The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1634: Test (two more)

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The exchange meeting in Ziyun Palace has entered the countdown, but the next situation has nothing to do with the ordinary disciples in Ziyun Palace. Even if it is the named disciple Huo Qi in Liuhedian, he will never know the exchange. How and where it will be done.

It can be said that, like Huo Qiliu, all they have done is the preliminary preparations. As for the real important things, it is not their turn to do it, saying that they are laying the foundation, and they seem to have elevated them somewhat.

Ten selected new disciples have been taken away by Liu Zhongdian's elder brother Wang Zhong. In the entire welcoming hall, only Huo Qi was left. At this moment, the named disciple of Liuhedian was ashamed. It is quite complicated.

"Brother Liuhedian, it's really different, I don't know when, I can have such great power."

Staring at the direction Wang Zhong disappeared, Huo Qi's heart was hard to return to for a long time. Although Wang Zhong didn't do anything, just the temperament shown by the other side made him feel admired from the bottom of his heart.

It ’s good for Li Xian and Bai Ling, he ’s more of a fool than a snake, but for Wang Zhong, he ’s really sincere and sincere, because he knows that no matter how hard he tries, this life is impossible. Comparing with the master Wang Zhong, it won't be long before he wants to come. The master Wang Zhong should be able to be promoted to the horror realm of demigod!

To be honest, Wang Zhong was promoted to demigod. This is basically a matter of no doubt. The only thing to consider is the issue of time.

"Anyway, I have been training newcomers and disciples for so long. If these ten people can fight for something, then this time, I may really get a lot of benefits."

Looking back, he couldn't help thinking of Wang Zhong's promise when he left. The other side said that if the ten newcomers and disciples can perform well, then his credit will be honored as a reward. In this sentence, he can naturally have a great and big expectation.

"You ten guys must fight for it, don't let my efforts during this time become futile."

With his eyes narrowed, Huo Qi squeezed his fist tightly, and his heart was full of expectations ...

Huo Qi left aside, but said that at this moment Master Wang Zhong of Liuhedian.

After taking over ten new disciples, Wang Zhong took ten directly to the main hall of Liuhe Hall. Obviously, the ten new disciples who were selected were qualified to enter the main hall of Liuhe Hall. .

As a master of Liuhe Temple, let alone bring Ziyun Palace's own people into the main hall. Even if you bring a few outsiders into the main hall, no one will dare to stop him. This is the Liuhe Temple. Brother energy.

"Yu, a good Liuhe Hall. Compared with this hall, the Shenglong Hall is just like a small clay bag. This is really one in the sky and one in the ground!"

Yuan Feng gathers her mind, converges, and, along with the other nine people, follows Wang Zhong toward the main hall of Liuhe Hall, and as he gets closer and closer to Liuhe Hall, his mind can't help being caught by the super-big Mac So deeply attracted.

The top ten palaces of the Ziyun Palace are not something that newcomers and disciples like him can approach at will. He can only look at these ten palaces from a distance, and how can he follow the general sweep? Compared to this immersive presence?

Standing near the main hall of Liuhe Hall, Yuan Feng only felt that he was really small and confused. He could feel that in this huge palace, there might be many people far better than him. Some were faint. The breath, even before he saw it, put a lot of pressure on him.

"Finally have the chance to enter the main hall of Liuhedian? It seems that the next time, I must be more cautious!"

In front of Wang Zhong, he had to be more careful, and what he was most worried about at the moment was whether he would be in close contact with a figure of the level of the master of the Liuhe Palace, if he encountered that level Will he be seen directly by others?

Everything is still unknown, and the only thing he can do is to be careful and careful, and he must not provoke right and wrong in the main hall of Liuhe Hall.

The main hall of Liuhe Hall may be different from other places. If it is outside, he may still run away and run away. But in the main hall of Liuhe Hall, God knows what kind of battle there is, let alone him. Even if you change to another demigod, it is difficult to escape from it!


In his thoughts, Wang Zhong took ten people, but he had already come to the Liuhe Hall, and as Wang Zhong approached, a light suddenly shone, but it was projected directly from the main hall of Liuhe Hall. Next, just wrapped up ten people.


