The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1297: Have nothing but appearances (three)

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Suddenly, the old man appeared in the space-time boat and made Dong Han, who was controlled by Yuan Feng, look dumb, and he did not dare to take the slightest move. At this moment, he can be said to be a real enemy.

The old man's ghost image seems very illusory, but although the image is illusory, the huge energy fluctuations that can be released from this image are shocking from the mind. Yuan Feng sensed it, and the breath released from the old man's image was probably above the previous analysis.

In other words, the power of this illusory image is above the realm of yin and yang.

After the old man's image appeared, naturally, he saw Dong Han in the space-time boat for the first time. When he saw Dong Han, the face of the video couldn't help showing a hint of doubt.

"Dong Han, was it just you that attacked the mind that was left in the space-time boat? Are you trying to rebel?"

Seeing that Dong Han was alone in the entire space-time boat, the old man didn't have to think about it. Of course, he knew who had just launched the attack, but he couldn't help feeling very angry and doubtful that Dong Han had attacked him.

"Cough, Master is angry, and the disciples just did n’t check for a moment, so they accidentally attacked Master ’s heart and soul, and I hope Master forgive me."

Yuan Feng's response was very fast. He didn't appear here in the form of the ontology at the moment, but he talked to the other side through Dong Han. If he wanted to use the strength of the other side, he should not be able to see the situation. That being the case, why not just count and figure out the situation of the old man right now.

From Dong Han's memory, he already knows the identity of the old man. Obviously, this old man who is so imposing is undoubtedly the master of five people including Dong Han.

"Don't check it for a moment? Huh, such an excuse is too far-fetched, right?" Of course, the old man was not so easy to fool, he hummed aloud, but his frown could not help but "what's wrong with your cultivation? Chengdong Heaven? And, what about other people? Why don't you see anyone else? "

Although the old man only left a trace of mind imprint, this trace of mind imprint is no different from normal people's thinking.

"Back to Master, there were some accidents. The disciples were counted by the enemy and fell into the realm. At this moment, other people are dealing with the enemy. I wonder if Master can take a shot and help a few masters."

'Dong Han''s attitude is very humble, but he lowers his head, but his eyes are constantly flashing with a strange light. If the old man finds the light under his eyes, then he will definitely find that his disciple is obviously a little weird today. .

"Oh? Is there such a thing? A mediocre world, and an uncertain existence?" Hearing Dong Han's words, the old man's brow could not help wrinkling, but then he continued, "I stay in the space-time boat The mental imprint in it is just to prevent the space-time boat from falling into the hands of others, and its strength is just like an ordinary person who creates and creates, and waits for me to contact the true deity, and then make arrangements. "

When I heard about "Dong Han", the ghost of the old man was to contact the deity and pass the situation back.

"Master ..."

Hearing the old man said to contact the deity in the world of no delusion, 'Dong Han' was frightened, and for a moment, he was in a hurry to block, but unfortunately, the transmission between the mind and spirit was almost in one Suddenly, just in his hesitant time, the old man's imagination had begun to contact the deity without bounds.

"Well? What's going on? I can't reach the deity?"

However, when 'Dong Han' was anxious, the image of the old man suddenly looked stunned, with a look of surprise, "Dong Han, where are we now? Why can't I reach the boundless world for the teacher? Deity? "

He had just tried to get in touch with the deity, but found that there was no connection at all, just as the space he was in at this moment was no longer the space of this world.

"Can't contact the deity?" Hearing the old man's words, ‘Dong Han’'s face couldn't help but flash a weird look.

"Yu, scared me, it really scared me!" Slowly straightened up, ‘Dong Han’ patted his chest subconsciously, a look of fear on his face.

Frankly, he just really scared him. When he heard that the old man wanted to contact the noble world deity, his heart almost jumped out. Fortunately, this is the mysterious space of the Jiuqu Yellow River Array. Even the strongest can not send information from this mysterious space.

"Well? Dong Han, what is your reaction?"

When he saw Dong Han slap his chest, his face full of fear, the old man couldn't help but look awkward. At this moment, where did he still see the problem?

