The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1292: Talking about conditions (two more)

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Countless World of Warcraft, surrounded by madness towards the Ziyun Palace, and as long as enough distance is reached, these World of Warcraft will explode without hesitation, even if it is split into two World of Warcraft, it will It was detonated because of the explosion of other Warcraft. In short, with the analysis as the center, it was filled with bursting energy within tens of thousands of meters.

Because the energy shield cannot be held up to block the energy of these self-explosions, Yan An almost resists these powerful self-explosions, and this way of hard resistance is undoubtedly quite a test for him.

Not only that, when he was busy dealing with the self-destructive army, he always had a golden swordman suddenly attacked from time to time. The swordman was very powerful. Even if he didn't dare to resist, he could only do everything. Dodge, and as a result, those Warcraft self-explosive energy will have more direct bombardment on him.

I do n’t know when, Yan Yan ’s clothes have become shabby, and blood marks have started to appear on his body. Although most of them are skin trauma, but some of the bombardment is more real, it still makes him inevitably tumbling blood, real injuries To the inner.

"Damn, how can there be so many Warcrafts? In a small medium world, where are so many cave worlds of Warcraft?"

Yan Xia's heart was full of anxiety and anger. He had not been dealt with the enemy yet. He had already been injured by a group of reptiles. Although the injuries were not serious, he had already wasted a lot of power at this moment. These Strength, but he has to stay to save his life, if too much waste, when he really confronted the opponent, what will he use to fight?

"Who exactly is my opponent? How could it be weird? Such a large-scale Warcraft army, and controlling their self-detonation, is simply going against the sky!"

Not to mention that in such a confined space that cannot be supplemented, even if it is outside, if there are such self-destructive forces, it will be enough to make any enemy frightened.

"Save the power, I must save the power to deal with the real danger. These reptiles must not waste too much power on them."

Clenching his teeth, Yan Yan is almost using physical strength to resist the surrounding explosion, but he is reluctant to use too much Yin and Yang force. Of course, his approach is almost a bet on the opponent's World of Warcraft. If not, this approach is clearly worthless.

"Boom boom boom !!!"

Another wave of violent explosion came, and a powerful wave of energy made Yan Yan have to use her own power of yin and yang to resist again, but just when his yin and yang force propped up the energy shield, that The golden sword awn came as promised, shattering his energy shield, and the pure power of yin and yang was immediately radiated to the surrounding area and disappeared.

"Well !!!"

After this wave of explosion, the entire space suddenly became quiet, except for the sound of some energy spreading, there were no other sounds.

"Well? No? It's finally gone !!!"

Hearing that there was no more explosion coming around, Yan An's eyes flashed with excitement. He can't stand it anymore. If there is any more Warcraft, I'm afraid he can only use the power of yin and yang to resist. If he continues to use physical resistance, it is bound to be seriously injured.

It's a pity that there is no light in the black space at this moment, otherwise you can see it. At this moment, Yan Yan's body is like a beggar, and it looks almost pitiful from the appearance alone.

"I'm finally able to catch my breath, this time, it's really dangerous."

Finally, no longer wasting power on the cannon fodder, Yan Yan felt the joy from his heart. Taking advantage of this vacancy, he hurriedly operated his power and carefully adjusted his state.

"Om !!!"

However, just as Yan Yan was preparing to operate his power and adjust his state, the whole space suddenly shuddered a little bit, and then, he was still showing excitement, and his expression was frozen.

"Well !!!"

In the space, a huge force that was difficult to resist suddenly passed from all directions, and this time the power is no longer a powerful blasting force, but the terrible level of this power is far from blasting. Power.

"What's going on? Where's the suction, my strength, my strength is losing it !!!"

Unexpectedly, the power of yin and yang that Yan Yan had just started was torn directly by the surrounding suction, and disappeared into the darkness instantly, and then, although the surrounding suction became smaller, he could still feel it. All kinds of energy in his body are obviously continuously decreasing.

"Asshole, how can you still do this?"

