The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1104: Perfect action (one more)

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The powerhouses of the two worlds confronted each other for a whole day next to a pile of heavenly treasures. During this period, although some powerhouses of the two worlds always wanted to make a shot, they were eventually topped by their respective worlds The first few people stopped.

However, when the whole day passed, some people in the French Realm finally could not resist the temptation of Tiancaidibao, risking to offend the celestial palace, and wanted to choose a shot.

Speaking of them, although the celestial palace has a decisive position in the French realm, the powerful men in the major provinces do not really follow the orders. They listen to the celestial palace, especially to stop them, but It's just a few guys in Dongtian Realm.

Therefore, after hesitant to wait for reinforcements, the twenty or more Dongtianjing Five Strong Heavens had no patience to continue to wait. Among these two dozen people, there is also a strong person who also has a star house in it.

Obviously, neither the indigenous people of the French Realm nor the normal Astrological House feel that they need not be frightened by the threat of the Moro Realm. After all, the big problem is the situation where the fish and the dead are broken. At that time, everyone should not find these natural treasures. Why should they be threatened by everyone in the Moro Realm?

However, no matter whether they are from the French Realm or from the Moro Realm, they never dreamed that, just when they were about to take the shot, the strong people around them started to attack them as if they were crazy.

The first mover is the easy-moving star owner of the star house. The strong man in the star house is obviously ready for the shot. When the last kill word falls, he directly faces the one closest to him. The Dongtianjing Wuzhongtian people killed the past, and at the same time, a dozen Dongtianjing Wutiantian powerfuls on his side, and nearly a hundred Dongtianjing three or four Tiantian people all started to shoot. , The goal is all their own people.

"Ah, what's going on? What's the situation? Are you, you all crazy?"

"Yi Qianxing, what are you doing? Stop, hurry up and stop me!"

"Why are you all doing this? We are our own, we are our own !!!"

The strong men of the French Realm and the Star Palace were all stunned by the sudden change. They never imagined that such a situation would happen. They even attacked their own people, and the shot was a terrible play. There is no intention to keep your hands. This scene makes those who are attacked unable to react at all.

Everyone was originally guarding the people of the opposite Moro realm. For the people around them, almost no one was going to guard. Because of this, when the people around them attacked themselves, they were instantly caught. In the extreme passiveness, there is no slight resistance or fight back.

"You, we are good for you !!!"

All the people who shot did not have the slightest reluctance, on the contrary, in their eyes, it turned out to be an expression of thinking for the other side. This scene made it hard for those who were attacked to return to life for a long time.

When the war broke out on the French side, the same situation happened on the other side.

"Stop, all stop for me. Are you crazy? Why should you supply yourself?"

"Is there such a thing, is it really such a thing, what are you guys thinking about? Don't stop now?"

"Don't fight again, I'll fight back again!"

The attacked Mo Luo world strongmen are also unable to return to God. Compared with the situation of the Fa world, the Mo Luo world is very united at a critical time. The situation in front of us should not exist in reality at all. . Therefore, for the moment, everyone in the magic world was incredible for the first time and even forgotten the resistance.

It's a pity that those who are attacking the Moro realm do not care about these things at all, no matter how the other party calls, they launch the assault by themselves, so that the attacked person has no slight reaction time.

The original calm scene suddenly became noisy. A super battlefield was instantly formed, but the two sides of the battle were really weird.

"Om !!!"

When the war broke out, every person who was attacked suffered an enemy on their backs. There was no time to resist, and at the moment they were entangled, a space of dozens of miles suddenly heard a gentle vibration. sound. The sound of this shock was obvious. The strong players present almost didn't hear the sound.

If it is normal, when they hear this weird sound, they will definitely escape the scene for the first time, looking for a safe place to hide for the time being. It is a pity that at this moment, they are all entangled by their own people, there is no chance of getting away, so even if they heard the weird voice spreading, they could not escape the first time.


It was almost at the moment when the sound of space shock spread, everyone felt a flower in front of them, and when they felt the situation was not good, everyone was shocked to discover that the entire battlefield suddenly became Quiet, not only did their opponents disappear, but the others around them disappeared instantly.

