The Domestic Hero

Chapter 988: Winter Festival

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The cold wind from the north, curled with crystal shattered snow foam, sobbed across the world.

The soil on the ground is frozen as hard as the exposed stone, showing a clear gray.

Wang Yan took a hairy crab and stood on a convex rock, looking around. The whole land was like a frozen desert, except for the wind, it was still.

"Siberia, a quiet land. The ancients used to take names."

Feeling the breath of the pure wildness of the surrounding nature, Wang Yan not only had a little emotion. In ancient Turkic language, "Siberia" means "quiet land", and now with the environment in front of it, it is indeed very appropriate.

"Click, click!"

The hairy crab behind Wang Yan shivered and twitched. He lifted eight paws and ran around Wang Yan. He seemed to be protesting solemnly to the owner. As a dignified hairy crab, he should never be frozen in such cold weather , Go hunting!

"Come on, this low temperature has no harm to you. If you install it for me, I will use you as a bait and go fishing for sea monsters!"

Wang Yan glared at the hairy crab with annoyance. The fighting spirit of others was very high and fierce. What was it called? Greedy, lustful, he also fed it an evolutionary crystal.

After hearing this, the hairy crab shuddered, suddenly stunned, and then the crab claws undulated, like a hound, and ran forward to find the way.

"My son is an excellent darling, never be a bait to catch sea monsters!"

Wang Yan shook his head helplessly and said that time really passed quickly.

He was still in the winter **** clan three days ago, and lived happily through the winter festival. Today, he has embarked on the road of hunting.

The winter festival is a sign to welcome the arrival of the winter goddess and the next eight months of winter. In the eyes of the Winter Gods, the degree of importance is no less than that of the Chinese New Year.

On this day, the Winter God tribe will use the round pancakes and various foods that symbolize the sun to sacrifice to bring people a warm sun, and in their eyes, the sun is the flame **** representing flame and hope.

Later in the evening, the tribes set off huge bonfires in the central square and held various ceremonies to greet the awakening of the winter goddess and the start of the new year of winter.

After the end of a series of symbolic ceremonies that night, a variety of delicacies arrived, including caviar, puree, yogurt, vegetable soup, as well as a variety of meat and wine, etc., for the clan and their guests to enjoy.

This is a festival of joy for all the people. Everyone starts a carnival and drinks with all their heart, as if to put off a year of hard work and fatigue on their bodies.

After the sacrifice of the Winter Goddess, the next day, the Mother Earth and the Spirit of the Sea will be sacrificed. After the collective activities of these entire ethnic groups are over, the Winter Gods will begin to decorate their homes and start their own family celebrations.

Therefore, during this time, the festival also provided an opportunity for matchmaking for those unmarried men and women of the Winter Gods.

Unmarried men and women will entertain and get to know each other at the invitation and recommendation of friends and relatives. If they look right, the man can go to the woman's home to raise relatives after the Winter Gods Festival celebrations for several days.

Wang Yan, Nan Lian, and the Red Tank, under the leadership of Berissa, joined in the fun and experienced many interesting and interesting things in life.

The discovery of this blind date model is just like the blind date conference in the Chinese New Year period. It seems that no matter where you are, blind date and forced marriage are inevitable pressures.

After the end of the Winter Festival celebrations, the hunting trial officially began.

This trial practice comes from the early hunting activities related to the survival of the entire tribe.

In the cold extreme north, if there is not enough food for the winter, the entire tribe may die. Therefore, whenever the winter comes, hunting and gathering are also particularly important.

Therefore, after the winter goddess rescued the tribe and taught the tribe how to hunt and survive, this activity full of respect for the winter goddess was completely preserved. The results of the hunting trials are good or bad, and it has become the manifestation of the personal ability of the Winter Gods.

"The hunting activity lasted for ten days. In addition to personal weapons and pets, no other supplies and items were allowed!"

As Berissa stood on the high platform in the middle of the Tribal Square, her hand waved, "Hunting trial, start now!"

This session of the Hunting Trial is hosted by Berissa. As a generation of hunting gods, her personal strength has been proven, she does not need to participate in the trial again, and unless someone can surpass her, or wait for her to become a new generation of patriarch, otherwise she will keep this honorable title.

"Pharaoh, I believe that according to the hunting skills taught by the patriarch and Berissa, we should all be able to pass."

"Xiao Yan, come on, see you in ten days."

"Sister Nanlian, Brother Tank, we will see you in ten days."

After separating from Nanlian and the Red Tank, Wang Yan wore a hairy crab and went deep into the hinterland of the Northland tundra to start a hunting trip alone.

The scope of hunting activities is extremely extensive, covering the entire northern Siberia, the autonomous region of the Winter Gods, and the area is larger than the sum of several European countries.

The terrain here is complex and perfectly preserves the original pure wilderness environment, from the north to the Arctic Ocean, the south to the permafrost tundra, east and west, as well as the vast endless mountains and ravines, as well as swamps and cold deserts.

