The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1352: Surprise on the road (second)

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Starting from Heji City, Yuan Feng and Yun Mengchen were not in a hurry. This trip to Ziyun City can be said to be a long way, but Yuan Feng did not think of reaching Ziyun City immediately. If he was really anxious to reach Ziyun City, he would directly control the space-time boat. Rushed to the destination in one breath.

The space-time boat is obviously a good thing. This kind of treasure can only be produced by the super big family or the super strong. Like these big ponds around the Heji City, it is estimated that the Louvre can sometimes empty the baby. As for other family forces, there are absolutely few that can sometimes be empty-handed.

Refining a space-time boat comes out, that is not something that anyone can do. You must know that the space-time boat's refining materials are very rare and the refining is extremely difficult. Few people dare to easily refining this thing, naturally. Yes, the number of space-time boats is extremely scarce ...

The city without borders, no matter how small, can be described by vastness and boundlessness. Yuanfeng and Yunmengchen haven't waited out of the scope of Heji City for about two months.

On this way, Yuan Feng and Yun Mengchen are almost enjoying the customs and customs of Wuleijie, and they are fully integrated into the environment of Wuleijie so that others cannot see that they are coming from the lower realm.

For them, everything in Wulei Realm is new. Although it has been more than two years since they arrived in Wulei Realm, they have stayed in Qingwu Palace for almost two years. Cultivation inside, however, has never walked outside at all, especially Yun Mengchen, and he has hardly appeared in a world without boundaries.

"This Heji City is also our first base after we came to Wuleijie. I don't know if it will be like this time when we return next time."

It took almost three months for Yuan Feng and Jiang Qingwu to finally arrive at the edge of Heji City. When the two stood at the border of Heji City and looked back at this Dacheng Pool, their hearts were unavoidable. Sorry.

"Wuyijie is so big, there are countless cities like Heji City, and different events are happening every day. Maybe next time you come back, Heji City has changed a lot!"

Yun Mengchen nestled beside Yuan Feng, with some emotions. With the improvement of Xiu Wei, her horizons are obviously constantly improving. Some of the words she says now even Yuan Feng feels very much in agreement.

"Hey, maybe, but no matter what it becomes here, it has nothing to do with us!"

Shaking his head and smiling, Yuan Feng finally glanced at this huge city, and then he pulled Yunmengchen and flew away away from Heji City.

Heji City has provided them with enough. Judging from the current situation, if you want to get more in Heji City, I am afraid that there is no great possibility. Although Luo Yan has a good identity, she can provide them with almost everything she can. If she continues to transfer the treasures of the Louvre to them, I am afraid she will also cause people to doubt.

Moreover, with Luo Yan's ability, it is really difficult to come up with more resources.

After leaving Heji City, Yuanfeng and Jiang Qingwu need to spend an excessively small area. This area is relatively desolate. It is the junction of Heji City and Lincheng. Everyone knows it, but they wo n’t know it. The transition area is being developed, and if anyone dares to divide the site here, it will almost be destroyed by the big family forces in the two cities.

Therefore, no one has dared to settle in such a transition area for a long time, so as not to be destroyed as heresy.

Having said that, the boundless realm has boundless boundaries, and there are more places to settle down. Of course, no one will take this risk and survive in the gap between the two cities.

Yuan Feng and Yun Mengchen flew aimlessly in the transition area of ​​the two cities. Frankly speaking, compared with the traffic and traffic inside the city, this transition area is more beautiful and pleasant.

No one occupies the development, which means that the most primitive scene and the most primitive style of the imaginary world are maintained here, and such an area is of course closer to nature.

"The mountains and rivers without borders are really different. The transition zone between the two big cities, if you get the lower bound, I am afraid that it will be a blessing for countless strong people to compete for."

Flying over the boundless dense forest in the transition area, Yuan Feng overlooked the trees and mountains below, and his heart was inexplicably open. Everything in the boundless world is large, the trees are giant trees, the river is the Yangtze River, and the mountains and rivers are in the sky. All of these things make him have a magnificent feeling. Naturally, his mood has become even greater. Atmosphere.

"Oh, if you can copy this environment to the lower world, then the middle world will not be the middle world." Yun Mengchen also enjoys the beautiful scenery below, if she can, she really hopes to follow the same. Feng kept flying down and admiring every scene of the world without boundaries.