If the previous Warcraft self-detonation had made him feel threatened, then this change of events made him feel terrified. Difficult to control the absorbed energy, this is a terrible method!

Although his power was not lost quickly, if he continued to do so, one day he would be drained of all the power in his body. At that time, I am afraid he can only escape by hand.

"Stop, hurry up and stop me !!!"

The body shook, Yan Yan shouted loudly while resisting the suction around her. At this moment, he was already a little scared, and at the same time, he could understand to some extent why his classmates would submit to each other.

I have to say that this method of tearing the strength in the body really makes people lose any temper, because in front of this method, even his unfavorable power of yin and yang has no advantage at all.

"Boy in the dark, hurry up and stop your mysterious array, otherwise, I will explode all my power and die with you."

Suddenly, a momentum spread away around him. Obviously, Yan Yan was not completely frightening the other person. If Yuan Feng never appeared, but only swallowed his power like now, then he could only choose to share everything. .

"Ha ha, Yan Yan, weren't you proud and confident before? Why, are you afraid now?"

Hearing Yan Yan's shout, Yuan Feng's voice slowly passed on at this time, and as his voice sounded, the suction in the black space was also slightly reduced, which made people feel no longer so obvious.

"Boy, stop your mysterious formation for a while, let's talk about the conditions !!!"

Taking a deep breath, Yan Yan had to compromise. If all the power is burned, he can naturally kill his opponent and escape the birth, but if that is the case, he will probably be ruined in this life. After all, if he can cultivate to the state of today, that is all It accumulates day by day. At that time, I want to reach what I am now. God knows when to accumulate.

Therefore, less than a last resort, of course he will not choose to blow himself up.

"Do you know what the conditions are now? If you lay down earlier, you won't be like this."

Hearing Yan Yan began to compromise, Yuan Feng's figure once again emerged from a space, and this time, he was obviously more arrogant than before.

"Don't talk so much, let's say, how can you let me go? I hope you don't take it easy, and then I will have to fight with you desperately, that's not good for everyone."

He did not believe that Yuan Feng was only trying to trap him, but had no other purpose. Since the other party could still discuss with him, there must be a request from the other party.

"Hey, no one wants to die, neither do I." Hearing the words of the other side, Yuan Feng smiled slightly, and then suddenly looked upright and became very serious.

"Yan Yan, I have no other requirements. As long as you give me the time and space boat on me, then I will not be difficult for you anymore, when you wait for your rescue here, I am too lazy to continue to fight with you How about, what's Yan Yan's intention? "

Yan Xi's body must have many treasures, but other things, Yuan Feng did not want it. The only thing he was interested in was the time and space boat on the other side. If you can get that thing, everything will be fine.

"What? Space-time boat? You, you turned out to be the idea to fight space-time boat?"

When Yuan Feng's words fell, Yan Yan's complexion suddenly changed, apparently full of anger.

Space-time boat was lent to him by his master. When he returned to the boundless realm, he would return it to the other party. If he lost this thing, he would not be able to make a difference, or even the boundless realm was afraid. Can not go back. Therefore, when he heard Yuan Feng begging him, his first thought was not to give it.

"Why, don't you want Yan Yan to take out the space-time boat? It seems that Yan Yan hasn't understood the current situation!"

Yuan Feng was clearly prepared for Yan Yan's reaction. He raised his eyebrows and continued, "Well, let me analyze it for you."

Backing back a bit, Yuan Feng kept his distance from the other side, and then went on, "Yan Xingzi, although the space-time boat is precious, but the thing is no matter how it is foreign, I can tell you clearly if you do n’t use time and space If Zhou came to exchange, then you can only end up with me today, but then again, in my space, you want me to die, I'm afraid it's not so easy. "

At this time, Yuan Feng was not in a hurry. He had already taken the initiative at this moment, so he didn't need to worry at all. He believed that as long as Yan Yan had a little idea of ​​not wanting to die, then this time, he had the chance of getting space-time boat. There are definitely more than 60%.

After all, compared to a baby, everyone will pay more attention to their lives, and this is no exception to want to analyze.

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