The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1351: Leave (one more)

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Jiang Qingwu finally agreed with Yuan Feng's proposal.

Going to Ziyun City will be a very long journey. How far away from Heji City is Ziyun City, there is no way to calculate it. In fact, the strong players of Heji City rarely hear about Ziyun City. Those who can know Ziyun City are probably only a few.

Yuan Feng and his party wanted to go to the direction of Ziyun City, of course, first of all, they must determine where Ziyun City is, and of course, this kind of thing must start from the Louvre.

As the most powerful force in the surrounding ten miles and eight cities, and the only family with a super powerhouse that transcends the good fortune, if the Louvre Palace does not know where Ziyun City is, no one really knows Ziyun City information.

This time, it is no longer necessary to send someone to the Louvre. For information transmission, Yuan Feng can directly contact Luo Yan. As long as the other party has confirmed the information of Ziyun City, he can immediately get the information.

Fortunately, from the memory of Luo Yan, Yuan Feng learned that the Louvre does have a map without bounds. Although it is only a small map without bounds, it is not impossible to mark the information of Ziyun City.

The map of the Louvre Museum is naturally in the hands of the master of the Louvre Palace, Luo Shixin. If others want to see it, it is almost impossible to see it. However, if Luo Yan wants to see it, it is completely different.

Luo Yan's excuse is simple. She wants to look at the map and see if there are any interesting places to explore, and Luo Shixin will certainly not agree with this. However, although he did not agree to let her go exploring, the map in his hand was handed over to the other party, and the other party was allowed to watch it.

When Luo Yan got the map and started searching for information on Ziyun City, Yuan Feng's mind was quietly taking over her mind, and she recklessly remembered the entire map.

"Oh, good guy, it's just a map of a small area without bounds. It's so complicated, it's really spectacular!"

When seeing this map held by the Louvre, Yuan Feng couldn't help feeling shocked from the bottom of her heart. In his eyes, there are tens of thousands of cities marked on this map. Among these cities, there are many of them that are as large as Heji City, and some of them are marked with special colors. It is bigger than Tsurugi Castle.

Yuan Feng's mind searched through each name, looking for the location of Ziyun City, but, after spending a long time, he had engraved the entire map in his mind with the martial arts spirit, but in the end it was still Did not see the name of Ziyun City inside.

"Well, this is too exaggerated, right? There are no Ziyun City in the tens of thousands of cities. It seems that Ziyun City is really scary from this place!"

He had long thought that he might be far away from Ziyun City, but did not expect it would be so far. But having said that, it's not far away. The main thing is that he needs to determine the direction of Ziyun City. Only by determining the direction can he have a goal. As for the long distance, he has the space-time boat in him, really Not afraid of the distance.

"Well? There are words outside of this?"

However, when Yuan Feng watched the entire map, and finally did not find the name of Ziyun City, his look was suddenly a little stunned, his face flashed with a hint of light.

In his eyes, around this huge map, four northeast, southwest, and northwestern words were written separately. Around these four words, there were a lot of small characters listed. Obviously, each line of The small print is the name of a city.

"It seems that the cities listed are random. It seems that the people who weave this map did not continue to mark the location and information of each city, but only listed the approximate location of these cities."

Yuan Feng's mind is clear. Naturally, he can see the meaning of these words at a glance. Seeing this, he couldn't help rushing to look in one direction and one direction.

There are four characters in four directions. Around each word, I am afraid that there are no less than thousands of names of the cities. When he finished reading the two directions of the north and south, and began to watch a bunch of names in the west, three The long-awaited word finally appeared in his eyes.

"Ziyun City, hahaha, I finally found you, hahahaha !!!"

The cheerful laughter spread from his mouth. At this moment, Yuan Feng was simply inexpressible. Kung Fu is worthy of someone, it seems that Heaven is still helping him, although there is no exact location of Ziyun City, but he can be sure at this moment, Ziyun City is on his west side, as long as he goes west all the way, then there will be One day to find Ziyun City.

"Very well, I finally have a way forward. Next, I can practice while rushing. When I reach Ziyun City, my cultivation behavior should also reach the point where it will impact the natural world. Maybe it has already Promoted to good fortune. "

It seems that Ziyun City is really far and far away. There are no fewer than thousands of cities marked on the map alone. After he walked through these thousands of cities, he didn't know How many cities are waiting for him to break through before he can finally reach the place of Ziyun City.

