The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 2023: Integration (one more)

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Chapter 2023 Integration (1 more)

On the huge altar, the horrible sight of Shicai has completely disappeared, and the strong man in the beast **** world has not paid attention to what happened here.

Speaking of which, the strong from the beast-god realm returned from the outside and descended on the altar of the beast-god realm. This is not a fuss at all, because this kind of situation is really nothing new.

There are a lot of beast-god strongmen going out. Almost every once in a while, there will be beast-god strongmen returning from the outside. At first, the beast-god strongmen will feel very fresh and watch them subconsciously. Some time. Over time, everyone is no longer concerned about the return of people outside, just like the return of the other person, has nothing to do with them.

In addition, the location of the altar is a great plain in the beast **** world, which is not suitable for the survival of Warcraft, and there is no powerful Warcraft to survive here. Therefore, the strong returning from the outside usually leave on their own. It will not have much impact.

After Dakin returned, he went directly to his Chiyan Jinlin clan, but what he didn't know was that when he left, in the position where he originally stayed, a human warrior figure, but I didn't know where I came from, and I hid my body for the first time, and carefully looked around.

"Yu, is this the realm of the beast god? Is it really a completely different time and space? It seems that this time I am far away from the realm, it is too far away."

Yuan Feng, while hiding her body, was shocked by the rough world in front of her. Before he came to the world of the beast god, he really couldn't figure out what kind of world the world of the beast **** was, but now he understands it a little.

Everywhere you look, there are endless plains. Obviously, this should not be the core of the beast **** world. However, in the world of human warriors, such a beautiful environment and pleasant atmosphere have long been occupied by human warriors, and then developed into a large family, and even established a small city.

Of course, in addition to the environment, the rest of the situation seems to have a lot of differences from the world of no delusion, at least, the **** and violent atmosphere around it is simply not available in the world of delusion.

"I don't know what kind of world I have come to this time. It seems that I have to be more careful this time, and I must not take any excessive actions in this world."

Shaking his head, Yuan Feng had almost exhausted all his powers at the moment, concealing his own human warrior atmosphere. He knew that if he was seen through his identity as a human warrior, then waiting for him must be very large. Big trouble.

From Daikin's point of view, although the beast **** world is not all Warcraft, but even if there are people, they are assimilated by the beast **** world, and such people will never help because they are human warriors with him his.

"This beast-god realm is indeed different from the world of human warriors. Here, my power seems to have been greatly suppressed. It seems that the rules of this world are the same as the rules of the wild world. Not quite the same !!! "

In the realm of the beast god, he can clearly feel that the rules of this world are definitely a little different from the world of no delusion, at least, his power has been greatly suppressed here, and it is impossible to be like that of no delusion. The world was fully played.

In such a world, he must be low-key everywhere, even not easily appear in front of those powerful World of Warcraft, it seems that this trip to the beast **** world, his shadowless magic, but to send a big Use it.

"Yu, no matter what, it's finally come to the world of beast gods, it's really hard to imagine. There is actually such a world in the world. The world is so big. What kind of situation can really exist!"

Before he came to the realm of the beast god, he could hardly imagine that there is such a world in the world. It seems that the realm of the beast **** and the boundless world should be two parallel space-time, the laws of time and the laws of space. Basic There is not much difference in it, and in this way, he can be more relieved.

Up to now, he can feel faintly that there are many rules in the world. If it is a different time and space, maybe there will be different rules of time and space. By then, he will stay here for a year, and there may be no delusion. One day or two, maybe ten or eight years have passed.

According to the situation transmitted from the clone without boundlessness, it seems that the laws of time and space are not very different. One day here can just correspond to the day without boundlessness.

"When you come, you should be safe. Now that you have arrived in the world of beast gods, then you will spend a lot of time in this world. At least, I will find a way to find the big black, and then I will find some blue sky crystals, and then Way out of the realm of the beast god, and return to the realm of delusion. "

Such a world is not something that can come. Of course, it is not easy to come here, and it is difficult to go back, but he is not in a hurry right now, so there is no need to consider so much.

