The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 2003: Old Fritters (one more)

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Chapter 2003 Old Fritters (One More)

The sun and the moon rotate for three days, just like Bai Ko passing through the gap, quietly slipping away from the Ziyun Palace. During these three days, the entire Ziyun Palace is silent, and basically no one moves easily at this time, because During this period, the owners of the major palaces have ordered that if there is no urgent matter, they must stay in their palaces honestly.

Of course, even if the masters of the main halls do not issue this order, those disciples in the Ziyun Palace will never go out casually. After all, the big movement three days ago has just passed. Everyone knows that there is the gossip hall Something happened and the main hall masters are working on it.

While the disciples in Ziyun Palace are honestly staying in their own palaces, and dare not go out easily, at the same time, the Ziyun Palace Eight Diagrams Hall and the Eighth Hall Master ’s Divide Conference have also come to an end.

"You, the resources controlled by the Bagua Hall have been basically evenly distributed by me and others. There should be no problem if you want to come? If anyone has an objection, you can raise it at this time. If you wait until everyone has dispersed, there will be no The opportunity is mentioned again. "

In the main hall, the main hall of the eight main halls sat together. Everyone's face was filled with a smile of joy, because during the three days, each of them had gained a lot of benefits, and of course, they were in a good mood.

It was the Lord of the Yuan Temple who split the sky. He divided the gossip hall, and he got the most benefits. After all, the Fu Xi Temple Master was driven by him, and he will bear the biggest risk in the future. He took the big head and was present. Everyone has no opinion.

"Hehe, Brother Tiantian has been thinking too much. Since it is the distribution that we and others do after researching together, then everyone naturally has no problems, you say no?"

"That's good. Since they are evenly distributed, of course, no one will regret it. Brother Shitian is really worried."

"From now on, Ziyun Palace will no longer have a gossip palace. However, we people must be more united as a whole. Besides, the gossip palace will be assigned to disciples of me and other palaces. Everyone must also pay more attention to teaching Or it will make my Ziyun Palace more prosperous, more harmonious and powerful. "

"Hahaha, that's nature. All of us are all dedicated to the Ziyun Palace. Of course, we will live in harmony in the future, think in one place, and work in one place."

The masters of the temples are all talking about the sounding nonsense at this moment, it seems that they are thinking about the Ziyun Palace, but in fact, it is nothing more than concealing themselves and others to divide up the evil actions of the Bagua Temple!

This time they forced Fuxi, the master of the Eight Diagrams Palace, to do so, obviously, they are deliberately doing it. Nowadays, everyone is rapidly improving. At this time, of course, they hope that they can have fewer competitors and more resources under their control. Speaking of which, Fu Xi is the first, but it will not be the last.

"Okay, everyone, don't say anything else, but I don't know what you think of Liuhe Dian? Until now, the master of the Liuhe Dian Hua Hua did not show up, everyone said, I should wait, but Take a trip to Liuhedian? "

Seeing that everyone was saying something that didn't hurt or itch, the main hall of the Hall of the One Yuan Temple could not help but waved his hands and prevented everyone from talking, but the topic was directed to the Liuhe Hall.

"Baihedian Bacheng is in collusion with Bagua Temple. Whether it is for the past or to find out the truth, I think the trip to Liuhe Temple is essential."

"Yes, yes, Hua Yuan in Liuhe Palace has not explained his problem clearly. Until now, he hasn't even shown up. Give us a statement, and I think I should ask him to understand."

"Yes, dig him out and ask what's going on. If he really has a big problem, he can't spare it."

Speaking of Hua Yan, the crowd at the scene brightened, but they reunited. They copied the home of the Bagua Temple this time, and the resources they got were really rich, and this feeling of gaining nothing was simply uncomfortable. So, if they can, they really want to copy Liuhedian.

"Okay, now that you all think you should go to Huayu to make a point, let's go to Liuhedian."

The Master of the Heavenly Temple didn't have any problems. He mentioned Hua Hua to let everyone show their attitudes. Now everyone thinks that they should go to Liuhe Temple, so they certainly don't have any problems.

Speaking, the crowd gave orders to some of the disciples under their control, while they themselves went straight to the direction of Liuhe Temple.

To be honest, the owner of the Liuhe Palace hasn't committed anything. Obviously he hasn't reached the point where he will be expelled from the Ziyun Palace. However, if Huazhen did not perform well, they would be very willing to find a reason for it.

Nine of the ten main hall masters have been left, and if they can get rid of Huazhen, then they have only eight left. In that case, their resource allocation will be more abundant.

