The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1298: What do you want (four more)

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In the mysterious space, the dark-haired and bright space-time boat stood there quietly, and beside the space-time boat, Jiang Qingwu stood side by side with tension, looking at the space-time boat for a while, and looking at the eyes with her eyes closed for a while. Yuan Feng, the tension is very obvious.

"Why hasn't it happened? It's been a long time since I've been in. Is there anything wrong?"

Eyes switched back and forth between the space-time boat and Yuan Feng, Jiang Qingwu was already anxious to be lame, but unfortunately, she couldn't help at all at this time, only to wait for the results to appear.

Not long ago, Yuan Feng sank his mind into Dong Han's body, and went to explore in the space-time boat. In the following time, Yuan Feng ordered Sui Yuan and Chang Fa to bring the eight mysterious giants into it. Then there was no movement.

Although Yuan Feng only entered the space-time boat, everyone understood that the mind is the soul of a person. If there is something wrong with Yuan Feng's mind, then even the physical body is useless.


However, just as Jiang Qingwu was worried, Yuan Feng's figure suddenly shook slightly, and then his closed eyes finally opened slightly.

"Fenger, you are finally back !!!"

Seeing Yuan Feng's eyes open, Jiang Qingwu on the side suddenly showed a happy smile, and the hanging heart slowly let go.

"Let my mother wait for a long time, hehe !!!" Yuan Feng couldn't help but smile when she saw her mother anxious, and then continued, "Mother, if you want to come, you haven't controlled the time and space boat yet. Next , Please ask my mother to move in space-time boat, hahaha !!! "

"Well? You have control of it?"

Hearing Yuan Feng's words, Jiang Qingwu's face suddenly showed a touch of joy, and his voice asked slightly excitedly.

"Well, if there is no accident, this space-time boat is now ours." Nodded, Yuan Feng slowly stepped forward and came to the space-time boat. Without a word, he lifted it up sharply. Started, hitting the energy rays to the space-time boat.

"Puff puff!!!"

With the enthusiasm and the power of the cave entering the space-time boat, the time is not long, the entire space-time boat is full of the atmosphere of Yuan Feng, and even the color of the entire space-time boat seems to become darker and deeper.

"Okay, mother, let's go together!" After making some arrangements for the space-time boat, Yuan Feng reached out and gestured to Jiang Qingwu.

"I have heard about the strangeness of the space-time boat long ago, but I have never seen it in it. It seems to be an eye-opener today!"

Jiang Qingwu was simply indescribable, Yuan Feng always brought her a surprise, and this time, the surprise seemed to be even bigger. Even the time and space boat she has always yearned for, Yuan Feng even gave She got it.


An energy beam suddenly fell from above the space-time boat, just covering Jiang Qingwu's whole body. With the appearance of the energy light, Jiang Qingwu's figure moved slightly, and then disappeared in place. Seeing Jiang Qingwu's body disappear, Yuan Feng also picked it off the corner and disappeared in the same place.

By the time the mother and son reappear, they have arrived in a spacious space, and here, of course, is the interior space of the space-time boat.

"Well a space-time boat, the layout inside it is so precise, it is no wonder that you can shuttle space and travel between time and space at will."

As soon as it appeared in the space-time boat, Jiang Qingwu felt dizzy. She has never seen such a fine arrangement method. The energy lines are like running through countless worlds. Obviously, there are only strong men who can achieve this method. I can do it!

"Well, it turns out that there is such a big difference between seeing with your own eyes and seeing through the eyes of others."

Yuan Feng also took a serious look at the internal situation of this magical space-time boat. He had seen everything here through Dong Han's eyes before, but he was not as direct as watching from the ground.

"Well !!!"

Just as Yuan Feng and Jiang Qingwu watched the interior of the Space-Time Boat, the three of Dong Han, not far away, came forward to them.

"Young Master, at this time, the space boat is very precious. I am afraid that there will not be too many in the entire Ziyun Palace. Please also ask the Young Master to drive the control room and try to control this artifact."

Although Yuan Feng has really taken the time and space boat as his own, but the most important step is one step, but no attempt has been made at this time, but in fact, the control of the space and time boat is only necessary for the stronger than the realm Because only the force of creation can motivate the space-time boat. As for Yuan Feng, they are not sure.