In addition, the Winter God Clan never over-hunts, so the monsters and prey that can be captured here are very rich. There are some high-level beast king awakening spirits like the bear king Renos.

Although there are two or three hundred contestants, when they are all scattered in this large area, the chance of encountering is very small. With the focus on tracking and hunting, unless the two people track the same prey, they will either watch who First grab the prey, or cooperate with each other, otherwise it is not allowed to lay the hands of the same race.

After Wang Yan set off, he made a brief analysis.

Hunting seems simple, and at his level, it can be said that dealing with any prey is not a problem. What is really difficult is that after coming to the wilderness, it is a technical job to find and track prey.

Can't find his prey, even if he can't show his skills.

Therefore, summing up his own advantages, Wang Yan chose to go all the way south to a slightly warmer zone.

This shaking is three days.

Although a few were caught along the way, alpine squirrel hare and muskrat, hairy crabs also used water arrows to shoot a few small prey such as merganser, and these small animals could not win the trial, and finally all served as dinner for Wang Yan and hairy crabs .

None of the real prey was found.

"Poo! Poo!"

The hairy crab who ran to the front to investigate, ran away with a smoke, don't look at it walking sideways, with its current strength, it ran faster than a car.

"What's wrong, is there a situation?" Wang Yan raised his brow slightly.

The hairy crabs danced in front of him, spitting bubbles, speaking the hairy crabs language that humans could not understand.

However, Wang Yan has a master-servant relationship with it, and his mind is connected, so he naturally understands its meaning.

"You mean, someone is digging mud in front?"

Wang Yan didn't understand what the hairy crab was talking about, so he decided to take a look.

At this time, Wang Yan was dressed as an ordinary person, and his strength reached such a level that he was already deep and calm, returning to the original, and after convergence, outsiders could not even notice.

Not far away, about seven or eight kilometers, Wang Yan surpassed without knowing it and reached his destination quickly.

After coming here, it was discovered that the permafrost layer had melted.

The hard black mud and tundra on the surface of the ground now look like jelly, and it is undulating on one foot. If it is broken, it will make a "poof, chant" sound.

Wang Yan is very clear about this situation.

This is because of the undesirable result of the global greenhouse effect, the gradually warming climate, allowing some Siberia, and even the permafrost around the Arctic Circle, to melt.

The semi-thawed tundra meadow looks like jelly, and the gas that comes out of it is methane methane gas that is frozen under the bottom of the permafrost layer. This leakage of methane gas will further deepen the greenhouse effect, which will cause a vicious cycle of the environment.

On this semi-melted tundra, a dozen men are struggling to dig something with their tools, and there are many big pits dug around by them.

When these people saw Wang Yan coming, they all stopped their movements in their hands, their eyes full of hostility.

"What are you busy with?"

Wang Yan took a disapproving glance at everyone present and greeted him in his own right.

He found that these young and middle-aged men were all low-level superpowers, led by a fierce, middle-aged bearded man with good strength and B + grade.

"Boy, why are you in such a place?" This bearded man stood on the edge of the big pit, and gave Wang Yan a sharp look.

It was found that this young man from China in the south looked ordinary. On the contrary, it was the dull river crab beside him that made the beard take a deep breath in shock.

This river crab is actually a senior spirit beast!

Bearded firmly speculates at the moment that the kid in front of him is definitely a rich second generation, and still the kind of super-rich rich second generation who has never seen the world and behaved all day long.

The reason why he is so firm is precisely because of that river crab spirit beast.

He has never seen a river crab that is usually eaten and found to be able to evolve to such a high level. If it is not the special hobby of rich locals, who will spend huge resources and wealth to cultivate a hairy crab?

"Sure enough, those rich local tyrants thought, they outsiders do not understand." The thought of this place, the bearded heart hurt.

Of course, if he knew that Wang Yan not only smashed a lot of resources for hairy crabs, but also fed it a piece of evolutionary crystal worth a lot, it is estimated that his heart would be bleeding.

"Me? I am also a superpower. Recently I came out to practice, hunt, or something." Wang Yan gave a reason, and lost a pack of cigarettes to the beard. "Everyone meets outside is fate, you pay friend."

Although Wang Yan quit smoking, he still brought some with him for communication.

Bearded received cigarettes, his eyes suddenly lightened, and his face softened somewhat, "It's easy to talk, easy to talk about."

At the same time I thought that this kid is really a local tyrant, this kind of smoke!

Wang Yan smiled casually and looked at a huge black cloth bag at the foot of the beard. While the other side did not carry it, it seemed to stretch out his hand casually, "Bella", opened the zipper, and a huge ivory with mud was exposed in the cloth bag.

"Huh, ivory? Are you poaching?" Wang Yan's eyes narrowed.

As soon as these words came out, his face changed slightly.


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