The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1291: Beast Tactics (1)

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In the whole black space, it was very quiet at this moment, Yan Yan's eyes were staring at his three younger brothers tightly, waiting for them to give themselves a reply.

He knew very well that these three people would never be so easy to surrender to others. After all, the power of Ziyun Palace is even higher, even in the world of no delusion, and there is no force that dares to say that The willing surrender of the people of Ziyun Palace, not to mention a small role in the cave.

It is a pity that the three members of Ziyun Palace did not give the answer he wanted to Yan Yan's question.

"Brother Yan Yan, the means of the young master is not what you can imagine. The three of us are willing to submit to the young master. As for Ziyun Palace, we are no longer disciples of Ziyun Palace."

Among the three people in the Ziyun Palace, Dong Han was the representative of the three, and he straightened his waist and faced Yan Yanlang. By now, Yan Xie's deterrence to them had disappeared. They were afraid of each other before, because it was necessary to look at each other's complexion, otherwise they would be untenable in Ziyun Palace.

However, now they obviously can't return to the Ziyun Palace, so naturally there is no need to yin against Yang Xiyang. At this moment, Yuan Feng was their only master, and she was an absolute master. They knew in their hearts that as long as Yuan Feng wanted them to die, they couldn't survive the next second.

Also, they must guarantee that Yuan Feng will not die, because once Yuan Feng is dead, they will still be buried.

"Presumptuous, Dong Han, how dare you break away from the martial arts without permission? You are committing a treasonous death!"

When Dong Han's words fell, Yan Yan could not help but change his face, and suddenly shouted loudly. He was really enraged. The rules of the Ziyun Palace must not be detached from the palace door, otherwise, the portal will be cleaned up. Right now, the three of Dong Han are at the expense of being treated as aliens, and they have to fight against him. This is really going to be rebellious!

"Hehe, brother, the death penalty is not the death penalty. It is not up to you now. Only the young master can decide our life and death, other people, but not qualified."

"Yes, I finally called you brother, this is considered worthy of you, you still have to do it yourself!"

Sui Yuan and Chang Fa aside, also spoke one after another at this time, hitting Yan Yan with impoliteness.

In fact, they have been overwhelmed by the face analysis for a long time, but they have always been afraid to speak, and now they are no longer under the control of each other. Where can they miss this opportunity to breathe out.

"Oh, okay, okay, the three of you still don't say it anymore, be careful to anger the Yan Yan brothers, they will give you a sword, and go !!!!"

After the three met each other, Yuan Feng laughed slightly, and finally took over.

"To obey the order of the young master, the three of us stepped down first." As for Yuan Feng's order, the three were obedient, bowed to Yuan Feng, and then disappeared directly between Yuan Feng's waving hands. I do n’t see and I do n’t know where I went.

"Hey, how's it? Is it more obedient than when you were following you?" It wasn't until the three of Hu Yue were put away that Yuan Feng turned her gaze back to the opposite face, while mocking the authentic face.

"But you know what you're doing? Now you are dead."

Yan Yan's complexion turned blue. Everything that happened during this period of time began to burst out of control. At first, he couldn't find someone, and then he was put together by the other party and captured all his subordinates. Now even a few people around him have been subdued. Everything makes him feel uncomfortable.

"It doesn't take that many times. My life is only one. It only suffices if you kill me once." Shaking his head, Yuan Feng looked at the other side quietly, his eyes were full of appraisal, "You are strong, you can say The strongest I've ever seen, but in my mysterious space, you use some less power, so I advise you to stay away! "

Fighting is probably difficult to avoid. However, before the fight, Yuan Feng naturally felt the bottom line of the opponent. At least, he also had to communicate with the opponent through himself, to have an intuitive view of the strong man in Ziyun Palace. Understanding.

He already knew that the power of yin and yang of Yan Yan has been used a lot, and now there are few left, and once the other party does not have the power of yin and yang in his body, then the probability of his victory can undoubtedly be greater.

"Huh, boy, even if I lose more power, I still have more than enough to deal with you, so, whatever means, you can use it!"

When he saw that his three younger brothers had been subdued by the other party, Yan An already understood that he wanted to wait for someone to come to him in a safe and stable manner, which was absolutely impossible, and what would happen to the young people in front of him. He is actually very curious.

"Don't worry, my means, you will know everything slowly, now, let's have some appetizers !!!"

Picking at the corner of his mouth, Yuan Feng suddenly raised his hand. Then, behind him, a large number of Warcraft, as if waiting for a long time, appeared from behind.