Not long, the Lord of the Eighth Hall came to the Liuhe Hall one after another, but compared with the mysterious array of the Eight Diagrams Hall, the side of the Liuhe Hall was unusually calm, without any fortifications.

The Lord of the Eighth Hall stood in front of the Liuhe Hall. Everyone's face was a touch of complexity, but in the end, he focused his eyes on the one of the Yuanyuan Hall's cracked sky. Obviously, he still had the right to speak. Handed over to the split-day body.

The Lord of the Heavenly Temple was not hesitant. When he saw everyone looking at himself, he hesitated a little bit, and then took a step forward and looked into the Liuhe Hall.

"Lord of Huadai, can you see me?"

The sound of the cracking sky is like a rolling thunder, but it ignores all the space and time barriers and goes straight to the depths of the Liuhe Hall. As long as the master of the Liuhe Hall is still in the Liuhe Hall, there is no reason .


Almost immediately when the voice of the Master of the Heavenly Temple fell, a sound of breaking wind came from the depths of the Liuhe Hall, and then a low voice sounded in everyone's ears.

"Brothers are polite, Hua Yan is injured, and there are so many inconveniences. I also hope that you won't be surprised."

The low voice sounded, and speaking, the figure of the head of the Liuhe Palace Huayin appeared in the eyes of the Eighth Temple, and when everyone saw the Huayin, everyone's brows could not help but frowned slightly. , The expression is more and more suspicious.

"Huh? Lord Huayu, are you injured?"

The split-day station stood the most forward. When Huayu stood up, the first was to meet him. After seeing Huayu at this moment, he frowned and asked in a low voice.

At this moment, Hua Zheng, although he didn't see any wolverines, his face was abnormally pale and faint, and his body had an unstable atmosphere, as if he could have serious injuries and recurrences at any time, anywhere, and died of death. same.

It can be said that what he looks like now is really like getting ill.

"Ahem, Brother Mingtian, I really suffered a minor injury. Speaking of which, the leaders of the temple called me before, saying that they would hold a conference of the temple master. At that time, I was at the critical moment of healing. This didn't come out in time, but now all the temple masters come to my Liuhe Temple. If the temple master doesn't come out again, I am afraid that there will be a misunderstanding, oh, oh!

Before the words fell, he coughed, and from the lines of his words, the crowd present was not difficult to hear. The other party was clearly complaining that they had interrupted his healing, which only worsened the injury.

Speaking of course, Hua Yan's injury is not as serious as it seems at present, and the reason why he came out is to eliminate all his suspicions.

Of course, he already knew something about what happened in the Bagua Temple. After all, he couldn't even hear the slightest movement.

When he learned that Fuxi had been run away by everyone, he knew what he should do.

"Hua Di Dian, who hurt you like this? With your strength, shouldn't this happen?"

Of course, the leaders of the main halls who were present at the scene were not very convinced about Huayu's tragic situation. Speaking, Sima Yuanyi, the head of the two halls, stood up and questioned Huahua. When he heard his question, everyone else looked at Hua Yan, obviously all very curious about this question.

"Without concealing my brothers, when I was practicing before, I felt some physical discomfort, but not long ago, someone suddenly broke into my Liuhe Temple, but it imputed to me. I did n’t check it for a while. It was hurt by it, but fortunately I reacted fast enough, which left this life. "

Hua Yan had already thought about the argument, no matter what, he would not let himself be connected with the Bagua Temple. Otherwise, he would really be indifferent.

"Well? In this way, the master of Hua Dian does not know who attacked you?"

"This ...... when confronting the person who attacked me, I felt that the person's back was familiar, but unfortunately he was blindfolded and I couldn't see it clearly."

With a frown on his face, the owner of the Hall of Falcon did not panic at all, and what he said made people even see no problems.


When Hua Yan's words came to an end, all the people present looked at me, I looked at you, but there was no way and speech.

Judging from Hua Yan's answer, it seems that the other party did not make any mistakes. Instead, they bothered the other party to heal without knowing it, but they should say sorry.

"Oh, this is the case. Now that everything has been made clear, then we are all clear." Upon hearing Hua Hua's answer, the Master of the Heavenly Temple could not help but smile, but then continued, "We are coming this time It ’s nothing, just want to inform the master of Huayu Palace that the Eight Diagrams Temple is abusive and evil, and I have been expelled from Ziyun Palace. From now on, there will be no more Eight Diagrams Palace in Ziyun Palace. "

The split-day response was also extremely fast. In a few words, the situation they came here was explained clearly. At this point, the master of the Liuhe Palace, Hua Yan, also got rid of the suspicion. The Ziyun Palace should also There will be no major changes.

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