The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 2024: Chiyan Golden Scale Family (two more)

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Chapter 2024 Chiyan Jinlin Family (two more)

The world of beast gods, the boundless and vast world, is different from the boundless world. In this vast world, which belongs to World of Warcraft, there are dense forests everywhere, and there are mountains and towering mountains. Compared with the civilized civilization without arrogance, this is the bloodiest and wildest primitive world.

The life habits of Warcraft will never change. They will not turn a good dense forest into a town. In their eyes, only the dense forest and mountains are the best cover for them.

The beast-god realm is endless, how big it is, no one, and no Warcraft can know, but among the known beast-god realms, there are four more characteristic areas, namely the eastern Qionghai area and the western mad sand. The four territories of the region, the beacon region in the south, and the bitter cold region in the north are basically the divisions passed down from the beast-god realm. They have not changed until now.

Of course, these four realms are the areas where everyone knows that Warcraft is more concentrated. In fact, the beast gods are vast, and there are countless dangerous Jedi, but the world of Warcraft is relatively simple, but No one named those areas.

The situation in each of the four regions is different, but this can be felt from the naming of the four regions.

The bitter cold area in the north can be felt from the name. This area is extremely cold. The beacon area in the south is naturally the opposite hot zone. As for the Qionghai area in the east, it is the land of the ocean when it is heard. The domain is necessarily the place where the yellow sand is dominated by the sky.

Each of the four major regions has its own characteristics. Naturally, in each region, the same type of Warcraft gathers together, and in this way, the opposition of Warcraft appears virtually.

Water and fire have been incompatible since ancient times. It is conceivable that there is no harmonious relationship between the flame-like Warcraft and the Warcraft that lives in the water ...

This is a majestic mountain that belongs to the beacon field. The whole mountain is overgrown with trees, but it can't see the feeling of being baked by flames.

In fact, the beacon area is just a general name. The entire beacon area is so large, of course, it is impossible to have flames everywhere, and the real fireworks are not places where Warcraft can live.

In general, within the range of the beacon area, most places are still normal dense forests and mountains. However, most of the vegetation in the beacon area is not as green as the vegetation in other areas. There are some places very close to the land of fire, where the vegetation is dominated by red.

In such a magical world, any magical thing can happen, so no matter what kind of scene you see, you don't need to be too surprised.

At a certain moment, just outside this huge mountain, a vague figure flew far from the sky. The figure was initially blurred, but soon became clear, and when it came to the periphery of the mountain , But it has been completely solidified.

"Yu, come back, I finally came back !!!"

Standing outside the mountains, Daikin's face suddenly showed an indescribable excitement, and the whole body's body was shaking slightly at this moment.

The huge mountain in front of me is really familiar to it, because it grew up here, and cultivated here little by little to become a super strong, it can be said that every corner here, It has its footprint all over it, no matter when it is, here, after all, it is its home.

The Chiyan Jinlin tribe is also a famous big group in the beast **** world. There are several super strong members in the entire group, and there are no less than tens of thousands of ordinary members, and all of them will reach the limitless state in adulthood. It can be described as A higher level of existence in Warcraft.

Under the hands of the Chiyan Jinlin family, there are more than a dozen ethnic groups attached to them, saying that they are the servants and slaves of the Chiyan Jinlin family, but they can be protected by the Chiyan Jinlin family It can be said that it is a situation of mutual benefit.

The Chiyan Jinlin family occupies the famous Shiyan Mountain in the Huohuo domain, which is the current mountain. It is said that the Shiyan Mountain is a famous mountain erupted from the Huohuo domain at an early time. They have occupied and operated to this day. Today, the entire Shiyan Mountain has become the nest of the Chiyan Jinlin family.

Looking at Shi Yanshan in front of him, Daikin's mood can't be calm for a long time. It really hasn't been here for a long time, and now he sees Shi Yanshan intact. Of course, in his heart, he has unspeakable comfort.

