The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1315: Baby Lianliankan (one more)

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At the beginning of the auction, the auction of only the first auction item ignited the atmosphere of this auction, and the hero who ignited the atmosphere was Yu Jinyan of the Yuqing City Jade House, and three Unknown weird young man.

Young people are always easy to get their heads hot and make some impulsive things. Obviously, Yu Jinyan this time is a little too impulsive. With nine million yin and yang stones, you can buy a life-sustaining ginseng, and whoever listens to it, will definitely reward the other party with three words in your heart-big head.

"Hehe, Jade son bids nine million yin and yang stones, which really moved the little girl. I wonder if there is a higher bid?"

The voice of Miss Luo Yan, the young lady of Louvre Palace, sounded loudly, breaking the silence in the auction. For a long time, she did not speak, but smiled at these people, you fought for me, and frankly, a lifelong ginseng shot the price of nine million yin and yang stones, even she did not expect.

Although lifelong ginseng is useful, the price of nine million yin and yang stones is absolutely worthless. Not to mention nine million, even six million is already sky-high. Of course, someone is willing to pay a high price, and of course he is so happy. Who would think too much money?

When Luo Yan's voice spread, everyone present was smirking. Higher prices? Joke, the price of nine million yin and yang stones, if anyone raises the price, it is simply a mental disability.

"It seems that no one continues to increase the price. In this case, this strain of life-long ginseng is owned by Yugongzi, and Yugongzi is invited to the stage."

With a slight smile, Luo Yan blinked at Yu Jinyan and motioned to the other party to pay the money for inspection.


Yu Jinyan really didn't think of buying such a broken thing with so much money, but now that she has said it, it is impossible to regret it. You know, no matter the question of face or the rules of the Louvre, it is impossible to give him a chance to repent.

I remember some people shouting at the auction at the outset, but in the end they were directly abolished by the Louvre's strongman and left the auction venue. Although he had a good identity, Yu Jinyan was afraid that the outcome would not be much better.

"Ah, that's it !!!" Between the change of color, Yu Jinyan could only sigh long in her heart, but had to accept the fact in front of her.

Blame him for being too impulsive, so it's easy for the other side to get in. This time, the nine million Yinyang stones should be a lesson for him!

"Well !!!"

Thinking of this, he didn't think about it any more. When he was in shape, he was directly on the square platform.

"Oh, girl Luo Yan, I am very supportive of you. I do n’t know if this first auction item is a good start for you?"

Now that the money has been spent, of course, it can't be spent in vain. In any case, he also wants to make the money worthwhile.

"Hehe, the friendship of Yu Gongzi, the little girl is grateful, please !!!"

Luo Yan also gave face, but gave the other party a step down, of course, in her heart, I'm afraid that the other party has already treated the other party as an innocent head, and naturally will not really have the idea of ​​gratitude.

"This is nine million yin and yang stones. I also asked the girl Luo Yan to count." Yu Jinyan did not dare to delay the other party too much. When she heard that the other party had given herself a step, she hurriedly took out the yin and yang stone and paid for it. Delivery, completed the auction, and finally reluctantly stepped down.

I have to say that although Yu Jinyan did not spend less money, she also made a lot of eyeballs. However, for the weird vision around him, he felt that his body was a little hot, and he did not dare to look up at people.

"The three of you remembered to me that this account will be settled with you sooner or later."

Looking up, Yu Jinyan stared fiercely at the three young people in the crowd, his eyes were filled with the light of hatred. However, unfortunately, for his glaring, the three of them didn't even glance at the birds.

"This auction is really good. There was such a good show at the beginning. Are these three guys really interesting?"

Among the crowd, Yuan Feng's eyes were also observing, but he wasn't looking at Yu Jinyan. He was too lazy to watch the jade's son, and what really caught his attention was The breeze lightly caused Yu Jinyan's three young men to bleed.

Yuan Feng certainly knew about Yin Yang Stone. Speaking of which, he caught so many arrogant powers, and indeed seized a lot of Yin Yang Stone, but the amount of 9 million still made him feel astonished. .

"These three guys are just pulling hatred. It's so blatant to play with Yu Jinyan. It seems that the background of these three guys should not be simple."

