The Domestic Hero

Chapter 997: Above the sun, under the extreme sun!

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The reason why Wang Yan is brave and courageous, and dare to compete with Anatoly, is naturally quite certain.

Before touching Nanlian, he was invaded by a chill wrapped in the ice rule. After spending a few hours of effort, the cold was dispelled, and the force of the ice rule was unintentionally smelted into crystals. .

The crystal is extremely small, much smaller than the hair. But this makes Wang Yan feel very surprised. He has always believed that the law of heaven and the heavens belongs to nothingness, and there is something real and nothing.

Unexpectedly, the laws of heaven and earth can actually turn the virtual into reality and condense into matter. However, what surprised Wang Yan even more was that the inner Dan in Wang Yandan's field began to function, swallowing that tiny crystal of law like a monster, and then quickly digested it.

As the so-called cathode generates yang, the anode generates yin. In the law of cosmic heaven and earth, yin and yang are one. Yin-Yang Hetai is the truth of the universe.

Just a few breaths of effort, that trace of the crystal was actually milled cleanly, feeding Wang Yan's "Pure Yang Nei Dan" a bit more. Although it is only a point of growth, Wang Yan is now a terrestrial fairy, and every step forward is extremely difficult.

It's already a good thing to drop a pie in the sky in a short time.

Since then, Wang Yan originally wanted to find an opportunity and reason to enter the pool of ice elements to pick more pies. Unexpectedly, Anatoly took the opportunity to take the initiative, and also stretched his neck to be slaughtered.

This made Wang Yan overjoyed, so he played along the river.

When Wang Yan secretly rejoiced, this was not the case for Anatoly and others. They only saw some appearances. Wang Yan had been frozen and he could stand for five minutes even if he was ruthless enough.

At this time, Wang Yan's whole body was immersed in the pool of ice elements, and the sky above was full of boiling ice mist. His body has been invaded by the force of ice, his body stiff and his thinking slow.

Only in Dan Tian, ​​there is still a flame of perseverance.

Suddenly, Wang Yan's flaming inner pill turned violently. It transforms into a fiery pure yang true fire, like a flaming monster with open teeth and claws, tearing a large chunk of cold power from the body.

Then in Dantian, it was quickly ground and refined.

The remaining ice power, as if possessing life and intelligence, suddenly went crazy, and all rushed to Wang Yan's Dantian, trying to kill the brave flame of the inner Dan.

"His! It's really fierce." Wang Yan secretly stunned and hurriedly divided the power in the Flame Dantian into two parts, one part to resist the force of the icy ice, and the other part to accelerate the digestion of that part of the loot.

Fortunately, at this time, Wang Yan only needed to guard the square land of Dantian. More than ten seconds later, the force of the torn piece of ice was refined into a trace of ice crystals by the flame inner pill, and then quickly digested like a whale.

This trace of ice crystals condensed by the force of the ice rule is several times larger than the trace that Wang Yan had previously eaten. This made Wang Yan's flame Neidan grow a full circle in a flash, and it seemed even more powerful and majestic.

After eating and drinking, Neidan, the flame, quickly put all his power into the power to disperse the ice. It was fierce and quickly pushed those ice forces back, and then, like a hungry wolf, after tearing the next piece, most of the power retreated into the Dantian and continued to enjoy the loot.

Those ice powers seemed to have not low spirituality, and they were blown away by such a shameless tactics by the flame inner Dan, and they continued to besieging Wang Yan's Dan Tian frantically.

After two or three rounds of this, a lot of ice power was not reduced, but Wang Yan's flame Nei Dan has grown a lot and benefited a lot. In the face of the power of the ice, the eagle looked at the wolf and looked fierce, no longer shy away as before.

As a result, Wang Yan let out a sigh of relief and finally persevered. Next, Wang Yan's flame Neidan will only become stronger and stronger, at least to be invincible.

After standing on his heels, Wang Yan continued to use his other tactics while continuing his previous tactics. You ca n’t eat it alone, but Wang Yan has other pets?

In a moment of thought, Wang Yan's questioning heart lotus blossomed in the sea of ​​consciousness.

In his questioning lotus platform, there are several men in storage. There are half-step S-level succubus, there are also three-legged Jinwu residual souls that currently reach A-level, and a B-level hairy crab.

As for the S-class earth flame demon, because his body is too large, Wang Yan has no ability to gather it into the Xinxinliantai. Those apprentices and descendants of the flames of the earth, the flame elemental life, although they can be received. But the environment of Xinxinlian in Taichung is not suitable for them, and because of spiritual wisdom, the growth of those flame elemental life in the outside world is very limited.

As a result, those flame elemental lives continue to be cultivated slowly in the flame forbidden land.