The majestic Shiyan Mountain has spread over hundreds of thousands of miles, and all the ethnic groups attached to the Chiyan Jinlin family are distributed one by one in the Shiyan Mountain, and the members of the Chiyan Jinlin family are It is located in the center of Shiyan Mountain, which shocks the major ethnic groups on and around Shiyan Mountain.


When Daikin's body returned from a distance, and just standing in the sky outside Shiyan Mountain, a roar passed suddenly from Shiyan Mountain, and as the roar rang, all over his body was covered With the scales, Warcraft, which looks very prestigious, leaped out of Shiyan Mountain, and talking was coming to Daikin.


The huge World of Warcraft issued a screaming roar, but when it saw that the person on the other side was Daikin, it instantly fell down, and it was very humane, kneeling down and deep down. Your own skull.

"Hahaha, I haven't been back for a long time. I wasn't expecting to be warned as soon as I came back. It really feels right, hahaha !!!"

For the same Warcraft, Daikin naturally understood the meaning of the call before the current Warcraft. Obviously, the other party was warning him that this is the site of the Chiyan Jinlin family, idlers, etc., and leave quickly.

However, when the other person smelled his breath, he was aware of his identity.

"Woohoo !!!!!!"

It seems that the giant Linjia beast can understand the words of Daikin, but it once again made a roar, but this time the roar completely turned into regret and apology, just like the apology between human warriors .

It has indeed recognized the Daikin in front of it. As a member of the Chiyan Jinlin family, if it cannot even recognize its own three elders, then it will not be assigned to guard the portal of the Chiyan Jinlin family. .

"Okay, okay, I didn't blame you, just step back !!!"

In front of the mountain, Daikin could not help but patted the other person's head, but there was a touch of love under his eyes.

The members of the Chiyan Jinlin family have become less and less. It can be said that every member of the Chiyan Jinlin family is a hope of ethnic continuity. It also has its own direct descendants. On weekdays, Its direct descendants are also responsible for guarding the portal of the Chiyan Jinlin family.

"Woohoo !!!!!!"

Hearing the words of Dai Jin, Lin Jiabei no longer hesitated. When he was in shape, he returned to the mountains and continued to protect his homeland, but Dai Jin's body was standing in place. Did not act immediately.

"Om !!! Brush !!!!"

Almost as soon as Daikin had just dismissed the Warcraft that had been guarded by the mountain, a sound of spatial vibration came out of Shiyan Mountain, and then a light came on in front of Daikin's eyes.


The time between the words, a body full of dark red scales, the shape of a World of Warcraft like a small mountain bag, was then flashed out of Shiyan Mountain.

This dark red World of Warcraft is basically no different in shape from the previous World of Warcraft, except that this World of Warcraft is bigger and more powerful than the previous World of Warcraft.

The huge dark red beetle sent out a screaming roar, but the roar was full of extreme excitement, and almost immediately when its roar fell, its huge body was big. King's approaching.

"Roar roar, third brother, you are finally back !!!!!!"

The huge figure stood in front of Dai Jin, but this dark red World of Warcraft was the first to utter words and greet Dai Jin. It can be seen from its ability to spit words, this big guy is obviously also a half-god of Warcraft.


With a flash of light, the dark red Linjiaju disappeared suddenly and was replaced by a human man who looked slightly younger but also very rough. Obviously, the appearance of a man with a human appearance at this time must be changed by the dark red Linjiajue.

"Hahaha, my fourth son, I am back. From now on, our brothers can fight side by side again, hahahaha !!!"

Seeing the opposite man appear, Daikin burst into laughter and laughter. The laughter didn't stop. He was in shape, and when he first came to the other side, he immediately gave him a big hug.

For Warcraft, the brotherhood between them is no different from the human warrior, and even more important than the human warrior.

"Brother, it's too time for you to come back. If you don't come back, my Chiyan Jinlin family will really be bullied to death by other ethnic groups !!!"

Hugging one with Dajin fiercely, while the four elders of the Chiyan Jinlin family let go of each other, they said indignantly.

"Eh? What? Who is so brave, dare to bully me Chiyan Jinlin Clan, I will destroy it !!!"

When the words of the four elders dropped, Daikin became furious, and his whole body was instantly rippling.

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