The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1105: A different reunion (two more)

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More than a hundred Dongtianjing strongmen entered the game and became their own prisoners. In this regard, Yuan Feng was naturally delighted. Counting the more than one hundred Dongtianjing strong men, his Dongtianjing subordinates directly broke through the number of five hundred. Such a quantity has far exceeded any one of the worlds of the French phase and the Mo Luo world.

It can be said that at this moment, almost all the powers of the French phase and the Mo Luo world are in the hands of Yuan Feng. Even if there is a leaking fish, there will never be too many.

More than a hundred Dongtianjing strongmen were imprisoned in a large array of space. Yuan Feng kept on controlling these people directly.

At this moment, Yuan Feng's blood curse has already reached the point of integration. Hundreds of shows have made him use this magic skill almost as much as he wants. Under the Five Heavens of Heaven, Minutes can be controlled.

With the help of more than fifty cave heavens and five heavy heavens, and the help of Chu Tianyu, a super strong, Yuan Feng started from cultivation to high this time, but he ranked those in the cave heavens three or four heavens. Back. In such a place, God knows when an accident will occur, so of course it can be repaired to a high level, even if there is a change, it will be considered a low level.

The more than one hundred powerful people controlled by this time, Dongtianjing Wuzhongtian stood half, there were more than fifty, such a quantity, even if Yuan Feng has the fastest means of refining, it also needs no short Only for a while.

Fortunately, he had good luck. When refining these strong men, no super strong man was attracted by the situation here. Rather, there were two or three cave heavens and four heavenly men in this period. For the level person, he directly let the subordinates of Dongtianjing and Wuzhongtian catch them in the space of Xuanzhen.

In a little while, Yuan Feng finally conquered the more than one hundred cavernous strongmen one by one. However, when he conquered a large number of strongmen, there were only a few left in the mysterious space. Personally special characters, Yuan Feng was suddenly hesitant about these special characters.

"What's up, Brother Yuan Feng? It seems that there are still a few people who haven't managed it. Why did Brother Yuan Feng stop?"

Chu Tianyu has been revealed by Yuan Feng about the mystery of the Jiuqu Yellow River Array. Naturally, he can feel the situation in the Xuanzhen space. He can feel that there are six strong men in the Xuanzhen space at this moment. Not yet conquered, two of them are Dongtianjing Wuzhongtian, and Yuan Feng stopped at this moment. He was naturally curious about this.

"Hey, Brother Tianyu should also know that before I came to the Moro Realm, I spent some time in the French Realm. There I met a lot of people, many of whom were strong in the realm of heaven, and the other party still had me. Yep………"

Shaking his head and sighing, Yuan Feng didn't hide it, he explained directly to Chu Tianyu, and as his voice fell, Chu Tianyu could not help but widen his eyes suddenly, and instantly understood Yuan Feng's meaning.

"Brother Yuan Feng is saying that the remaining six guys, Brother Yuan Feng can recognize them?"

The situation is already very clear, and it can make Yuan Feng feel depressed. It seems that the remaining six people in the heavenly world seem to have an unusual relationship with Yuan Feng, and even Yuan Feng's benefactor may not be sure.

"Everyone recognizes that one of them is my benefactor. I can reach the French realm from the Tianlong dynasty, and speaking of his help, otherwise, I am still in the Tianlong dynasty, and I am still a little person!"

Leaving aside, Yuan Feng really didn't know what to do. The remaining six strong men are exactly six of the seven major protections under the main seat of the Blue Jade House. Apart from the strongest Han Ning protection, the remaining six people, including his most familiar Yunlong protection, It was all there.

Although there is no good impression of the French realm, he is still relatively close to the seven major protections of the Blue Jade House, especially the Yunlong protections. He is even more familiar with it. It's okay to subdue other people, but he can't subdue them.

"Brother Tianyu, do you have any suggestions? For these people, should I accept or not?"

Scratching his head, Yuan Feng simply tossed this question to Chu Tianyu and asked the other person to help him think about his idea. His mind was a little messy at this moment, and maybe a bystander should think about the idea, which should be more moderate.

"This ..." Hearing Yuan Feng asked himself, Chu Tianyu couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth, his face was a bit bitter. In fact, he was not good at making decisions for Yuan Feng, but watching Yuan Feng had no idea, he would give Yuan Feng some advice anyway.