"Hey, Master, this brand of your mind has only the power of life and creation, shouldn't this be true?"

'Dong Han' has completely relaxed at this time, and for a long time, everything is white and worrying about the anomaly. The old man's image in front of him turned out to be a silver-like pistol head. Although it looks and feels powerful, it can be powerful There is only ordinary life and nature, so what else can he be afraid of?

"Well, Dong Han, what do you want to do? Even if it is only the power to create the realm, it is not easy for the deity to destroy you?"

The old man's image also seemed to feel some sense of crisis. As he spoke, the energy fluctuations around the image slowly became more violent.

"It's as easy as that? It's not necessary !!!"

Picking the corner of his mouth, Dong Han suddenly took a step back, and then, beside him, two other disciples in Ziyun Palace, Sui Yuan and Chang Fa, appeared to him, and stood slightly in front of him.

"Eh?" Seeing Sui Yuan and Chang Fa suddenly appearing, the old man's face showed an indescribable shock. The scene in front of him was clearly beyond his imagination.

Whether it was Dong Han before, or Sui Yuan and Changfa now, everyone looked at him with little respect. Instead, they were all like a good show. This scene, really Make him wonder.

"Are you three rebellious?"

After looking up, the old man's image suddenly sounded low and authentic. Judging from the attitude of these three towards him, it seems that these three guys really want to make him the opposite!

"Master, the space-time boat is really useless to you, but the three of us are in great need. Therefore, I also ask Master to dispel this imprint of mind and give this space-time boat to us."

The voice of 'Dong Han' came side by side, but it sounded to the old man's ear, but he couldn't believe it.

"You want to grab my space-time boat? Where do you come from so bold?" The huge energy fluctuations slowly dissipated from the old man's head. Obviously, he was ready to shoot.

"Well, it seems that your old man will not take the initiative to dispel this brand of mind. In this case, it is only possible to see the true chapter under your hand, come out !!!"

This time it was Sui Yuan who spoke, and with his voice falling, in the middle of the image of them and the old man, one after another huge statures were released by them, directly surrounding the old man's virtual shadow. The energy directly locked the old man there, making it difficult for him to move at all.


The eight giant creatures that suddenly appeared suddenly surprised the old man. He really didn't expect that this scene would appear at this time, and now he understood that the three in front of him Disciple, what do you rely on?

"On, destroy him for me !!!"

After the eight mysterious giants appeared, they had reached the final ‘Dong Han’. At this time, they could n’t help but twitch their lips and ordered softly.

Obviously, as long as the old man is destroyed here, then this space-time boat will become an ownerless thing, and then he can take it as his own. By that time, when they control the space-time boat, any world will no longer be their obstacle. They can go wherever they think.

"Boom boom boom !!!"

Each of the eight giant mysterious giants began to shoot unceremoniously, and with the shots of the eight giants, they should have been images of the old man without a body, surrounded by eight big guys. The bombardment was carried out circle by circle, and each bombardment would make the image of the old man more illusory.

"Is there such a thing, is it so !!!!"

The image of the old man shouted loudly and cursed. He didn't understand why his disciples had to betray, and what made him even more depressed was that he didn't know where he was now, so he couldn't pass this thing back to his deity. At this moment, even if this brand of mind disappears, the deity will not know how he disappeared.

I have to say that this is really an unacceptable thing for him.

Because it is just the brand of the mind, the old man ’s image does not have much energy in it. Whether it is every shot or every time he is attacked, his energy is less and less, and naturally it becomes more and more unreal. After a few minutes of fighting, his body was completely blurred, leaving only a very transparent shadow.

"Boom !!! Wow !!!"

After fighting for a while, a mysterious giant took a chance and blasted the old man's image with a punch, and as the punch fell on the image, the latter finally had difficulty maintaining the human form and was directly punched. Blast it apart, and continue to be bombarded by the giants of the mysterious array, until there is no trace of breath left.

"Om !!!"

After the image of the old man disappeared, the entire space-time boat suddenly shook slightly. Then, the Shenzhou, which was originally very repulsive to others, suddenly became very gentle, without any repulsion.

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