The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 2004: Gains and losses (two more)

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Chapter two thousand and four outweigh the gains (two more)

Ziyun Palace, next to the small cottage in the depths of the Wanling Garden, the young owner of the Bailing Garden, the fairy of the hundred flowers, is working tirelessly at this moment. It can be seen that she is very serious and unprecedented like this Seriously, because she knows that this opportunity is too important for her.

Everyone will encounter a variety of opportunities in her life. No doubt she is facing an unprecedented opportunity now. Once she can seize this opportunity, she will become the world's proud. The presence.

Of course, for her, the course entrusted to her by Yuan Feng is a bit difficult, but she believes in herself, and she also believes in Yuan Feng, so she will let herself try hard until she succeeds.

On the side of the small hut, Yuan Feng did not participate in the practice of the fairy of the hundred flowers. At this moment, his eyes were looking far away, but his eyes were slightly narrowed into a gap.

"Well, terrible, this Huayan really has a set, and it was so easy to solve the problem? Terrific, really admirable."

Although he has been teaching the Baihua Fairy Xuanzhen method here, in fact, his mind has been paying attention to the entire Ziyun Palace, especially the Bagua Temple.

When the eight super strong men left the Bagua Temple and reached the Liuhe Temple, he was watching the whole process all the time, and with his mental strength, those people would find it difficult to find his observation.

For Hua Yi to be able to come up with such a reason to get confused, he could only say admiration to the other party, but he did not want to pierce the other party, because after seeing the end of the Bagua Temple, he has changed It's my original idea.

The Bagua Temple is gone, and he doesn't want the Liuhe Temple to be gone, after all, once the Liuhe Temple dissolves, then Wang Zhong, the great disciple of the Liuhe Temple, will never get better. In the final analysis, the existence of Wang Zhong is considered to have saved Liuhedian and saved Huayi's life!

"Also, it ’s not necessary to make things too big now. As for the Lord of Huadai, when I was promoted to the semi-godder, it was the day when I met him again, but I did n’t know that moment. He can take me a few tricks again. "

Hua Yan is kind to him. Does he want to kill the other party in the end? No final decision has been made yet, but there must be a battle between him and him anyway. After all, the other party ’s body also has this. What he needs!

Of course, he will not easily shoot in front of others until his cultivation has reached the demigod state. After all, it seems that it is really difficult for him to face so many Ziyun Palace powerhouses alone.

"Om !!!!!!"

In the time between Yuan Feng's thoughts, he has been studying Xuan Zhen's hundred-flower fairy, but suddenly he trembled suddenly, and the whole person suddenly collapsed on the ground and gasped with a big mouth.

"Woohoo, I succeeded, Brother Yuanfeng, I succeeded !!!"

At this moment, the fairy Bai Hua was dripping with sweat and sitting on the ground without an image, but her face was full of excited smile.

"Eh? Oh, yes, it's so quick to realize what I said, so good, good !!!"

For the time being, he stopped paying attention to the people in Liuhe Dian. Yuan Feng couldn't help looking down at the Baihua Fairy and the mysterious array arranged by the other side at the moment, then nodded with a smile.

He arranged the course for Baihua Fairy, but the other party at the moment was very well done. According to this progress, it will not take long for her mysterious array skills to reach a very high level. It will not be a big problem to surpass all spirits.


Raising his hand at will, he first injected a qi into the body of the fairy of the hundred flowers to help the other party recover the lost power, and then shot it in person to help the other party from the ground.

"Sister, it seems that the talent of sister is beyond my expectation. In this case, we will increase the amount of tasks later !!!"

Holding up the hundred flower fairy, Yuan Feng couldn't help but smile a little, but she looked very natural and easy-going, without any embarrassment.

If you change to someone else, you will have the opportunity to meet with Baihua Fairy at this moment, I am afraid it will be a little excited, but for Yuan Feng, he never thought of getting close to Baihua Fairy, and his mentality In the right way, there can be no embarrassment at all.

"Brother Yuan Feng, despite letting go, I can handle it."

Raised by Yuan Feng, the fairy Bai Hua was blushing. Speaking of which, she had never had contact with the opposite sex. This time Yuan Feng helped her. She originally wanted to avoid it, but at the end, it was I do not know why, but did not evade.