Take out the three-legged Jinwu first to see if it can benefit from it.

The three-legged golden black is not an entity, but a ray of residual soul. Although its remnant soul is constantly being completed, it still has a long way to go to restore its heyday.


A mini-flame bird flew out of Wang Yan's consciousness sea and excitedly communicated with the spirit wave, "Boss, you finally have the willingness to let the spirit out. Is there any female crow that needs the spirit ... quack, What's the situation? Why is it so cold, uh ... the strong ice elemental law ... It's not much more than the original god's heyday ... help me, boss, save me ~ "

Before the three-legged Jinwu was too arrogant, he was surrounded by the force of the ice rule like "man over the mountains" and attacked fiercely. In just two or three breaths, the three-legged Jinwu turned into a fist-sized flame like a small sun, resisting death and death, like a wax torch in the wind, a look that would be extinguished at any time.

Wang Yan fainted, thinking that the three-legged Jinwu was only a ray of remnant soul, but the foundation should be fairly advanced, at least to get some benefits. But I didn't expect that the green-hat bird is the green-hat bird.

He also called himself the boss anyway, and Wang Yan could not naturally watch it killed by the power of ice, and separated a ray of real fire from the flames, dispelling part of the power of ice for it, and assumed some pressure.

In this way, the three-legged Jinwu just felt a little bit better, and recovered from a curled state into a fist-sized bird shape, with a lingering heart called out with mental fluctuations: "Boss, Boss, what is your situation? How can you provoke you When it comes to the winter goddess, she is notoriously cruel and cruel, overbearing and unreasonable. Let ’s run away ~ "

At this time, it has recognized the master of the force of the ice element, which is the famous winter goddess.

Escape, escape your sister!

Wang Yan, who was immersed in the icy lake of elements, couldn't resist a drop of cold sweat. What kind of sin did you make? You even put on such a younger brother, and claim to be the remnant of the sun god.

"What are you afraid of? This is just a pool of ice elements. At most, there is a small part of the rule of the winter goddess. You learn me quickly and see if you can transform the power of the ice rule into your own strength. "Wang Yan returned to it with a mental shock." Do n’t keep burying me. It ’s good for me not to take care of you. Now that the benefits are here, you do n’t have to digest it quickly. You are a remnant soul pulled by the sun god. , The anode should produce yin, and the truth of yin and yang Hetai should understand? "

"Boss, are you teasing me?" The three-legged Jinwu burst into tears, "I understand what you said, but the rule of the winter goddess is so powerful, I have no ability to refine it. Also, My highest legal implication is only to reach the sun level, and the level of the winter goddess is at least the lunar level. Me, I ca n’t control it. "

The sun is too cloudy?

Wang Yan did not particularly understand the law level of that force of ice, but did not expect that it had reached the Taiyin level.

"Wait, I'm not too clear about the yin and yang levels. You will explain to me." While Wang Yan's spiritual fluctuations and the three-legged Jinwu residual soul communicate, he still does not forget to continue to grind the power of the ice rules, and the whale swallows up the let Dan within his own flame is stronger.

This kind of opportunity is like an ordinary person entering a vault, full of money, depending on whether you can pick up more.

"Chaos produces yin and yang, yin and yang transforms five elements, and five elements lead to everything. This is the most basic evolution rule of the universe." Although the three-legged Jinwu memory has disappeared a lot, some basic rules are still understood. More to say, that is the most primitive energy before the universe opened up, and it is also the highest level of energy. The two yin and yang, because of the different degrees, are also divided into one yang one yin, three yang three yin, six yang six yin, nine yang nine Yin, pure yang, pure yin, sun taiyin, and the highest polar anode yin. Your master Yan Zun, almost cultivated pure yang to the extreme, reaching the level of half god. "

"Originally, the pure yang known as the most recent is just the penultimate level, one level higher than Jiuyang." Wang Yan suddenly understood that he has always felt his yang more than the description of pure yang. It's a lot of exaggeration. It seems that his own level of yang should be at least the level of the sun.

and many more!

Own yang can refine the ice power of the ice goddess to the level of lunar, can it be that his own yang level has reached the highest level of extreme yang? At the door of the vegetable market, the drop of liquid meteor hitting his body is really the inheritance of Vulcan?

"Boss, your yang attribute should be above the sun and below the extreme sun." The three-legged Jinwu said, "You should have inherited the boss of Vulcan for some reason, but it is not complete."

It turns out so.

That drop of liquid meteorite should not be able to elevate itself completely to the extreme sun level. But even so, it is already amazing.

That's above the sun! Compared with Uncle Cannon's pure Yang level, it is one and a half levels higher.

For a time, Wang Yan's heart was fiery and fierce. It seems that he has a high probability of surpassing Uncle Cannon in the future.


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