Of course, no matter what, now I finally know the direction of Ziyun City, which is enough for them.

"He Jicheng, it's almost like that, with Luo Yan here, it can be regarded as half of my stronghold. If it really does not hang out in the future, or it will cause trouble that cannot be solved, it would be You can return to Heji City to avoid the limelight. "

After staying in Heji City for so long, the gains are definitely not small. This trip can be said to be a good start to the boundless world. In the next time, he believes that they will go better.

After making some arrangements for Luo Yan, Yuan Feng then began to discuss with her mother about leaving.

There was nothing to prepare anyway, the mother and son finally decided to set off today!

The map of the Louvre Museum has been engraved by Yuan Feng in his mind, and the existence of the swallowing martial spirit can never be forgotten even if he wants to forget. The next itinerary is to act on the map completely, and What things are waiting for them along the way, they also need to slowly dig themselves.

It ’s certainly not necessary for Jiang Qingwu to get on the road. In the final analysis, today Jiang Qingwu is the one with the highest cultivation and the most experience among Yuan Feng and his team. Therefore, her time is more precious. When you have leisure, you need to constantly improve yourself and make yourself stronger.

During this period, it was certain to help Dan Xiazong and the Yuan family to improve their cultivation.

The Yuan family and Dan Xiazong's people almost felt like living in a world of paradise. They stayed in Qingwu Palace without enemies and troubles. In addition to violently improving their strength, they almost drank and drank. Chat, life is unpleasant.

Yuan Feng did not take part in this life state of everyone. His purpose is to make his relatives and friends happy and comfortable. What kind of attitude do people want to use to face life is their own choice, and he certainly has no right to intervene.

Of course, more people still choose to continue to forge ahead. The only ones who really enjoy themselves in leisure are a small minority, and almost all of them have poor qualifications and will be dim in the future.

The Yuan family's elders were the most diligent. They didn't want to embarrass Yuan Feng, so the practice was extremely hard. Even the Yuan family's old master Yuan Tianqi almost gave up the pleasure of drinking and chatting with the Yun family's old lady all day. Cultivation. He hadn't thought he could become stronger, but now that he has a chance, it's another matter!

The whole Qingwu Palace still has a relatively strong enthusiasm for cultivation, but when everyone was doing their own things, they didn't know that at this moment, Yuan Feng had already embarked on the journey and started on the road.

The journey is not alone for Yuan Feng, because this time he has his partner as a companion. Even in the worst place, in their eyes, it will be the most beautiful scenery.

"Dream dust, you have to remember, this time, if there is danger, I will take you back to Qingwu Palace. Then you must not resist, and do n’t worry. With my current strength, ordinary people are absolutely impossible. What a clue. "

Strolling in the streets of Heji City, Yuan Feng pulled Yunmeng Chen, while walking leisurely out of the city, he asked uneasily.

This time, Yun Mengchen and Mu Yuner both wanted to accompany him, which really made him difficult for a while. Although he did not want Mu Yun'er to accompany him, but the other party wanted to accompany him, he really couldn't say too bluntly.

Fortunately, Jiang Qingwu came forward and told Mu Yun'er that he could n’t show up in the world of bliss when he could n’t reach the perfection of Dongtian Realm. Only when she reached the level of perfection in Dongtian Realm could she be aged. Outside Yuanfeng Road.

Mu Qing'er was absolutely obedient to Jiang Qingwu's words, so she stayed in the Qingwu Palace to practice honestly, but after she had reached the great consummation of Dongtian Realm, I'm afraid it would be a troublesome thing.

"Relax, I know how important it is. If I really encounter danger, I will protect myself." Yun Mengchen is very obedient and can accompany Yuan Feng to rush on the road. Her mood is really good, and, a lot Seeing the boundless world is bound to have unspeakable benefits for her to level up and create a realm.

"Hey, you just have something in your heart, let's go, there is nothing worth remembering in this crane and city. Next, let's go to more cities and walk around. I don't know what the next time is and what will happen. Hold us. "

With a slight smile, Yuan Feng pulled Yun Mengchen, and he began his journey to the world of no delusion.

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