Suddenly enveloped by light, the ten people of Yuan Feng were all faint, each of them was tense, not knowing what kind of situation it was.

"Don't be nervous. This is the light of Liuhedian. People who are more than a disciple can enjoy this treatment."

It seemed that he felt the tense mood of ten people, and Wang Zhong couldn't help turning back and explained lightly to everyone.

The main hall of the ten palaces, of course, cannot be like other ordinary palaces. If there are no special places here, then it is really not normal!


Almost as soon as Wang Zhong's words fell, a fascination came from the light, and then, without waiting for everyone to respond, they were directly absorbed by Wang Zhong along with Wang Zhong.

Yuan Feng only felt a little white in front of his eyes. By the time he returned to vision again, his figure had already arrived in a huge space unimaginable.

"His, this is ........."

Gaze glanced around the huge space around, Yuan Feng could not help taking a sip of air conditioning, and the whole person was half-stunned.

In the eyes, the huge space world looks like an independent world. Looking up, the sun, moon, and stars have everything. It can be said that this is a huge world that exists in parallel with the outside world.

"Good guy, is this the main hall of Liuhedian? This space world is really hard to imagine!"

Although he had speculated about the situation in the main palaces of the ten palaces for a long time, Yuan Feng still did not expect that the interior of the ten palaces turned out to be a world of their own.

An independent space world is actually nothing unusual. After all, as long as you are in the realm of creation, you can shape a small space in your own physical world and arrange a space world like the outside world.

However, to open up a world, this is obviously not something that anyone can do. At least, here must be more than one demigod strong shot to create a world of this scale.

"This is the interior of the Liuhe Hall. You few of you can come here and you are much luckier than others. Here you will get benefits that others would never have thought of. There are still a few days to prepare. In the past few days, I hope that all of your ten methods will be improved. "

Wang Zhong's face has always been cold, as if someone owed him money, but his Xiu Wei and momentum combined with this expression, can really shock a lot of people.


After telling ten new students and disciples, Wang Zhong suddenly raised his hand and punched a true spirit into the sky. Suddenly, the originally sunny world seemed to usher in the end of the world suddenly. , Suddenly became abnormally dim.

"Boom !!! Click !!!"

As the whole world became dark, a sound of thunder exploded suddenly between the heavens and the earth, and then a horrific thunderbolt appeared in front of everyone present.

There were purple thunders, each with the thickness of a bucket, and as the thunders fell, the whole world became abnormally violent, almost subconscious, and ten new disciples retreated toward the back.

"Don't retreat !!!"

However, just as ten people subconsciously receded, Wang Zhong's voice slammed into everyone's ears, and that voice directly covered the blast of distant thunder.


Upon hearing Wang Zhong's order, ten new disciples had to stop their hind legs and settled one by one, waiting for Wang Zhong's next words. However, at this moment, they have faintly had a bad feeling.

"This is the thundercloud array of my Liuhe Hall. The thunder and lightning here is the best thunder and lightning that trains your body. In the next few days, you will cultivate in this thunder. Before you come back, you better not die. "

Explaining a few words to ten new disciples, Wang Zhong didn't talk much anymore. When he was in shape, he suddenly disappeared in place, but he didn't leave any trace of breath.

"Boom !!!!"

With the disappearance of Wang Zhong's body, there was no thunderbolt's overhead area at this time, and now there was a thunderous sound. Then, without waiting for everyone to adapt, the thunder came down from above their heads. Down, every thunder seems to be able to destroy them.

"Well, it's a killer!"

"Asshole, such a dense thunderbolt, where do we hide? Is it to make us self-destruct?"

The thunder landed, and everyone was screaming while they dodged, but unfortunately, no matter how they scolded, Wang Zhong's figure did not appear, but the thunder above his head seemed to be more dense.

"Well, there is such a thing. These thunderbolts really look a little different !!!"

Of the ten people, Yuan Feng, like everyone else, was dodging the thunder and lightning attack, but unlike others, he had a very different discovery when he avoided the thunder and lightning.

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