The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1591: Division of responsibility

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The vast wild forest area is almost the largest virgin jungle among the tens of thousands of cities. Here, you can only think of it, but you can't see it.

Speaking of which, Ziyun City can have today's scale. Manghuang forest area is almost the source of power for the entire city to flourish. It is precisely because of manghuang forest area that provides resources for the entire city. To the point.

Among the boundless wild forest areas, no one knows how many secrets exist. In short, even the Ziyun Palace, the largest force in Ziyun City, will never dare to overdo it. Exploitation and interference. Today, Manghuang Forest has only been used as a place for disciples to practice, but it will not continue to send large-scale forces into it for mining.

Of course, after all, how powerful is the Ziyun Palace today, and if they want to obtain resources for development, where do they still need to enter the wild forest area? As long as you use some means, I am afraid that there will be countless big family forces, and give them what they need!

This is an area where the wild forest area is relatively close to the central zone. Generally speaking, such a depth is no longer accessible to ordinary people. Even the Promise Power, in this area, there are always falling. may.

However, the Promise Powers mentioned here are just the most common Promise powers. As a disciple of Ziyun Palace, Xing Dongqing and his team are obviously not ordinary Promise people.


A space-time boat suddenly swept out of the dense forest, and finally stopped on a relatively open space. Between time and space, the space-time boat disappeared and was replaced by a dozen men and women. Obviously, more than a dozen people in this line are naturally seven disciples of Ziyun Palace, plus six new disciples of Liuhe Palace.

"Everyone, this position is very close to the WoW's lair. For the next journey, we are afraid that we need to slowly and carefully approach the past."

The figures of the crowd appeared, and Xing Dongqing, a disciple of the Yiyuan Temple, first stood up and asked Shen Shen, who was present at the scene.

This operation was organized by his own hands. The people present were also selected by himself. Besides Li Xian and Bai Ling, he clearly knew enough about the other four people.

Although everyone is a disciple of disciples, everyone knows that his strength must be slightly higher. Moreover, this action was initiated by him, and naturally he must obey his temporary command.

"Did you go so far? I'm afraid it's so dangerous?"

When Xing Dongqing's words fell, Liu Hong, the gossip palace, couldn't help but stand up and let go. Everyone knows that Liu Hong, the gossip palace, has always been cautious. If it is normal, he rarely goes to such a place.

"Haha, Liu Hong, you are a little bit brave. In the depths of the wild forest, others ca n’t come. Are we preach disciples in the Ziyun Palace too late? There are seven of them! "

"That is, if our seven great rumors are added together, they will be enough to destroy countless super big families. What kind of trouble can we bring to the depths of these wild forests?"

Everyone present was the entire Ziyun City, or even the true arrogant among the 800 cities surrounding it. Everyone has an unspeakable pride. For them, there is no place for them to go. Too!

"Don't be taken lightly, Liu Hong is right. This is not like the outer area of ​​Manglin Forest. Here, the strength is no less than that of our Warcraft, and as the people of Ziyun Palace, you should understand this The heart of the wild forest is terrible, so it ’s better to be careful. ”

Xing Dongqing obviously agrees with Liu Hong's statement. In fact, he has come to the inner area of ​​the wild forest area more than once, and every time, he can see the existence of abnormal terror. Although this time they have a lot of people, but they know how to unite, those powerful Warcraft may not understand.

After hearing Xing Dongqing's words, everyone couldn't help but take it seriously. Everyone knew that Xing Dongqing wouldn't take aim at all. Since he said so, it is obviously better to be careful.

"The two WoW's lairs are almost an hour away from here. In the next time, everyone will converge, don't strike the grass and scare the snake." His eyes swept away from everyone, but he finally looked Li Xian and Bai Ling who were in Liuhe Palace.

"Li Xian, Bai Ling, you two cover up the breath of these six together, don't let their breath be exposed."

The six new disciples may be useful, so they must not be discarded at will. Anyway, they have brought these six little guys here, but they might as well carry on.