"Ha, Mengchen, when you come to the realm of no delusion, your realm is getting higher and higher. Such philosophical words can be said. It seems that I really have to learn from you."

Hearing Yun Mengchen's words, Yuan Feng couldn't help but laugh aloud, half jokingly and earnestly.

In fact, he did not understand the reasoning Yun Mengchen said. The middle world is the middle world and the higher world is the higher world. Of course, the two cannot be confused. If not, the world is really messed up.

"I have been practicing with my aunt, and my aunt not only taught me how to cultivate, but also taught me a lot of things. If I do n’t know much, how can I help you in the future?"

Chin slightly lifted, Yun Mengchen deliberately put on a proud expression, seeing Yuan Feng really can not help but Jun.

"Okay, I know you are the best, and I must be my most reliable helper in the future." With a smile, Yuan Feng couldn't help looking up and glanced at the whole mountain forest. "Such a wild primitive jungle, here There must be a lot of rare treasures, but unfortunately the Jinmoo is practicing, otherwise, it can be released, and we can definitely leave with gains. "

After he came to the Wonderland, he has not yet conducted a treasure hunt, but the ability of the Jin Mao Rat has not yet been brought into play. Now when he sees this reckless mountain forest, of course he will have the idea of ​​treasure hunt. No way, who makes him have a baby Warcraft pet like a Jin Mao rat!

"There are so many opportunities. I believe that there will be a richer place in front of me. By then, the Jinmoo will finish the cultivation, and we will be happy to go for treasure hunting."

With the Jinmao rat hunting for treasure, of course, she is also full of longing. In this world, I am afraid that no one will not like to get nothing for nothing.

"That's right, there are so many opportunities, let's go. Let's continue on our way. Maybe at the next interchange, the Jinmoo ..."

Yuan Mengchen agreed with Yun Mengchen's words. However, when he nodded and said that he was going to accelerate with Yun Mengchen, his brows were suddenly wrinkled, and his eyes were full of weird colors. .

"What's wrong? Is something wrong?"

The strangeness of Yuan Feng was naturally the first time I saw it in Yun Mengchen's eyes. When I saw Yuan Feng suddenly showing such a weird expression, she knew that Yuan Feng must have discovered something.

"Haha, good thing, great thing. This is just the moment when we talked about the Jin Mao Rat. I didn't think Xiao Ba heard it. Walk around, let's find a place to rest."

With a loud laugh, Yuan Feng didn't say much, and when he reached out, he took Yun Mengchen into his arms, and when he was in shape, he went down into the dense forest below.

After reaching the depths of the dense forest, Yuan Feng found a secret place and summoned the light dance palace. Then, with Yun Mengchen, he returned to the light dance palace for the time being.

When Yuan Feng was brought back to Qingwu Palace, Yun Mengchen finally understood why Yuan Feng suddenly became happy like this.

"Xiao Ba is advancing?"

In the eyes, in the huge space, Yuan Feng's Super Warcraft pet Xiaoba has completely suspended in the air at this moment, and around its body, a huge amount of energy is constantly escaping. The momentum that belongs to the formidable realm is full of space, and even the great completion of the cave heaven has a feeling of being unable to stand up.

Obviously, Xiao Ba must be in the promotion at this moment.

"Hahaha, when I just talked about Jin Mao Rat, it seems that Xiao Ba felt it. This guy is jealous. I am afraid that I only value Xiao Jin and don't pay attention to it. This surprises me!"

With a loud laugh, Yuan Feng transferred Jin Mao Rats to other spaces to continue practicing, while taking out the energy pool of the Shadow Shark Palace, allowing Xiao Ba to absorb the energy in it for grading.

"It's great. Xiaoba's promotion to the realm of the world should be able to produce a very powerful Warcraft. In this way, we will have one more means to get hold of it in the future."

Yun Mengchen is also very happy. She already knows that Yuan Feng, an ugly pet of Warcraft, is very good. Right now, this ugly monster is promoted to the realm, and it will definitely help them a lot.


Almost as soon as Yun Mengchen's voice fell, a bang suddenly rang through the entire space, and then, the original little eight was already very big, as if eating feed, it started At the same time, at the same time, all over it, the fine scales flickered dazzlingly. At this moment, Xiaoba was clearly undergoing an unprecedented transformation.

"It's done, good fortune, Xiao Ba has finally been promoted to good fortune."

When feeling the last change in Xiao Ba, Yuan Feng's face was already full of excitement.

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