The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1293: Time and space boat to hand (three)

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In the mysterious space, Yuan Feng and Yan Xia began to stand dead. Yuan Feng's conditions have already been opened, but for Yuan Feng's conditions, Yan Yan really needs to seriously consider it.

Time and space boat is not an ordinary treasure. Frankly speaking, apart from time and space boat, even if Yuan Feng wants any of his treasures at this moment, he is willing to give it to the other party. However, time and space boat is the last thing he wants. Take it out. Without the space-time boat, will he be blamed for the time being, not to mention, just how he returned to the boundless world, this is a big problem.

"How is it? Boy Yan, have you considered it? My Xuan Zhen will never be full. If you are not in a hurry, you can think about it slowly. Within two months, you will not A rescuer arrived. "

Yuan Feng's voice came in time, and continued to hit the other side in words. He just wanted to tell the other party that he knew everything about the other party, even the deadline of the last two months.

"Oh !!!" While talking, Yuan Feng suddenly raised his hand. Suddenly, the suction in the entire mysterious space suddenly began to rise, and the face in it immediately felt his strength. Beginning to speed up the drain, that is, the time between breathing, is again reduced a lot.

"Stop, stop now, I promise you!"

Feeling that the suction around him started to grow again, causing his strength to drain away quickly, Yan Yan could not help but jump up and yelled loudly.


Hearing the other party's response, Yuan Feng raised her eyebrows and raised her hands, and the suction around her became smaller again, but it did not completely disappear. It is actually enough to make it smaller. If you stop the operation of the mysterious array completely, there will be no oppressive effect, and the minimal suction is completely acceptable to Yan Yan.

"Think it out? Let me just say, no matter how precious he is, how can he compare with his own life? Come here!"

"Boy, I can give you the space-time boat, but when you get the space-time boat, you have to stop harassing me. Also, you do n’t need to remove this mysterious array, you just have to leave here quickly, if not , We are still all together, and no one will think about it at that time. "

Yan Yan also figured it out, as Yuan Feng said, no matter how precious the space-time boat is, but it is definitely not worth his small life, he has no need to take his life because of the space-time boat.

Of course, there is the most important point. The space-time boat is his master's thing. He and the other four can use it. That's because his master gave them permission to use it. As for the young man in front of him, even if he got it, The space-time boat is equally useless.

Moreover, above the space-time boat, there must be a spiritual mark left by his master. Even that type of mark is difficult to find, and with the spiritual mark, no matter where the space-time boat is, he can be his master. Induced. In this way, he handed the space-time boat to the other party, simply installing a positioner for the other party.

After straightening it all out, of course he has nothing to hesitate. Taking a step back ten thousand steps, at the moment, he can only escape the pain of being drained of energy by surrendering time and space.

"Hahaha, okay, of course this is okay, as long as you give me the space-time boat, then I will not harass you, and you will continue to wait for rescue at that time, and I will live my pastime, everyone well water Don't commit river water. "

Yuan Feng's answer was simply as if his purpose was to get the space-time boat.

"Hum, I hope you can speak fortune, otherwise, you are ready to accompany me to die!" Lengheng said, but his face analysis was no longer hesitant. Between raising his hands, he took a dark ship. Come out, a little hesitant, is thrown directly in the direction of Yuan Feng.


When seeing the space-time boat flying towards him, Yuan Feng's eyes suddenly showed a touch of excitement. He had seen this space-time boat through the eyes of his subordinates before, and naturally knew that it was not fake.

"Come here !!!"

He suddenly raised his hand, and suddenly, the huge boat was directly included in his own light dance palace. This thing is absolutely precious. With this thing, he can go to the boundless world and develop in that vast world!

"Brush !!!" When the space-time boat arrived, Yuan Feng's body disappeared directly, and almost not long after he disappeared, the entire dark space had a very small suction. However, it suddenly started to increase, and the huge suction force was many times larger than before.


Feeling the sudden increase in suction around her, causing her body strength to quickly drain away, and her face turned sullen, dripping with water. At this moment he didn't understand where, obviously he was cheated by the other party.

