The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1590: Purple Air Dragonscale Beast

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The seven great disciples of Ziyun Palace gathered together. It can be said that in the wild forest area at this moment, this power is definitely the strongest one.

Regarding the spar contention that happened before, the seven disciples have all kept silent, even Li Xian and Bai Ling, who were robbed and harvested, seem to have forgotten it.

After the distribution of the spar was completed, the seven masters of discipleship embarked on a new journey together, and the six new disciples of Liuhedian were naturally taken by Li Xian and Bai Ling.

In the space-time boat, the seven great disciples and six new disciples are now heading towards their destination. At this time, the atmosphere in the space-time boat is quite normal.

"Brother Li Xian, you and Bai Ling have just joined. They may not be fully aware of the situation. Let me tell you the specific situation."

This is the space inside the space-time boat of the talented disciple Xing Dongqing of the Yuanyuan Hall. At this moment, everyone gathered in this space-time boat. The sheer imposing manner alone made Warcraft in the wild forest area retreat.

Before the action, Xing Dongqing must explain the specific situation to Li Xian and Bai Ling, amenorrhea, no matter what, at this moment they are already a team, and then they must work together.

"I also ask Xing Xie to talk briefly."

Li Xian and Bai Ling stood side by side, with six new disciples standing behind him. When he heard Xing Dongqing's words, he couldn't help but arch his hands, and he was quite polite.

As far as their city is concerned, no matter what their emotions are, if they want to hide, then they can be treated as if nothing has happened. This is also the first skill they need to have.

Bai Ling was a little bit irritated. A pretty face had always been angry, but she was a woman, and other people would not care about her.

"Not long ago, I was practicing in the wild forest, and accidentally started with a weird Warcraft. The Warcraft was so good that it finally escaped from my hands. Later, I lost a lot of energy. Only found the trace of that World of Warcraft, and if I expected it to be good, that World of Warcraft should be the famous purple gas dragon scale beast. "

Xing Dongqing's tone was very gentle, but everyone present could feel it. Even now, when he talks about it, he seems to have a faint sense of excitement.

"What? Purple Air Dragonscale Beast?"

When Xing Dongqing's explanation was heard, Li Xian, who was still indifferent, suddenly came to the spirit, and couldn't help exclaiming his voice. Even Bai Ling, who was originally sullen by the side, was now Suddenly the spirit came, no longer care about anger.

"Yes, it's the purple dragon scale beast." Nodded, Xing Dongqing was able to understand Li Xian's mood. Speaking of it, even when he identified the variety of Warcraft, his performance was similar to the current Li Xianxiang. of.

"Purple auras are very rare. I have only seen them in the classics, but from the descriptions in the classics and the situation in that cave of Warcraft, it should be that the purple auras are not fake."

Picking the corner of his mouth, Xing Dongqing knew that no one could resist the temptation of the purple gas dragon scale beast, and it was because he didn't tell the main hall masters the news, otherwise, even the main hall masters would be tempted. of.

"Yu, if it's really a purple dragon scale beast, then we should really make a lot of money on this trip!"

His eyes narrowed for a moment, and Li Xian became more excited now.

Purple Qi Dragonscale Beast, this thing really only exists in the classics, anyway, he has never seen it. It is said that the purple dragon scale beast is an auspicious auspicious beast. Anyone who can get this kind of Warcraft will definitely be auspicious beast.

Of course, you may not really take such a vain thing to heart, but in fact, what really makes you unable to refuse is another situation of the purple dragon scale beast.

It is said that the purple Qi dragon scale beast's ability to sense the heaven and earth spirit treasures is unparalleled, and this kind of World of Warcraft likes to collect various heaven and earth spirit treasures and put them in their nests for decoration. The scale beast's lair, then it must mean that it can get a great harvest.

If the World of Warcraft discovered by Xing Dongqing is really a purple dragon scale beast, then this time, these people will really make a lot of money.

This is not like the situation when he and Bai Ling squatted and guarded the cave before. At that cave, they were not sure if there was a decent baby in it, but the lair of the purple air dragon scale beast, that is absolutely precious. .

"Oh, Brother Li, don't be too happy too. With Brother Li's erudition, you should know the habits of the Purple Dragon Dragonscale Beast? Although we now have seven people, what is the result?

