The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1316: It's troublesome (second more)

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As soon as the seedlings of Luanjing tree emerged, most people held a snort attitude. After all, although Luanjing tree is very famous, it must be able to grow into a towering tree. If it does not grow, it is a chicken rib. .

However, not everyone is worried about taking risks. This is not the case. Almost when Luo Yan took out Luan Mingshu, Ouyang of Ouyang's family first stood up and paid two million yuan for this. The seedlings of Luanjing tree started a scramble.

As a kind of spiritual plant that can gather heaven and earth aura, Luan Lingshu is actually of great value. If this thing is planted at the door, then a large amount of heaven and earth aura can be gathered. It may even make the power of the laws around the **** tree. It is even richer. It happens that Ouyang Xun's mansion lacks such a treasure.

"Ouyang's son bids two million yin and yang stones. Is anyone still paying a higher price?"

Luo Yan's face has always had a faint smile. After the successful sale of the first auction item, she is full of confidence in the next auction. It's okay to cultivate for so many years. It's time for her Luo Yan to stand up and contribute to the Louvre. However, she has never doubted her charm.

"2.5 million."

"three million."……………

However, when Ouyang Xun began to bid, someone in the crowd immediately stood up and did not hesitate to increase the price, but the increase was not as strong as Ouyang Xun.

Speaking of, the seedlings of Luanjing tree, in fact, the value of this thing must be above the continued life, so many people do not take this thing seriously, after all, do not want to bear the risk of cultivating saplings.

"While arguing, what are you arguing with, I have five million yin and yang stones, and I will make this decision in Ouyang."

Ouyang Xun has long wanted to find such a baby, but this time he had such an opportunity. Of course, he didn't want to miss it at all. Before a few people called out, he just stood up again and directly increased the price. There are five million Yinyang stones. Obviously, this is what he wants to tell everyone, the seedlings of Luanjing tree, he wants to order.

"It seems that the guys of the Ouyang family are bound to get the seedlings of Luan Mingshu, and the wealth is not the same."

"Well, people are not afraid to take risks, that's why they dare to take the risk. You have the ability to buy it!"

"Forget it, this kind of heaven and earth is the most difficult to feed. I don't have that much energy to waste."

"Five million yin and yang stones, should be the limit? I guess no one will fight with him again."

Five million yin and yang stones buy a little grass, and most people obviously can't make it, and for this price, it is almost the limit. Moreover, the Ouyang family in the ten miles and eight cities is also the largest family in the row. This face has a lot People are willing to sell.

Therefore, after Ouyang Xun asked for the price of five million Yinyang Stones, almost all of those who wanted to continue to bid were shook their heads with a bitter smile, or they would no longer compete with each other.

"It seems that the son of Ouyang really needs the seedlings of this Luanjing tree, five million Yinyang stones, I wonder if anyone can increase the price?"

Luo Yan's eyes showed a touch of bright color, and she was obviously in a good mood. A small seedling sold for five million yin and yang stones, which is absolutely unimaginably high.

"If no one raises the price, then ..."

"Six million."

Luo Yan was already satisfied with the price of five million yuan. However, just when she was calm and ready to announce the results of this auction, the familiar voice sounded again, once again attracting the attention of everyone present. past.

The people present were not unfamiliar with the voice passed on this time, because it was not others who spoke, it was just one of the three young people who had just joined Yujinyan in Yuqing City.

"This, this ...... here again, here again!"

"It's these three guys again, six million Yin Yangshi, these three guys are really everywhere!"

"Well, I used to be the Yujia Family in Yuqing City. This time I changed to the Ouyang family. I don't know if Ouyang Xun can stand up."

"Haha, you can't withstand it? You can't withstand it, you have to withstand it. Yu Jinyan of the Yu family had withstood it. If he couldn't, then wouldn't he admit that Ouyang's family was worse than the Yu family?"

"That's it. If you can't stand it, you admit that you are inferior."

These people in the auction, Jiucheng came to see the excitement, they can not be so many, as long as there is excitement to watch, then fan the flames, fuel the fire.

"Damn !!!"

Ouyang Xun naturally listened to the discussions of the people around him. Frankly speaking, at this moment he was undoubtedly very angry. You must know that five million to buy a seedling of Luanjing tree is already a very high price. As for the higher price, he never even considered it.

