The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1290: Calm down (four more)

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The five members of the Ziyun Palace this time, unknowingly, have been three captured by Yuan Fengsheng, and a seal by Jiang Qingwu piece by piece, it is no threat. At present, the five strong However, only the last tricky face is left.

Speaking of which, the five people in Ziyun Palace, except for Yan Yan, are not a big threat to Yuan Feng and Jiang Qingwu. After all, Yuan Feng now controls eight mysterious formations Giant, when facing people of the same level, he has the absolute number advantage.

However, everyone else is good at saying, but for the powerful man in the yin and yang environment of Ziyun Palace, it is completely different.

In the dark space, the Yanyun Palace still stands quietly in place. For such a long time, he has been standing there so quietly, without moving in one step.

As a super strong in the realm of yin and yang, his perception is much stronger than others. He is very clear in his heart that this super mysterious array at present is not something that can be broken with brute force. At least, he doesn't have the power to break.

At this stage, he didn't have any worry in his heart, but became more and more quiet.

At this time, he thought it was a trivial matter to carry out the task, but later he discovered that his opponent was far more difficult than he thought.

It is absolutely impossible to successfully complete the task within the required time, and at this moment, he can say that he needs such an opportunity right now.

It is conceivable that when the prescribed time is reached, his master finds that they have not returned, and he will certainly find a way to find them. When the other party sees the situation they face, they will naturally understand their difficulties.

The mysterious array at present is really beyond the scope that he can handle. Only the strong man of the level of his master can break the mysterious array with brute force!

Yan Yan has decided that thunder can't move, but sometimes, not everything will evolve and evolve according to his ideas. When Yan Yan thought that he could be exposed to others to rescue himself, he finally found him. .


In the dark space, a light suddenly appeared not far from the analysis. This light is very strange, but it only illuminates a small space of three or four meters square, and other places, there is nothing at all Illuminated by the appearance of light.


Seeing the light appear, Yan Xuan's brow could not help but wrinkle slightly, but there was a kind of bad feeling under her heart. He didn't want to have extra knots. After more than two months, his task could be ended, so he didn't want to have extra knots.

However, he can survive for months, but some people cannot. For Yuan Feng and Jiang Qingwu, if they can't resolve the analysis within two months, waiting for them will be an unimaginable trouble. At that time, no matter how opportunistic they are, they will absolutely It is impossible to survive.

"Analysis of Ziyun Palace, we finally met!"

Between the analysis of thoughts, in the bright place, the figure of a young man slowly emerged, looked at him with a smile, and spoke calmly.

"Huh?" There was a flash of suspicion on the face of this young man who suddenly appeared, Yan Yan's face.

His practice was placed there, and at a glance he could see the general situation of the person opposite. The perfection of annihilation is a realm, but the energy fluctuations of the body are full, but the level of fullness in the heavenly realm is full. This strange situation is the first time he has seen it.

At this moment, in such a rare mysterious space, to see such a weak and strange person, all these things can be described as strange.

What made him feel most uncomfortable was that the young man with a smile on his face not only stood taller than him, but even looked at him, he had a kind of condescending, when the strong looked at the weak, For him, it was simply intolerable.

However, he was more clear in his heart that at this moment it was not the time to act in a spirited way. In this strange mysterious array, it is the most appropriate way to change constantly.

"Oh, it seems that Your Excellency is really careful, why are you afraid that I can't do it?"

Seeing Yan Yan's face flashing, it seemed that she wanted to make a shot, but did not dare to take it easily. Yuan Feng's smile couldn't help getting brighter.

Facing the strong in the realm of yin and yang directly, frankly, this is more risky, but here is his mysterious space, he has absolute confidence, at least, he is not worried about what the other party can do to him.

"Boy, where did you come from? If you don't want to die, hurry up and disappear for me."

Lengheng, Yan Yan still did not intend to shoot. If the opposite is a strong man similar to him, he may still have a few tricks with the other side, but he is really not interested in a small cave person. And he also believes that eight such achievements are a trap when such a small character appears.