"Hey, Brother Yuan Feng, we must take the overall situation as the most important thing. In the current situation, although we have more people under control, there is no one who is really strong. So, for insurance reasons, I would recommend Brother Yuan Feng Do n’t care about familiarity or unkindness. ”

Thinking for a moment, Chu Tianyu couldn't help but sighed for a long time, and stiffened his head. Since Yuan Feng had left the problem to him, of course he had to tell the truth. In any case, he felt that the overall situation should be the most important thing.

"Brother Tian Yu means, take them all for the time being?" With his eyes narrowed, Yuan Feng's face kept changing, apparently considering Chu Tianyu's proposal.

"Actually, it's nothing, Brother Yuan Feng will take them all for a while, and then Chen Chen is at stake. After this dangerous period, Brother Yuan Feng can release them all and return their blood."

Chu Tianyu's idea is very simple. Anyway, the blood curse is not an irreversible thing, so let's conquer it for the time being, and when it is time to release these people to freedom.

"It's ........., let's do it according to Brother Tianyu's intention." With a violent wave, Yuan Feng no longer hesitated and decided directly.

Right now, it's not time to think about it. Unknown dangers may come at any time. Therefore, it is better for him to act decisively to avoid long dreams.

"Since it's all together, let's cook it in one pot !!!!"

After having made a decision, Yuan Feng no longer thought about it. When he raised his hand, he injected all the authentic energy into the surrounding Xuanzhen space, and as he injected several authentic energy into the Xuanzhen space, the entire Xuanzhen The array was slightly moved, and some subtle changes took place ...

In the Xuanzhen space, everyone was originally isolated, and now, after Yuan Feng injected Zhenqi into the Xuanzhen space, he was in the six major protection methods of the blue jade house, but immediately found out. Existence of each other.

In the time spent talking, the six major protection methods are gathered together, and each one's face is in doubt.

"Xing Yuan protects the law, freezes the ice and protects the law. Seeing you guys, I'm finally a little energetic !!!"

The six guardians gathered together, and the shock on his face only slightly diminished. They are all isolated, not only can't do anything themselves, but they don't even have a speaker. The feeling of helplessness is something they rarely feel.

"Haha, He Xing protects the law, look at your success, isn't that just trapped in this mysterious space, what's the big deal?"

Just when He Xing Hu Fa's words just dropped, Yunlong Hu Fa suddenly laughed out loud and joked at He Xing Hu Fa. It was just that although he spoke very smartly, the paleness after the scare on his face seemed so obvious. Obviously, the laughter at this moment was undoubtedly for everyone and for himself.

"The situation seems a little bad. The space in this mysterious array is very strange. A few of us are afraid that we are really trapped here. Whether we can go out or not depends on whether anyone comes to save us."

Zhang Zhonghu Fa also opened his mouth at this moment, but his face did not improve for the slightest. He still has a little research on the Xuan Zhen, and he knows how abnormal the big array is at this moment.

"Everyone stays vigilant and responds to changes."

Of the six, the strongest ice-protection method finally spoke. The strongest person in the Dongtian Realm is always taciturn, but the situation now seems to have to speak.

"Strange, just now there are so many people trapped in this mysterious array. Why are there only six of us at this time? Where have the other hundreds of people gone?"

The six major protection methods approached each other one after another. At this moment, their powerful power was imprisoned, and their strength was greatly reduced. Only by relying on each other to increase their self-confidence and a little sense of security.

"Don't worry about other people, we still take care of ourselves ..."

"Ahem, you seniors, haven't seen you for a long time, but everyone is all right?"

The six major protection methods have yet to be said, but at this moment, a light cough came suddenly, directly interrupting everyone's discussion. When I heard this sudden sound, all the six major protection methods were slightly stunned, then they turned around and looked in the direction of the sound.

At this time I heard someone say hello to this place, which was something they couldn't imagine, especially for the sound, they all felt so familiar.

In the direction of the sound, the six guardians looked at it with curiosity. However, when the men who slowly came out from the depths of the mysterious array were seen clearly, everyone's face showed an unbelievable look.

"Little brother Yuanfeng? Why ... how could it be you?"

The six major protection methods were all shocked at the scene, and the Yunlong protection method shouted directly in surprise. There was no way. At this moment, in such a special place, they saw this. An acquaintance, they really can't be surprised.

"Elder Yunlong, and you seniors, everyone is polite."

Approaching the six people step by step, Yuan Feng squeezed out a smile, but the expression on his face was so unnatural.

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