"At the moment of this beast-god realm, I am really not familiar with this world. It seems that we have to start with Daikin and slowly understand the entire beast-god realm."

When he first arrived, the only thing he knew was Daikin. However, he didn't want to let Daikin know, so even if he started with Daikin, it had to be carried out secretly, and he couldn't let the other party find out.

At least, Daikin has his eyeliner there. He can always learn about Daikin's actions. By this point, he can find a breakthrough and systematically understand this animal and **** world.

"There is Xiao Jin over there at Daikin, and I'm not in a hurry to go now. Right now, I'm still going around this beast-god realm and feel the atmosphere of the beast-god realm."

Daikin has just returned to the world of beast gods. Now he must be heading towards his own ethnic group. He doesn't want to disturb the other party at this moment. After the other party has stabilized everything, he will then go to the other party's ethnic group. It's not too late.

Thinking of this, he didn't stop anymore. When he was in shape, he just found a direction and flickered away quickly.

This direction was chosen by him casually. For him, everything in the beast-god realm is strange, so which direction is the same for him, anyway, what he wants to do now is to carry out a Fan understands and observes, as long as he is careful and doesn't provoke the super strong in the beast **** world, he won't have much danger if he wants to come.

The plain on which this altar is located is indeed not small, and Yuan Feng first came to the beast and **** world, and he did not dare to be too careless, but he controlled his speed very low. He just flew away from this great plain. He It took almost half an hour.

For more than half an hour, at Yuan Feng's speed, one can imagine how big this plain is.

After leaving the plain, soon, Yuan Feng saw a huge mountain forest. The entire mountain forest is probably much larger than the plain where he was before. From this reckless jungle Here, he felt a breath of Warcraft, and the power of each Warcraft was so fierce.

"Good guy, is this the mountain forest of the beast **** world? The breath in it feels really terrifying, terrible, terrible !!!"

Seeing the huge mountain forest in front, Yuan Feng couldn't help but stop and secretly sensed it. In his perception, the mountain forest in front of him was basically equivalent to a city of human warriors, but the city of human warriors was It is a mansion and a courtyard, and this mountain forest is basically a cave and a tree house. There are some differences between the two.

"Well !!!!!!"

Just as Yuan Feng stopped to look at the situation ahead, an empty cry suddenly came from the forest in front, and then a bird of Warcraft flew out of the dense forest and flew in the sky. In the midst of entanglement.

"What a bird of Warcraft, this big guy has infinite power. It seems to be patrolling the mountains. It seems that the world of Warcraft is more cautious than the world of human warriors!"

Seeing a bird of Warcraft hovering continuously over the entire dense forest, but he would not leave the dense forest at all, Yuan Feng knew that this big guy must be watching for intruders.

Like World of Warcraft, the World of Warcraft in the Beast God World is almost the same in form. If there is any difference, it is that the flavor of World of Warcraft is more intense. To put it plainly, the World of Warcraft is more pure.

In the world of human warriors, those warcraft are driven away by human warriors everywhere, and they often intersect with human warriors. Over time, those warcrafts are actually more humane, and the result is that warcrafts are no longer cruel and overbearing, but It's a little bit more cunning and quibble of humanity.

Of course, this can't be used to evaluate the good or bad of Warcraft. It can only be said that a different world, a long time different Warcraft, is no different from the so-called one side of the human world who nurtures one person.

"Let's start with this dense forest first. If you want to come to the beast **** world, there should be many, many such dense forests, but in general, their survival methods should be similar. Wait until you understand the situation in this dense forest. Then, when you go to other places, you can mix it up if you want to. "

Either human warriors or Warcraft, to be fair, they are the masters of one world. The situation of Warcraft is measured by the situation of human warriors. Many places are applicable.

Having figured this out, he no longer thought about it. When he was in shape, he sank into the jungle below and began to observe the way of Warcraft survival in this dense forest.

He has already felt that there are no superpowers here, so even if he is exposed, he will not be threatened, so there is no need to worry at all.

ps: The renovation of the house these two days is really a lot of problems, the update is not stable, everyone forgive me, in addition, at the end of the month, Huahua can still live a hundred times? Ask for assists! !! !! !!

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