It's not just his back. The time between speeches is centered on him and the opposite Yan Yan. Numerous Warcrafts have gathered from all sides, forming a sphere around him and Yan Yan.

"Well? A lot of Warcraft !!!"

Seeing so many Warcrafts suddenly appeared, Yan An's eyes were slightly fixed, and he could not help feeling a bad feeling.

"Yan Xingzi, I gave you these Warcrafts. In the next time, you can enjoy it, hahahaha!" With a long laugh at Yan Xia, Yuan Feng's figure disappeared directly. , And his original location was also immediately darkened and turned into the same night as the surroundings.

"Well !!!"

When Yuan Feng disappeared, Yan Xuan's mind was suddenly tense, and at this moment, his ear suddenly remembered a breaking sound, he could feel it, a lot of Warcraft is converging towards him from all directions, and the number is probably no less than a thousand.

"Hmm, a bunch of little reptiles in the cave heaven, just look at me ..."

"Boom boom boom !!!"

As a strong man in the realm of yin and yang, Yan Yan certainly wouldn't care about a group of World of Warcraft. However, when he had concentrated his mind and was going to wipe out all these World of Warcraft, in his ear, a loud pop It came suddenly, at the same time, a strong wave of energy bombarded him directly from all directions.


Feeling the burst of energy from the surrounding area, Yan An could not help but tremble, and then he realized that the original Warcraft released by the other party turned out to kill him in the form of self-detonation.

"Huh, the exploding self-destruction of the World of Warcraft, see if you can help me, get up !!!"

The surprised emotion flashed away, but Yan Yan didn't dare to neglect. Between the thoughts, his body was rippling with an invisible and phaseless energy, and he was directly wrapped in the form of an energy hood. Up.

"Boom boom boom !!!"

The strong explosion envelops Yan Yan, and the huge energy constantly impacts the energy shield propped up by Yan Yan. However, for the self-destructive explosion of countless holes in the realm of Warcraft, the energy shield around him seems to be the slightest. They are not affected, and they do n’t see much change at all.

This is the power of yin and yang, and the self-detonation of Warcraft, which is difficult to cause substantial damage. Of course, to say that there is no impact at all, that is absolutely impossible, but I want to use the self-detonation of Warcraft to break the energy shield of the other party, I am afraid that a lot of Warcraft is needed.

"Huh, see how many Warcraft you can have." He also knew in his heart that if the other party had endless Warcraft, then he would be consumed sooner or later. However, Cave World of Warcraft is not Chinese cabbage, he did not believe that the other party can have this level of Warcraft.

"Well !!!"

However, when the idea of ​​Yan Xia just appeared, a different sound came suddenly from his ear, and when he heard this sound, his heart shrank suddenly, Looked aside.

"Not good!" Just as he looked aside, a golden swordman came to him, and under his gaze, he cut it directly over his energy shield.

"Well !!! Wow !!!"

The golden sword awn was cut on top of the energy shield, and there was almost no pause, just to split the energy shield directly. Before this golden sword, Yan An's proud power of yin and yang was so vulnerable.

"What? Why, how could there be such a sharp sword? What kind of sword is this?"

Seeing that the energy hood that had been held up by so much yin and yang power broke up, Yan Yan was distressed. His power of yin and yang is really less, if it is wasted in vain, then it is really worthless.

"Boom boom boom !!!"

Without giving him time to think, almost at the moment when his energy hood disappeared, a large number of Warcraft were moved to him, and at the same time he did not hesitate to detonate himself and kill him as much as possible.

Obviously, these Warcraft are cannon fodder, but even the cannon fodder can completely consume his living power. What's more terrible is that in the surrounding darkness, there is still a Super Excalibur hidden. At this moment, Yan An feels the danger is approaching himself. The strong sense of crisis has made him feel very uneasy. .

"Give me all to die !!!"

Although he knows that the surrounding Warcraft is cannon fodder that consumes his power, but at this moment, he has to shoot. Now what he is thinking about is how many such Warcraft the opponent has.

Obviously, the energy shield can no longer be used, because it may be destroyed by the other party, so it is better not to use it.

"Brush brush !!!"

With his sword in his hand, a large number of Warcrafts were killed in his hands, but even the deadly Warcrafts would eventually explode, deepening the damage to him.

Many ants bite the elephant. Although the strength of the Warcraft army is far from Yan Yan, even if a Warcraft scratches his skin a little, thousands of Warcraft will be enough for him.

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