"Relax, I'll be bullish on them."

Nodding his head, Li Xian didn't say much, he just agreed. This action may be able to use these six people, and if his people are really used, then he and Bai Ling should get more. Therefore, he does not need to be told by the other party, he will also be optimistic about these six new disciples.

"That's good. In this case, if everyone is behind me, if you receive an attack from Warcraft, you must kill it cleanly. Remember to delay too long and cause unnecessary trouble."

After ordering everyone, Xing Dongqing stopped talking, and when he was in shape, he was swept forward, and he didn't know what method was used at the moment, but his breath was completely spillless. It's like turning into a stone all at once.

"Everyone keep up !!!"

Everyone is no longer hesitant, and in the talk, they are working their forces to recover their own breath, but their methods are more or less inferior to Xing Dongqing's technique of concentrating. Already.

The seven great disciples, plus six new disciples, a group of thirteen, began to fly towards the destination in the form of flying, and the next part of the journey is not destined to be too peaceful, and everyone also Warm up before the war.

The six newcomer disciples were deliberately guarded by everyone. To put it plainly, the angler was protecting his bait, and for this treatment, the six newcomer disciples were very happy.

Along the way, all kinds of Warcraft often come up to harass everyone. However, due to the strength of a group of people, the smart Warcraft will eventually not shoot, but there are several strengths, but it is obviously not smart. The guy ended up dying in the hands of the seven great disciples.

"It's a wild and wild forest area. This is really a powerful place. It seems that in the future, you can practice Jiuzhuan Xuan Gong and you can come here to collect Warcraft materials!"

Yuan Feng has always been under the protection of the disciples of the Seven Great Masters, but, while rushing forward, he has been watching the surrounding situation.

He's really interested in the Warcraft that appears one after another, but unfortunately he can't be exposed at this moment, otherwise, he would really like to play tricks with the Warcraft here, it is best to hunt a few more Warcraft On the body, in preparation for the practice of Jiu Zhuan Xuan Gong in the future.

"These seven guys brought us six of them. Eight Chengdu is not good intentions. It seems that if it is feasible, it is better to write some articles on these people."

There are simply seven legendary disciples guarding him. Yuan Feng has almost no need to worry about his safety. On this way, he spends almost all his time on calculating the seven major legendary disciples.

One thing he has to admit is that if he really tears his face, he will never be able to beat the enemy seven. Although these seven people should not want him, but once exposed, then he is afraid it will be difficult to return to purple again. Among the cloud palaces, he continued to be a disciple of the Ziyun palace.

Therefore, what he has to do is to ensure not to be exposed, but also to be able to easily move between seven people. The difficulty of each of them can be imagined.

Thinking all the way, Yuan Feng did not come up with any good way, but in the middle of his hard thinking, for an hour, he quietly slipped away from everyone's feet.


At one moment, Xing Dongqing, who was walking in front, suddenly raised his hand, and at the same time preached to everyone. At the current position, it is obviously impossible to speak, even if it is a voice transmission, I am afraid to be careful.

Seeing that Xing Dongqing stopped, the others stopped in haste, and everyone's complexion became extremely serious at this moment. They know that the critical moment is coming.

"You, the mountain stream in front of you is the nest of the Purple Dragon Dragon Beast. In the next time, everyone will break up and surround the WoW's nest from different directions. They must not be allowed to escape."

The purple dragon scale beasts slipped very fast. Once they escaped, it would be very difficult to catch them. Therefore, they must be careful and cautious, and they must not give the two World of Warcraft any chance.

The crowd didn't say much. They had already discussed the countermeasures in the space-time boat before. Now they just need to act according to the plan. As for the details, they can grasp it themselves.

Looking at each other, the disciples of the Seven Great Masters then dispersed, the others acted alone, and the two in the Liuhe Hall formed a group. No way, they also brought six new disciples, so of course they have to be more cautious.

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