Gazes were constantly glancing at the three of them, and Yuan Feng's eyes couldn't help flashing a strange light.

His perception is absolutely comparable. Maybe others can't see the problems of these three people, but he can feel them. These three guys are definitely not as simple as they seem.

On the surface, these three guys should be the strength of yin and yang, but under the perception of the swallowing martial spirit, Yuan Feng found that there was a huge energy in the body of these three men. It is working, but the operation of this energy is very secretive, making it difficult to detect.

"Did it hide its strength? If so, then these three guys should be really unusual !!!" With his eyes narrowed, Yuan Feng remembered these three men deeply. No matter what their backgrounds are, they must be included in the list that cannot be provoked.

"The young man in this jade family is really impulsive, so not calm, I am afraid that it will be difficult to do something big."

Jiang Qingwu's eyes have always paid attention to the Yujia Yujinyan. At this moment, she felt that her son was simply too good compared to this Yujinyan. Of course, this jade's Yu Jinyan was obviously raised by a baby from a young age, but her strength is much better than her.

"Oh, my mother only saw what was on the surface, but she didn't see what was inside. The fault was not with him, it should be the ghost of those three guys."

Hearing his mother's voice, Yuan Feng couldn't help but shook her head with a smile, without much explanation.

Others couldn't see it, but he could see clearly that before the competition, the three young men had a faint energy flowing around them. The reason why Yu Jinyan would be so easy to get involved was that 80% was also led by the three. Nose sake.

"Three of them?"

Jiang Qingwu didn't feel anything wrong. She only felt that it was Yu Jinyan's impulse, which caught the trap of others. She didn't feel that the three had used any means to make Yu Jinyan's move. Of course, not only did she think so, everyone in the audience, including Yu Jinyan herself, felt that it was Yu Jinyan's own problem.

"You, the first auction item, it seems that everyone should be quite satisfied, and then the second auction item is auctioned, I hope you will like it."

Luo Yan did not hesitate to complete the auction of the first auction item. When she raised her hand, she took the second auction item and placed it in a tray above the square platform. Covered, keeping the last mystery.

"The value of this second treasure is comparable to that of ten thousand years of renewal. It should be regarded as indistinguishable. Of course, its long-term value is more precious than that of ten thousand years of renewal. Those who see the pearl well, please see. "

After a few words, Luo Yan no longer hesitated. When she raised her hand, she uncovered the red silk and exposed a jade basin inside, but in this jade basin, there was a strain The emerald green seedlings are about the height of a palm, but it feels like a tall tree.

"Well? This is ..."

"A small seedling? What kind of seedling looks very good."

"Well, the Louvre really has everything, and even this small seedling is put up for auction, but I don't know what it is and what it is useful for."

"No matter what the use is, I guess if it grows up, it should be very good. Of course, if you want to cultivate this thing, you may need a lot of resources."

"Everything is a trivial matter. It depends on whether it is worth training."

"Look at it, at least you need to know what it is, so you can judge the value of this thing."

Seeing this young sprout taken out by Luo Yan, the crowd at the scene couldn't help but be a little curious, and didn't know what it was for a while.

"The second auction item is the seedlings of Luanjing tree. If you want to come to Luanjing tree, everyone should be familiar with it. Although it is only a seedling, once this thing grows up, it is a gathering tree planted in its own house. In front of the door, the aura of the three or five cities around it should all be gathered together! The reserve price is also one million yin and yang stones. "

Luo Yan simply gave an introduction, but did not explain too much, but the three words of Luan Yingshu did not need her to explain too much.

"It turned out to be the seedlings of Luanjing tree? Good guy, this is the tree of gathering spirits, this kind of baby spirit plant is very rare."

"It is indeed a rare treasure. Unfortunately, it is only a seedling. It is difficult to say whether it can feed or not. If you don't take care of it, it will be a real loss.

"Cut, if it is an adult Luanjing tree, even 5 million Yin Yang Stones can't be bought!" ...

The second auction item began to be auctioned, and naturally everyone began to talk again, and some people's eyes had already revealed the eagerness to try.

"Two million, this little seedling, I asked for Ouyang."

The time spent talking, Ouyang Xun of Ouyang's family, the first one to start the bidding, but doubled all of a sudden, can be considered a small handwriting.

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