However, everyone is watching his performance at this moment. If he just gives up, don't say that he can't raise his head in front of Luo Yan's eyes. Even in front of anyone's eyes, it is difficult for him to raise his head to be a man.

Subconsciously, he looked at the three people on the opposite side, and as he looked at the three people in the crowd, an unknown fire suddenly emerged from the bottom of his heart.

"Seven million, um, fight with me, I see what you fight for."

He will never compromise so easily. The amount of seven million Yinyang stones is still affordable for him, and even if he fights, he will never admit it. Moreover, in his subconscious, it seems that the other party will pay a higher price to continue to compete with him.

"something wrong!!!"

Among the crowd, Yuan Feng has been looking at the audience. At this moment, his pupils suddenly shrank, because just at the moment, he clearly felt the three young men's bodies, and there was clearly an imperceptible light flashing. After a while. Fortunately, he has been watching these three people carefully, otherwise, it would be difficult for him to discover this scene.

"What is the origin of these three? Is it the helper invited by the Louvre?"

At this moment, he can be sure that the three men definitely have a means to let their opponents desperately compete with them. On the surface, this means of the three men seems to be to raise the price of the auction item. The price increase, the beneficiary is obviously the Louvre.

"No, the Louvre opened its doors to do business. It should not take such a risk. After all, if it is really the plot of the Louvre, once it is exposed, it will be the end of its ruin."

With a change of heart, Yuan Feng thought about all the possible situations, but in the end, it was difficult to determine the origin of the matter.

"I'll see what ideas you have." I simply didn't understand, Yuan Feng simply stopped thinking about it, no matter what the other party's ideas were, it had nothing to do with him.

"The price of seven million may not be the limit!" Yuan Feng only smiled slightly when the three of them shouted the price of seven million. He believes that since the three guys shot, then this Ouyang inquiry, I am afraid It definitely takes a lot of yin and yang stones.

"Eight million!!!"

Sure enough, almost as soon as Ouyang asked about the seven million figure, one of the three young people spoke again, and this time, of course, it was a one million one million increase.

"Ahhh, nine million !!"

The voices of the three young people have just fallen, and Ou Yangxun's voice followed, and a small seedling was even fired to the price of nine million Yinyang stones. It can be said that such a price has definitely exceeded The value of Luanjing tree seedlings.


When Ouyang Xun shouted the price of nine million yuan, the whole auction became unusually noisy again. Although everyone had some speculations, no one dared to guarantee whether Ou Yangxun was real or not until it was determined. Will shout out such a price.

"Good guy, it's a price of nine million again. This is really a killer. Two auction items, each sold for the price of nine million yin and yang stones. Is this auction, everyone? Are you crazy? "

"It's absolutely crazy. Nine million yin and yang stones. What's so bad about it? I want to buy a small seedling? If we count the cost of cultivating this small seedling, then it's really worth the money!"

"Hey, I admire these three guys a bit. Before, Yu Jinyan of the Yu family spent millions of Yin and Yang stones. Now, he is recruited by Ou Yang's family. It is really amazing."

"I don't know where these three people came from. Will it be a nursery for the Louvre?"

"This ............... Don't talk nonsense. It doesn't matter if it matters. What matters is that at the end someone really died with them. Nine million Yinyang stones. I am afraid that this thing will fall into Ouyang Xun's hands. Ah! "

All the people present were sighted. No one could see that there was a problem with the behavior of these three people, but the problem was that the three of them were clamoring for someone to actually come closer, which seemed no wonder to others!

Sure enough, after the number of nine million was shouted, the three young people closed their eyes again, and they looked completely okay, but it was just a few words of time. It took millions of yin and yang stones to buy a small broken seedling.


When I saw the three of them starting to close their eyes and recuperate, Ouyang Xun's body suddenly trembled, and then his complexion turned pale, and he had a feeling of not knowing what happened.

"Nine million? I, I actually spent nine million Yinyang stone and bought a seedling of Luanjing tree?"

With a shocked look, Ou Yangxun at this moment also had an incredible feeling. However, the number was shouted by himself, and it seems that he has no remorse now.


Not to mention that other people have a weird feeling. At this moment, even Luo Yan, who is hosting the auction, can't help wrinkling slightly, and her heart feels a little bad.

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