Seeing Yuan Feng's unparalleled performance, the fairy of the hundred flowers couldn't help suppressing the feeling of nagging at the bottom of her heart, but she also expressed her attitude.

She is not afraid of suffering, as long as she can make her mysterious attainment higher and higher, and suffer some suffering, there is no problem.

"Okay, Sister is really a shame to prevent eyebrows. In this case, I will be rude to the younger brother. Sister sees it clearly, I will now teach you the second step !!!"

Nodded his head, Yuan Feng no longer hesitated, and when he was in shape, he began to teach the Baihua Fairy Xuanzhen method.

With regard to the situation at the Liuhe Palace, he has almost mastered the situation, and Hua Hua has now been confused, and the master of the Eighth Palace is now beginning to mobilize the disciples of the Eight Diagrams Palace and move towards their respective palaces. It won't take long for the Bagua Hall to be vacated, becoming the first palace to perish in the top ten palaces of the Ziyun Palace.

It's just that this palace was not perished by outsiders, but it was in the hands of Ziyun Palace's own people, which is ironic to say the least.

As for when the owner of the eight halls will find that their own small vault is stolen, these are not what he needs to care about, and even if these people find that their own small vault is stolen, they may not say it out loud. After all, this This kind of thing can only be seen by others, but it has no meaning.

The Huahe Temple's master, Hua Yan, did not mention the previous battle with him. In this regard, it was completely within his expectations.

Hua Ying is not a fool. If he tells the battle before him, then he is asking trouble for Liuhe Dian. After all, he Yuanfeng is also a member of Liuhe Dian. If something goes wrong, then there is something wrong with Liuhe Dian. At that time, I am afraid there is really no way to explain it clearly.

Hua Yan must still go back to recover his injuries. He wo n’t look for him at this time, and then find him in trouble. During this time, he will concentrate on the side of the Wanling Garden, and other people will not think of it. And the Spirit Garden is covered with the means of the Spirit Fairy, and it is difficult for outsiders to probe into it ...

In the next period of time, the Eight Great Palaces were indeed separated from each other. The disciples of the Eight Diagrams Palace were all taken over by other palaces. For the movement of Ziyun Palace, the disciples of the major palaces It was only a little surprised for a while that I slowly accepted this fact.

Speaking of which, the disciples of the Eight Diagrams Palace are not bad for them. After all, the disciples of the Eight Diagrams Palace have Xuanzhen means, but they can enrich their knowledge of Xuanzhen. As later people, these disciples of Bagua Temple are not likely to threaten their status. It can be said that there are only advantages and no disadvantages.

As for these trivial matters, the main hall masters will naturally not do it themselves. After allocating the tasks to the disciple disciples under the door, the main hall masters have returned to their cultivation dojos to clean up their own times. The harvest is coming. However, when the main hall masters returned to their cultivation dojos, each of them felt the feeling of going from heaven to **** once.


One of the main halls of the Tianyuan Temple's practice hall was a horrible momentum that suddenly dissipated from the returning Tianhe body and shook the whole hall.

"Ah, shit, my uncle, where did my uncle go? Who, who stole my uncle !!!"

The roar of angry rage filled the whole hall. At this moment, the Lord of the Split Temple had an impulse to choose people to eat.

He could feel that during this time when he was not here, someone was definitely here, and this was proved by the disappearance of his stone.

"How is it possible, how is this possible? Only my own puppet can control my puppet, and no one else can control my stone puppet. Who is it and who stole my baby !!! I am going to kill He, ah !!! "

The existence of the stone puppet is his own secret. In fact, his stone puppet is one of his biggest cards. The stone puppet is gone now, and he really cannot accept this fact.

Unfortunately, whether he can accept this fact, everything has happened, but there is no way to change it.

The same situation is happening in every palace owner ’s palace. When it comes to their realm, they naturally feel that someone has entered their cultivation dojo the first time. In fact, when Yuan Feng left before, , Indeed did not deal with his traces.

When each of the temple masters found their loss, their anger was naturally conceivable.枉 They are still calculating the gains, but they have no idea that their nests have been patronized. I am afraid that what they got in the Bagua Hall cannot make up for this loss!

For a while, who actually entered his palace and stole his treasure, naturally became the most important thing for the main hall owners.

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