The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1635: Final preparations (three)

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He was brought to a piece of heaven and earth in the main hall of Liuhe Palace by his elder brother. The ten new disciples immediately ushered in the trials and exercises of the senior members of Liuhe Palace.

The thunderous sky landed constantly. At this moment, ten people are like a boat in a storm. As long as one is not careful, they may be hit by the waves and the ship may be destroyed.

However, just as the other nine people carefully dodged the thunder and lightning, Yuan Feng's mind had already been released into the surrounding thunder and lightning and observed this special world.

"Curious thunderbolts, although they look really scary, but the real power is not great, or even very mild. It seems that these thunderbolts are not the magic of nature, they are likely to be mysterious. effect."

How sharp Yuan Feng's eyes were, and at one glance he had already discovered the difference between these thunder and lightning. Obviously, these thunder and lightning can't obliterate the ten of them. As long as the ten people present are running their own power, even the weakest one can withstand the bombardment of these thunder and lightning.

Of course, carrying it is only one aspect, but if it is not to be injured, it is necessary to talk about it.

"Opened up the world with the method of Xuan Zhen, and created the storm of thunder and lightning in the nature by Xuan Zhen. This strong man in the Ziyun Palace has to be impressed."

His face was still, but now, his heart was already filled with shock. Up to now, he was very aware of the gap between himself and the Ziyun Palace strongman, and such a gap could not be healed in a short while.

"Don't just dodge blindly. These thunderbolts look scary, but as long as they are not hit hard, they will definitely not hurt everyone, and may even be of some benefit."

Putting aside the emotions in his heart, Yuan Feng hurriedly passed on this message to the other nine people, so that the other nine people could have the number in their hearts.

Seriously, this thunderous environment is really a very suitable training environment for people like them in habitats and yin and yang. Although he absolutely does not need it, the other nine people can really take this opportunity. Improve some power.

For these subordinates of his own, Yuan Feng also has no great way to get them promoted quickly, and now the Thunder training is undoubtedly a good opportunity.

Nine new disciples didn't say anything, but Yuan Feng received the message from them. After learning that these thunder were not as scary as they seemed, the nine could not help but try to contact them subconsciously, and as some thunder power was introduced into their bodies, they discovered that the power of thunder and lightning was really on them. The power helps.

To date, each of them has energy in the body, and after these lightning forces enter the body, they can remove some impurities, making their power more pure. In this way, the power becomes pure, and of course it will become stronger and stronger.

"The power of these thunder and lightning is absolutely useful, but it seems that lightning of this level is not enough!"

Yuan Feng also began to try to absorb the power of thunder and lightning around him, but his physical strength may not even be comparable to that of a demigod. At the moment, this level of thunder is of no use.

"If these thunder and lightning can be thousands of times stronger, it would be better."

With his eyes moving, Yuan Feng couldn't help but observe between the whole world. He was very clear that the whole world was good, and whether it was these storms and lightning, it should be achieved through the mysterious array. If he could find a place It is possible to find some benefits for yourself as well.

Unfortunately, despite his profound accomplishments, there is really no trace of this world at present. In such an environment, he really has no way to observe carefully and find out Breakthrough.

After some unsuccessful efforts, Yuan Feng had to give up the idea of ​​continuing to try. Speaking, although Wang Zhong was not here at the moment, God knew whether the other party was hiding in the dark and watching them. At this time, he still Don't mess with things, so as not to delay important things at the last minute.

Wang Zhong's strength is not very easy to describe, but really, if only in terms of strength, he may not be the opponent of the other party. After all, the other party is a person who has impacted several times in a miracle. How many characters can be found in the entire Ziyun Palace?

In the following time, Yuan Feng, like the other nine people, symbolically absorbed some thunder and lightning to temper the body. In this practice, very quickly, in a few days, it slipped away quietly.

In the past few days, Yuan Feng himself has definitely not improved much, but his subordinates have indeed improved a lot.