"* Do you control the space-time boat? I'm afraid I can't do this. Mother, I'm going to trouble you again!"

Yuan Feng has long known the standard of controlling the space-time boat. Although he is very powerful, he has no power of creation, and he has no way to control this thing. Therefore, he did not intend to use this Shenzhou himself.

"Oh, you child, what is the trouble here? * Controlling time and space boat shuttles through time and space. This is what I have always wished for, but I can get what I want in the future!"

Jiang Qingwu definitely had no words. When he glanced away, he looked directly at the control room of the space-time boat, then flashed and came into the control room. Behind her, Yuan Feng and his party followed closely. , Have come to the * control room.

"Well? This is ..."

Everyone came to the control room, and as soon as they entered, Jiang Qingwu and Yuan Feng, headed by them, looked at each other and looked at a large unrolled scroll directly above the control room.

"Young Master, this is a star map of the middle world. It has marked out countless middle worlds, and there are some special and mysterious special spaces. The master borrowed this star map from me before. For convenience, Brother Analysis put the star map in the space-time boat to watch it at any time, and now, this thing is also owned by the Lord. "

Seeing Yuan Feng staring at the scroll above him, Dong Han on the side immediately stepped forward to explain.

"Star map? This, this ...... there is still this thing?"

After listening to Dong Han's explanation, Yuan Feng trembled. When he saw this huge scroll, he had a feeling of facing the endless universe starry sky. Now it seems that the original picture turned out to be It is really condensing all the cosmic stars into it, and this thing is undoubtedly a rare treasure!

"Star map? It turned out to be a star map?"

Aside, Jiang Qingwu also heard Dong Han's explanation, and when she learned that the scroll in front of her was the legendary star map, her heart beat hard.

As a person with no delusion, she knows things like star maps, but the preciousness of star maps is almost as good as that of time and space. She has always known about this thing, but she has never seen it . It's better now. Not only has the space-time boat been obtained, but even the star map has been taken into her hands. This time, she realized two wishes together.

"This star map is not very large. It should be only a small part of the middle-world star field. I think it should be a part of the master's print from the big star map of Ziyun Palace. But with this star map, at least from here There is no delusion, we don't have to worry about getting lost or worry about falling into the Jedi. "

Dong Han explained the situation of the star map again, but after listening to his introduction, Yuan Feng's mouth could not help but sternly, his face was speechless.

"This is just a small part of the star field? Good guy, it seems that the universe star sky is really too big to have no margin!"

The vision always needs to be constantly expanded. Now Yuan Feng really feels more and more that he is too weak. Perhaps, even if he has been promoted to the cave world, or even to the good environment, above his head, There will be more and higher realms waiting for him. This life will be very exciting.

"It's enough. I didn't expect Ziyun Palace to be so considerate and sent us all we need. With the space-time boat and star map, we can go when we want to go to the realm of delusion. "

Regardless of whether Jiang Qingwu is big or small, the star map at present is absolutely enough for them to use it, and this time, it seems that they really don't need to worry about the crisis of arrogance.

You have to know that with the space-time boat and star map, unless the super-strong side sent by the arrogant realm to block the space-time, otherwise, ordinary warriors, it is impossible to catch them who have the space-time boat and star map.

"Fenger, hurry up and collect the Xuan Zhen outside, let's feel the power of the space-time boat now."

Jiang Qingwu can't wait any longer, and now she wants to know how far she can navigate the space-time boat, and how long it will take to return to the boundless world.

"Anyway, the baby is here to collect Xuan Zhen."

Yuan Feng didn't hesitate. Between the thoughts, he went out of the space-time boat and came to the outside world.

The layout of the mysterious array this time is really too much larger than before. Even if it is put away, it will take some time. What makes Yuan Feng happy is that this time the super mysterious array is because Absorbed the energy of a few powerful creatures, so there is no loss.

Not only did those energy crystals have no loss, what makes Yuan Feng happy is that, as the core of the entire mysterious array, the sea of ​​energy in the Shadow Shag Palace seems to have infected some special forces and became even more pure stand up.

In the end, in a joy, Yuan Feng gathered all the fabric materials, and then hurriedly returned to the space-time boat.

The next time, he is about to start a journey of time and space, thinking of it, it is really a little excited.

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