he does not use the real power of law, Anatoly completely lacks the confidence to beat his opponent.

However, the fiery eyes of the tribes at this time seemed to put him on the fire to roast.

At this time, he could neither fight nor fight.

"Damn the child of flames, dare to play such a vicious move." Anatoly saw from a distance that there seemed to be a strong sense of sarcasm in the eyes of the child of flames, knowing that he was finally aiming at humiliating himself A hand, embarrassing myself.

"Halbara, first rescue Igor." Anatoly decided to use the deferral strategy and tried to wink at his younger brother, Harbara.

Halbara noticed and hurried up a few steps to rescue the unconscious Igor.

After waking up Igor dazed for a few seconds, he realized that he had been defeated, and the defeat was very miserable. Immediately, he growled howlly: "Brother, that son of flames is so mean, you must revenge me for the hatred."


Anatoly's handsome face turned black, and an old blood almost spewed out. He had originally thought that when Igor woke up, he would draw everyone's attention, and then find a way to get this thing done.

Unexpectedly, this opening of Igor pulled the feeling of hatred to the point of bursting again. This Nima's, is your brain damaged by the door, or was it broken by the flame son?

Your girl clearly knew that the Son of Flame would blow you up with a punch. You cry and let Laozi get on. Do you think Laozi can stop him a few punches? You girl, are you definitely my younger brother, not the teaser sent by the enemy?

You are about to send Lao Tzu to the pit of death. The handsome face of Anatoly, the tiger of the North, was all twisted with anger.

"Northern Tiger, Northern Tiger!"

Audiences of unknown truth were infected by Igor's howling, and several people began to scream Anatoli's nickname with blood, cheering for him.

This emotion is contagious.

After some people began to howl, more and more people joined the shouting. A cry of "Northern Tiger" rang over the Winter God Clan's ancestral court and shattered the sky.

There are more people belonging to Palisa, and under the secret instruction of Palisa, she began to coax up and continue to help the Tiger of the North to increase her salary and make the fire more prosperous.

Everyone's emotions burned like flames.

The hotter the burn, the more embarrassing the Anatoly, the tiger of the North. Fight, it is obviously not the opponent of the Son of Flame. Don't fight, now it's not coming.

Damn son of flames, hate Palisa! And that stupid Igor.

Anatoly muttered bitterly, his teeth tickling.

Unfortunately, he seems to have forgotten.

He picked out all the things. If he had secretly instructed him, how could Igor provoke Wang Yan for no reason?

Anatoly, the tiger who had to make a final trip to the North, had to take a step forward, and a fierce air rose into the sky. Like a peerless tiger king from Siberia.

"Oh! Son of Flame, I challenge you!"

Anato's throat roared deep in his throat, his eyes turned scarlet, his muscles swelled, and his body seemed to explode at this moment.

The ferocious and violent momentum, like a beast of floods, raging wildly, even the ground under his feet seems to have been unable to withstand such oppression, and at this moment a "click" sound sounded, cracking a large crack.

Wang Yan frowned slightly, this violent breath is unusual, it seems that Anatoly, the northern tiger, is still a bit of a heritage, it seems that he has learned some secrets of a sudden increase in strength Surgery.

It is a pity that in front of myself, it is just a sick cat from the North.

Just when Wang Yan was about to punch someone.

An old but majestic voice burst into the ears of everyone.


The crowd looked back, and saw that High Priest Salar didn't know when, with a cane, he walked slowly to Anatoly.

"The son of flames, old decay has no way to discipline, so these stupid boys have caused a lot of trouble to you." Salal arched his hand to Wang Yan in the manner of the Chinese country to apologize.

He turned and looked at Anatoly, scolding Yan Yan, "Aren't you taking your people to apologize to the Son of Flame?"

"Grandfather ..." Anatoly was reluctant to say anything, but was scared back by Salar's fierce eyes.

At that glance, it seemed that he had fallen into the bottomless abyss, and was shocked with cold sweat.

Under tremendous pressure, Anatoly had no choice but to take up the momentum and lead his followers, holding back his anger and expressing humility to Wang Yan and others.

Seeing this, Salar turned around smilingly, facing Wang Yan and others.

The plan he has planned for decades has not been completed, and he has been tolerant to this day. Now, at this point of view, he does not allow any accidents.

"Senior Salar, you are so kind." Wang Yan smiled and waved his hand. "The nobility is hospitable. We were only invited by these tribal friends to participate in the fighting party and learn from each other. Learn from each other. "

"That's good, that's good." Salar smiled kindly, making Anatoly shiver without any previous glance.

"Grandpa Salar, if there is nothing wrong, I will take the Son of Fire and Nan Lian and others to look elsewhere." Berissa stepped forward and greeted Salar.

"Go, go, there will be a winter festival in a few days, and take our guests to stroll around."

Salal waved his eyes kindly, until the crowd disappeared from his sight, he gradually sullen his expression.

"You have to take a good look at it now, otherwise you won't have this opportunity in the future."

A storm, under the suppression of the shaman high priest Salar, seemed to disappear between the invisible. However, the dark tide is even more fierce.


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