In fact, since this time, not only the nine subordinates of Liuhedian have been promoted, but the subordinates of the remaining nine palaces have also been taken over by the strong men in their respective palaces, and have made final ascension one after another. In fact, everyone is still standing on the same starting line.

Of course, although these people are standing on the same starting line, there is no doubt that the fairness between them and the disciples in the original habitat and yin and yang of Ziyun Palace is more reasonable.

"Om !!!!!!"

The thunder of the whole world, with the slight trembling of this space, stopped for the first time, and as the thunder disappeared, the ten members of Yuan Feng made a long breath and stopped. Come down.


The thunder disappeared, almost at the same time, a ray of light lit up in the eyes of ten people, and then, Wang Zhong, the master brother of Liuhedian, appeared in the eyes of ten people in Yuanfeng.

"It seems you have been doing well these days."

Wang Zhong is still the cold face, but maybe it is because he is more familiar with the crowd. At this moment, he talked a lot easier than before.

"Have seen my brother !!!"

Yuan Feng and his party did not dare to neglect, seeing Wang Zhong appear, and hurriedly saluted to the other party.

"No need to be polite. Give everyone half an hour to rest and adjust your breath. After half an hour, we leave for another place."

Nodded his head, Wang Zhong signaled everyone to rest on the spot, while he himself sat down cross-legged and went directly into a state of closed eyes.

He can have today's strength, which is cultivated bit by bit. If he wants to become strong, he must pay close attention to every minute and every second of his practice, even now.

"Are you going somewhere else? It looks like the next thing to do!"

"Brother Huo Qi said that we people are nothing but primaries. We need to conduct a final screening later. It is estimated that the next screening is next!"

Everyone looked at each other, then sat down one after another, and began to adjust their state. During the practice in the past few days, everyone is indeed very exhausted. Take a break now and you can have a full spirit to face other competitions and challenges.

However, everyone's heart actually knows that no matter how they are newcomers and disciples, they are all fighting for themselves. As for who the final quota will fall on, I am afraid that it will be determined by the host Yuan Feng.

The ten new students and disciples soon began to rest and adjust, but for a short time, everyone recovered their energy almost. Although these days, they have been fighting against the Thunder, but at best they have spent some energy and have not suffered much damage. They are simply the recovery of energy. For their strong players, it ’s a real calculation. Nothing!

"Looks like everyone's almost recovered. In that case, let's go!"

Wang Zhong's eyes opened again, it seemed that he had felt that the state of the people had been adjusted to the best. Speaking, he suddenly raised his hand and led a light directly from the sky, including him. Eleven were all wrapped in it.


The light flashed, and the whole group disappeared into this special world. When it appeared again, they returned to the Liuhe Hall. Obviously, Wang Zhong took ten people into the interior of Liuhe Dian once. It should be just to help them improve some strengths so as to be more competitive in the next competition.

Yuan Feng and others have also become accustomed to the strange means in Liuhe Hall. After being moved outside, they followed Wang Zhong honestly and began to go deep into the Ziyun Palace.

This time, Wang Zhong didn't need to ask anything at all, everyone's heart is clear, then, they must be honest, and absolutely must not have the slightest change.

Wang Zhong's steps are not rushed, but the route chosen is obviously very particular. It seems that the internal environment of Ziyun Palace alone has a lot to say, but these are not what they can do. I understand.

Turn left and right, Wang Zhong took Yuan Feng and his party, but came to a palace with only one storey high, but this palace with only one storey high, but the area is huge, but When a group of people approached the palace inside the deep purple cloud palace, many people had already reached the place before them.

"Haha, Brother Wang Zhong, you are coming late!"

When Wang Zhong's figure appeared near the palace, among the group of people waiting in front of the palace, someone immediately stood up and greeted him with a smile.

"It seems like I'm not the last."

Wang Zhong didn't take it for granted. Between the corners of his mouth, he brought his ten people into the crowd.

PS: Three more arrived, the last two days, brothers and sisters, with the support of flowers, two hundred flowers, how can you break through? Roar! !! !!

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