Seeing Li Xian's brighter and brighter look, Yuanlong of the Seven Star Palace couldn't help but stand up and pour cold water on the other side.

In addition to Li Xian and Bai Ling, Xing Dongqing apparently said something to the other four people, and before they met Li Xian and Bai Ling, the five did not know how many times they had studied, if it was really good If they did, then they would not pull Li Xian and Bai Ling together.

"Life habits? Uh, I remember, the purple dragon scale beasts seemed to appear in pairs?"

Being reminded by the other party, Li Xian could not help but immediately reflect over. He remembered that when he saw the description of the purple dragon scale beast in the classics, it was plainly written that the purple dragon scale beasts were in pairs. As long as they saw a male Warcraft, the surrounding must be still There is a female Warcraft.

"Yes, it seems Brother Li Xian really knows a lot."

With a slight smile, Xing Dongqing reached out and knocked on the throne's handrail, and then continued, "I followed the purple dragon dragon scale animal outside his cave that day, and I heard the sound of it, if I guessed correctly , There should be another purple dragon scale beast in that cave. "

If there is only one Warcraft, he certainly does not need to find so many people to act together, but the Warcraft on both ends is completely different.

Everyone knows that the Ziqi Dragonscale Beast is very strong and strong. The strength he was fighting with at first was not under him at all, and the one in the cave should not be worse.

In a five-to-two situation, they may drive away the two Warcrafts and rob some of the treasures in the cave, but in fact they are not sure. Right now seven to two, they have more chances, but whether they can get the two purple gas dragon scale beasts in fact is still an unknown number.

"Oh, one head, or two heads. We have seven people here, and we don't have to be afraid of them." His face changed and changed, and Li Xian suddenly smiled, and then said, "Okay, everyone There should have been some plans long ago. Now that I and Shimei have joined in, everyone should plan again. "

Opportunity is right in front of him. It seems that he and Bai Ling should have had good luck this time. This has just gotten a bunch of precious spar, and now I have such a god-given opportunity. I can really dream. Woke up with a smile.

"Ha ha ha, brother Li Xian is simply, brother Xing, brother Li Xian is right, we should re-plan something, now with Brother Li Xian and Bai Ling girl joining in, maybe we can put those two The Purple Air Dragonscale Beast is captured! "

"Hey, I ’m afraid this is a bit difficult, but although it is difficult to capture them, if they can be killed, it is also a big gain. The purple dragon scale beasts are all treasures. It is said that if their scales are made into defenses The words of the spirit soldiers are definitely embarrassing even for the demigod. "

"It's so difficult to imagine such a formidable defense ability to kill them."

Disciples of the Seven Great Masters spoke, and they started to plan again. They all knew the difficulty of the trip, so they had to plan carefully. I dispatched seven disciple disciples. If I ca n’t figure out two World of Warcraft, then I really ca n’t justify it ...

"Purple Dragon Scale Beast? What's that? It sounds pretty tall!"

If the disciples next to the Seven Great Masters had no one to discuss, the six new disciples in Liuhedian were completely left aside. For the seven of them, these six little guys are basically dispensable, and the six are kept just for cannon fodder at critical moments.

However, the seven of them would never think of it. Just as the seven of them discussed, there was a person's ear, the elder who had already stretched out, and listened to what they said.

Yuan Feng was also fascinated at this moment. The Purple Qi Dragon Scale Beast, although he didn't know what kind of Warcraft, but since this thing was so much touted by the disciples of the Seven Great Aunts, it should not be ordinary Warcraft. .

It sounds that this purple dragon dragonscale beast has something in common with his Jin Mao rat, but it seems that Jin Jin rat's ability can't keep up with others.

"Right now they have seven people. With my strength, if they come against them seven out of ten, chances are they will not be their opponents. It seems that in the next time, I want to see what happens."

Yuan Feng really enjoyed the feeling of being neglected at the moment, because in this way, he can listen to the plan of the seven people with a fairness and openness, and find a breakthrough from the plan of the seven people.

"Purple Dragon Scale Beast, alas, I really don't know. If my Jin Mao rat swallowed this thing, would it have some unexpected effects."

With a smile in his heart, Yuan Feng was full of deep curiosity about the so-called purple dragon scale beast.

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