"Damn boy, dare you lie to me? Hurry up and stop me, otherwise I will end up with you."

Yan Yan really didn't expect that the other party dared to play with him like this, and promised that the other party would make an appointment directly after turning back. This situation, which was treated as a monkey, almost made him vomit blood.

However, in response to Yan Xia's loud shouting and responding to him, there was only one piece of death. The feeling was like that Yuan Feng had left the mysterious array and left him alone in the mysterious array space. same.

"Leave? Damn, he could just leave like this?"

No one responded for a long time, but Yan Yan's heart sank to the bottom of the valley all at once. At this moment, his troubles are getting bigger, and the suction power around him is obviously getting bigger. If he has been sucked down like this, he will definitely finish it here.

At this moment, it seems that even if he wants to end up with the other side, there is no such opportunity. Besides, how could he be willing to let him die together with a boy in the cave? The so-called common cause is nothing more than a frightening statement.

"Want me to die? It's not that easy! Yin and Yang fortune, upside down Yin and Yang, open it for me !!!"

Up to now, Yan Yan has had to desperately, anyway, the enemy seems to have left. At this moment, he can do everything possible, as long as someone can save him after two months, then everything will be fine.

"Well !!!"

The huge force of yin and yang forged suddenly burst out from his body. However, this time, the surrounding suction failed to absorb these yin and yang forces, almost at the moment when this power escaped, with the analysis of the center as the center, a strange black and white pattern appeared. After coming out, at this moment, Yan Xia's body seemed to disappear into the mysterious space and entered another world.

"Om !!!"

The weird energy in black and white gradually propped up an energy hood that could just contain Yan Yan, and in this energy hood, the energy in Yan Yan's body was finally no longer sucked.

"Well !!!"

However, although this weird black energy hood blocks the suction of the outside world, if someone is present, you will find that, in fact, even this energy hood supported by the force of yin and yang will be constantly torn by the surrounding suction. Swallowing is just slower.

"So terrible mysterious array, even my yin and yang circles can absorb it. What level of mysterious array is this?"

Yan Yan's face was slightly pale. He originally thought that he had spent more than half of the yin and yang power to open up the world of yin and yang, and should be able to block the suction of the outside world, but now it seems that this suction is more than he imagined Much scarier.

"God bless you, I hope that guy has really left, otherwise ..."

Supporting the world of yin and yang, he ca n’t shoot at will now, so if there are enemies approaching again, the only thing he can do is to dodge, but in his current situation, he wants to avoid the enemy ’s attack. Imagine a Difficulty.

"Om !!!"

However, when Yan Feng secretly prayed that Yuan Feng had taken the space-time boat and left, the surrounding space suddenly trembled, and then the scene that made him look green again appeared again.

"Damn, the guy who doesn't talk about credit !!!"

In the eyes, a large number of World of Warcraft, once again emerged from the surrounding, and quickly moved closer to him without any dead ends, and this time the number of World of Warcraft, I am afraid that it is better than the last time. Until now, he didn't know where, Yuan Feng had cheated his space-time boat before, but he never let go of his plans.

"Boom boom boom !!!"

In the time of speaking, the large-scale Warcraft has rushed up again, and unceremoniously started to explode again. Instantly, the entire person was wrapped in violent energy waves again.

"Hmm, how could the self-destructive explosion of Warcraft in the Heavenly World of Warcraft cause damage to my yin and yang world? It's just ..."

"Brush !!! Hey !!!"

The violent energy wave impacted the yin and yang enchantment of Yan Xuan, but it was impossible to break this yin and yang enchantment. However, when the analytic face was exposed, a series of golden sword-mans were mixed in Among the energy waves, he was chopped down in all directions towards him.

"Puff puff!!!"

The golden sword awns were chopped on the black and white enchantments. When each sword was struck, the black and white enchantments would make a trembling sound, and the naked eye became weaker.

"Asshole, how could there be such a sharp attack? On the other hand, what kind of powerful soldiers are in control?"

Seeing Jianmang cut one after another, each Jianmang made his yin and yang enchantment even weaker, and his face analysis was shocked and furious. At this moment, he could not help but have a feeling of despair.

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