"Well, the boy Yan Yan laughed. This is my place. I want to appear wherever I want to appear. If the boy Yan Yan thinks it's not good here, then just leave, but I'm afraid you don't have that ability."

Yuan Feng didn't get angry because of the other person's words. In any case, this one in front of him is a super strong person in the yin and yang environment, and also the strongest person he has ever seen. no big deal.

"Well? Your place? Don't you tell me, you set up this mysterious array? !!!"

When Yuan Feng's words fell, his original look was indifferent, but his expression was suddenly stunned, and his eyes were subconsciously a little stunned.

Yuan Feng said very clearly that this is his place, but this sentence is very particular about it. From the literal meaning, Yuan Feng is obviously telling the other party that this mysterious array is what he arranged.

"Oh, your Excellency is not stupid at home, yes, this mysterious array is under distribution, I wonder how much Yan Yanxiong can equal?"

Blinking at the other side, Yuan Feng's face was full of sorrow. Not to mention, teasing this Ziyun Palace super master seems to be a very fun thing.

"Hum, boy, don't you be afraid of the wind flashing your tongue, it's up to you? That's a big deal."

Yan Yan certainly did not believe that this mysterious array was arranged by Yuan Feng. A large-scale mysterious array, let alone a person who is in the heavenly realm, even if it is a person who is born and created, it is difficult to arrange success. If it is really If Yuan Feng arranges it, it's either he's crazy or God's crazy.

"Believe it or not, it looks like you're not worthy of me to cheat." Ripped the corners of his mouth, Yuan Feng didn't refute, and between words, he suddenly thought something, suddenly said, "Yes, I forgot to tell you Introduce the three subordinates I just subscribed to. The brothers who want to come and analyze should recognize them as the three of you, all come out !! "

As the words fell, he raised his hand, and then, in front of him, three young figures appeared.

"Have seen the young master !!!"

The three young people showed their stature, and at the first time they bent down towards Yuan Feng, and then saluted respectfully. Everyone had a sincere voice, and there was no imagination or jealousy.

"Hey, forgive me, do n’t always be so polite in the future, the three of you are following me, but better than others at Ziyun Palace. Maybe one day, I will let you three feel the realm of God. Power! "

When he waved to the three, Yuan Feng was as if he was sending a flower caller, with a look of indifference. The master's sense of superiority to the servant was completely interpreted by him.

"Thank you, Master!" The three young men also cooperated very much, and they rose up in a hurry, and then stood behind Yuan Feng one by one, like the most obedient servant.

"Brother Yan Yan, how about my three subordinates, but Yan Yan Brothers are familiar?"

When the three were sent to the side, Yuan Feng turned around, and said to the already gloomy face ahead.

"How, how can this happen? Such a thing would happen !!!"

His face was gloomy and watery, but Yan's heart had already set off a huge wave. So far, he has experienced too many things, but he has never experienced anything that can be compared with the one before him.

The three figures in front of him, of course, he could not be more familiar, because this is exactly three of the other four people who are with him. First of all, he made sure that everything in front of him was not a fantasy, because even if a person can fake, but his breath must not be fake. Moreover, he is familiar with all three of his classmates, so it is impossible to admit it.

"You three, better give me an explanation."

Glanced directly at Yuan Feng, Yan Yan stared at the three of Dong Han tightly, and now he wanted to know what the reason was, so that the three could bow down to a kid who had not yet reached the level of good fortune, to know Even when facing him, these three men have never been in such awe as before.

He is not like Hu Yue, and it is definitely not so easy to make a conclusion, but he is very clear that he can surrender these three masters willingly, which is definitely not what ordinary people can do. Not to mention a person who is in the realm of heaven, even if he is a strong person in the realm of yin and yang, he can't let the three strong creatures in the realm of sacred creatures surrender so easily.

At this moment, he suddenly believed some of Yuan Feng's words. It seems that it is not impossible for a person who can conquer the cave world of the three powerful creatures to say that the other party can arrange an unheard array.

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