The Domestic Hero

Chapter 996: Son of flame, you lost! !

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Doubled every minute?

Such a huge bet scared Anatoly. It was 20 million in two minutes, 40 million in three minutes ... 160 million in five minutes!

The larger the number of minutes, the more exaggerated the final bet will be.

It's just that Anatoly is proud, and after seeing Wang Yan react this way, he is sure that he is just bluffing.

To take a step back 10,000, even if the Son of Flame has the hidden ability, it ca n’t last much longer than the red tank. At most, it is 25 minutes. The loss is only 160 million. He put together. , Still able to lose.

But Anatoly has great assurance that Wang Yan can't hold it for ten minutes. Ten minutes, according to the doubling theory, it reached more than 5 billion US dollars. Such a horrible number, like a heavy hammer, smashed **** Anatoly's heart, so refreshing that even his soul was flying out.

"Brother, I bet with him." The younger brother on the side was also excited with red eyes, and the voice said, "No matter how powerful the child of flame is, the attribute is restrained and can't hold for fifteen minutes."

"Brother, this is a profit-making gambling game, what are you waiting for?"

With a persuasion, Anatoly, the tiger of the North, finally made up his mind and gave a hard blow to his palm: "Ok, bet. But, Son of Flame, what if you can't get so much cash?"

"Oh, what is my son of flame? Even if it is tens of billions of dollars, I can get it." Wang Yan, I am a god, I looked down on the surly expression of all living beings and said proudly, "Even if there is not enough cash , I still have many holy artifact-level treasures, as well as some precious semi-god-level materials. "

Sacred treasures? Semi-God-level material?

Anatoly was almost stunned by the news of such happiness, and there are semi-god-level materials on the child of flames? It is definitely a valuable treasure without a market. It is extremely rare in the world.

"Treasures and materials are acceptable, but only 20% off." Anatoly was stunned by desire and said, pursing his lips greedily. Compared to money, he valued holy artifact-level treasures or demigod-level materials.

At this moment, he would rather have the Son of Flame not get so much cash.

"Twenty percent off is no problem." Wang Yan raised his eyebrows, glancing at Anatoly with his predominant eyes, and said with a lip, "However, what can you come up with? I'm afraid your little money is not enough to lose." "

"How could I ..." Anatoly blinked and sneered before saying the words, "You can rest assured that this world is not just about your rich son of fire. My family is one of the tribes. Family, some rare treasures of heaven and earth, and even holy artifact-level treasures can also be obtained. Testified by the patriarch and my high father high priest, I will never be relied on. "

High priest Salar raised his eyebrows, and he didn't want Anatoly to bet. But when I think about it, he is not ignorant of how powerful the Elemental Frost Pool is. Even if the Son of Fire is able, he can't hold it for twenty minutes.

As a result, Salar said in an old and strong voice: "Everyone is a young man. It's a good idea to play. This sacrifice can testify to the two in front of the goddess of hunting in winter, no matter who wins or loses, they must perform. committed to."

The patriarch Cole raised his eyebrows, but when he thought of objecting, he unexpectedly glanced at her daughter Berissa's eyes. After a little hesitation, he reluctantly said: "Since it is your fair bet, I have no opinion."

The patriarch and the high priest spoke one after another, and this gambling agreement would naturally be a stubborn one, and there was no chance of repentance.

Anatoly was like a winner, haha ​​laughed loudly: "His Royal Highness Son, please. I want Anatoly to see if you are able to stand in the pool of ice elements Twenty minutes. "

His two younger brothers, Igor and Harbara, also showed mocking expressions: "The son of flame is nothing but Er, with a force in the air, but it is so unexcitable."

"Brother, can he hold on for ten minutes?"

"I see it, eight or nine minutes is his limit."

What you said, what I said was both ridicule and deliberately weakening Wang Yan's fighting tactics.

"Anatoly, don't laugh too early." Berissa could not help but sneered. "Anyway, the son of flame is also an S-class strongman. Even if it is hard, it can last for twenty minutes." In fact, when it comes to the last word, Berissa herself does not have much confidence in Wang Yan.

It has not been an S-level strongman without history who has tried to enter the pool of ice elements. However, except for the strong element of the ice element system, there are few S-level strongmen who can last for twenty minutes.

Especially in history, there was a S-level strongman in the flame elemental system who was not convinced. He tried it once, and within five minutes, he ran out of the meridian injury, and he was raised for several years.

Although Belisa thinks that the Son of Flame is very powerful, and he seems to have the cards and confidence, there are still some doubts about whether he can really last for twenty minutes.