In the eyes, there is an imaginary fantasy space everywhere. The whole space looks endless and there is no way to fly out. The most terrible thing is that when they appeared in such a space, the power of the caves on which they depended on them all lost their ability to operate, and 10% of the power could not be exerted even by Chengdu.

"What's going on? People? Where have all the people gone?"

"It's over, it's calculated, it's calculated! This is clearly a mysterious space of the mysterious array, and I have fallen into the mysterious space!"

"How can there be such a thing? The super mysterious array arranged in advance, even with so many people in the Fa Xiangjie and the Moruo Realms, how can this be possible! I don't believe it, I don't believe it !!!"

"Someone is so insidious, get out of me and talk, I'm going to crush you!"

Regardless of whether they are in the French Realm or the Moro Realm, as long as they are trapped in the mysterious formation and are not subdued by Yuan Feng, they all start to quarrel. Until now, they still don't understand where, it seems that among them and in the opposite team, someone has already betrayed their own world and turned to serve others.

Mysterious array was obviously arranged long ago, but it was ridiculous that they stayed in the traps arranged by others for a whole day. It seems that the other party made it clear that it was a delay, trying to attract more powerful people to come, and then wipe them out!

Although this approach is appalling, it now seems that the other party's purpose has already been achieved.

You know, the power of the two worlds at this level is almost complete at this moment. These five hundred people are trapped in the mysterious array. Once all are rounded up by unknown forces, then, whether it is the French Realm or the Moro Realm, I am afraid that the strength will be greatly reduced, and it will be difficult to recover for a long time.

Of course, these are not the things they need to consider at this moment, because at present, they still have to find ways to keep their lives, this is the first.

Just when all the strong men in Dongtianjing were engulfed by the mysterious array, in the void, two young figures appeared in the mysterious space at the moment, and everyone's face was full. With a rejoicing smile.

"Ha ha ha, brother Yuan Feng, the merits are consummated, this time it is really meritorious! This time, almost all the strong men below the five heavens in the cave world of the two worlds have fallen into the hands of brother Yuan Feng. Ah, ha ha ha ha !!! "

Chu Tianyu was very excited at this moment. Obviously, this time the operation was a great success. Four hundred people attracted one hundred people. This time, the cave in the whole dry snow area is under five heavy sky. Almost all of them have been in the hands of Yuan Feng. In the next time, Yuan Feng already has the power to challenge the two worlds.

"It's not bad, but it didn't waste my painstaking effort, but this time it was really successful."

A round smile was also faint on his face. As the behind-the-scenes implementation of the entire plan, he naturally knew the results of the plan. At this moment, the 400 strong men he had controlled were eliminated, but it was a whole lot more. He was attracted by more than a hundred people, among whom there were no fewer than fifty in Dongtianjing's Wuzhong Heaven.

When you have control of these fifty or five Dongtianjing people, then you will get the remaining sixty or seventy Dongtianjing three or four heavenly people. At this moment, he will almost be truly incompetent. Blocked.

"Everyone who has reached the fifth heaven of Dongtian Realm, come and gather !!"

The excited eyes flashed away, but Yuan Feng didn't delay at all, and in a matter of thought, he revealed his position to the fifty-thousand heavens and five heavens who had recovered. Obviously, next However, he has to seize the time, and take control of all the trapped strong men while there is no change.

This action was really impressive, and frankly, he was really worried about attracting stronger players. Therefore, while no strong person is attracted, he has done everything quickly, so as to avoid unexpected situations.

More than fifty people in the cave heaven and five heavy heavens quickly rushed from everywhere, and as everyone approached Yuan Feng, the latter's mind was subconsciously in his own mystery. Swept through the battlefield space, and all the newcomers who attracted it were observed one by one.

When the fifty or more people came near, Yuan Feng also scanned all the people who had cheated him. However, just after Yuan Feng had finished glancing at everyone, his complexion was slightly stagnant, and the whole person was suddenly caught in place, with no movement for a while.

"This ... there are acquaintances ...?"

The corner of his mouth picked, and at this moment Yuan Feng suddenly showed a touch of complexity.

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