After all, confidence and confidence do not necessarily mean success. Haven't you seen it? Even if it is a red tank, it's just 25 minutes of hard resistance against the flesh. It is already the best result of non-water or ice attributes.

"Son of flame, you must be careful." The expression of the red tank spurted a little solemnly. "The element of ice is very powerful. If you can't hold it, don't hold it and hurt it."

Wang Yan cast a reassuring look at him, and walked steadily towards the pool of ice elements.

At this moment, only the ice queen Nan Lian, as always, expressed absolute confidence in Wang Yan. He made miracles again and again, and never let her down.

Under the extremely complicated situation of everyone's mind, Wang Yan stepped into the vicinity of the Hantan Lake, and as soon as he was three feet closer to the Hantan Lake, Wang Yan suddenly felt a tremendous cold invade, and he froze so many on his skin Goose bumps.

A little bit of coldness was like drilling into his bones like living creatures.

This cold is the cold that Wang Yan has never encountered.

In fact, at the level of strength of Wang Yan, the ordinary cold can no longer help him. For example, in the stratosphere more than ten kilometers high, the temperature reached minus fifty or sixty degrees.

Even in that environment, Wang Yan is not afraid even if he is naked, even a little goose bumps will not be born.

However, the temperature outside the cold lake, which still does not reach minus fifty or sixty degrees, can actually make Wang Yan cold and cold. This chill is really unique and can't be taken lightly.

Driven by instincts, the pure yang true energy in Wang Yan's body ran on his own, turning into a heat wave lingering outside his body to disperse those cold cold feelings.

Under normal circumstances, the chill in that area will be wiped out in an instant.

However, as soon as Wang Yan ’s pure yang appeared, he seemed to arouse the force of the lingering ice laws nearby, and a fatal chill came out of the cold lake, squeezing it into Wang Yan ’s body. .

Suddenly, Wang Yan's heat wave was instantly squeezed into his body and forced into the corner. The skin, flesh, and meridians are filled with the power of ice. This made Wang Yan's body tremble, and his body stiffened and struggled.


Wang Yan was amazed by the powerful force of the ice. At the same time, he also understood why these guys are so optimistic that they can stay in the pool of ice elements for twenty minutes.

In this place, the flame element not only does not have any cold-repellent effect, but also causes the force of the ice to counterattack, which is more difficult than others.

However, with this little bit of ice power, Wang Yan couldn't fail. He did not use more pure yang real fire to expel the cold, but continued to walk towards the cold lake, his legs stiff and he was staggering.

"Oh, it's not close to the Elemental Frost Pool, is that all right?" Igor, one of Anatoly's younger brothers, sarcastically said, "It seems that the child of flames is just a mere nickname. I met the real one, This won't work. "

Before he was bombarded with a punch by Wang Yan, his reputation among the clans plummeted, almost becoming a joke. Now, there is finally a chance to revenge.

Anatoly also sighed in relief, and laughed: "Igor, don't talk nonsense. The son of flame just didn't expect the element of ice to be so powerful, so I couldn't help but suffer a loss. With his Physical strength, it is still possible to hold on for five or six minutes. "

In five or six minutes, it means that Wang Yan will be defeated, even the **** will be gone, and he will owe astronomical debt.

Berissa and the Red Tank stared at each other, both worried for Wang Yan. They were not afraid that Wang Yan would not be able to hold it for five minutes. It was estimated that it would be able to hold it for ten minutes.

But even ten minutes will lose an astronomical figure.

Only Nan Lian remained calm as usual, as if nothing had happened. Based on her understanding of Wang Yan, if he is not sure, he will never bet against others.

So far, Wang Yan has never lost once.

In front of the cold lake, Wang Yan had some difficulty struggling into the lake of cold elements, and the whole person was immersed in it. Suddenly, the force of the ice, which is ten times stronger than the previous ice fog, was pervasively drilled into the capillary hole of Wang Yan.

A thin layer of ice crystal armor was instantly formed on his skin, which almost transformed Wang Yan into a cold ice sculpture.

As a legendary strongman, Wang Yan's cells are so powerful. Compared to ordinary people, Wang Yan is more than a hundred times stronger and a thousand times stronger. However, under the erosion of these endless ice forces, they are running more and more slowly, almost forming ice crystals.

"What a great ice rule." Wang Yan felt that his consciousness was many times slower than usual. The fingers and toes are also frozen numbly, making it difficult to even touch them.

However, at this time, he is still very calm.

Anatoly's guy dared to gamble with himself, hehe, he lost!


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